
16.The new School Safety Guidelines states that under no circumstances _______ leave the campus alone.(  )
A.a student is toB.is a student toC.a student be toD.be a student to

分析 新的学校安全指导指出,在任何情况下都不能一个学生独自离开校园.

解答 答案B.
否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词或词组置于句首作状语时,句子要部分倒装.常见的否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词或词组有:never,scarcely,hardly,rarely,seldom,little,not until,no sooner…than,hardly…when,scarcely…when (before),not only,in no case (in no way,at no time,on no account,by no means,under no circumstances,in no respects)(决不,在任何情况下都不),no longer/no more(不再).那么可排除没有使用倒装结构的A;C选项中的谓语动词使用不恰当,而且也没有使用部分倒装的结构;D选项虽然是部分倒装的结构,但是谓语动词使用不恰当;故答案选B.

点评 本题考查倒装句.倒装分为部分倒装和全部倒装,考试多为部分倒装.考生应掌握什么情况下需要倒装,并对倒装后的句子能够辨认出来.让学生了解倒装的基本概念和构成形式,对倒装句的辨认及正确运用.要对其它各种特殊的句式准确把握.

7.Busy as I am every day,I always open my computer and check my email.Most of the time I am simply doing finger exercises,another form of piano practice without beautiful tones.Sometimes,however,I receive a gift,reminding me of the gifts in my life.The following passage is one of those gifts.
Peter Jones is a 92-year-old,short,calm and proud man.Every morning he is fully dressed by eight o'clock,with his hair fashionably combed and face perfectly shaved even though he is unable to see anything.He would move to a nursing home today.His wife of 70 years old has recently passed away,making the move necessary.
After hours of waiting patiently in the entrance hall of the nursing home,he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.As he moved his walking stick skillfully to the elevator,the nurse provided a visual description of his tiny room."I love it,"he stated with enthusiasm."Mr.Jones,you haven't been the room,"said the nurse.
"That doesn't have anything to do with it,"he replied."Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged…it's how I arrange my mind.I have already decided to love it. It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up.I have a choice:I can spend the day in bed complaining of the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work,or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do."
Each day is a gift,and as long as we are alive.We'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories we've stored just as Mr.Jones does.

46.What do we know about Mr.Jones?A
A.He is a blind but very neat.
B.His wife died many years ago.
C.He likes playing the piano.
D.His room in the nursing home is big.
47.How did Mr.Jones feel about his room in the nursing home?D
A.worried    B.curious   C.disappointed    D.content
48.The underlined word"it"in paragraph 4 refers toB
A.the furniture     B.the room     C.a decision     D.a gift
49.What would be the best title for the text?A
A.Each Day is a Gift       
B.Be Always Grateful  
C.Living in a nursing room  
D.Arrange Your Mind Every Day.
1.Every parent wants their child to grow up to enjoy life and be successful.Each and every one of us has something that we don't want our children to experience as they get older.We protect them hoping they will never experience hurt,yet as they get older they come across their own struggles.
We often do everything we can to keep them from making the mistakes that we have made.Your children are not you.They are incredible little beings that choose you to experience life with.They are not little"mini me's"that will make the same mistakes we have made or learn the way we learn from our own experiences.They go to school,have experiences that they only tell us about,and understand the experiences through their own thoughts and feelings mixed in with family behavioral patterns.This is where you can make a difference.Be an example.
Teach your child how to live life by being the person you would want them to be-helping others,loving yourself and making no judgments about other people.As you learn this in your own self and apply it,your child won't need you to speak a word.If little Joannie doesn't want to share with another child,show them how to share.Show by example.
If you don't want other to  walk all over you,treat others as you want to be treated because there is a child learning behaviors from you.Be the example of what you want your child to be through your own positive thoughts and feelings.It is the best thing you can do for your child and yourself to ensure your child feel accepted and loved as they get older.

53.We can infer from the second paragraph thatD.
A.children are likely to make mistakes their parents made
B.children don't want to spend time with their family
C.children are like their parents in many ways
D.children base their actions on their thoughts
54.The underlined phrase"walk all over you"in the last paragraph probably means"D".
A.see your weaknesses
B.know your thoughts
C.learn your secrets
D.treat you badly
55.In the passage,the author expressesA.
A.his concern for the role parents play in families
B.his support for children's independence
C.his wonder at the potential(潜力)of children
D.his surprise at parents'stubbornness
56.Which of the following will be the best title for the passage?B
A.Make no judgments about others
B.Be the example in your child's life
C.Treat others as you want to be treated
D.Keep your child from making your mistakes.

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