
A few years ago, I moved into a new house in Los Angeles. Soon after, a family moved in next door. It wasn’t the best of times for me. I had just divorced(离婚) from my second wife, and I wasn’t working. I’d come home each day and sit by myself in the backyard. One night, I heard someone from the yard next door, “Tom ! How are you, Tom? ” 
I couldn’t see anybody through the trees, but I answered, “I’ m good.”
“Good!” said the voice.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Eric.” Then I heard someone say, “Eric, don’t bother him.”
“Okay!” Eric said. “Talk to you tomorrow!”                                                                           
Months later, on Halloween, we finally met face to face. Eric came to the door dressed like a rap star. We became friends. We’d hang out in our yards, and Eric, who was almost 17 at the time and look liked a 13-year-old, would tell me his ideas and dreams. Eric’s dad, Alec Gores, is a billionaire(亿万富翁), the head of Gores Technology Group.
One day, Alec called me and said, “I know you are an actor. My son’s an actor, too. And he’s very good. I want you to write a movie for him. He wants to do something like True lies.” That’s the movie I made in 1994. His father has given Eric the great gif of confidence. He believes he can do anything he wants. He also offered to fund the movie. And that’s how The Kid & I, which opens in November, began.
Well, I really have to say that opportunity(机会)lies anywhere

  1. 1.

    What do we learn about the writer when he had just moved into his new house in Los Angele?

    1. A.
      He often came back very late
    2. B.
      He was working in the city at that time
    3. C.
      He and his second wife had just gotten divorced
    4. D.
      He often talks with others in the backyard
  2. 2.

    The writer of this passage is a(an)______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    What do we learn about Eric from the passage?

    1. A.
      He lives alone with his father
    2. B.
      He has a very rich father
    3. C.
      He often feels very lonely
    4. D.
      He is a rap star
  4. 4.

    The second last paragraph(倒数第二段)mainly tells us______.

    1. A.
      how The Kid & I began
    2. B.
      the roles in The Kid & I
    3. C.
      how the writer met Eric’s father
    4. D.
      what The Kid & I is about
  5. 5.

    From his experience in Los Angeles, the writer learnt that______.

    1. A.
      where there is a will, there is a way
    2. B.
      one should always learn from the past
    3. C.
      one can find opportunity anywhere
    4. D.
      life can always be better
1.细节题。从第一段I had just divorced(离婚) from my second wife, and I wasn’t working. I’d come home each day and sit by myself in the backyard.中可知作者和他的第二任妻子离婚了,也没有工作,每天独自坐在后院里。故选C
2.细节题。第八段One day, Alec called me and said, “I know you are an actor.可知,作者是一名演员。故选B
3.细节题。第七段Months later, on Halloween, we finally met face to face. Eric came to the door dressed like a rap star. We became friends. We’d hang out in our yards, and Eric, who was almost 17 at the time and look liked a 13-year-old, would tell me his ideas and dreams. Eric’s dad, Alec Gores, is a billionaire(亿万富翁), the head of Gores Technology Group. 在万圣节上,Eric的装扮像一个说唱歌手,他的父亲是个亿万富翁,是戈尔科技集团的总裁。并没有说,他只和他父亲生活在一起,也未提到他感到过寂寞。故选B
5.主旨题。最后一段I really have to say that opportunity(机会)lies anywhere.作者不得不说,机会无处不在。故选C


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


"Daddy" Bruce Randolph was around five-feet-eight and slightly built.At the age of sixty-one, he   36   Daddy Bruce's Barbecue Restaurant in the "Five Points" area, a   37   section of Denver.There is debate about   38   his ribs(排骨) were the best in town but no debate on the man himself.He fed people - not just his   39   , but the poor and the homeless.Every Thanksgiving, Daddy and his son began   40   for the crowds of the homeless.He wanted them to have a great    41   on the one day this country celebrates Thanksgiving.

In the   42   years of his project, he paid for everything out-of-pocket.But as time went by, the   43   sky-rocketed as the crowds grew.That's when Daddy's admirers, athletes, politicians, policemen   44   others stepped in to   45   .They donated tons of turkeys, potatoes and ribs and even donated their   46   to stand beside the old man and volunteered to cook and   47   .

It seemed there was an endless   48   of food to feed the crowds.No one ever walked away 

   49   from Daddy Bruce.It was Daddy who started the whole thing and managed it   50  

a few year ago when he edged toward ninety.He had become too   51   to work anymore.He was one of die few people who lived to see a city street   52   in his honor—“Bruce Randolph Boulevard".A couple of years later.Daddy Bruce died.When asked why he   53   to feed the thousands of poor and hungry people for over twenty-five years, his   54   was simple, "You can't beat love.If you give just one thing, you get more things   55   .That’s why I do it."

36.A.built B.opened       C.passed      D.sold

37.A.poor           B.rich    C.beautiful   D.lonely

38.A.what          B.why    C.where       D.whether

39.A.customers         B.admirers    C.friends      D.volunteers

40.A.cooking     B.looking       C.caring        D.waiting

41.A.holiday      B.surprise     C.dinner       D.thank

42.A.early          B.later  C.past D.recent

43.A.prices        B.foods C.customers         D.costs

44.A.as soon as B.as many as         C.as far as   D.as well as

45.A.pay       B.buy     C.interview D.help

46.A.money       B.time   C.dinner       D.food

47.A.serve         B.pay     C.eat    D.share

48.A.supply       B.hope  C.exchange           D.production

49.A.happy        B.angry C.thankful    D.hungry

50.A.before       B.after  C.until D.since

51.A.long B.old      C.hopeless   D.discouraged

52.A.named      B.remembered     C.built D.praised

53.A.helped       B.supported C.expected D.volunteered

54.A.question   B.love    C.reply          D.plan

55.A.away         B.back   C.out    D.down


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