
China Daily hit the press for the first time 35 years ago. Over the past three decades, we have struggled to bring the story of China to the world and to bring the world to China.

To celebrate the 35 anniversary(周年纪念) of China Daily, we are inviting readers from all around the world to share with us their special story. The story could center on anything about you and China Daily. It can be about a news story that touched you a lot that you still remember; it could be about an opinion piece that changed your understanding of China and its people; or it could be about photos that convinced you to visit China.

Who is invited

Foreigners with something to say about  China Daily. Anyone familiar with China Daily is welcome to participate.

What to write

Anything that you read or saw in China Daily could be your subject. For instance, your impression of China Daily, how China Daily changed your perception(理解,看法), how China Daily helped you develop a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

How to join

Send your work (preferably with one or two photos) to readers@chinadaily.com.cn


At least 300 words and one photo (50k) related to your story. More words and photos are encouraged. Please caption your photos with information such as who, what, where and when. Of course, if you can shoot a video and send it to us, it would be better.


May 10, 2016.


If the article is chosen, we will promote it on the China Daily website and on China Daily’s official Weibo and WeChat(微信)accounts.

Contact us if you have questions:

Office number: 010-84883694, 010-84883574

Email: readers@chinadaily.com.cn

1.According to the text, what can we learn about China Daily?

A. It only brings stories from foreign countries.

B. It has been published for 35 years up to now.

C. It has helped lots of foreigners learn Chinese.

D. It makes its readers touched by Chinese culture.

2.If you intend to contribute an article, which of the following topics will you probably choose?

A. Readers’ impression of Chinese culture.

B. How to improve our spoken English.

C. The development of foreign culture.

D. The bright future of China Daily.

3.According to the text, where can you probably read the chosen articles?

A. China Daily’s newspaper.

B. China Daily’s overseas edition.

C. China Daily’s WeChat.

D. Readers@chinadaily.com.cn

4.What’s the purpose of this text?

A. To attract more readers of China Daily.

B. To draw readers’ attention to China Daily.

C. To increase China Daily’s sales.

D. To celebrate China Daily’s birthday.


Dusty is my son Jack's favorite pet. They have a special connection that is a____to see. After she finishes her dinner at night, Dusty will run into Jack's room to____on the pillow beside hDuring the day she'll______him around, jump into his.and even ___ with a “meow” every time he calls her name.

______,a few weeks ago Dusty began to lose_______.She ate less and less and lost some of her fur. She ____going after Jack around and hid in my daughter's old closet (壁橱). She___ only to drink water and then quickly returned there. I was ___that we were going to lose her and prayed to God that she'd return to __ . I didn't want Jack to lose his furry friend. ___after a few weeks she started to spend time outside the __ again. In addition , her __ recovered. Soon her fur grew back and she gained weight. Once again she became my son's constant __ and I thanked God for bringing her back to him.

I can __ why she'd gone off by herself to take the time to heal (康复)from her illness. There have been many times in my own life when fear, sickness and sadness have beaten me and I've just needed to find a quiet place in my own __ to think and to heal.

__,every time I've done so my heart is filled with God's __,making me better and stronger than I was before.

When life beats you down, don't __.Go within. Allow God’s love to fill you and to heal you. And then go out and __ that love with the world.

1.A. shock B. delight C. honor D. prize

2.A. sleep B. hide C. hunt D. guard

3.A. Look for B. run into C. guide D. follow

4.A. reward B. challenge C. answer D. impress

5.A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Instead

6.A. memory B. sight C. hearing D. weight

7.A. delayed B. risked C. stopped D. escaped

8.A. came out B. set out C. called out D. worked out

9.A. embarrassed B. disappointed C. relieved D. worried

10.A. safety B. health C. calm D. peace

11.A. Thankfully B. Interestingly C. Mercifully D. Undoubtedly

12.A. pillow B. suitcase C. closet D. kitchen

13.A. pride B. appetite C. confidence D. D.curiosity

14.A. relative B. colleague C. neighbor D. companion

15.A. prove B. forecast C. understand D. guarantee

16.A. soul B. view C. choice D. opinion

17.A. Honestly B. Joyfully C. Eventually D. Regretftilly

18.A. behavior B. happiness C. words D. love

19.A. give up B. turn back C. march on D. keep on

20.A. link B. compare C. share D. exchang

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