
7.I'm going to pay a visit to Mr Wang,without _______help I couldn't have been admitted to a   key university.(  )

分析 我要去拜访王老师,要是没有他的帮助,我是考不上这所重点大学的.

解答 答案:B
该题考查"介词+关系代词"引导定语从句,先行词为Mr Wang,在定语从句中,help与Mr Wang存在所属关系,即help为王老师给出的帮助,所以关系代词应选用whose,另根据固定搭配with/without one′s help"在/没有某人的帮助下",help前也应该用whose来修饰限定,故选B.

点评 考查定语从句时,遵循以下步骤:1、确定先行词;2、分析从句结构(看是否缺少名词性成分)3、确定关系词.

18.John Wesley Powell(1834-1902)Was a famous explorer of the American West.When he Was young,his mother put him under the guidance of George Crookham,a self-taught scientist,from whom he received a wide,but informal,education.Young John learned many things about the natural sciences.But his father preferred him to study religion.The argument continued for three years.Then John decided to leave home to seek further education.He soon discovered that he knew more about science than any teacher he met.He realized that the only good scientific education in the country came from colleges in the east,like Harvard and Yale.But he Was too poor to go to them,SO he got work as a school teacher in Illinois.Whenever possible,he went on scientific trips of his own.  
In 1861,civil war broke out in the United States.John joined the Union forces of the North.At the battle of Shiloh Powell lost his right arm.Despite his disability,he began his famous exploration of the Colorado River on May 24 1869.
It Was one of the greatest trips of discovery in the history of America.Never before had any white men traveled to that area.The trip Was far more dangerous than expected.The rivers were filled with rocky areas and waterfalls.Sometimes,the boats overturned or broke into pieces against big rocks.All along the way,Powell measured distances,temperatures,heights,depths and currents.He examined soils,rocks and plant life.Powell'S explorations led to the creation of US Geological Survey,which became responsible for all mapping and scientific programs of American lands.
Powell's scientific studies of western lands shaped his ideas of how those lands should be used.He suggested programs to control both crop farming and cattle raising.He Was especially concerned about water supplies.Many of his ideas were rejected at first and were not signed into law until years after his death because they were far ahead of his time.
66.Who do you think had a major influence on John Wesley Powell'S life?B
A.His mother.   
B.George Crookham.
C.His father.    
D.The teachers in Harvard and Yale.
67.John argued with his father becauseC.
A.his father refused him to leave home   
B.he wanted to go to college
C.his father wanted him to study religion
D.he wanted to work instead of study
68.The author wrote about John's experience of the civil war in order to show his following  characters exceptC.
A.his courage          B.his determination
C.his bad fortune      D.his braveness
69.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?B
A.The great discovery Powell made for America.
B.The difficulties and importance of Powell's exploration.
C.The way Powell carried out his great exploration.
D.The cause of the creation of US Geological Survey.
70.From the text we can see thatD
A.Harvard University gave Powell much support for his exploration
B.John was the first American to travel to the Colorado River
C.most of Powell'S ideas were signed into law before he died
D.Powell'S explorations caused the creation of US Geological Survey.
2.Although most hitchhikers(搭便车的人)are people,passers-by tend to ignore them because they are cautious about giving rides to strangers.But what will they do if they come across a hitchhiking robot?Will they take it to its destination or will they just leave the helpless machine by the wayside?
That is the answer Canadian professors,David Harris Smith and Frauke Zeller,who study  the relationship between humans and technology,are seeking for after they came up with the idea of building a hitchhiking robot.
HitchBOT is built with cheap household items.Thanks to a PC tablet,GPS tracker and camera,hitchBOT not only can send its thoughts and pictures to the general public,but also can answer general questions and keep drivers entertained with small talks.The smart robot is even able to quote(引用)interesting facts about the areas it has passed through.
Not surprisingly,many people are doubtful about hitchBOT's ability.Most people think the cute robot will be damaged by someone.Actually,they are all wrong.The robot hitchhiked all the way from Halifax,Nova Scotia,to Victoria,British Columbia,a distance of 3,700miles.It was first picked up on July 27th by an elderly couple.It not only reached its destination on August 21st,but also had some amazing adventures along the way.It visited national parks,went fishing,went camping,and even attended a wedding where it experienced its first dance and interrupted the bride's speech.
In addition to helping it get to its destination,its Canadian fans have gone out to ensure its safety-from coveting the robot with a plastic cape(披肩)to help keep it dry to ensuring that it stays healthy with motor oil.

24.Why is the hitchhiking robot built?B
A.To help passers-by reach their destinations.
B.To find out how people might react to it.
C.To see if it will give tides to strangers.
D.To entertain drivers on their way.
25.The hitchBOT can do all of the following exceptD.
A.talking with the driver    
B.dancing with people
C.sending its thoughts and pictures
 D.answering any question raised
26.How long did it take the hitchBOT to reach its destination?A
A.Nearly a month.    
B.Over one month.    
C.Two months.
D.One week.
27.What can we learn about the hitchBOT?C
A.It was ignored by an elderly couple.
B.It didn't meet with any danger along the way.
C.It experienced a long and amazing journey.
D.It will be put into the market quickly.
5.On a recent trip to California,I stopped by Natural Bridges,where the monarch butterflies overwinter.Many years ago,I livedclose enough to it that I could walk there regularly and study their gatherings-the most memorable experiences when living in California,This visit,however,turned out to be disappointing.Though the way to the protected monarch garden looked just as I remembered it,I spotted only a few butterflies there.So I had to drive about a mile south to Lighthouse Field a more open area visited by large numbers of bikers,dog walkers and tourists.Many monarehs-at least several hundred-gathered in a small forest of pines there.Why had they moved to this less hospitable habitat-John Dayton,a biologist from San Jose provided an answer.During the 1990s,a deadly disease killed off most large pines sheltering the monarch habitats at Natural Bridges,forcing monarchs to seek shelter elsewhere.Still,since the mid-1990s,the number of overwintering monarchs in California has declined by nearly 90 percent.Butterfly populations at Santa Paula  alone,for example,have dropped from about 120,000 to less than 1,000-the lowest figure in two decades.
In California,coastal development has reduced the area suitable for overwintering monarchs. Illegal logging,poorly regulated tourism and water withdrawals near the butterfly habitais are also  endangering the butterflies.
Throughout the butterflies'North American range,declines in milkweed plants-which monarchs need to reproduce-are also knocking down the insect's numbers.Chemicals are widely applied,wiping out the milkweed once growing in the agricultural land.
Climate change may worsen the monarchs'situation.As atmospheric levels of CO2 continue to rise,milkweeds are likely to produce fewer toxic compounds(有毒化合物) that protect both butterflies and caterpillars (幼虫) from their enemies.Milkweed leaves also may get tougher. Caterpillars will have a harder time chewing the leaves.
66.Why did the author feel disappointed during his revisit to Natural Bridges?C
A.Because it had been overpopulated with Monarchs.
B.Because the monarch's living habit was changed a lot.
C.Because fewer monarch butterflies overwintered there.
D.Because the people there were not so hospitable as before.
67.Where did the author find those monarchs moved?A
A.Natural Bridges                  B.Lighthouse Field                  
C.San Jose                         D.Santa Paula
68.What caused a sharp decline of overwintering monarchs according to Para 3?A
A.The loss of large pines.        B.A disease of monarchs.
C.Water pollution.                D.Too many caterpillars.
69.According to the passage,the decline of the milkweeds is connected withD.
A.coastal development              B.illegal logging
C.poorly regulated tourism        D.the abuse of chemicals
70.Which diagram shows correctly how the passage is developed?(P=paragraph)D

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