
"Remember, your father is only one year older than you." That was Mom's usual excuse when Dad said the  36  things or did something foolish.
Dad  37  drinking exactly one year before I was born.He  38   a group of other people who had also stopped drinking.I loved my dad but I  39  the way his weekly meetings took him away from me.It seemed they were more  40   to him than I was.But with my  41   coming up I thought Dad would make an exception."Can" t you  42   it just this time? Saturday is my birthday! " I begged him.He  43  , "I'm chairing the meeting this Saturday.We will have your party on Sunday."
Saturday evening I sat on my bed, feeling  44   for myself.Dad started to leave, then  45   and said, "Why not come with me tonight? It' s an open meeting.All are  46  ." What would I do at a meeting? But maybe I needed to see why something Dad did every week   47  so much。
After we arrived, Dad announced the  48  of the meeting was going to be gratitude."Today I'm  49   seventeen years of stopping drinking, " he continued."One year after quitting drinking I received the most  50   gift of my life, my daughter.I'm so grateful that she has  51   seen me drunk." Shame washed over me.
Later, a man called Dave also told his  52 .Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life from drinking.Dad was the _53_ he was at the meeting that day.Showing up week after week and  54  with people, Dad was changing lives.I was so  55   of him.

A.forgotB.explored C.regrettedD.hated
A.sorryB.readyC.good D.guilty
A.surprisedB.prepared C.welcomeD.excited
A.benefitedB.required C.offeredD.mattered
A.tiredB.proud C.fondD.ashamed


【小题1】考查形容词:A.wrong错误的B.kind好心的C.careful仔细的D.serious严肃的,从后面的did something foolish.可知是说错话。选A
【小题2】考查动词:A.considered   考虑B.enjoyed享受C.quitted放弃D.practiced练习,爸爸在我出生前一年戒酒的。后面的who had also stopped drinking.也是暗示。选C
【小题4】考查动词:A.forgot   忘记B.explored探索C.regretted后悔D.hated讨厌吗,从前面的I loved my dad but 可知是即喜欢爸爸也讨厌他经常和别人聚会离开我,选D
【小题5】考查形容词:A.important重要的B.funny   滑稽的C.successful成功的D.helpful有帮助的,似乎他们对他比我还重要。选A
【小题6】考查名词:A.exam考试B.chance计划C.fortune运气,财产,D.birthday生日,从下文的Saturday is my birthday! 可知作者的生日就要到了。选D
【小题8】考查动词:A.declared宣布B.promised答应C.continued继续D.refused拒绝,从爸爸的回答:"I'm chairing the meeting this Saturday.We will have your party on Sunday."可知是拒绝了。选D
【小题9】考查形容词:A.sorry对不起,难过,B.ready准备好的C.good 好的D.guilty内疚的,有罪的,句意:我坐在床上,为自己感到难过。选A
【小题10】考查动词:A.parked停车B.paused暂停,停顿C.doubted怀疑 D.wondered想知道,句意:爸爸开始走了,然后停下来,说…,选B
【小题11】考查形容词:A.surprised惊讶的B.prepared准备好的C.welcome受欢迎的D.excited兴奋的,从前面的It' s an open meeting.可知什么都是受欢迎的。选C
【小题12】考查动词:A. benefited受益B. required要求C. offered提供D. mattered重要,句意:可能我要看看为什么爸爸每周做的事情这么重要。选D
【小题13】考查名词:A. theme   主题B. result  结果C. origin起源D. secret秘密,爸爸宣布会议的主题是“感激”,选A
【小题14】考查动词:A. facing  面对B. performing  表演C. celebrating庆祝D. suffering遭受,句意:今天我要庆祝戒酒17年。选C
【小题15】考查形容词:A. precious宝贵的B. expensive昂贵的C. generous慷慨的D. attractive有吸引力的,句意:在戒酒一年后我得到一生中最宝贵的礼物。选A
【小题16】考查副词:A. Ever曾经B. never从不C. nearly几乎D. seldom很少,我很感激她从没看见我喝醉过。选B
【小题17】考查名词:A. joke玩笑B. puzzle迷C. response回答D. story故事,一个叫Dave的人也分享了他的故事。选D
【小题18】考查名词:A. value   价值B. result结果C. purpose目的D. reason原因,爸爸四他参加这个会议的原因。选D
【小题19】考查动词:A. living生活B. meeting见面C. arguing争论D. moving移动,每周都来和人们见面。选B
【小题20】考查形容词:A. tired疲劳的B. proud骄傲的C. fond喜欢的D. ashamed羞愧的,我为爸爸感到自豪。选B




Perhaps you’ve attended some parties. But like New York,where a party or dinner often __36__ business with pleasure, a Washington party is a __37__ part of the business of politics, the business of making __38__ connections.

