

Bill: Alice, there are some questions I want to ask about the Olympics? __1.__ longest running race in the modern Olympic Games is called the Marathon. Can you tell me something about it?

Alice: Ok. It gets its name from a town in Greece___2.__(call) Marathon, ____3.____ is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece. This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.

Bill: There is a story about it?

Alice: yes.

Bill: Can you tell me ___4.__it?

Alice: Ok. Once there was an ancient Greek soldier called Phidippides. He ran so fast _5.___ he was often sent on long journeys with important___6.____(message). One day the leader of Athens led their army to fight against their enemies and won the battle. They wanted to make their people know what ____7.__(happen). So they asked Phidippides to go to Athens and tell their people the good news. He was very tired after all the fighting but he ran as fast as he could. As he managed _____8.____(get) to the centre of the city, he fell to the ground, ____9.___(open) his mouth and cried, “Athens is saved!” Then he fell down, dead. His story became famous and it was remembered by the Marathon race of 26 miles, which is the __10.____(distant) from Marathon to Athens.

Bill: That’s a moving story. We should remember him.


Career success could be predicted as early as kindergarten, according to a 20-year study recently published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Duke University tracked more than 700 children from across the US between kindergarten and age 25 and found a significant correlation(相关性)between their social skills as kindergartners and their success as adults two decades later.

In 1991, teachers assessed how the kindergartners interacted(互动) with each other socially using a range of criteria like whether they cooperate with their peers without prompting(激励), if they're helpful to others, whether they're good at understanding feelings, and if they can solve problems on their own.

Researchers then kept track of whether the students went on to graduate high school on time, get a college degree, and find and keep a full-time job by 25. They also monitored the participants' involvement with crime, drug abuse, public assistance, and mental health issues.

The results showed that socially competent(有能力的)children were far more likely to earn a college degree and have a full-time job by 25 than those with limited social skills. Those with limited social skills also had a higher chance of getting arrested, binge(放纵)drinking, and applying for public housing.

“This study shows that helping children develop social and emotional skills is one of the most important things we can do to prepare them for a healthy future," said Kristin Schubert, program director at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the research, in a release.

“From an early age, these skills can determine whether a child goes to college or prison, and whether they end up employed or addicted." The good news, according to Damon Jones, lead author of the study, is that intervention(干预)at a young age can help improve social and emotional skills. “This research by itself doesn't prove that higher social competence can lead to better outcomes later on," he said. “But when combined with other research, it is clear that helping children develop these skills increases their chances of success in school, work, and life."

1.What has the 20-year study found?

A. Most kindergartners can solve problems alone.

B. Helpful children understand other's feeling better.

C. Outgoing children cooperate with their peers easily.

D. Social skills play a key role in children's development.

2.Paragraph 3 and 4 are mainly about?

A. when the researchers began their study

B. how long it took to complete the study

C. how the researchers conducted the study

D. what factors were studied by the experts

3.What should parents do to help their children to succeed according to Kristin Schubert?

A. Teach them how to cooperate with others.

B.Teach them some basic living skills.

C.Tell them to keep off alcohol

D. Coach them in their lessons.

4.The text makes very good sense to ____________.

A. teenagers B. educators

C. doctors D. general readers

In business, there's a speed difference: It's the difference between how important a firm's leaders say speed is to their competitive(竞争的) strategy(策略) and how fast the company actually moves. The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that chose to go, go, go to try to gain an edge ended up with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track. What's more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up” improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-­year period.

How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than Competitors yet performing better? They thought differently about what “slower” and “faster” mean. Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operational speed (moving quickly) and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value).Simply increasing the speed of production, for example, may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference. But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower­-quality products and services.

In our study, higher ­performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary. They became more open to ideas and discussion. They encouraged new ways of thinking. And they allowed time to look back and learn. By contrast (相比而言), performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time, paid too much attention to improving efficiency, stuck to tested methods, didn't develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership. Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals. That kind of strategy must come from the top.

1.What does the underlined part “gain an edge” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Increase the speed. B. Get an advantage.

C. Reach the limit. D. Set a goal.

2.The underlined part “the laws of business physics” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A. spending more time and performing worse

B. spending more time and performing better

C. spending less time and performing worse

D. spending less time and performing better

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. How fast a firm moves depends on how big it is.

B. How competitive a firm is depends on what it produces.

C. Firms guided by strategic speed take time to make necessary changes.

D. Firms guided by operational speed take time to develop necessary team spirit.

4.Which could be the best title for the text?

A. Improve quality? Serve better.

B. Deliver value? Plough ahead.

C. Reduce time? Move faster.

D. Need speed? Slow down.

With all the responsibilities(责任) we face in our daily lives, it’s often hard to get a good night’s rest. The problem really lies in the stress that many of us experience. Stress robs you of the rest that you need by putting you in a state of pressure and worry. There are, of course, some methods that can help you relax, but only a few of them give you a good night’s sleep. One of them is soothing (舒缓的)music for sleep.

