

分析 annual

解答 答案是annual;考查词义识记;annual 每年的(adj.);如:The annual rainfall in this area was less than 50 mm last year.这个地区去年的降雨量不足50毫米.

点评 对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手,理解词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在语境中灵活运用.

15.Rocky Mountain Summer Adventure Camps Bring Learning to Life!
The Museum of Idaho Rocky Mountain Adventure Camps are available for students aged 6-14.Participants will have amazing outdoor experiences combined with adventure and fun.Space is limited to 20participants each session and registration is not complete until payment has been received by the Museum of Idaho.Registration fee is non-returnable.Junior Adventure Camp
Children aged 6-9 (must have completed first grade).
We'll conduct experiments,go on field trips,and discover the fun and excitement of science!This year,we will learn about colonial(殖民主义的) science to go along with our exhibit,America's Revolution!
Instructor:Chloe Doucette
Dates:June 27-June 30
Time:9:00 a.m.-noon
Cost:﹩75 per child,﹩60 per child for MOI members,﹩50 each additional brother or sister
Original Camp
Children aged 9-12 (must have completed third grade)
Original Camp is for children who are ready for an exciting full-day outdoor camp.Participants visit various habitats and ecosystems as we explore eastern Idaho.We'll go bird watching,hiking in the mountains,and lots more!
Instructors:Alana Jensen,Jerry Petty
Dates:July 18-July 21
Time:9:00a.m.--4:00p.m.(9:00-6:00on the last day)
Cost:﹩150 per child,﹩125 per child for MOI members,﹩100 each additional brother or sister
High Adventure Camp
Youth aged 11-14 (must have completed fifth grade)
High Adventure Camp is for youth who are looking for an amazing summer adventure!This outdoor camp is full of exciting physical challenges and involves participants in even more in-depth activities than the Original Camp.This year,students will study how rattlesnakes experience the outdoors!
Instructors:Chloe Doucette,Mike Winston,Jerry Petty
Dates:August 8-August 11
Time:9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.(9:00-6:00 on the last day)
Cost:﹩150 per child,﹩125 per child for MOI members,﹩100 each additional brother or sister
Participate in both Original AND High Adventure for only 200!Call 522-1400 ext.3002 to take advantage of this great offer.If you have any questions about the Museum of Idaho's education programs,contact Chloe Doucette,Education Director at (208)522-1400 ext.3002.

21.If participants want to register successfully,they need toD.
A.choose their favorite instructors
B.make up a team of 20 participants
C.be accompanied by family
D.pay for the fee ahead of time
22.To make experiments,what will a 9-year-old boy choose?B
A.Original Camp.
B.Junior Adventure Camp.
C.High Adventure Camp.
D.Three of them.
23.How much will a child and his brother spend at least if they sign up for both Original and High Adventure Camp?A
12.Want to help your little kids develop better physically and mentally?My Gym has some programs for you.
Little Bundles (6weeks-6months)
Our youngest My Gym students begin their first visual,audile (听觉的)and spatial exploration while they and their parents are guided through the program.The program is designed to carefully introduce music and movement in various fun ways.Baby exercises,songs,dances,baby-safe rides,unique swings,and many other Parent & Me adventures await the baby-parent team.Each week parents participate in a dialogue about their baby's development.
Tiny Tykes (7-13 months)
As the babies gain hand,arm and body control and become mobile,we introduce new activities.Our babies and their parents are led through a variety of beginning stretches (伸展),exercises,baby songs and dances,baby-safe rides and adventures,and balance skills during this program.A relationship to movement and physical activity begins to develop,as our babies discover their natural abilities and improve their physical and cognitive (认知的) development.
Waddlers (14-22 months)
At this age,a kid's level of independent mobility typically progress from aggressive crawling to running.Additional motor skills developing during this stage include kicking a ball,building a block tower,riding a tricycle,and walking up stairs.Our highly trained instructors shower the children with love and caring,as they guide our kids in early social skills through interactive songs,well-designed dances,age-specific puppet (木偶)shows,special rides,and a variety of swings and other original activities.
Gymsters (23 months-2 l/2 years)
During this program,the youngsters are happy as they sing,dance,swing,play games,take turns on special rides,and have"Surprise Time".Our kids feel great about themselves as they learn gymnastics:in a constantly changing program with fresh activities and new equipment each week.

21.What does Little Bundles require parents to do once a week?C
A.Take an adventurous trip.
B.Design a program for kids.
C.Talk about their kid's growth.
D.Share learning skills with others.
22.In which program can babies watch puppet shows?C
A.Little Bundles.
B.Tiny Tykes.
23.What can we learn about Gymsters?B
A.It isn't as fun as the other three programs.
B.Kids can do new activities every week.
C.It requires plenty of parents'participation.
D.The activities it involves remain unknown.
24.What is the purpose of this text?A
A.To advertise some programs at My Gym.
B.To show what activities kids are interested in.
C.To tell parents how to help their kids develop.
D.To encourage readers to do exercise at My Gym.
2.As more and more books become movie adaptations,I can't help but think how this will affect English classes in America.Thinking back to my years in middle and high school-ten years ago,I would be rewarded if I had read a number of classics.Today,a majority of those books are now also movies:Life of Pi,The Great Gatsby,Much Ado About Nothing and Anna Karenina,to name a few.
Even modern books such as The Hunger Games and Harry Potter have been adapted for the big screen.In discussion with my students,I often hear them say they are not going to read books because movies will come out soon,which makes me wonder what effect movie adaptations have on modern-day students.Will the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) encourage them to read books more carefully or to use movies to improve their understanding of the text?
The CCSS requires students to provide text-based evidence when reading and discussing a book.By focusing on such evidence,teachers can pull specific details from a book that may have not made the final cut when the book was adapted for the big screen.For instance,after reading and watching The Hunger Games,there were a number of details from the book that were missing from the film-many people were disappointed with Rue's meek(温顺的) movie role.A student who failed to read The Hunger Games would not quite understand Rue's impact on the games in the same way as someone who had read the book and remembered all the details that went into her death.
I am not saying the CCSS will stop students from cutting corners,but I believe if teachers use the support the CCSS provides,it can be a great roadway to ensure all students are digging deep into texts and not just hitting the play button.

29.Ten years ago,students in America wereD.
A.fond of reading all kinds of novels     
B.forbidden to discuss movies in class
C.not allowed to watch movies in the cinema       
D.encouraged to read many literature works
30.Which of the following might be the effect that movie adaptations have on modern-day students?C
A.They spend less time in studying.
B.They can't understand English texts.
C.They spend less time in reading.
D.They discuss movies more frequently.
31.What can we learn from the third paragraph?C
A.The Hunger Games is the worst movie adaptation.
B.It is a waste of time reading and discussing a book in class.
C.Movie adaptations may bring trouble in understanding the books.
D.Rue's impact on the games is perfectly presented in the movie.
32.According to the text,it seems that the CCSSD.
A.prevents students watching movies      B.provides students with well-known movies
C.encourages students to write novels    D.provides guidance on teaching and learning.

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