
A. Health

    Health magazine features lots of articles on how to stay fit and feel fantastic. You’ll find healthy yet tasteful recipes (菜谱) that will keep you on track with your diet. The living section will give you ideas for things to do on the weekend or how to add some excitement to your lifestyle.

B. US Weekly

    It features the latest news on the hottest celebrities(名人). Filled with photographs and stories, it’s a great magazine for their diets, weddings, divorces and all the events of the week. It keeps you up-to-date with everything that’s happening in Hollywood——the good, the bad and the embarrassing.

C. Rolling Stone

    It’s a bi-weekly magazine for music and pop culture trends. In addition, readers can find culture and social comments on present news and events in each issue. Yearly special issues include the music festival preview, the best of rock, fall fashion, and 10 bands to watch.

D. Details

    It is an award-winning monthly fashion magazine. It’s for men who are enthusiastic about adventure, style, music, fashion, sports, politics, humor and pop culture. Reviews of the latest books and movies are also included. Every issue has an interview with a celebrity in the news, with insightful questions and interesting answers.

E. Reader’s Digest

    It is the world’s most widely-read monthly magazine. Each issue is packed with easy-to-read articles that help people lead better and healthier lives. It contains useful advice, entertainment and inspiration, the latest medical discoveries, how to manage your time and money, plus much more.

F. Life & Style Weekly

    This magazine is the first weekly style magazine. It covers the latest happenings in Hollywood. You can find fashion, beauty, lifestyle trends and shopping guides in each issue of the magazine.


1.Abraham is a handsome student at Beijing Sport University. Besides sports news, he is concerned about social and political problems in his spare time.

2.Rebecca is a beautiful housewife, but she doesn’t care much about her clothing. Her husband suggests that she learn some shopping skills and the best style tips.

3.Patrick is a fan of stars who is crazy about them. He wants to know all the information about his favorite stars in real life situations like shopping for groceries, walking the dog and so on.

4.Melissa and her boyfriend have just left university for work. They don’t have much money to eat outside every day. They must learn to cook for themselves.

5.Douglas was a teacher at Peking University Heath Science Center. He retired last month and now lives happily with his wife in the countryside. He pays close attention to advances in medical science.











1.Abraham 喜欢看关于体育、政治和社会的杂志,Details:It’s for men who are enthusiastic about adventure, style, music, fashion, sports, politics, humor and pop culture. 故选D。

2.Rebecca 想了解一些购物技巧;Life & Style Weekly:You can find fashion, beauty, lifestyle trends and shopping guides in each issue of the magazine.故选F。

3.Patrick是一个追星组,他想了解明星的一些生活情况,如购物或者遛狗的情况等。US Weekly:关于名人的日常生活的杂志,故选B。

4.Melissa 和她的男朋友想了解关于烹饪方面的知识;Health:介绍了一些菜谱,故选A。

5.Douglas想关注医疗方面的问题;Reader’s Digest:It contains useful advice, entertainment and inspiration, the latest medical discoveries,故选E。


点评:信息匹配题要做到准确的匹配,一般需要找到两者的信息共性就可以匹配了。要注意一下两点。第一,要注意信息共性的多样性。关注多个信息的共性才能准确无误地进行信息匹配。第二,避免陷入误判信息共性的陷阱。 有些信息匹配题有使用某一信息共性来增加题目的难度和区分度。因为有些考生容易陷进只见树木不见森林的陷阱,从而导致以为找到了信息共性导致了错误的。



第二节: 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The Spring Festival marks the first day of a new year, so the first meal is rather important. People from the North and the South have different   36   about the foods they eat on this  37   day. In Northern China, people   38   eat Jiaozi. The word Jiaozi in Chinese means the   39   and the beginning of time. According to historical   40  , in the past people from the North and the South both ate Jiaozi on Chinese New Year’s Day. Perhaps  41  the areas in Southern China   42   more rice than those in Northern China, southern people slowly  43  to eat many other kinds of food on New Year’s Day.   44   , the most common foods for the first   45   are noodles, New Year Cake and Tangyuan. The noodle  46  long life. The New Year Cake is called Niangao in Chinese, which   47   the hope of improvement in   48   year after year. Tangyuan is a symbol of   49    according to the Chinese.
To  50   a New Year visit to relatives and friends is an important activity during the Spring Festival. People also send cards to   51    a New Year’s greeting. What children love most is to set off firecrackers.   52   , as the pace of life is becoming faster and faster, people have   53   new ways to celebrate the Chinese traditional New Year. For example, many people no longer send out greeting cards.   54   , they use short messages or emails. Also to travel during the New Year holidays has come into   55   .
36. A. word            B. habits                C. meanings          D. stories
37. A. usual          B. unforgettable             C. common            D. special
38.A. seldom         B. usually               C. always              D. hardly
39. A. end             B. future              C. result             D. effect
40. A. reasons        B. records              C. notes              D. stories
41. A. as long as      B. though             C. when            D. because
42. A. caused          B. took                 C. produced           D. brought
43. A. understood     B. knew            C. made                D. began
44. A. Besides            B. Therefore             C. Consequently         D. Usually
45. A. subject          B. title              C. program           D. meal
46. A. symbolizes         B. reveals            C. shows              D. indicates
47. A. transports       B. represents          C. fetches                     D. takes
48. A. health          B. family             C. life              D. work
49. A. reunion        B. luck                   C. happiness          D. harmony
50. A. do            B. pay               C. get              D. carry
51.A. express              B. describe                 C. establish            D. define
52. A. Luckily         B. Unfortunately       C. However                  D. Besides
53. A. given away     B. made out           C. got into           D. taken up
54. A. Instead         B. Fortunately          C. Moreover         D. Furthermore
55.A. fashion          B. effect                       C. sight             D. power

