
A pair of twin-brother ligers, a rare lion-tiger hybrid(杂种), have become superstars in China's southernmost island province of Hainan after becoming the first ligers in the country to reach their first birthday.
Tens of thousands of tourists visited the liger brothers at Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park during the week-long May Day holiday that ended on Sunday, hoping to catch a glimpse of the rare animals. At least 10,000 people signed a red banner when the park celebrated the liger's birthday on May 2. People expressed the hope that the twins would be strong and healthy, the Hainan Daily reports. Zookeepers even made the twins a special birthday cake out of beef and eggs.
The ligers, born on May 2, 2005 , are named 'Ping Ping' and 'An An', which together translate as 'safe and sound'. Their mother Huan Huan is a six-year-old tigress and their father is a four-year – old lion named Xiao Erhei.  The couple first gave birth to a liger in June 2004 but the cub (幼兽)  died of respiratory(呼吸的)failure 72 hours later.
The pregnancy (怀孕) rate for lion-tiger couples is only between one and two percent and the cubs normally have a short life expectancy due to the differences in their chromosomes(染色体). Zoologists say only six to eight ligers are living in the world. China's first tiger-lion hybrid cub was born at Hongshan Zoo in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, in 2002. But it died a week later.
Ping Ping and An An have broken the survival record set by a liger who lived for 113 days at Hongshan Zoo.
1. Why can Ping Ping and An An become superstars?
A. Because they are the most beautiful ligers.
B. Because they are the cleverest ligers.
C. Because they are the most attractive ligers.
D. Because they are the first ligers to live for a year.
2. Why can't ligers live long ?
A. Because their chromosomes are different.
B. Because they are too small when they are born.
C. Because their parents don't live long.
D. Because they are short of food.
3. How many ligers did the passage mention?
A. Three.         B. Four.          C. Five.         D. Six.
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A. China's longest living twin ligers celebrate their lst birthday
B. Why can't ligers in the world live long
C. How to raise ligers safely
D. The story behind the ligers


第二卷(非选择题 共35分)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分).
第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give  ______ .    76.____
However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction      and s_____         77.____
to your goal.On your way to success, you must keep your direction.It is just like a lamp,
g        you in darkness and                78.____
helping you ______(克服)difficulties on your way.Otherwise, you           79.___
will easily get lost or hesitate to go       (向前).Direction means          80.______
objective, you can get nowhere        an aim in life.You can                81.__   
try to write your aim on paper and make some p       to achieve              82.______
it.In this way, you will know _______ to arrange your time and to             83._____
spend time properly.And you should have a   (信念)that you             84.______
are sure to succeed as l       as you keep your direction.                        85.___

Farming was once the chief way of life in nearly every country. People cannot live without food, and nearly all their food comes from crops and animals raised on farms. Not many people farm for a living any more, but farming remains the most important work in the world.
Before the nineteenth century, the typical American family lived on a small farm. They raised pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, and planted corn, fruits, garden vegetables, and wheat. Everyone worked long and hard, but the results were often poor. Families barely harvested enough food for themselves. This situation began to change during the last half of the 1800's and it changed remarkably(明显地) in the next century.
Scientific methods and labor-saving machinery have made farming increasingly productive. The development of improved plant varieties and fertilizers has helped double and even triple the production of some major crops. More scientific animal care and animal raising have helped increase the amount of meat and products that animals produce. At the same time, the use of tractors and other modern farm equipment has sharply reduced the need for farm labor.
As farming has become less important as a way of life in the United States, it has become more important as a source which offers materials to industry. Today's successful farmers are experts not just in agriculture but also in accounting, marketing, and finance. Farms that are not run in a similar way have great difficulty surviving.
1. We are told in the first paragraph about ____.
A. the history of farming                       B. the importance of farming  
C. the development of farming                  D. the changes of farming
2. Which of the following describes American farming before the 19th century?
A. Farmers didn’t work hard on their farms.  
B. Farmers used tractors to help them.
C. Farming was the main way of living for most people.
D. Farmers could supply materials to industry.
3. Crop production has increased greatly now thanks to all the following EXCEPT __.
A. scientific methods                 B. labor- saving machinery    
C. farmers’ hard work                 D. chemical fertilizers
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Traditional American farming.            B. The increase in the number of crops in the US.
C. Modern farming methods.                D. American farmers’ hard work.
5. The passage mainly talks about_____.
A. the advantages of American farming      B. the changes in American farming 
C. the situation of American farms          D. how rapidly farming has developed

