
假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs. Wilson 写一留言条,内容包括:



3.Tracy 来信留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消



注意:1 词数100左右;


Mrs. Wilson


Li Hua

Mrs Wilson,

   I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about I o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change.

Li Hua


237 West Palmdale Boulevard

Fresno ,  Califormia93706

AmToy Corporation

Suite 15

TransAm Building

November 20, 2008

Dear Sirs,

As a concerned parent, I am writing to protest your recent advertisement for Electro―Rain seen in local media is California. So Schally, I am referring to newspaper and magazine ads (attached this letter) and had the week of November 15.

Children to your type of advertising in an immature way; that they shamble to understand how expensive some toys are for middle-class parent. Further, you product is violent in nature. Youth advertisement gives children the impression that it’s fine to have “two guns and laser eyes.” You also suggest that children need your toy protect them “when you go outside.” This is not a healthy attitude for children to have.

I hope you will stop advertising your product in such a way that may our children.

Sincerely yours,

(Mrs. ) Alma Hernandez


It’s here! Heady for You, Now! It’s Electro-Robo!

Every lay dreams of being in control of a robot, and AmToy can make your dream come true Electro-R0ho is the world’s first fully autocratic robot with radio control. Standing 80 centimeters tall, Electro-Robo is like a friend at home, He can walk, talk, and even shake your had! He has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him , Every boy needs Electro-Robo !

Ask your Mom and Dad to buy Electro-Robo for your birthday or for Christmas, which is coming up soon Imagine that you are in control of your friend for life, Electro-Robo!

Available at all toy stores and department stores NOW!

64. What is the purpose the letter?

A. To complain about a broken toy.          B. To oppose the advertising.

C. To order a gift for Chrisman.            D. To apply for a job in a toy company.

65. Why does the writer of the letter that Electro-Robo is violent?

A. It is control to radio water.      B. It is expensive to buy.

C. It is 80 centimeter            D. It bears arms.

66. What dose “End” at the end of the letter mean?

A. Something attached to the letter.  B. A complaint to the toy company.

C. A hidden message             D. An encouraging response.

67. Electro-Robo can do all the following EXCEPT          .

A. sitting down    B. shaking hands     C. talking       D. walking



A young man was getting ready to gradually from college, for many months he bad 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.  

On the morning of his gradation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book, 42, he raised his voice at his father and said. ” 43 all your money you give me a book?” And rushed out of the house 44 the book in the study 

He did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year 45 one day he saw in the strict an old man who looked like his father. He   46   he bad to go back home and see his father.  

When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to  47  the hospital. he saw on the desk the  48   new book ,just as he had left it one  49  ago. he opened it and began to 50  the pages. suddenly, a car key 51  from an envelope taped behind the book ,it bad a lag(标签)with dealer’s name, the 52 dealer who had the sports car he bad 53 on the tag was the 54 of his graduation. and the 55  PAID IN FULL 

36. A expected   

B enjoyed  

C admired  

D owned

37. A finding  

B proving   

C deciding  

D knowing

38. A afford   

B offer      

C keep     

D like

39. A encouraged

B comfortable

C proud    

D moved

40. A Nervous  

B Serious    

C Careful  

D Curious

41. A packed  

B opened       

C picked up 

D put aside

42. A Angrily  

B Eagerly      

C Calmly   

D Anxiously

43. A At     

B From       

C With     

D To

44. A toating  

B putting      

C forgetting  

D leaving

45. A until    

B as           

C before    

D unless

46. A learned  

B realized      

C recognized 

D admitted

47. A get to   

B search for     

C turn to    

D leave for

48. A much   

B still          

C hardly    

D quite

49. A year    

B month       

C week     

D day

50. A clean   

B read         

C turn      

D count

51. A lost    

B came        

C appeared   

D dropped

52 A old   

B same         

C special       

D new

53 A remembered 

B desired  

C found        

D met

54. A. Picture     

B. place     

C. date      

D. sign

55. A. words     

B. information  

C. messages 

D. card

Computer programmer David Jones earns $35.000 a year designing new computer games. yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信用卡).Instead he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18 .The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job .David’s firm releases(推出)two new games for the fast growing computer market each month.

But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot he cannot drive a car ,take out a mortgage(抵押贷款),or get credit cards .David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago ,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs” he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.

“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school “ he said .“But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school .Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway” David added :”I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility .You never know when the market might disappear.”

60.In what way is David different from people of his age?

A.He often goes out with friends

B.He lives with his mother

C.He has a handsome income

D.He graduated with six O-levels

61.What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A.He is too young to get a credit card

B.He has no time to learn driving

C.He has very little spare time

D.He will soon lose his job

62.Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A.He had done well in all his exams

B.He had written some computer programs

C.He was good at playing computer games

D.He had learnt to use computers at school

63.Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A.He received lots of job offers

B.He was eager to help his mother

C.He lost interest in school studies

D.He wanted to earn his own living

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