Sitting in a dark movie theater with your friends and a tub of
buttery popcorn sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday night
—and it could be, if you are willing to share your popcorn with the
entire row of moviegoers around you.
A review of the nutritional contents of movie-theater popcorn reveals
an alarming amount of fat, salt and calories in even the smallest sizes.
The study, mad by Dr. Nestle from the Center for Science in the Public
Interest, checked popcorn from three movie theater chains and detailed
The contents of all parts offered.
A large tub of popcorn at Regal Cinemas, for example, holds 20 cups of popcorn and has 1,200 calories, 980 milligrams of sodium(钠)and 60 grams of saturated(饱和)fat.
Not so hungry? The medium size popcorn, which comes in a bag, contains the same amount as the large. And even the small, at 1l cups, delivers 670 calories 550 milligranis of sodium 24 grams of saturated fat.
The findings may surprise those who choose popcorn at the concession stand(货摊) because they believe it is a relatively healthy snack. In fact, plain air-popped popcorn is low in calories and free of saturated fat. Movie theater popcorn, however, is popcorn, however, is popped in oil — often coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat. Add salt to the enormous portions(部分),and your once-healthy snack turns into a health killer.
Even the “healthiest” sample of popcorn tested, a small size from AMC containing 6 cups of popcorn, had 370 calories, enough to share with a friend, eating one grain at a time to make it last the length of a movie.
The third movie theater chain tested. Cinemark, is slightly better than its competitors because it pops its popcorn in non-hydrogenated canola oil instead of coconut oil. Cinemark’s large tub contains 17 cups of popcorn with 910 calories and 4 grams of saturated fat, as well as up to 1,500 milligrams of sodium — nearly enough for the entire day.
One way to make your popcorn healthier? Ask the theater to pop a portion without salt. Two of the movie theaters that had their popcorn tested said they would oblige such a request. The best way to make your movie snack healthier, however, would be to skip the popcorn — and the concession stand — altogether.
“You could share a tub of popcorn with 10 friends.” Dr. Nestle said. “Or, what a concept, watch the movie without eating anything.” K^S*5U.C#O
72.The underlined word in the passage can be replaced by “     ”.
A.refuse                  B.agree                   C.meet          D.oppose
73.From the passage, we can learn that      .
A.popcorn with much salt will be healthier
B.plain air-popped popcorn has no saturated fat at all
C.popcorn from Regal cinemas contains the least unhealthy substances
D.only the three movie theatre chains provide popcorn for the moviegoers
72.While you are watching the movie,      is the best way to keep you healthy.
A.to eat nothing at all
B.to choose plain air-popped popcorn
C.to share a large tub of popcorn with your 10 friends
D.to buy popcorn popcorn popped in non-hydrogenated canola oil
75.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A.Bad Eating Habit                                    B.Popular Food              
C.Movie Theater Food                    D.Popcorn’s Dark Secret

Mobile phones are an important business tool for farmers in rural areas. But they also put a valuable educational tool in their hands.
The University of Illinois in the United States has a project called SAWBO—Scientific Animations Without Borders. It produces educational videos that can be downloaded to cell phones. The goal is to help people in developing countries improve their lives.
One video shows farmers how to make a natural insecticide from neem seeds to prevent insect damage to crops. The process starts with sorting and drying the neem fruits. Then let the fruit dry in the sun for about three or four days, until they become brown. Using a mortar(碾槌) and stick, the fruits are slightly pounded to remove the shells from the fruits without breaking the seed inside.
The videos use computer animation(动画). Some of the animated characters are a little funny looking-like a farmer with a long nose. But the subjects are serious, including a health video on preventing cholera(霍乱). Team member Francisco Seufferheld says the information in the videos is meant to be quickly understood. He says, “The information is digested in such a way that in two minutes, we can transmit a complex idea.”
The researchers tested the seven-minute video on seven mobile phones. They wanted to see if people would share the video using Bluetooth wireless technology. With Bluetooth, files can be passed to a nearby phone even if neither phone is connected to the Internet. As a result, in one month, the video had spread to one hundred eighteen people in fifty different villages. “This is just incredible impact,” said Francisco Seufferheld.
The team has made a few videos so far. These are available in a total of eighty languages, dialects and accents. Professor Barry Pittendrigh says there are plans for more videos later this year.
【小题1】What is the text mainly about?

