
I wasbrought up by my aunt.

分析 考查动词短语"抚养"bring up,句中表达的是被动语态,应使用be done的形式.

解答 77.brought up

点评 对于汉译英这种题,要分析句子意思,再从结构上和意义上对答案进行确定.

12.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
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Dear Bruce,
I'm very excited to learn from that you will start an English magazine called New Babel.That sounds great and I definitely  agree with you on that.
Some of the columns mention in the letter are really my cup of tea."Cultural Express"gives us better understanding of the world.Unless people from different parts of the world have different value,it's necessary to learn from each other.Apart from that,"Thoughts"is pretty good for us Chinese students to open our minds and practice their critical thinking."Entertainment"is amazing!The stories about those popular celebrities are so attractively that we absolutely can't miss this part.As is often the case,teenagers were fond of popular things.
Well,I can't list less.I really look forward to read this magazine.Yours,
13.Recently,people in US education have gotten extremely worried because a new report has shown that American students have a math problem.
The 2015 Program for International Student Assessment(评估)(PISA) shows math scores in the US getting lower and no improvement in science or reading.PISA tests 15-year-olds from different countries and regions in their math,science and reading skills.About 540,000 students from 72 countries and regions took part in the assessment in 2015.
US scores in reading and science were about the same as three years ago,leaving Americans near the middle of the bigger group.But the situation in math is much more worrying.The US average score was 470,be;ow the OECD(经合组织)test average of 490,meaning the US was No.40 among the 72 countries and areas.It was 12 points lower than in 2012 and 18 points lower than in 2009.So,what is going on with American students'math skills?
One reason may be that the US does not teach math in enough depth."Students are often good at answering the first part of a problem in the United States,"said Andreas Schleicher,director of education and skills at OECD."But as soon as students have to go deeper and answer the more complicated part of a problem,they have difficulties."In comparison,many high-performing countries and regions in math teach a lot less but focus in much greater depth,especially when you look at East Asia,Japan and Singapore,according to Schleicher.
Another reason may be the fact that many people in the US are unwilling to travel to foreign countries to learn better teaching practices."One of our biggest challenges in the US is that the teachers are not going out and seeing what high-performing countries do differently,"said Wendy Kopp,who started Teach for America,in a news program.

24.When it comes to the 2015 PISA results,people in US education are more concerned aboutC.
A.the US average score
B.the differences from the previous PISA
C.American students'performance in math
D.American students'situation in science and reading skills
25.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.American students are not interested in simple math problems.
B.American students are unwilling to go abroad for further study.
C.American math teachers envy high-performing countries better teaching skills.
D.American math teachers seldom teach students how to solve complicated problems.
26.What is the main purpose of the passage?B
A.To inform people of American students'2015PISA results.
B.To analyze the causes of American students'problems with math.
C.To stress the importance of learning math well to America students.
D.To give American math teachers some advice on how to teach math.
17.A woman was caught trying to get her boyfriend out of Puente Ayala prison by packing him in a large suitcase.They almost got away with it,but guards became suspicious after seeing the woman struggling with the suitcase.
25-year-old Souda arrived at the Puente Ayala prison in Barcelona,Venezuela,last week,to visit her boyfriend,Jose Antonio,who was serving a sentence of 9years and 8months for stealing cars.She had brought their six-year-old daughter and a large pink suitcase,which is common for an overnight stay by family members in South American prison.Little did the guards know that Souda and Jose Antoni were planning to leave the prison together the next day,as a big happy family.
Their plan seemed to go smoothly as the woman carrying the bright pink baggage didn't attract the guards'attention,but it failed when they finally noticed the short woman struggling to pull the seemingly light suitcase out of the door.They stopped Souda and asked her to open the suitcase so they could check its items.Left with no choice but to meet the guards'demand,the woman opened the suitcase to show young Jose Antonio looking professional contortionist (专业柔术演员)and covered with different clothing items.
Puente Ayala guards sent the car thief back to the prison.Souda has been caught by guards and is waiting for official charges,and the couple's six-year-old daughter?Mary,been placed in the care of social services.
If only Souda had gone to the gym to improve her strength before going through escaping from prison with her lover,things might have gone differently.

