
  Many people are concerned about the state of the Earth in terms of its en?ergy supplies and changing climate. The clear message broadcast by all re?sponsible governments is that every person has a part to play. Here are some detailed instructions.

  1. Prevent pollution by disposing (清理) of all your litter and waste in the correct,legal way,such as using onstreet waste receptacles (容器) when you are out and about,or putting it in your domestic rubbish can when you're at home. Follow local procedures for normal waste disposal. Contact your lo?cal authority for advice on disposing of unusual waste items,such as paint and computer parts.

  2. Recycle all materials that can be processed by your local authority. Place plastic,metal,paper and glass in the correct collection receptacles. Do?nate unwanted items to the charities that are happy to accept good condition clothing,furniture and even automobiles.

  3. Look after reserves of water by making sure you turn off the tap after use and by repairing leaks (渗漏) and drips. Purchase waterefficient appli?ances. Take showers instead of baths. Gather rainwater for garden use and use your lawn sprinkler less often or not at all.

  4. Save energy by choosing Energy Star products. Turn them off,as well as lights,when you don't need them to be on. Use air conditioner and heating less often. Make sure your home is insulated correctly to maintain a steady temperature.

  5. Reduce the amount of the materials you use. Print emails occasional?ly or not at all rather than printing them every time. You buy new things when you actually need them rather than on a whim (心血来潮) .Organize a pool car with friends to use fuel efficiently.

  In a word,we should try to use the world's resources efficiently to pro?tect the environment.

1. When you have a walk in the park,you         .

   A. can throw away the waste freely

   B. had better take along the waste

   C. can throw the waste into rubbish can

   D. should put the waste in your domestic rubbish can

2. Which can't be recycled according to the passage?

   A. Metal. B. Glass. C. Automobiles. D. Paint.

3. Why should you take showers instead of baths?

   A. Because taking showers is comfortable.

   B. Because taking showers can save lots of water.

   C. Because taking showers can gather water.

   D. Because taking showers is convenient.

4. What's the main idea of the whole passage?

   A. How to protect the environment.

   B. Reduce the amount of the materials you use.

   C. Some instructions in energy supplies.

   D. Why should each play a part in saving energy?

1. C细节理解题。根据第二段的首句"…such as using onstreet waste receptacles (容器) when you are out and about,or putting it in your domestic rubbish can when you're at home."可知答案。

2. D细节理解题。根据第三段"可知A、B、C三项都已提到,它们都是可以回收利用的。第二段最后提到D项,但是D项属于非常规废弃品。

3. B推理判断题。文章第四段的主旨是节约水资源。

4. A主旨大意题。文章可以分为三部分:第一部分引出主题;第二部分阐述环保的具体措施;最后一部分点出环保的主题。


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