

第四部分: 单词拼写(每题0.5分,满分5分)

66.___________ (包围) the city by a wall,our ancestors protected themselves very well.

67.___________(告知)when to leave, we began to make preparations at once.

68.He often___________ (祝贺) himself on having done an excellent job.

69.She strongly___________ (相似) her sister.

70.She found herself in c___________with her parents over her future career.

71. Thank you for r___________me from an embarrassing situation.

72. Are you still c___________with your American friend?

73. Weather p___________, I will go fishing this weekend.

74. Our school can’t t___________cheating on exams.

75. It is an unusual decision to p___________his wedding until next year.         



66.Surrounding   67.Informed      68.congratulates   69.resembles   70.conflict

71.rescuing      72.corresponding   73.permitting    74.tolerate     75.postpone








第四部分单词拼写(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)

76. The castle was once owned by the king, but now it lies in r__________.

77. To my great d__________, my son has passed all his exams.

78. The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt d________ war against Japan.

79. The United Kingdom c__________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

80. I got i__________in the quarrel between Tom and Jack.

81. Government promises to _______(创造)more jobs for laid-off workers.

82. Humans ________(不同于) from other mammals in their ability to speak.

83. She is so ____________(特别的;挑剔的)about food that no cook can please her.

84. We should keep the __________(平衡) of nature.  

85. We all hope that there’s no war and the people all over the world can live p___________ (和平地) side by side.

86. Apparently s__________ to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

87. When the bull got close to him, he c__________ stepped aside to let it pass.

88. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely a__________ as well.

89. Following in his father’s f__________ many years later, Sir Malcolm’s son, Donald, also set up a world record.

90. Children who play t__________ from school are unimaginative.

91. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish __________(边界).

92. Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special __________(预防措施) so that no one should recognize them.

93. “Oh, is it?” said the sheriff with a __________(冷笑).

94. She __________(跺,踩) out the letters “SOS” in the snow.

95. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the __________(幸存者) of the plane crash.


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