You’re finishing up your history homework when your cell phone rings. You’ve got 30 minutes to reach head-quarters, get your equipment packed and receive your task. There’s a lost hiker in the mountains near the edge of town. Your task: find the missing person; provide emergency medical treatment, if necessary; and be prepared to operate 48 hours on your own with only the supplies you carry.

Sounds like some kind of film’s plot? Not if you’re a member of the Arapahoe teen rescue patrol in the suburbs of Denver. About 25 teen guys and girls are active members of this search, rescue and emergency organization, and they know firsthand that you don’t have to be an adult to save lives.

These 9th-through-12th graders are the real deal when it comes to emergency services. In fact, they’re the only teen-commanded patrol in the nation. Sure they have adult advisers to turn to if necessary, but in the field it’s a teen patrol officer calling the shots — sometimes even giving direction to adults.

Members are trained in rock-high-angle,swift-water and avalanche rescue (雪崩施行营救), winter and alpine operation , wilderness life support and emergency care, among other skills. They also regularly ride along with the local fire and police departments, providing support such as security details and evidence searching.

When asked what qualities make a good patrol member, founder and president Stan Bush named good physical conditioning and an interest in helping people. “We put in lots and lots of hours helping people in trouble,” he says. “So if a person is not really interested in doing that kind of thing, he won’t last as a member.”

1.In the first paragraph, the author describes ______.

A. a plot in some kind of film                                 B. a teen patrol member’s life

C. an emergency rescue                                                  D. a lost hiker in trouble

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the Arapahoe teen rescue patrol?

A. They are trained to have many special skills.

B. They also work with local firemen and policemen.

C. They turn to adults for help sometimes.

D. They think they can save lives only when growing up.

3.If you want to become a good rescue patrol member, you must ______.

A. be strong and interested in offering help

B. be a 9th-through-12th grader

C. finish your history homework first

D. spend many hours helping people first

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. What qualities make a good patrol member?

B. The Arapahoe teen rescue patrol

C. How to become a rescue patrol member

D. Skills a rescue patrol member needs



     One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected police killer David Bieber --- and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to £30,000 reward money .

     Vicki Brown , 30 , played a very important role in ending the nationwide manhunt . Vicki , who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years , told of her terrible experience when she had to steal into Bieber’s bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while armed police prepared to storm the building.

      She said : “ I was very nervous . But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there.”

The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious of the guest who checked in at 8 pm the day before New Year’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. She said : “ He didn’t seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact.” Vicki, the only employee on duty , called her boss Margaret , 64 , and husband Stan McKale, 65 , who phoned the police at 11 pm.

Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston , Gateshead , at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the wanted man . Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki every 15 minutes.

“ It was about ten to two in the morning when the phone went again and a policeman said ‘ Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside ?’ My heart missed a beat .”

Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers through passages and staircases to the top floor room and handed over the key.

“ I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel , so I went to watch . I could not see into the man’s room , but I could see the passage . The police kept shouting at the man to come out with his hands showing . Then suddenly he must have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed(带上手铐).”

1.Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber because ____________ .

A. he looked very strange

B. the police called her

C. he came to the hotel with little luggage

D. he came to the hotel the day before New Year’s Eve

2.Vicki’s heart missed a beat because __________ .

A. the phone went again

B. she could be famous

C. she saw 20 policemen in the car park

D. she would lead the policemen to catch the man

3.David Bieber was most probably handcuffed in ____________.

A. Vicki’s bedroom     B. the street       C. the passage       D. the yard

4.How long did the whole event probably last from the moment Bieber came to the hotel to the arrival of some armed officers ?

A. About 6.       B. About 8.         C. About 11.         D. About 14


It’s nearly noon on a Saturday and you can’t believe it: your teenager is still in bed, sleeping away. But before you wake him up---mumbling to yourself that you can’t believe what a lazybones he is---you should know that he probably needs all the zzzs he can get.

