
It was the Year from Hell-September 1993 to September 1994-the dog died, my marriage of 24 years ended, and my house burned down. I had moved into a new rented house with my youngest son, after my husband and I split up. We'd been in the house just six weeks. I went to a dinner party one night, and as I drove home, I saw helicopters hovering in the general vicinity of my new home. Smoke was billowing into the sky, and sirens were wailing. As I got closer, I thought, Wouldn't it be awful if that was my house? Then I turned the corner, and sure enough, it was my house.

I was devastated. It had been such a horrible year, and now everything I owned had gone up in smoke. Mementos, baby pictures, family keepsakes, clothes, furniture-everything was destroyed. My marriage was gone, my dog was gone, my home was gone, and all my worldly possessions, except my car and the clothes on my back, were gone too.

My son and I stayed with a friend for a couple of nights. Then my friend Gail heard about the fire, called me up, and said, "Come move into my house. I have seven bedrooms and five bathrooms-plenty of space for you and your son." It was a sprawling ranch house on a double lot in La Jolla, with an ocean view, to boot. Gail had three kids at home, but there was still plenty of room for me and my son, Sutton. Her offer was a godsend. Little did I know that her offer of a temporary place to stay would turn into a living arrangement that lasted two and a half years.

Gail and I had a lot in common. We had both been raised Catholic and our unconscious minds had been programmed the same way-we saw ourselves as good little Catholic girls who were gonna stay married forever. But both of our husbands decided they didn't want to be married anymore, and so here we were, two single mothers, dazed, confused, and in a fog. We had followed the rules... why were we not happy? Gail and I spent the next couple of years sorting out a lot of things together.

After we moved in, I soon began to look for a permanent place to live. After a few weeks, Gail said, "Please don't leave. I've never had so much freedom!" Having me in the house meant someone to help take care of her kids, someone to share cooking and gardening, and someone to share day-to-day life. She loved having me there, and I loved being there. So we stayed.

It was an important chapter in my life. Gail and I gardened together, talking back and forth as we worked in the soil. We both needed time to heal from our divorces, time to sort out the confusion, time to get some clarity on the past and some focus on the future. It was a time of deeper insight and spiritual growth for both of us. Over time, I grew to realize how strong I really was, how even-tempered, and how I really could get my act together and go on with my life.

Gail's generosity was more than anyone could ever ask or expect from a friend. She gave me a safe haven in which to mourn and heal and grow into the next chapter of my life. She showed her love in countless ways. I am eternally grateful to have a friend like Gail.

I'm also grateful for the lessons I learned from the fire and the other losses that came so suddenly, so fast. Much to my surprise, I found gratitude among the ashes. I was tested sorely-literally trial by fire. But, like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes strong and whole. I would not be the person I am today if not for that Year from Hell.

1.Why did the writer say Sep 1993 to Sep 1994 was the Year from Hell?

A、She got divorced from her husband

B、Both of her houses were burned down

C、She met some misfortune one after another

D、Her dog was killed in the big fire

2.What did the writer and Gail have in common?

A、Both of them had one son

B、Both of them believed in the same faith

C、Both of them lost the home

D、Both of them decided to divorce

3.How did the writer spend the days with Gail?

A、She looked after the 4 kids alone

B、She planted some flowers with Gail

C、She shared the same bedroom with Gail

D、They did some cleaning together

4.which is the right order of the following events?

①、She wanted to find a permanent house

②、She shared cooking with Gail

③、She went to a dinner party one night

④、She stayed with a friend for a couple of days

⑤、She lost her dog

A、③⑤④①② B、④①⑤③② C、 ③④②⑤① D、①③⑤④②

5.What is the best title for the text?

A、Generosity from a friend

B、Recover from the pain

C、The Year from Hell

D、Gratitude among the ashes
















More and more people take part in marathons these days – over 30,000 people will run the London Marathon this weekend, for instance. But it’s not just the 26 miles and 385 yards that could be a daunting prospect. “I have to admit to being completely frustrated by the blocking and for 18-19 miles was just keeping away from people and being held up,” one participant grumbled after the 2012 London Marathon. “I had to overtake a lot of people and ended up with bruised(淤肿的)forearms from all the elbows,” said another.

How do such crowding problems arise, and could they be reduced? Some researchers believe that we can find the answers through a more familiar system in which jams appear – road traffic flow. Martin Treiber, of the Technical University of Dresden in Germany, has previously developed models for traffic flow. One of the first attempts to model traffic flow was made in the 1950s by James Lighthill and his collaborator Gerard Whitham of Manchester University. They considered the traffic as a kind of liquid flowing down a pipe, and looked at how the flow changes as the fluid gets denser(浓稠). At first the flow rate increases as the density increases, since you simply get more stuff through in the same period of time. But if the density becomes too high, there’s a risk of jams, and the flow rate drops sharply.

