
第四部分任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格的空格处里填人最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格填1个单词。
Host family accommodation means that hosts treat the student as a full member of the household, eating together with the student and sharing the common living areas with him/her. No more than three adult students or four junior students will be accommodated in host family accommodation at one time.
Host family accommodation remains popular among international students. It is the most economical and beneficial accommodation for any student. It is also the best way to practice English and learn new cultures. As a result, it is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host family enables students to get enough practice during the short time of their study so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. Living in host families, students are able to spend a lot of time communicating with their "host parents", who are often very hospitable and friendly, and get to know the local way of life, people and culture. Most host families are always ready to help students out in any situation. Often the bonds that are made between international students and their host families endure many years, and are maintained through letters and e-mails. Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students as it ensures them a family type of living at a low cost.
The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On the one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. One problem is that the majority of hosts in big cities, now generally single and young, have less time available for international students, but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. On the other hand, students' expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.
To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to make living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long showers. They are also providing students with structured family activities.
It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.
Title: Host Family Accommodation
Host family accommodation refers to a kind of accommodation in which the student is treated as a (71)   ▲   member of the host family, eating together and sharing the living areas with the hosts.
(72)  ▲  
Language study
Students learn the language faster because they (73)    ▲   
frequently enough.
Cultural communication
It is more convenient for students to communicate and get to know the local (74)  ▲  , people and culture.
Cost of (75)  ▲ 
Sometimes it is the least expensive and enables students to live at a low cost.
Loss of the selling point
Hosts (76)   ▲   enough time to communicate with students.
Rise in (77)  ▲ 
Students are demanding more from their host families.
(78)  ▲ 
Improvement of service quality
Hosts are (79)  ▲   living conditions.
They are offering students structured (80) ▲  activities.
Host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.

71. full  72. Advantages/Benefits  73. practice  74. lifestyle  75. living/accommodation
76. lack   77. expectation(s)   78. Measures/ Action(s)   79. improving/ bettering 80. family

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分30分)     
Like other student athletes, Ray Ray McElrathbey deals with schoolwork, practice and games. But after a long day of studying and working out on the football field, the Clemson University player can’t relax with friends. Ray Ray has to make sure his 11-year-old brother, Fahmarr, gets a good dinner, does his homework and goes to bed.
Since taking responsibility for Fahmarr this August, “I’ve aged dramatically, ” said Ray Ray. “I can’t be running around at all hours, making 19-year-old decisions.” Ray Ray has temporary custody (监护权) of Fahamrr. Their mother struggles with drug addiction, and they are not in touch with their dad. Ray Ray didn’t want to see his brother go into foster care(收养), where both of them have spent time. The brothers now live together in an apartment near the campus in Clemson, South Carolina.
Clemson Tigers fans aren’t the only people rooting for Ray Ray. Sports Illustrated, ESPN and ABC News have featured the story of the brothers. They have received praise and many offers of help, but Ray Ray attends the university and arrange their life on a scholarship. Under the rules, he can’t accept money or gifts. Coaches’ family members can’t even give Fahmarr a ride home from school.
This changed a few weeks ago, when the National Collegiate Athletic Association allowed Clemson to set up a trust fund for Fahmarr. It will help provide for his basic needs, including food and clothing. However, the brothers can give each other something that all the money in the world can’t buy. Ray Ray says he hopes to instill in Fahmarr qualities of “strength and intelligence”. He says having his brother around is “a great thing, knowing he will grow up right.”
1.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Ray Ray McElrathbey Works Hard at College
B.Ray Ray McElrathbey Loves His Brother
C.Parents Fail to Raise Their Children
D.College Football Player Plays Parents’ Role
2.Ray Ray and his brother mainly live on_____.
A.foster care               B.money or gifts from others 
C.a scholarship             D.his coaches’ families
3.The underlined phrase “rooting for ”in Paragraph 3 can be best explained as _______.
A.supporting         B.praising          C.admiring       D.exciting
4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.Ray Ray must be the best player on his team
B.like his brother, Ray Ray has had little care from their parents
C.Clemson University will raise money for Ray Ray and his brother
D.Ray Ray’s brother do well at school
5.Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.Ray Ray has few friends to relax with.
B.Ray Ray knows where his father is.
C.Ray Ray’s mother suffered from cancer and depends on drugs.
D.Ray Ray is proud to support his brother.

