
_________ for his good skill,this doctor has a lot of visitors calling for help all the time.
A. Knowing                               B. To know
C. Known                                 D. To have known




I cry easily. I cried when a boy in the film suffered from an incurable disease. I cried when an athlete broke a world record.

 One night my wife and I were going to dinner at a friend ' s.As we went towards the house, I noticed a car pulling out from the sidewalk.Just ahead, another car was waiting to back into the parking space.But before he could do so a yellow car came up from behind and sneaked into the space.

While my wife went ahead into our friend' s house, I stepped into the street.

“Hey,” I said, “this parking space belongs to that guy.” I gestured towards the man ahead, who was looking back angrily.At that moment I was feeling pretty manly.

 “ Mind your own business!” the driver told me.

 “No,” I said.“You don' t understand.That fellow was waiting to back into this space.”

 Things quickly heated up, until finally he jumped out of the car.My God, he was extremely large.He grabbed me and shook his rock of a fist at me.I tasted blood.I was terrified.

Almost in a panic, I ran to my friend ' s front door.As a former Marine (海军) , as a man, I felt absolutely embarrassed as my wife and friends asked me what had happened.All I could say was that I had had an argument about a parking space.They were sensitive and let it go at that.

Perhaps half an hour later, the doorbell rang.For some reason I was sure that the huge man had returned for me.My blood ran cold.My hostess got up to answer it, but I stopped her.I knew I had to face up to my fear.

I opened the door.There he stood.“I came back to apologize,” he said in a low voice.“I am ashamed of myself.The Brooklyn Navy Yard where I've worked for ten years is closing.Today I got laid off.I' m not myself.I hope you’ ll accept my apology.”

 I remembered that after I closed the door, I stood there for a few minutes alone with tears in my eyes.

1.What did the author do when a yellow car drove into the parking space?

 A.He beat the driver.

 B.He blamed the driver.

 C.He asked the driver to apologize.

 D.He ran to his friend' s house for help.

2.What do we know about the yellow car' s driver?

 A.He was rude and liked fighting.

 B.He was famous for his bad temper.

 C.He lost his job and felt terrible that day.

 D.He tried to get the author' s parking space.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

 A.I became quite calm.

 B.I felt extremely frightened.

 C.I couldn't move with cold.

 D.I was too angry to say anything.

4.What kind of person is the author?

 A.Direct and serious.           B.Humorous and open - minded.

 C.Honest and ambitious.         D.Warm - hearted and understanding


They may make us scared, but somehow we just can’t get enough of our favorite monsters.From literature to movies, TV shows to Halloween(万圣节) costumes(服装), we want more of these blood-drinking, walking-dead, scary creatures!

Here’s a look at a few of them.

Mummy(木乃伊): All you’ll need is a generous supply of toilet paper of make this instantly recognizable costume.The concept of mummies dates back thousands of years and across many cultures.Mummies are constantly seen in books, movies, and of course, on every Halloween night.

Werewolf(狼人): The werewolf is known for its superhuman strength and shape-shifting powers.Examples of the werewolf date back to ancient Greek and Roman stories, which were about humans changing into animals and animals changing into humans.With television shows and movies, werewolves are once again having a strong influence on popular culture.

Frankenstein: Mary Shelley created the monster in her 1818 novel.Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who is curious about life and death, uses different body parts to create his works.Shocked by his new scientific creation, however, Victor ran away, leaving the creature to leave the laboratory and go out into the human world.Whether in books, movies, or onstage, this monster is still a costume favorite for people of all ages.

Zombie(僵尸): Halloween activities would incomplete without zombies to really give people a fright.The zombie earned its title as one of Halloween’s most terrifying creatures after popular films.Zombies still frighten audiences as undead monsters that return to feast on the living.

Dracula(德拉库拉): This classic vampire(吸血鬼) has terrified audiences for decades, but first appeared as a character in Irish writer Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel.In horror films, Dracula remains the most popular character.He is known for his pale skin, sharp teeth, red lips and son on.

1.According to the article, monsters ______.

A.are scary but at the same time fascinating

B.provide excitement for people who lead dull lives

C.are mysterious and have supernatural powers

D.can change into humans

2.Which of the following statements about monster costume is TRUE according to the article?

A.A zombie costume is the choice costume of people celebrating Halloween.

B.A mummy costume is easy to make and can be immediately recognized.

C.Frankenstein’s monster is losing appeal(吸引力) among some people.

D.Because of its uniqueness, the Dracula costume is the most popular for Halloween.

3.We can conclude that ______.

