参考词汇:多米诺效应 Domino Effect
As we can see from the picture, a man is aiming at a bird, trying to shoot it to death. Obviously, he doesn’t realize he also puts himself into a dangerous situation. From my perspective, it’s high time we took action before things get worse. For example, great campaigns should be launched to raise people’s awareness of nature conservation. Besides, laws which forbid hunting or polluting should be passed.Do remember humans will be the victim if we continue to do harm to Mother Nature, just as Domino takes effect. So let’s live in harmony with nature.
试题解析:对于谈论看法的文章,注意观点明确,条理清晰。尽量保持卷面整洁,字体美观,注意行文的连贯性。时态:用一般现在时。结构上,可以先从材料给的信息入手,逐步深入发表意见。【亮点说明】第一句As we can see from the picture, a man is aiming at a bird, trying to shoot it to death.使用了现在进行时和现在分词做目的状语,显示出了作者良好的语法功底;表达简练贴切,只用了一句话就说明了漫画中猎人的意图。第二句Obviously, he doesn’t realize he also puts himself into a dangerous situation.使用了宾语从句,that省略。第三句it’s high time we took action before things get worse.使用了固定句式it’s high time that…意思是是时候做….,这种句式的从句需要用过去式。最后一句Do remember humans will be the victim if we continue to do harm to Mother Nature, just as Domino takes effect. So let’s live in harmony with nature.使用了强调语气,即省略主语,谓语前加助动词do,在这句话中是构成了动词短语“Do remember humans”来做主语;还使用了if引导条件状语从句。aim at,from my perspective,for example,takes effect,in harmony with等短语的使用,也使得文章更加生动。总结:写作时要学会将多个简单句合并成一个复杂句,多使用短语和不同的句式。