As much as nine hours of sleep a night, in fact. Furthermore, teens’ circadian rhythms (i.e., processes that occur once a day) mean that young people would rather stay up past midnight and rise after 9 a.m. The result? Many teens stay up late, drag themselves out of bed early for school and try to make up the sleep debt on the weekends---or in class!

“There’s a biological reason why teens stay up late and want to sleep late,” says Dr. Stan Kutcher, the Sun Life Chair of Adolescent Mental Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax. “Their natural sleep-wake cycle changes as part of the maturation process. And because of changes in their social activities, recovering from sleep debt is more problematic.”

Teens need extra sleep for several reasons. First, their brains are changing. “The brain is reorganizing itself, laying down new pathways. What we’re seeing is a relationship between brain redevelopment and an increased need for sleep,” says Kutcher. As well, growth hormones are released during sleep, so adequate sleep is crucial for adolescents’ physical development. In addition, everything adolescents have learned in school that day is being processed and locked into long-term memory during sleep. Sufficient sleep also plays a key role in overall physical health. The immune system, for example, needs deep sleep to become and remain robust(healthy).

Staying up late on school nights means that, on average, teens get between six and a half and seven hours of sleep a night---about two hours less than they need. As a result, many either doze off in class or have trouble concentrating. Some of the behavioural problems and irritability in teens can be linked directly to sleep deprivation(损失), Kutcher says.

Then there’s the breakfast issue. Dr. Carlyle Smith, a sleep researcher and a psychology professor at Trent University in Peterborough, Ont., adds that many teens simply cannot tolerate food when they first wake up, so skipping breakfast becomes another factor in reduced alertness in class. The most obvious solution to the teen sleep problem is to have school start later in the day, but initiatives(积极性) toward this across the country have gone nowhere, Smith says, mainly because of costs and resistance from school boards and teachers.

So for now, just sympathize with your teens. Encourage them to go to bed, if not early, then at least at a regular time, so they won’t develop insomnia from erratic(不稳定的) schedules. Warn them not to have too many caffeinated drinks before bed. And don’t let sleeping away the weekend become an issue to fight over. Schedule family activities to take place later in the day on weekends and let them sleep in. “If you want your kids to grow and remember stuff, let them sleep,” says Smith. “It’s not laziness. Their brains are working really, really hard.”

1.The word “zzzs” (Paragraph 1) most probably means __________.             B.sleep              D.blame

2.What causes teenagers to be less sleepy late at night and more sleepy early in the morning?

A.Caffeinated drinks.

B.Too much family activities.

C.Circadian rhythms.

D.Too much homework.

3.How many reason why teens need extra sleep are mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A.Three.            B.Four.             C.Five.             D.Six.

4.One of the reasons why many teenagers fail to have better performances in class is that __________.

A.teenagers go to bed early and sleep late

B.teenagers stay up late and get up late

C.teenagers participate in too many social activities at night

D.teenagers skip breakfast because of sleeping in

5.The author wrote this article to __________.

A.advise parents to let sleeping teenagers lie

B.explain why teenagers often sleep late

C.state schools should start late in the day

D.warn teenagers not to drink coffee before bed


One of Britain's bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected police killer David Bieber -- and was thanked   21   flowers by the police. It was also said that she could  22___ a share of up to £30,000 reward money.

    Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in   23   the nationwide manhunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible   24  when she had to steal into Bieber's bedroom and to watch him   25  . Then she waited alone for three   26   while armed police prepared to   27   the building.

   She said, "I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen

 28   in the car park I was so glad they were there.”

   The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious of the guest who   29   in at 3 pm the day before New Year's Eve with little luggage and   30   sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his   31  . She said, "He didn't seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact." Vicki, the only employee on duty, called her boss Margaret, 64, and husband Stan McKale, 65, who phoned the police at 11 pm.

    Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston, Gateshead, at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the   32   man. Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki

  33   15 minutes.

    "It was about ten past two in the morning   34   the phone went again and a policeman said ‘Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?'. My heart missed a  35  ."

    Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers   36   passages and staircases to the top floor room and   37   over the key.

   "I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel, so I went to watch. I could not see into the man's room,   38   I could see the passage. The police kept   39   at the man to come out with his hands showing. Then suddenly he   40   have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (带上手铐)。

1. A. to               B. with             C. in                 D. at 

2.A. charge           B. pay              C get                D. reward

3.A. beginning        B. interrupting        C. pausing           D. ending

4.A. stories           B. experience        C. moment           D. day

5.A. secretly          B. happily           C. interestedly        D. unexpectedly

6.A. seconds          B minutes           C. hours             D. days

7.A. burn             B. destroy           C. step              D. storm

8. A. come up          B. crowded up       C. lined up           D. taken up

9.A. checked          B. signed            C. ordered           D. handed

10. A. stealing          B. getting            C. wearing           D. moving

11.A. shoulder          B. face              C. stomach          D. ankle

12.A. charged          B. escaped           C. wanted            D. found

13.A. each             B. other             C. every             D. another

14. A. when            B. while             C. which           D. that

15.A. knock            B. hit                C. beat            D. slap

16.A. across            B. over              C. into            D. through

17.A. turned            B. handed            C. stretched        D. reached

18. A. and              B. or                C. therefore         D. but

19.A. speaking          B. whispering         C. shouting         D. scolding

20.A. would            B. could              C. must            D. might


In a few years, you might be able to speak Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, and English -- and all at the same time. This sounds incredible, but Alex Waibel, a computer science professor at US' s Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Germany' s University of Karlsruhe, announced last week that it may soon be reality. He and his team have invented software and hardware that could make it far easier for people who speak different languages to understand each other.

One application, called Lecture Translation, can easily translate a speech from one language into another. Current translation technologies typically limit speakers to certain topics or a limited vocabulary. Users also have to be trained how to use the programme.

Another prototype (雏形机) can send translations of a speech to different listeners depending on what language they speak. "It is like having a simultaneous translator right next to you but without disturbing the person next to you," Waibel said.

Prefer to read? So-called Translation Glasses transcribe (转录) the translations on a tiny liquid-crystal(液晶) display (LCD) screen.

Then there' s the Muscle Translator. Electrodes (电极) capture the electrical signals from facial muscle movements made naturally when a person is mouthing words. The signals are then translated into speech. The electrodes could be replaced with wireless chips implanted (植入) in a person' s face, according to researchers.

During a demonstration (演示) held last Thursday in CMU' s Pittsburgh campus, a Chinese student named Stan Jou had 11 tiny electrodes attached to the muscles of his cheeks, neck and throat. Then he mouthed -- without speaking aloud -- a few words in Mandarin(普通话) to the audience. A few seconds later, the phrase was displayed on a computer screen and spoken out by the computer in English and Spanish: "Let me introduce our new prototype".

This particular gadget (器械), when fully developed, might allow anyone to speak in any number of languages or, as Waibel put it, "to switch your mouth to a foreign language". "The idea behind the university' s prototypes is to create 'good enough' bridges for cross-cultural exchanges that are becoming more common in the world," Waibel said.

With spontaneous (自发的) translators, foreign drivers in Germany could listen to traffic warnings on the radio, tourists in China could read all the signs and talk with local people, and leaders of different countries could have secret talks without any interpreters there.

1. What kind of prototype did the Chinese student named Stan Jou try?

A. Lecture Translation.            B. Translation Glasses.

C. Muscle Translator.             D. We don' t know.

2.What is the purpose of inventing the translators?

    A. To help students to learn English.

    B. To help people to watch foreign TV programs.

    C. To help people travel in foreign countries.

    D. To promote cultural exchanges between countries.

3. What is the best title of this text?

    A. Speak different languages at the same time?

    B. Flow to learn to speak foreign languages?

    C. New ways to learn foreign languages

D. You' re welcome to learn foreign languages


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