
7.An attitude is what a person thinks about something.

分析 态度就是一个人对一些事物的想法.

解答 75.attitude   attitude是名词,意为"态度",从"对某物的想法"可知,是人的"态度",故填attitude.

点评 考查名词的词义.在熟知单词词义的基础上要注意名词的数的变化.

12.At 26,Jane Goodall had no college education or science training.But since childhood,she had been dreaming of working closely with animals in Africa."All through my childhood people said you can't go to Africa.You're a girl."Goodall says."But my mother used to say,if you really want to,there's nothing you can't do."
In 1957,the 26-year-old Goodall went to Kenya to work as a secretary.She also arranged to meet the famous scientist Louis Leakey,who was so impressed by her enthusiasm that he hired her as his assistant.She went with him on many trips to the African jungle and in 1960Leakey sent Goodall to live among chimpanzees in a remote animal preserve,recording the animals'behavior and interactions.
For three months Goodall made little progress.But she says,"I never came close to giving up."Her breakthrough came one day when she saw a male chimpanzee stick a piece of grass into a termite (白蚁) hill,then put the grass in his mouth.Afterward she came to the hill and did the same.Pulling the grass out,she discovered dozens of termites on it.The discovery-that some animals use tools-was unknown to most scientists at the time.
Goodall saw chimpanzees exhibit human-like emotions,such as jealousy and love.But she also discovered they were capable of violent attacks against each other.
Goodall received her Ph.D.in the study of animal behavior at England's Cambridge University.Now she travels around the globe raising money to preserve wildlife."I love being in the forest with the chimpanzees,"she says."I'd much rather be there than traveling around from city to city."
46.What was Goodall's childhood dream?B
A.She dreamed of going to college.
B.She dreamed of studying animals in Africa.
C.She dreamed of becoming a famous scientist.
D.She dreamed of traveling all around the world.
47.What did Goodall's mother think of her dream?D
A.As a girl she should not go to the African jungle.
B.Her dream would remain a dream unless she got the right training.
C.As a girl she should stay away from violent animals.
D.She could make her dream come true if she was determined.
48.Goodall's most important discovery is thatA.
A.some animals use tools
B.like humans animals have emotions
C.chimpanzees could attack each other violently
D.termites are chimpanzees'favorite food
49.Goodall's success is chiefly due toC.
A.her exceptional talents
B.scientific training
C.determination and patience
D.her enthusiasm and good luck
50.What is Goodall doing now?B
A.Studying animal behavior at Cambridge University.
B.Raising funds for the preservation of wildlife.
C.Observing chimpanzees in African jungles.
D.Working hard for a PhD degree.
8.Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories,destroying fourteen homes.Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them,and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs.One person was killed,several were badly hurt and taken to hospital,and a number of other people received smaller hurt.Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer,Mr.Tan,said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
"I was eating with my wife and children,"he said,"When we heard a loud noise.A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us.We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing.I went back inside and found him,safe but very frightened."
Mrs.Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving.She ran outside at once with her children.
"There was no time to take anything,"she said,"A few minutes later,the roof came down."
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department ( 福利机构) brought them food,clothes and shelter.
21.How many homes altogether were damaged in the storm?C
A.Twenty-nine       B.Twenty-one           C.Thirty-six         D.Fourteen
22.Where was Mr.Tan when the storm first began?A
A.He was inside the house.
B.He was in bed.
C.He was outside the house.
D.He was on the roof.
23.The underlined word"shelter"in this passage meansB.
A.something to eat                     
B.somewhere to stay
C.somewhere to study                   
D.something to wear
24.Which of he following may be the best title for this passage?D
A.Clever People   
B.A Lucky Woman        
C.Good Soldiers   
D.A Terrible Storm.

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