10£®Almost a decade ago£¬the federal government dropped©†10million for an Earth-monitoring satellite that never made it into space£®Today it sits in a closet in Maryland£®Cost to taxpayers for storing it£º©†1million a year£®And that's just what's hiding in one closet£®Who knows what's in the rest of them£¿Because we think the government should be held to at least the same standards as a publicly traded company£¬and because as taxpayers£¬we're America's shareholders£¬we performed an audit £¨²ÆÎñ¼ì²é£©of sorts of the federal books£®We're not economists£¬but we do have common sense£®We tried to be apolitical £¨ÎÞ¹ØÕþÖεģ©and got help from Congressional staffers from both parties£¬as well as various watchdog groups and agencies£®In the end£¬we found that the federal government wastes nearly©†1trillion every year£®
That's roughly equal to the amount collected annually by the Internal Revenue Service in personal income taxes£®Put another way£¬it's also equal to about one-third of the country's©†2.9trillion total annual budget£®And reclaiming that lost trillion£¨ÈýÊ®ÒÚ£©could help wipe out the country's annual budget deficit£¨³à×Ö£©£¬improve education£¬and provide health insurance for those who don't have it£®
So how do you define"waste"£¿David Walker of the Government Accountability Office £¨GAO£©£¬a federal watchdog agency£¬calls it"the government's failure to give taxpayers the most for their money£®"For our part£¬we used the kind of household test you would use on a piece of meat sitting in your refrigerator£ºIf it smells rotten£¬it's waste£®And there is plenty to sniff out£®Our government regularly pays for products and services it never gets£¬wildly overpays companies to do things it could do more cheaply itself£¬loses money outright due to lax£¨Ëɳ۵ģ©accounting and oversight£¬fails to collect what it's owed£¬and antes up for unnecessary programs£®
How exactly does the federal government fritter away your hard-earned tax dollars£¿We've identified what we consider ten of the worst ways£®
61£®The underlined sentence in Paragraph1really meansD£®
A£®there are many other closets
B£®there are some other satellites
C£®there is something else in the closets
D£®the waste may be quite amazing
62£®Which of the following statements may be right£¿B
A£®The country's annual budget is usually decided by the public£®
B£®The government failed in launching the satellite£®
C£®The government is only wasting money in space experiments£®
D£®The amount collected annually in personal income taxes is equal to the country's budget£®
63£®Which of the following can best describe the feeling of the author£¿A
A£®Annoyed£® B£®Calm£®
C£®Surprised£® D£®Not concerned£®
64£®The best title for the passage would beC£®
A£®Protecting Our Rights!
B£®Our Country Is In Danger!
C£®The Government Is Wasting Our Tax Dollars!
D£®How to Prevent Government from Wasting Money!
65£®What might be talked about if the passage is continued£¿A
A£®Listing how the government is wasting taxes£®
B£®Presenting people's feelings against the government's wasting taxes£®
C£®Giving suggestion to help the government solve the financial problem£®
D£®The government's taking some steps to stop wasting taxes£®
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½â´ð 61-65 DBACA
61 D ÍƶÏÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµÚÒ»¶ÎAlmost a decade ago£¬the federal government dropped©†10million for an Earth-monitoring satellite that never made it into space½²µ½£¬Ê®ÄêÇ°Áª°îÕþ¸®ÎªÁËÒ»¸ö×îÖÕûÓнøÈëÌ«¿ÕµÄÎÀÐÇ»¨·ÑÁËһǧÍòÃÀ½ð£¬¶øÈç½ñÈ´ÌÉÔÚÁËÂíÀïÀ¼ÖݵÄÒ»¸öС·¿¼äÀΪÁ˱£´æºÃËü£¬Ã¿ÄêÐ軨·ÑÒ»°ÙÍòÃÀ½ð£¬ËùÒÔ×÷Õß¾õµÃÕâÖÖÀË·ÑÊǾªÈ˵ģ®¹ÊÑ¡D