A.A best-selling mobile phone
B.A valuable educational project for farmers
C.United States support for developing countries
D.A new type of scientist –farmer relationship
【小题2】The SAWBO program is introduced in order to ____.
A.raise farmers’ standard of living
B.do some research on mobile phones
C.develop farmers’ practical skills
D.help farmers prevent insect damage to corps
【小题3】The biggest advantage of the program is that it______.
A.includes health video on preventing cholera
B.can be passed to farmers using Bluetooth technology
C.can be used to sort and dry the neem fruits
D.is easy for farmers to understand
【小题4】Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “ pound” in the 3rd paragraph?

Many people believe that teaching children music makes them smarter, better able to learn new things. But the organizers of a new study say there's no scientific evidence that early musical training affects the intelligence of young people.

An estimated 80 percent of American adults think music lessons improve children's abilily to learn or their performance in school. They say that the satisfaction for learning to play a new song helps a child express creativity.

Researchers at Harvard University, however, have found that there's one thing musi­cal training does not do. They say it does not make children more intelligent. Samuel Mehr is a graduate student at Harvard's School of Education. He said it is wrong to think that learning to play a musical instrument improves a child's intellectual development. He says the evidence comes from studies that measured the mental ability of two groups of 4-year-olds and their parents. One group attended music class, the other went to a class that places importance on the visual arts—arts that can be seen.

"The evidence there is 'no'. We found no evidence for any advantage on any of these tests for the kids participating in these music clases," said Mehr.Samuel Mehr says researchers have carried out many studies in an effort to learn whether musical training can make children smarter. He says the results have been mixed. He says only one study seems to show a small percentage increase in IQ, intellectual scores among students after one year of music lessons. He does not believe that IQ is a good measure of child's intelligence. He says researchers in his study compared how well children in the musical training group did on mental processing tasks or projects, then the results were compared to those of children who did not take lessons. There was no evidence that the musical training group did much better on the mental tasks than the other group.

The researchers comfirmed the results with a larger group of children and their par­ents.Mr Mehr says music lessons may not offer children a fast easy way to gain entry to the best schools later of their life. But he says the training is still important for cultural reasons. In his words, "We teach music because music is important for us."

1.According to the new study, musical training______.

A. makes children smarter????????????????????????

B. helps a child express creativity

C. does not make children more intelligent??????????

D. improve children's ability to learn in school

2.Samuel Mehr may agree that______.

A. the children who attended music class are smarter than those who attended arts class

B. IQ is a good measure of a child's intelligence

C. we needn't to teach children music

D. music training is still important for cultural reasons

3.In order to confirm his view, Samuel Mehr______.

A. conducted more than one research

B. interviewed many American adults

C. taught two groups of 4-yetr-olds music and arts

D. offered children a fast way to be admitted to the best schools

4.The artical may be taken from a report about _____.

A. health????????????? B. education????????????? C. ????????????? culture????????????? D.economy



1.People who drink a little, exercise, quit smoking and eat five servings of fruit and vegetables each day live on average 14 years longer than people who adopt none of these behaviors, researchers said on Tuesday . a collection of evidence has shown that these things contribute to healthier and longer lives, but the new study actually qualified their mixed effect, the British team said.

2 .“These results may provide further support for the idea that even small differences in lifestyle may make a big difference to health, ” the researchers wrote in the journal plus medicine.

3.Between 1993 and 1997 the researchers questioned 20,000 healthy British men and women about their lifestyles. they also tested every participant’s blood to measure  vitamin  C intake, an indicator(指标)of how much fruit and vegetables people ate.

4.Then they assigned the participants-aged 45-79 a score of between 0 and 4,giving one point for each of the healthy behaviors. after allowing for age and other factors that could affect the likelihood of dying, the researchers found people with a score of 0 four times as likely to die.

5.The researchers, who tracked deaths among the participants until 2006,also said a person with a health score of 0 had the same risk of dying as someone with score of 4 who was 14 years older.

6.The lifestyle change with the biggest benefit was _____________ ,which led to an 80 percent improvement in health, the study found. This was followed by eating fruits and vegetables. drinking a little and keeping active brought the same benefits, Kay-tee Khaw at the university of Cambridge said. Do you have the four healthy living habits?

1.What is the best title of the passage?(within 10 words))


2. Complete the following statement with proper words.( no more than 3 words)

________ is an important figure to show how much fruit and vegetables people ate.

3.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with a proper sentence.(within 3 words)


4.What should be encouraged according to the result of the research?(within 10 words)


5.What does the words “ these things”( line 4, paragraph 1) probably refer to? (no more than 15 words)



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