It was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks were  36  and the worst thing was that I didn't even  37  . I watched TV every night, the only way to  38  time.
But one day my morn changed my world  39  . She  40  the TV. She had noticed, something in the offices she cleaned  41  . So she came back, saying "You're going to read 2 books every week.  42 , write me a report."
I complained about how   43  it was. And we didn't have any books in the house   44  mom's Bible. But morn responded  45  ," I will drive you to the library."
So soon we were in her old Ford  46  our way to the public library. I wandered hesitantly among the children's books. I loved animals, so when I found some on them, I immediately  47  in them. For the first time in my life I was attracted by   48  world. No TV program had ever taken me so  49  from the surroundings as did the visit to the library. I began to  50  , visiting there. I moved from animals to plants,
and then to rocks. Between the  51  of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go  52  in them. Moreover, I started to fall in love with  53  . Teachers noticed that too.
Now I am a doctor. Sometimes I still  54  believe my life's journey from a failing student to a doctor. But I know  55  the journey began--- the day when mom turned off TV and drove me to the library.
36. A. cool     B. poor                 C. normal                     D. outstanding
37. A. fail       B. quit          C. work          D. care
38. A. spend   B. lose                  C. kill           D. spare
39. A. for the moment   B. for a while        C. for so long     D. for ever
40. A. turned on     B. turned off          C. turned up      D. turned down
41. A. books   B. dirts          C. papers               D. TVs
42. A. However      B. Thus                 C. Besides             D. So
43. A. reasonable    B. sad                   C. pleasant             D. unfair
44. A. rather than   B. more than          C. less than       D. other than
45. A. excitedly      B. worriedly          C. calmly                     D. angrily
46. A. by B. on                    C. in            D. from
47. A, got across    B. got lost             C. got stuck           D. got along
48. A. another B. any                   C. other                 D. some
49. A. near to  B. close together    C. far away            D. inside out
50. A. live up to     B. go along with    C. look forward to  D. get away with
51. A. covers  B. pages                C. contents       D. copies
52. A. nowhere      B. somewhere        C. anywhere          D. where
53. A. library  B. study                C. literature           D. reading
54. A. won't    B. shan't                C. can't          D. needn't
55. A. how     B. why                  C. when                D. where

Liam Fitzptrick
Liam Fitzptrick was born in Hong Kong and educated at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with a First in Modern History. He wrote for several regional and international publications before joining Time in 2003. he edits Global Adviser for Time Asia, and is also Time Asia’s senior writer. Liam is married with two daughters and lives in Hong Kong’s New Territories.
Ling Woo Liu
Ling Woo Liu grew up in California, where she was a self—employed writer for Asian—American print and broadcast media. She worked as a television reporter in Beijing and California before earning graduate degrees in Journalism and Asian Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. In 2006, Ling moved to Hong Kong to report for Time Asia.
Bill Powell
Prior to his current post, a senior writer for Time in Shanghai, Bill Powell was Chief International correspondent for Fortune based in Beijing and then New York. He also served as Newsweek bureau chief in Moscow, Berlin and Tokyo. Bill is married to Shanghai native Junling Cui. They have one daughter and live in a house they recently purchased in suburban(郊区)Shanghai.
Austin Ramzy
Austin Ramzy grew up in Iowa. In 1996 he studied Mandarin in Harbin, China, and graduated from Middlebury College with a degree in Asian Studies in 1997. after working as a newspaper reporter in Washington state, he completed journalism school at the university of California, Berkeley has been a reporter for Time Asia in Hong Kong since 2003.
1.The passage is mainly written to ____________.
A. advertise Time Asia       B. introduce the publishers of Time Asia
C. introduce the development of Time Asia  
D. introduce some of the authors and writes of Time Asia
2.It’s ___________ who majored in History but worked as a writer.
A. Bill Powell    B. Liam Fitzpatrick   C. Ling Woo Liu    D. Austin Ramzy
3.It’s clear that __________ graduated from the same school.
A. Liam Fitzpatrick and Ling Woo Liu     B. Bill Powell and Austin Ramzy
C. Ling Woo Liu and Austin Ramzy      D. Liam Fitzpatrick and Bill Powell
4.Which is TURE about Bill Powell?
A. He lives in Hong Kong with his family   B. He is Time Asia’s senior writer
C. He once studied Mandarin in Northeast China
D. He once worked for Newsweek bureau in New York