Treiber’s model of a marathon uses this same principle that the flow rate first increases and then decreases as the density of runners increases, thanks to an sudden switch from free to crowded flow. He assumes that there is a range of different preferred speeds for different runners, which each maintains throughout the race. With just these factors, Treiber can calculate the flow rate of runners, knowing the “carrying capacity”(承载能力)at each point on the route.

This allows Treiber to figure out how blocking might depend on the race conditions – for example, for different starting procedures. Some marathons start by letting all the runners set off at once (which means those at the back have to wait until those in front have moved forward). Others assign runners to various groups according to ability, and let them start in a series of waves.

Treiber has applied the model to the annual Rennsteig half-marathon in central Germany, which attracts around 6,000 participants. The traditional route had to be changed in 2013, because the police were no longer willing to close a road to ensure that runners could cross safely. It could pass either over a 60m wooden bridge or through a tunnel. Treiber used his model to predict the likely blocking caused in the various options. The model predicted that a mass start would risk an overload of runners if the bridge were to be used. Only by moving the starting point further back from the bridge could the danger be avoided – and even then, if some of the numbers assumed in the model were only slightly inaccurate, there was still a risk of jams at the bridge. On the other hand, no dangerous blocking seemed likely for the tunnel route. The run organizers consulted Treiber’s team, and eventually chose this option.

1.What is the worst thing while running a marathon?

A. The long distance. B. Too many participants.

C. The dangerous blocking. D. Serious injuries in forearms.

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. James Lighthill is the first expert trying to model traffic flow.

B. The denser the flow is, the faster the flow rate becomes.

C. The flow rate increases in the beginning because fewer people passed together.

D. The flow rate increases first and then decreases later when the flow is too denser.

3.What is NOT true about the Rennsteig?

A. It has much less participants than the London Marathon in 2014.

B. It has a shorter distance than the London Marathon.

C. The route was changed because the traditional one is not safe any longer.

D. The participants running this marathon will pass a tunnel because this choice is safer.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Make a comparison between marathon and road traffic.

B. Running a marathon is somewhat dangerous if it is not well organized.

C. Introduce a new technology to solve the blocking problem in marathon.

D. Some advice for people who are to run a marathon.



I was in the ninth year at St Joseph’s High School, when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed, but felt that since I’d always been a responsible girl and a good student, this was just a temporary 21 .

Unfortunately, that was not to be. I didn’t have many friends. I could never share my 22. A deep insecurity destroyed my self-confidence. Soon I 23 to attend classes for many days. I would shut myself in my room for hours.

The examinations were approaching, 24 I simply didn’t care. My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance.

One morning, after a particularly 25 lecture from Dad, I stood depressed, in the school assembly. 26 , as the other students marched to their classroom, our principal 27 me. I made my way to Sister Sylvia’s office.

The next 45 minutes were the most 28 moments of my life. Sister Sylvia said she’d noticed a big 29 in me. She wanted to know why I was lagging in studies, so frequently 30 and unhappy. She took my hand in hers and 31 patiently as I spilled out my worries. She then 32 me as I sobbed my pent-up (压抑的)emotions out. Months of frustration and loneliness 33 in her motherly hug.

No one had tried to 34 what the real problem was, but my principal had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such 35 and caring.

As the examinations approached again, I studied 36 . When the results were 37 , everybody was pleased, but happiest of all was my principal.

I soon made new friends and was happy 38 . But whenever I had a problem, I could always slip into Sister Sylvia’s office for a(n) 39 .

Today I’m a 40 young woman doing my MA and hoping to become a writer. I’ve become an inspiration to several of my friends and cousins, thanks to a kind nun who cared.

1.A. basis B. stageC. adjustment D. solution

2.A. viewpointsB. experiences C. problems D. dreams

3.A. skipped B. refused C. regretted D. forgot

4.A. otherwiseB. thoughC. butD. or

5.A. severe B. public C. popularD. formal

6.A. Also B. Therefore C. Still D. Then

7.A. attractedB. accompaniedC. calledD. instructed

8.A. preciousB. curious C. anxious D. serious

9.A. quality B. change C. mistake D. faith

10.A. absent B. dishonestC. aggressiveD. calm

11.A. looked B. waited C. listened D. worked

12.A. hugged B. acknowledge C. observed D. educated

13.A. passed awayB. rode awayC. drove awayD. melted away

14.A. reveal B. understand C. realizeD. doubt

15.A. dignityB. courageC. attentionD. satisfaction

16.A. hard B. aloneC. closelyD. abroad

17.A. declaredB. obtainedC. appliedD. compared

18.A. foreverB. againC. anyhowD. instead

19.A. requestB. effectC. reasonD. chat

20.A. mature B. quietC. smartD. happy


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