SINGAPORE - Singapore on Thursday stuck to its I8-year ban on the import and sale of chewing gum (口香糖), which has become an international symbol of the city-state's image as a strict society.                                     
"The government stands by its decision to ban chewing gum. Chewing gum has not been a significant problem since that ban took effect, there have been concerns that lifting the ban on chewing gum could result in chewing gum litter and weaken ongoing efforts to control littering." Maliki Osman, parliamentary secretary at the Ministry of National Development, told parliament.
Osman said as the reason for the imposition (强迫接受) of the ban is still suitable,  "the government's position is that the ban shall remain." He was responding to a question in parliament from Denise Phua, a fellow member of the ruling People's Action Party who argued that the ban had been used to criticize its tough governance laws.
"I think this ban ... now needs a re-thinking. Surely Singapore will not consider banning sweets because of sweet wrapper litter or ice-cream stick litter," she said.
Singapore, known worldwide for its high-quality clean image, banned the import and sale of chewing gum in 1992 in a bid to cope with the problem of people sticking the gum on chairs, tables, lifts and other public areas.
One of the key reasons for the ban had been the disturbance of services on Singapore's subway train system because of chewing gum being stuck on the doors and causing delays. Singapore partially lifted the ban in 2004 by allowing the sale of chewing gum used for health reasons, such as dental health gum, after the conclusion of a US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
Australian tourist Hazel Lane, 48, said keeping the ban on chewing gum was sure Singaporeans wouldn't want to spoil their "ridiculous" and she told AFP that she's own environment and their own image. Angel Wong, 34, a tourist from Hong Kong, however, welcomed the news. She said,  "I come from a country that doesn't have the ban and there's always chewing gum all over the floor, To me the ban doesn't change my image of Singapore so it’s a good thing because it keeps the environment clean."
1. The ban on the import and sale of chewing gum was started in 1992 ______.
A. when people began to buy the gum everywhere
B. to bid to stop people sticking the gum in the public
C. because the gum delayed the subway
D. when the country was in a bid to show its city-state's clean image
2. What can we learn about the ban according to Maliki Osman?
A. The government will keep it ongoing forever.
B. It will lead to littering the chewing gum everywhere.
C. More and more concerns about the ban will make chewing gum out of control
D. Banning chewing gum is still one of the important jobs of the government now.
3. According to what Denise Phua said in paragraph 4, we can know that she ______.
A. would say yes to the ban
B. would think more about the ban again
C. would like the government to take the ban on second thought
     D. argued that the ban should be cancelled
4. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. whether the ban needs changing or not has become a problem to be discussed
B. Singapore's subway train system was delayed by chewing gum
C. chewing gum will soon be banned in many countries
D. only the ban has led to the friendly environment in Singapore
5. What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. There is such a ban in China and Australia.
B. Different people have their own ideas about the ban.
C. The ban is either welcomed by China or by Australia.
D. The ban does good to keep the environment clean.