A ferry carrying more than 900 people sank in the southern Philippines on Sunday. Most of the passengers have been rescued, but some people are still missing and at least nine have died.
The Philippine Coast Guard says it received a call for help from Superferry 9 early Sunday morning local time, when the ship started listing(倾斜) to its starboard side. The captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon ship about an hour later. The ship sank around 10 am local time, off Siocon Bay in Zamboanga del Norte province. The ship left General Santos City in the southern island of Mindanao Saturday morning heading for Iloilo City in the central Philippines. It was carrying 847 passengers and 117 crew members.
The Philippine Coast Guard said passing ships and the Philippine Navy rescued more than 800 people. Philippines Navy spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Edgard Arevalo said, "Most of them when rescued from the water were having difficulty breathing and most of them were weak. There was an immediate need for doctors and nurses to attend to their needs, as well as for drinking water."
Coast guard officials said it is still not clear what caused the ferry to list and said an investigation will be done as soon as rescue operations are over. The weather in the area was reported as being clear at that time, although a  storm was attacking the northern Philippines.
Many Filipinos rely on ferries to travel between islands in the Philippines, but accidents are common especially during the rainy season. Last year, some 800 people died when a ferry sank
1. What does the underlined word “abandon” in paragraph 2 mean ?
A. Watch       B. Leave       C. Protect     D. Keep
2. Which of the following statements about the accident is TRUE ?
A. It took the ferry an hour to sink.
B. The ship was going to General Santos City when it sank.
C. Most passengers got immediate nursing care after they were rescued
D. So far, only a few passengers have found dead in the accident.
3. We can infer from the passage that_____
A. the reason why the ferry sank will be found out soon.
B. ferries are important in many people’s lives in the Philippines
C. people in the Philippines seldom take a ferry during the rainy season
D. a worse accident has never happened on the seas in the Philippines before

I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I searched in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him, “Have you got a light?” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently(不经意地) locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don’t know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn’t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.
I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension too. “Do you have kids?” he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I’d never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the toxin. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.
“My life was saved by a smile.” Yes, the smile -- the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn’t be enemies. We couldn’t have hate or envy or fear!
1. Why did the author smiled to the jailer first?
A. Because he wanted to make friends with the jailer.
B. Because he wanted to give a good impression on the jailer.
C. Because he wanted to share the cigarette with the jailer.
D. The reason was unknown to him and us.
2. Which of the following is the fight order according to the story?
a. I was set free at the edge of town.
b. I wanted to borrow a light from the jailer.
c. I was arrested and quite frightened.
d. I took out the pictures of my family.
e. The jailer took out the pictures of his family.
A. c, b, e, d, a     B. b, c, d, a, e            C. c, b, d, e, a            D. c, d, e, b, a
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.
A. Before the author was released, he had stayed there for a long time.
B. Both of the author and the jailer loved their families very much.
C. The author had no chance to see his family again.
D. The jailer was punished by his leader at last.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A. The use of smile                       B. Life in the jail.
C. The smile                                          D. Love is everywhere.

More than three years after moving from Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are done here.
Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for “a drink on Sunday morning” by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded — lots of chat and discussions, and in all a very jolly occasion.
Trouble was, there was no food — no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hardworked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out.
By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up “please explain” to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, and wonder if the hostess was going to perform some magic and feed us fashionably late. Then, as quickly as if word had spread that there was free beer at the local pub, the room emptied. By one-forty-five there were only a few guests left, so we decided to go home. Tinned soup for lunch that day because the little woman was not really interested in real cooking for us.
A few weeks ago we were invited out for “supper” and the hostess suggested 8:15. Ah, we thought greedily, “this is going to be the real thing.”
We dressed with some care — I putting on a dark suit — and arrived on time. My wife looked pretty good, I thought — a little black dress and so on. But when we walked in I had a terrible feeling we had got the night wrong because the hostess was dressed in a daytime kind of way and the husband was in jeans and an open-neck shirt. But no, we were greeted and shown into the sitting-room.
After a drink I looked around and saw that this was indeed a superior cottage because it had a (more or less) separate dining-room. But there were no signs of a table-setting. Not again! I thought. Were we meant to eat before we came? I decided that in future my wife and I would always carry a chocolate bar. About 9:28 our hostess went out of the room, saying something about food. Ten minutes later she returned and asked us to follow. We were led out to the kitchen. There on the table were country style plates and a huge bowl of soup, rough bread and all the makings of a simple meal. And that is what it was. In other words we had not read the signals right when we were invited for “supper”. If they want you to come to dinner, they say so, and you know that means dark suits and so on. If they mean supper, they say it, and you get fed in the kitchen.
1.When the author and his wife were invited out for “a drink on Sunday morning”, they thought _________.
A. they would be the only people there
B. they would be given lunch as well
C. they would be taken to a restaurant for lunch
D. they would be asked to take some food with them
2.The “party” had been going on for about an hour and three quarters when _________.
A. the hostess decided to feed her guests
B. everyone had tinned soup for lunch
C. most of the guests went to lunch at the pub
D. the author realized he would go home hungry
3.When invited out for “supper” a few weeks later, the writer _________.
A. expected to be served a proper dinner
B. arrived on the wrong evening
C. interpreted the invitation correctly this time
D. realized there was no dining-room in the cottage
4.As the evening wore on, the writer became aware that _________.
A. no one used their dining-rooms in the countryside
B. he should have had a meal before going out
C. “supper” meant a simple, informal meal
D. he should, in future, eat only chocolate in the evening