35.The underlined word in Paragraph 1can be best replaced byB.
A.pleased  B.doubtful  C.worried  D.violent
36.Where did Souda put her husband while leaving the prison?C
A.In a car.
B.In the gym.
G.In a suitcase.
D.In the bag.
37.Mary lives in the care of social services becauseC.
A.she broke the law
B.her parents,marriage has ended
C.her parents are both caught by guards
D.her mother is busy building up her body.
7.The benefits of keeping a journal (日志)
(36)EIt may seem simple,but it can make a big difference in your life.I have been keeping journals for years.Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me.And to be honest,I can't imagine what my life would be like without it.Here are some benefits you will get by keeping a journal.
◆It prevents you from losing an idea.(37)GI often experienced that myself.But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible.If I'm away from my computer,I usually write it down on a piece of paper that I bring wherever I go.I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.
◆It helps you review all the lessons you've learned.By reviewing your journal,you can quickly see the lessons you've learned and the ideas you've gotten(38)FYou can use the ideas to propel (鞭策) yourself forward.
◆(39)A After keeping a journal for years,you can look back at it and see how far you've gone.Things that were big problems in the past might seem small today.The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.
◆It helps you expand your ideas.When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea,you are thinking actively about it.(40)DIn the end,you will expand your ideas.

A.It allows you to see your progress over time.
B.It trains you to express your thoughts.
C.Just use whatever tool you feel comfortable with.
D.Thinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.
E.If you want to grow,one important thing you should do is keeping a journal.
F.Then you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
G.Have you ever gotten an idea only to lose it later because you didn't write it down?
14.Smartphones,tablets and laptops make it easy for people to work on the go,but traditionally,printers have been cumbersome to move out of the office.However,the new Zuta Pocket Printer will enable people to print anywhere.
The Zuta Pocket Printer was invented by Zuta Labs,based in Jerusalem.This small printer is about 10.2 cm wide and long and 7.5 cm high,and weighs about 350 grams.The company plans to ship its printers to customers in the beginning of 2017.
This printer can connect wirelessly to smartphones,tablets,laptops and PCs via Wi-Fi,and is supported by Android,iOS,OS X and Windows.A free application from the company lets you use the printer via a mobile appliance; a laptop or PC can also select the printer for use just like any other wirelessly connected printer.This printer can print one average A4 page,measuring 21 by 29.7 cm.Zuta Labs noted that its printer can print on any standard size piece of paper,and that,in principle,it could print on any surface.
The printer's"omni-wheels"help it turn and move in any direction on a surface.Laser sensors (激光传感器) help control the movement,speed and location,according to the company.
Zuta Labs said the printer's rechargeable battery can last about 1 hour,on average~long enough to print about 60 pages.One ink cartridge (墨盒) can print more than 100 pages,according to the company.Currently,the appliance prints only in black,although Zuta Labs said it plans to have a full-color printer in the future.
32.What's the main idea of the text?A
A.The Zuta Porket Printer will let people print anywhere.
B.The Zuta Porket Printer has replaced traditional printers.
C.The Zuta Pocket Printer is the smallest one in the world
D.Zuta Labs makes great achievements in selling printers.
33.What does the the underlined word"cumbersome"in Paragraph 1 probably mean?C
34.What do we know about the printer?A
A.The application the company provides for it is free of charge.
B.The Windows operating system doesn't support it.
C.Laptops or PCs can't select it for use via Wi-Fi.
D.It can only print on the paper of standard size.
35.According to the text,the Zuta Pocket PrinterD.
A.has the battery which can't last an hour
B.has been popular with customers
C.is slower than common printers
D.is not a full-color printer now.
11.Have you ever noticed the confusion(混乱),which seems so common in our world today?You seem to be going in all different directions.However,you seem to have nothing to wish for;there is no direction to your living.You appear to be in a hurry,but what is your purpose?
Well,it is important that you live your life with a purpose.If you don't,you live it by accident.You could end up going back and forth along the pathway of life,never knowing what your life could be.
Take time to think deeply.Listen to your inner self.Be patient and understand your special gifts and know the reason why you are here.There are many opportunities along the way to serve your purposes.
Your highest purpose should be in giving and serving others.You don't need to expect anything in return.You will truly know what life can give you,desiring nothing but the satisfaction of a job well done.
Be true to yourself.Do not try to be someone you are not.Do not follow the wrong people.Your living is to be treasured.You are created for a purpose.
Find out that reason,go after it with determination,and live your life with a purpose.

29.The underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 most probably refers toB.
A.the purpose                   B.your life
C.an accident                    D.a pathway
30.According to the writer,a person's highest purpose in life should be inB.
A.taking time to think deeply      B.giving and serving others
C.getting the job well done        D.being true to the self
31.What is the purpose of this passage?C
A.To introduce people's confusion in life.
B.To describe people's purposes in living.
C.To persuade people to live with a purpose.
D.To tell people to wish for nothing at all in life.
32.How is this passage organized?D
B.Opinion-Description-Main idea

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