Not many years ago, some American farmers began to complain about hawks(鹰). The hawks were killing chickens. The farmers did not know what to do. They went to the government officials and asked for help.
The officials said, “ We’ll pay you for each hawk you kill.” The farmers began to kill the hawks. Many hawks were killed, but the farmers now had another problem. The field mice were growing in number and they were eating up the farmers’ corn. Hawks eat not only chickens but also field mice. They eat more field mice than chickens. But if the farmers had known that, they would not have upset(打乱) the balance of nature. In one part of the USA, there are deer which eat a kind of wild rose. The deer are eaten by mountain lions. The number of deer, mountain lions, and wild rose does not change much if people stay away from them. If there are too many deer, mountain lions will increase rapidly in number and kill many deer. If there are too many mountain lions, there will be fewer deer and there will be more roses.
It is always necessary for us to keep the balance of nature. The government once killed almost all the mountain lions to protect the deer. Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses. Then they began to eat the green leaves of young trees which were important to the farmers.
So the farmers protected their trees from the deer. The deer had nothing to eat, and many of them died.
The government learned a valuable lesson from nature.
44. What had happened after the hawks were killed?
A. People wouldn’t worry about their chickens.
B. The number of the field mice became too large.
C. The number of the field mice became small.
D. The field mice were eating up the farmers’ corn.
45. Why did American people have to protect their trees?
A. Because the mountain lions destroyed the trees.
B. Because there were so many deer that they began to eat the green leaves.
C. Because they wanted the trees to grow well.
D. Because the trees are more important than the deer.
46. What can we learn from the article?
A. We must keep the balance of nature.
B. We must not kill any animals.
C. we must feed the hawks with our corn to keep the balance of nature.
D. Both A and B.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The lead story in tonight’s news concerns the fire which destroyed the major part of Columbia College at 4 a.m. this morning. In only five minutes, more than six hundred girls came out of their dorms to watch their college burn to the ground in the freezing December weather. Fortunately, there were no injuries resulting from the fire. According to the college president, plans are already made to raise more than three million dollars to rebuild the college.
Here is the news from Washington. President Clinton says he is troubled by a scientist’s desire to clone a human and is urging Congress to pass a ban (禁令) on such experiments for at least five years. In his weekly radio address, Clinton noted Chicago-area physicist Richard Seed’s announcement that he is ready to set up a clinic to clone human babies. President Clinton said that the need for passing laws that would ban human cloning for at least five years is more urgent than ever.
A brief look at the weather for the weekend tells us to expect light showers on Saturday and Sunday. The high Saturday will be in the lower 40’s. On Sunday, we can expect the high to be about 65. That’s this evening’s news. Good night from Channel 9 news. Your better news station, and from Alan King, your reporter.
1. When did the fire at Columbia College take place?
A. In December.                        B. In March. 
C. In November.                        D. In April.
2. What does President Clinton hope Congress do?
A. To pass a ban on doing experiment in labs. 
B. To ban cloning humans forever.     
C. To pass laws to support cloning babies.
D. To pass a ban on human cloning quickly.
3. What will the weather be like on weekend?
A. There will be a strong wind.           B. The weather will be fine.
C. It will be freezing cold.               D. It will be rainy.

When we donate blood, a small amount is usually taken in advance for at least ABO and Ph systems typing. If you are O+, the O is your ABO type and the + is your Rh type. It is possible to be A, B, AB, or O as well as Rh + or Rh-.
The ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his achievements. There are four basic types of blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB and O. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. We get blood type, just like hair color and height from parents. Because of the substances(物质) contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully, If two different blood types are mixed together, it may put a person into an extremely dangerous situation. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. In an emergency, type O blood can be given because it is most likely to be accepted by all blood types, so it is often called the universal donor. However, there is still a risk. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal receiver. However, because there can be so many reactions in the blood bank of the hospital.
There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among the Europeans, about 45 percent have type O while 42 percent have type A. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentage. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O out of 100 donors in the world…
84 donors are Rh+
16 donors are Rh-
38 are O+
7 are O-
34 are A+
6 are A-
9 are B+
2 are B-
3 are AB+
1 is AB-
1. Which of the following shown the correct relationships in blood transfusions?
  A B  A         B    A       B      A      B
 AB O   AB     O      AB     O     AB      O
A             B            C               D
2. The underlined word “transfuse” most probably means ________.
A. to put the blood into a container
B. to move the blood from one place to another 
C. to put the blood of one person into the body of another
D. to give power to another person
3. The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is ______.
A. B           B. A            C. AB          D. O
4 The text mainly tells us ______.
A. about the basic types of human blood
B. what kind of blood is the most common
C. about Karl Landsteiner who won the Nobel Prize
D. the relationship between blood type and nationality