Sleep music is not just for encouraging relaxation, it also can be used for various situations. Want to have a relaxing evening by yourself? Practice yoga in a comfortable environment? Think over something important? Then put on your favorite sleep music. Sleep music is not only fit for adults, but has also been known to be good for children. Soothing music helps your children go to sleep more easily.

Massage therapists (按摩治疗师)can also benefit from using soothing music for sleep in their clinics(诊所). This allows clients(客户) to benefit more from the session. For example, massage therapists can provide the relaxation of the body through their techniques, and the music helps clients relax their minds, helping them to relax deeper and feel more refreshed after the session.

You’ll never run out as there are some artists and companies that make sleep music. Choosing the right music is important as well. Like most music that you can find and buy in stores, sleep music has different styles, sounds, and subjects. There are those that are specifically for relaxation, while some are intended to help you go to sleep.

The great thing about sleep music is that it will be something you’ll be using for months, even years to come. If you want a deeper relaxation and better sleep, give some soothing music for sleep a try.

1. According to the text, people often don’t sleep well because _______.

A. they often hear heavy music

B. they have too much stress

C. they are very tired

D. they have little time to relax

2.We can learn from the text that ______.

A. sleep music is first used in massage

B. all the sleep music is intended to help people to go to sleep

C. clients during massage use sleep music to help them go to sleep

D. clients will feel more refreshed after the massage using sleep music

3. In the last paragraph, people are advised to______.

A. have a rest to reduce the stress

B. try some sleep music to relax and have a good sleep

C. do a massage by sleep music

D. choose a suitable sleep music

4. The text is written mainly for those_________.

A. who stay up late

B. who often do massage

C. who want to get a good sleep

D. who like to listen to sleep music


Top reasons to become a teacher

Teaching is a special calling. It is not a job well-suited to everyone. In fact, many new teachers leave within the first 3-5 years of teaching. However, there are many rewards that come with this career.

Student successes

1. Seeing a student who didn’t understand a concept and then learned it through your help can be very rewarding. And when you reach that student that others have written off as being unteachable, this can truly be worth all the headaches that come with the job.

Keep learning

2. I remember my first year teaching history. I thought I knew what I was doing. However, the students’ questions just made me dig deeper and learn more.

Daily humor

Sometimes it will be silly jokes you make up as you teach that might get a laugh from your students. 3. And sometimes students will come out with the funniest statements without realizing what they’ve said.


As a teacher, you will have a couple of months off in the summer. Further, you typically get a few weeks off during the Spring Festival, which can be a huge benefit and provide much-needed rest time.

Job security

5. If you are willing to work hard in any type of environment, you’ll find that you can always get a teaching job.

A. Stay younger

B. School holidays

C. The world will always need teachers.

D. This is often what drives teachers to continue.

E. Sometimes it will be jokes that kids share with you.

F. You will never learn a topic better than when you start teaching it.

G. During the holidays, teachers can often choose to travel around and just relax themselves.

American government suggests that children and teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity every day. But less than half of children and just 10% of teens meet these suggestions. What’s the deal?

It’s reported that about 44million US kids participate in organized sports(such as baseball, softball, soccer).But a new study says just one-quarter of kids get the government-recommended amount of exercise when they show up for team practices. The study, published online last month in a medical journal, says younger kids and boys do better than teens and girls.

The study looked at 200 kids aged 7 to 14 who played on soccer, baseball and softball teams. The kids wore sensors to measure their activity during practices.

During each practice, kids averaged 30 minutes of downtime(停工期). “It is not clear how much physical activity is provided by youth sports practices,” say the California-based authors of the study. “Much of the time may be inactive, such as receiving verbal instructions and waiting for turns.”

What’s a parent or coach—or kid—to do? The authors of the study suggest increasing the number of practices, extending the time of practices and changing it up(加快)during practices. For example, the coach could give each player a ball at the same time. Rather than focusing on one player’s skills, it’s best to get the whole team moving.

But, the study says, the bottom line is that team sports aren’t enough exercise. For a child to meet the US physical activity suggestions, the kid will have to do more than just join a team. Exercise is also necessary during breaks, during physical education class, after school and even on the way to school.

1.According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Only 10% of the teens can’t meet the suggestions about physical activity.

B. About 11 million US kids can get enough amount of exercise in team practices.

C. The new study was published on a famous magazine last month.

D. Teens do better than girls and younger kids in the new study.

2.The underlined word “extending” in Paragraph 5 means .

A. giving support or confidence

B. becoming smaller or fewer

C. making something longer or larger

D. causing to move or go quickly

3.The passage is probably written for .

A. physical teachers and parents

B. doctors and nurses

C. class advisers and researchers

D. kids and headmasters

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Necessary for Kids to Exercise

B. Kids for Fun?

C. How to Keep Fit

D. Not Enough Exercise?

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