第二节, 阅读56-60t题中相关人员的情况介绍,,从所给的六个选项(A, B,C, D, E, F)中,选出符合各人所感兴趣的娱乐方式,选项中有一项是多余的。
______ 56. Wang Lin is a university student who studies music. He hopes to get some practical experience of foreign music from western band.
______ 57. Simon is interested in Chinese literature, so he came to China with his parents. During his stay in Beijing. He wants to know more about Chinese contemporary Literature.
______ 58. Li hua is a eighteen-year-old boy. He is studying in a high school. After many month's study, he is tired of his lessons. He would like to experience something adventurous.
______59. Alice is an American girl who studies Art in Beijing University. She has no classes on September 14. She hopes she can enjoy some wonderful oil paintings.
______60 . Victoria is fond of Chinese music. She hopes to listen to various songs performed by different bands. She doesn't care much about what kinds of songs they are.
A. An acrobatic (杂技)soul: To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe will present "The Soul of China", where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills will run down you spine as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge.
Time: 7:30p.m, September 13-19
Place: capital Theatre, 22 Wang Fujing Dajie, Dong Cheng District
B.Exhibitions Joint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display.
Time: 9a.m-5p.m. until September 10
Place: Huang shicheng Gallery, 136 Nanchizi Djie, Dongcheng District.
C.Oil paintings: The Wanfung Art Galley will host a joint show of oil paintings by 10 young and middle-aged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture(捕捉) the wonderous variety of life in unique(独特的) styles.
Time: 9a.m-4pm until September 15
Place: 136 Nanchizi Street, Dong Cheng District
D. Literature Museum: The Nation Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an indepth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature form 1919 to 1949.
Time: 9a.m-4p.m, daily
Place: 45 Anyuan Donglu, Chaoyang District (Shaoyaoju area).
E. Concerts ;Beijing rocks: "The Fashionow Night of Chinese Rock" is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.
Time: September 16
Place: The Olympic Center
F. Belgium Orchestra (管弦乐队): La Petite Band, the Baroque Orchestra of Belgium will perform in Beijing at he Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the world to commemorate(纪念) the 250th anniversary of Bach's death.
Time: 7:30p.,. September 11-14
Place: Grand theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don’t understand them. They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strict with their children, and they seldom give their children a free hand.
It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust and they tend to forget how they themselves felt when young. For example, young people like to act on the spot without much thinking. It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected. When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.
Young people often make their parents angry with their choice in clothes, in entertainment and in music.But they do not mean to cause any trouble: it is just that they feel cut off from the older people’s world, into which they have not yet been accepted.That’s why young people want to make a new culture of their own, and if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.
Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say, “ Yes” to what you do. All you want is to be felt alone and do what you like. It is natural enough, after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents’ control. If you plan to control your life, you’d better win your parents over and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.
72.According to the passage, young people prefer to _______.
A.ask for advice before they really start to do anything.
B.do things without thinking carefully ahead.
C.think in the same way as their parents do.
D.be very strict with themselves
73.Young people like to have clothes, entertainment and music in their way, because ____.
A.they want to make their parents happy.
B.they try to get their parents to believe them.
C.they want to try on something new and look different from the older.
D.they want to test whether they are cleverer than old people.
74.According to the passage, young people want to make a new culture of their own, because _______.
A.they don’t feel they belong to the world of the older people.
B.they do not want to get into trouble.
C.they feel they are as clever as old people.  
D.they want to show they have grown up.
75.If a young man intends to control his own life, it’s better for him to _______.
A.do everything according to his own wish.
B.do everything the way his parents do.
C.do everything beyond his parents’ control.
D.hold himself responsible for everything he does.

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