Open   adj., verb, nounadj.NOT CLOSED1 allowing things or people to go through: A wasp flew in the open window. She had left the door wide open.
2 (of sb’s eyes, mouth, etc.) with eyelids or lips apart: She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (=" because" she was very tired).He was breathing through his open mouth.3 spread out; with the edges apart: The flowers are all open now.
4 not blocked by anything: The pass is kept open all the year.NOT FASTENED5 not fastened or covered, so that things can easily come out or be put in: The bag burst open and everything fell out.
verbDOOR / WINDOW / LID1 [vn] to move a door, window, lid, etc.so that it is no longer closed: Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife. close2 [v] to move or be moved so that it is no longer closed: The door opened and Alan walked in. The doors of the bus open automatically.closeCONTAINER / PACKAGE3 [vn] to remove the lid, undo the fastening, etc.of a container, etc.in order to see or get what is inside: Shall I open another bottle? She opened her bag and took out her passport.EYES4 [vn, v] if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards so that you can see closeCOMPUTING5 [vn, v] to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screenopen doors for sb to provide opportunities for sb to do sth and be successful open your / sb’s eyes (to sth) to realize or make sb realize the truth about sth: Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.open your / sb’s mind to sth to become or make sb aware of new ideas or experiences.
open the way for sb/sth (to do sth) to make it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happen: The agreement could open the way for the country to pay off its debts.—more at heart, heaven open into / onto sth to lead to another room, area or place: This door opens onto the yard. The two rooms open into each other.open out to become bigger or wider: The street opened out into a small square.open out (to sb) to become less shy and more willing to communicate open up1 to talk about what you feel and think: It helps to discuss your problems but I find it hard to open up.2 to begin shooting: Anti-aircraft guns opened up.3 (often used in orders) to open a door, container, etc.: Open up or we’ll break the door down! open up1 to become or make sth possible, available or able to be reached: The new catalogue will open up the market for our products. The railway opened up the east of the country.
2 to begin business for the day; to start a new business: I open up the store for the day at around 8.30. close up3 to start a new business: There’s a new Thai restaurant opening up in town. close down
noun  the open [sing.] OUTDOORS1 outdoors; the countryside: Children need to play out in the open.NOT HIDDEN2 not hidden or secret: Government officials do not want these comments in the open.
1.Which of the following “open” is closest in the meaning with the “open” in the sentence “The book lay open on the table.”
A.She had left the door wide open. 
B.The bag burst open and everything fell out.
C.The flowers are all open now.    
D.He opened the letter and read it.
2.Fill in the blank in the sentence “He’s eager to __________different kinds of music.”
A.open the minds of his audience to         
B.open the eyes of his audience to   
C.open the way for his audience to listen to   
D.open doors for his audience to listen to
3.What does the phrase “ the open” mean in “ When you feel tired after a day’s hard work, you’d better invite some friends to the open to relax yourself.”
A.the gym       B.the cinema      C.the countryside       D.the music room
4.Choose one of the following to complete the sentence, “Exciting possibilities__________for her in the new job”.
A.were opening out        B.were opening into  
C.were opening onto       D.were opening up

Just how comfortable is your sofa? Would you be prepared to let a stranger crash out there for the night? And, on the basis of a bit of email correspondence and seeing a photo of the sofa belonging to 'A. N. Unknown', would you travel halfway across the world to do the same? It might sound crazy, but this is exactly what millions of people have done whilst participating in an activity known as couch surfing.
Couch surfing is traveling on a budget, using a broad network of contacts in order to get overnight accommodation for free, or at as little cost as possible. Participants join dedicated(专业的) websites, providing as much information about themselves as possible in order to make others feel comfortable hosting them, or using them as a host.
Various safety features are generally available in such online networks, like verification of names and addresses, personal references, and 'vouching for' a particular member as a reliable host or guest.
As well as the financial advantages of couch surfing, participants also claim that the practice gives them a more unique, authentic travel experience, allowing them to experience culture and cuisine through the locals, rather than from the confines of sanitized tourist accommodation. We open our minds and lives and welcome the knowledge that becomes available through cultural exchange.” Said Casey Fenton, founder of Couch Surfing. Com. “CouchSurfing wants to change not only the way we travel, but how we relate to the world.”
61.What is the right order of couch surfing?
a. Provide personal information.   b. Travel to the host’s house.
c. Join dedicated websites.     d. Check photos of sofas by ensiles.
A.d-b-a-c     B.b-c-a-d     C.a-d-c-b     D.c-a-d-b
62.Which is NOT a safety lecture of online network?
A.Verification of identity.   B.A copy of the passport.
C.Personal references. D.Vouching ior the member as rdioble.
63.From the text we can know that           .
A.participants can he hosted or a host
B.couch surfing tests people’s patience
C.couch surfing leads to trust between people
D.people couch surf simply for financial reasons.
64.The text mainly intends to            .
A.introduce a new way of traveling   B.teach how to keep the Internet safety
C.promote online products  D.advocate deals of saving money
65.What can he the best title of the test?
A.Touring the World on the Interne   B.Unique Advantages of Local Traveling
C.Around the World from Sofa to Sofa     D.Cultural Exchange by Correspendence

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