62 B ÅжÏÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂ×îºóÒ»¶ÎHow exactly does the federal government fritter away your hard-earned tax dollars£¿¿ÉÖªÕþ¸®ÔÚһЩ²»±ØÒªµÄÏîÄ¿ÉÏËæÒ⻨Ǯ£¬¿ÉÖª£¬²¢·ÇÖ»ÀË·ÑÔÚÌ«¿ÕʵÑéÖУ®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
63 A ÍƶÏÌ⣮´ÓµÚÒ»¶Î×îºóÒ»¾äWho knows what's in the rest of them£¿¼°µÚ¶þ¶Î×îºóÒ»¾ä¼°×îºóÒ»¶Î¿É¿´³ö×÷Õ߶ÔÓÚÕþ¸®µÄ×ö·¨ÊÇ·ßŵģ¬¹ÊÑ¡A£®
64 C ÎÄÖÐÖ÷Òª½²µ½ÁËwasteÀË·Ñ£¬¹ÊӦѡÓëwasteÓйصĴ𰸣¬¹ÊÑ¡C£®
65 A ×îºóÒ»¶ÎWe've identified what we consider ten of the worst ways£®¿ÉÖª£¬½ÓÏÂÀ´Ó¦ÁоÙÊ®ÖÖÕþ¸®ÀË·ÑÐÐΪ£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
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You have spent a lot in your vacation£®![]() You deserve£¨ÖµµÃ£© an Easy Carefree Day! Make Sure You See Canyons£¨Ï¿¹È£©£®Not Crowds£® 5£¬000vehicles enter Grand Canyon National Park each day£¬95% of which have no idea where they are going£®Most end up in long lines and crowded parking lots£¬tired£¬lost and confused£® But you are different£» Everyone in your party can look around and enjoy the scenery and wildlife without the worry of driving on heavily-loaded roads£¬long lines and wrong turns£® Lunch is always on you!You'd rather enjoy a free delicious picnic lunch under the towering pine-trees or on the river bank£¬instead of sitting with thousands for expensive cafeteria food£®And£¬if the weather doesn't look great then another suitable place will be found to eat£®Vegetarian and special requests are always easily accommodated£® You'd rather relax and enjoy the beauty and the splendor of one of nature's finest creations£®Guides will give you a great history lesson of the surroundings and also show you that they are truly the keepers of the Grand Canyon£® That's why you travel with the experts£®You look for the professionals that are willing to show you the hidden secrets of the most famous natural wonder in the world£® Experience Grand Canyon with our expert naturalists£®They'll be sure to show you all the best that Grand Canyon has to offer£®With high power telescopes you will£º ¡ïExperience the excitement of the roaring rapids ¡ïSee climbers balancing on impossible high rocks ¡ïLaugh at the stubbornness of the famous Grand Canyon mules£¨Â¿£© ¡ïDiscover hidden Indian cliff living places and rock pictures ¡ïView native wildlife in their natural environment Call Angel's Gate Tours Today at 1-800-957-4557 You are guaranteed an Easy Carefree Day! |
A£®It is very crowded every day£®
B£®No one knows where to go in it£®
C£®Tourists have to wait for a long time£®
D£®Most tourists often feel lost in it£®
52£®What can we know about lunch during the trip£¿D
A£®Tourists have to eat in restaurants£®
B£®Cafeteria food will be served£®
C£®Tourists will eat in the rain£®
D£®Vegetarian food can be provided£®
53£®What is the writer's purpose by saying£º"But you are different£®"£¿A
A£®To attract the readers£®B£®To support the readers£®
C£®To praise the readers£®D£®To serve the readers£®
54£®Which of the following is offered by Angel's Gate Tours£¿D
A£®Balancing on impossible high rocks£®
B£®Riding famous Grand Canyon mules£®
C£®Taking fine and expensive cafeteria food£®
D£®Observing wildlife in their natural homes£®
55£®What does the passage intend to persuade the readers to do£¿B
A£®Buy a pair of powerful telescopes£®
B£®Ask for the help of tour guides£®
C£®Look for air conditioned comfort£®
D£®Join in delicious picnic parties£®