Some Washington parties have a __39__ aura (气氛) about them, depending on who gives them and who is there, but most parties are open-house __40__ in fact, with the hosts not knowing most of the __41__ who are there.

I went to a few of these parties __42__ I wanted to see the inside of some of the Washington mansions (公馆) I had __43__ so much about. Almost every time during the evening some man would come close to talk with me __44__, we didn’t know each other at all. Such a __45__ exchange clearly proves “a gathering of friends” __46__ Washington party standards. You don’t even need an __47__ to attend many Washington parties. You just have to know about them. No Washington hostess would __48__ her servants to ask you who you were. Most of the bigger parties, those with 300 or 400 guests, __49__ to impress somebody, and Washingtonians  __50__.

Most members of the Congress ,for example, __51__ middle-class backgrounds in smaller communities __52__ the country. They are dazzled (眼花缭乱的) by __53__. They are dazzled by big names. They are ready to help Washington __54__ hostesses. They go along with them because they are good friends or they don’t notice that they __55__ or they don’t care if they are.

. A. follows         B. connects           C. mixes            D. goes

. A. daily           B. necessary          C. chief             D. cheap

. A. still            B. cruel              C. mental           D. important

A. social          B. nervous            C. terrible           D. simple

A. events          B. affairs             C. conferences       D. games

A. guests          B. customers          C. guards           D. guides

A. so that          B. in order that        C. as if            D. because

A. found           B. noticed           C. heard           D. wrote

A. since           B. though            C. when           D. whether

A. common        B. strict              C. public          D. special

A. including       B. comparing with      C. according to     D. depending on

A. invitation       B. envelope           C. instrument       D. acceptance

A. refuse          B. allow              C. agree           D. warn

A. are given        B. give              C. are supplied      D. supply

A. easily forget     B. hardly remember    C. easily impress    D. are easily impressed

A. hear from       B. write to            C. come from      D. call out

A. over           B. below             C. between        D. across

A. money         B. equal              C. freedom        D. discussion

A. strange         B. famous            C. poor           D. stupid

A. are using        B. are being used      C. are obeying     D. are being obeyed



    There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people   36   to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you   37   is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times   39   outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely   40  . The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are   41  . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision   42   anyway.

You were   43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and   44   the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone

against your own   45  .

Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of   46   a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49   to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior   50   knew more than I did, and so I   51   too much significance to their opinions.

You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in   52  . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by   53   and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to   54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55   and to life. 

36. A. easy                                   B. ready                               C. unwilling                         D. hard

37. A. lead                                    B. lend                                  C. take                                 D. earn

38. A. look at                      B. pick up                   C. turn to                   D. learn from

39. A. that                                    B. since                                C. when                               D. while

40. A. useless                     B. useful                              C. priceless                         D. clever

41. A. getting                     B. making                            C. suffering                         D. facing

42. A. on one hand            B. on your own                   C. on the whole                 D. on all sides

43. A. born                                   B. tired                                 C. satisfied                          D. covered

44. A. enjoy                                  B. step                                 C. plan                                  D. take

45. A. assumption                      B. judgment                        C. condition                        D. fortune

46. A. basing                                B. depending                      C. relying                    D. focusing

47. A. research                           B. search                    C. resources                       D. activity

48. A. poverty                    B. laziness                           C. fear                                  D. diligence

49. A. used                                   B. accustomed                   C. new                                  D. old

50. A. students                           B. brothers                         C. colleagues                      D. classmates

51. A. owed                                  B. paid                                  C. gave                                 D. held

52. A. disaster                   B. progress                         C. failure                    D. success

53. A. either                                 B. another                           C. each                                 D. others

54. A. think                                   B. remember                      C. realize                             D. recall

55. A. payment                           B. dreams                           C. happiness                       D. business

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