












【答案】As a high school student,my study burden will be heavier than before.Therefore,I must make a good plan for my study to make the efforts effective and set some time aside for playing.

First,I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it.In addition,I will make plans for several short periods,such as monthly plans and weekly plans.Finally,a daily plan is necessary,too.Write down my tasks for every day and finish them strictly.I will remind myself not to put off my tasks.

With the help of these plans,I can arrange my time more reasonably and got some time to play.


【题目】On Tuesday, scientists announced that they have discovered the bones of four settlers in Jamestown, Virginia. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in what become the United States. The bones were unearthed under the floor of a Jamestown church which was discovered in 2010 and is considered as America,s first Protestant church.

The Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation at Historic Jamestowne and the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History announced that the settlers held high leadership positions. The men, Rev.Robert Hunt,Capt. Gabriel Archer,Sir Ferdinando Wainman,and Capt. William West, all played a role in the Jamestown settlement. After being lost to history for more than 400 years, the discovery of their remains provides new clues about their life and the importance of religion in the 1600s.

“This is a very important discovery,” Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation President James Horn said in a statement. “These men were among the first founders of English America."

About 100 people settled along the James River in what would become the first English settlement m 1607. During that time, settlers in Jamestown were faced with famine and disease The colony was nearlywiped outdue to conflict with Native Americans in the area and with other English settlers.

"They lived and died at a hard time in the history of the settlement , when Jamestown almost ended infailure," Horn said.“The bonesof these men help fill in the stories of their lives ”

The Smithsonian and the Rediscovery Foundationfound the remains in November of 2013. Scientists used 3-D technology to locate the exact gravesites of the men. The team wanted to identify its findings before announcing the discovery. They identified the men using historical records and studied the chemicals of the bones to learn what the men ate and where they came from.

Findings from the burials will go on display within weeks at Historic Jamestowne. The site also plans to honor the men and will keep their bones in a safe place for future study.

1The bones found in a Jamestown church_____________.

A. were first discovered in 2010

B. have been buried for over four centuries

C. have proved to be a family of four

D. are complete and easy to recognize

2The underlined phrase ‘wiped out” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to______________.

A. supported fully B. developed rapidly

C. destroyed completely D. protected successfully

3What can we learn from Paragraph 6 ?

A. How scientists keep the bones in good shape.

B. Why the four leaders were buried in Jamestown.

C. Why the four leaders chose to settle in Jamestown.

D. How scientists identified the four leaders.

4This text is most probably__________________.

A. a history paper B. a research paper

C. a newspaper report D. a warning message

【题目】Do you really know who you are? This is not a trick question but rather an honest understanding into the inner workings of each one of us. We usually share with our friends a piece of who we are, the piece that we want them to like or connect with. However, there is a secret, a hidden piece that doesn’t want to be noticed by others.

Our personal inner beliefs play a vital role in the way we think, act and live. They set us up to accept a belief and then it is the belief that separates our personal story. There are numerous people who have taken on the pain and suffering of their parents. Some have devoted their lives to living with lack; that is lack of love because they saw what they thought was love while in the crib (婴儿床) and it frightened them. Subconsciously (潜意识地) they made great efforts in their lives to avoid a similar experience.

Each one of us carries around with us our inner beliefs. If one of your beliefs is one that causes you to hold back from getting the perfect job or blocking love to come to you, that belief is a negative belief and one that needs to be dealt with if you are seeking a life of joy, contentment and personal success, whether it is emotional, spiritual, financial or physical.

Don’t let your blocked or frozen emotions guide the way you want to lead your life. Now it is your time to finally become victorious over those past situations that have upset you during your entire life and become the winner you were born to be.

1What is the author’s purpose with a question at the beginning?

A. To explain who we are really.

B. To introduce the main topic.

C. To show the author’s opinion.

D. To persuade people to share inner beliefs.

2We can infer that the author believes inner beliefs ________.

A. shape us B. block love to come

C. shouldn’t be hidden D. make us sad and painful

3What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. The love to come.

B. The negative belief.

C. The past painful experience.

D. The life of joy, contentment and personal success.

4Which of the following is the suggestion of the author?

A. Sharing our inner beliefs with others.

B. Ignoring blocked or frozen emotions.

C. Dealing with our negative inner beliefs wisely.

D. Having a deep understanding of our inner beliefs.

【题目】In eighth grade, I decided to try out for my school musical. I only made it through the first verse(节) before the drama teacher stopped me. It goes without saying that my Christmas song didnt get me any role.

Am I embarrassed? NO. Not just because it was ten years ago, but also because its such a great story to share. Why? I think the main reason is that admitting mistakes makes you easier to relate to. Interestingly enough, science confirms this theory.

Researchers have conducted many studies and have concluded that when someone makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way, they are found to be more likeable. In other words, if you’re able to do well and then you mess up, it shows your human side. This allows others to connect and relate to you, which in turn makes them like you more.

Growing up, I was type of student who had to get straight As and the type of athlete who always had to perform at the top of the game. The problem was that my standards were so ridiculously high that I was never happy. It was only when I learned to let go and forgive myself for my mistakes that I truly felt relaxed.

When one of your close friends or family members makes a mistake, are you quick to forgive and forget? Sadly, many of us often express more sympathy for others than ourselves. With each mistake coming a lesson, you will be better equipped to handle lifes challenges going forward.

More importantly, if you are always worried about looking silly, you will never be able to get improved. Even if you make a fool of yourself, it isnt the end of the world. Think about it: Whats the worst that can happen? In many cases, the reward often outweighs the risk.

1By writing the passage, the author wants to tell us ________.

A. it is time to forgive others

B. everyone may make mistakes

C. its okay to make mistakes

D. what can be done to forgive our mistakes

2What does the underlined part this theory probably refer to?

A. A mistake makes you more likeable.

B. An embarrassed person tends to act clumsily.

C. People mess up in life at times.

D. Its good to share a great story with others

3According to the passage, we know the author ________.

A. is pleased with her hard work

B. was once a person who wants things to be perfect

C. was happy with her high standard

D. never forgives herself for the mistakes she made

4What message is delivered in the last two paragraphs?

A. Making a fool of yourself.

B. Viewing mistakes as learning opportunities.

C. Admitting mistakes is risky.

D. People tend to feel sorry for themselves.

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