A.Dracula is the only monster who first appeared in a book

B.mummies may come back to life in the future

C.Victor Frankenstein was finally able to get his monster under control

D.Frankenstein’s monster was created using different body parts

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Monster Halloween Costumes

B.Monsters and Halloween

C.Monsters Loved by people

D.How Monsters Scare People


Shakespeare's life can be divided into three periods: the first 20 years in Stratford, which includes his schooling,early marriage, and fatherhood;the next 25 years as an actor and playwright (剧作家) in London; and the last five in retirement back in Stratford where he enjoyed the wealth gained from his theatrical (戏剧的) successes. The years linking the first two periods are marked by a lack of information about Shakespeare, and are often referred to as the “dark years”.

Shakespeare probably left school at 15, and took some sorts of jobs, especially since this was the period of his father’s financial difficulty. A great number of references in his plays suggest that William may have in fact worked for his father, thus gaining specialized knowledge.

At some point during the “dark years”, Shakespeare began his career with a London theatrical company — perhaps in 1589 — for he was already an actor and playwright in 1592. Shakespeare apparently wrote and acted for Pembroke’s Men, as well as a lot of others, in particular Strange’s Men, which later became the Chamberlain’s Men.

When, in 1592, the theaters were closed for about two years, due to a terrible disease. Shakespeare turned to writing book-length poetry. Most notable were Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, both of which have been translated into many languages and even been included in students’ textbooks. During this same period, Shakespeare was writing his sonnets (十四行诗), which are more likely signs of the time’s fashion rather than actual love poems detailing any particular relationship. He returned to play writing when theater reopened in 1594, and published no more poetry. His sonnets were published without his permission in 1609, shortly before his retirement. His final play was Henry VIII, two years before his death in 1616.

1.Why did Shakespeare take some sorts of jobs at the age of 15 and didn’t go on studying?

A. Because his family was badly off at that time.  

B. Because he liked his job more than studying.    

C. Because he wanted to be an actor in London.   

D. Because he wanted to open his own company.

2.Which of the following words can take the place of the underlined word “notable” in the last paragraph?

A. long                        B. fashionable                             C. famous                            D. educational

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Shakespeare didn’t write any plays between 1592 and 1594.

B. Shakespeare’s sonnets were written between 1592 and 1594.

C. After writing Henry VIII, Shakespeare wrote nothing.

D. Shakespeare published his sonnets in 1609.



Last night, when I was driving back home, I noticed a hitchhiker(搭便车的人) who was having no luck getting a ride. I rolled down my  36  and signed to the man to my car. I asked him where he was  37  and he told me he needed a  38  to his doctor’s office which would close in 15 minutes. I told him to  39  and he gratefully did so.

40  he got in he told me that he was a  41  and went out to sea for weeks at a time. He took medicine for his nerves and  42  to get another prescription(处方) before he left on the boat. He said that he had prayed (祈祷) 43  would stop for him so he could be there before the  44      office closed. With some  45  driving we managed to make it there in about 10  46. I then asked him how he  47  on getting back home and he said he could walk. “I’ll patiently  48      for you and bring you back,” I told him. He  49  me and said he should only be about 15 minutes.

Afterwards he got back in my 50 and tried his hardest to pay me back: offering me dinner, gas money, even offering to ship me 40 lbs of scallops (海扇贝)! I  51  refused, gave him a smile card and asked him to help someone else the next time he had a  52. I drove him back to where I had picked him up and  53  one more “thank you” he was on his way.

I feel that the universe  54   provides us with what we need. In the man’s  55  it was a ride, in mine the opportunity to help someone else.

1.A. wheel       B. window                        C. engine                          D. door

2.A. heading           B. working                        C. living                             D. studying

3.A. walk                 B. talk                                C. trip                                D. ride

4.A. go out              B. run away                      C. get in                            D. lie down

5.A. As far as        B. As soon as                   C. Even if                         D. Just before

6.A. farmer        B. pianist                          C. doctor                           D. fisherman

7.A. needed            B. stopped                        C. agreed                          D. preferred

8.A. someone         B. nobody                         C. anyone                         D. everybody

9.A. teacher’s        B. doctor’s                       C. manager’s                   D. captain’s

10.A. good             B. normal                          C. wrong                          D. fast

11.A. days               B. hours                           C. minutes                        D. weeks

12.A. focused         B. depended                              C. turned                         D. planned

13.A. look               B. call                               C. wait                             D. drive

14.A. doubted        B. thanked                      C. greeted                       D. accepted

15.A. car                  B. home                           C. office                           D. shop

16.A. politely          B. angrily                         C. immediately              D. surprisingly

17.A. dream                     B. problem                       C. chance                        D. choice

18.A. before           B. until                     C. besides                         D. after

19.A. never            B. always                         C. sometimes                  D. seldom

20.A. opinion          B. way                              C. case                             D. condition


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