
A lot of small business owners put themselves in an embarrassed position in their own companies.Consider this scene:the company owner who has thirty individuals working for him in the business does all the work.

Stop the actual wrong belief that you’re the only one who can do the JOB!

You are an individual.A robot or machine must rest, or be changed.The best way to replace yourself is not through someone else,but with a System! A system or program doesn’t always make reference to something high-tech.It’s more about the actual administration process flow that gets issues running smoothly.

Systemizing your business is vitally important for the success of the company.About 80%of what’s completed in your business can be systemized.Take a moment to determine all of the routine things that are done in your company.Now record the best way to achieve these duties.

However,creating systems isn’t enough.You have to ensure that the methods are simple to follow,and easy to complete.If you do not allow it to be easy,it won’t be done,or at best it won’t be consistent.

With systems and processes in position.it’s simply using a few people to operate individual systems.A great number of companies that possess established systems have made great achievements through the years.Burger King is a good actual life example.

To construct a great business,replace yourself with a good program right now!

1.What does“an embarrassed position”in Paragraph 1refer to?

A.The employees are made to do all the work.

B.Business owners get caught in the trap of doing everything.

C.Nobody would like to work for business owners.

D.There are not enough employees in the company.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?

A.It’s necessary for the company owner to do all the work.

B.A robot or machine shall not keep working.

C.The company owner should learn to rest.

D.A system is important for the company.

3.Which of the following is true about“A system”?

A.It can deal with a11 the routines in the business.

B.It is simple to follow or complete a system.

C.Your company will be successful so long as you have a system.

D.It will help a company run smoothly.

4.What is the best advice to the business owners?

A.Doing all the work by themselves.

B.Buying advanced robots or machines.

C.Using a good system to operate a company.

D.Introducing higher technologies.


People typically wash their hands seven times a day in the United States, but they do it at a far higher temperature than is necessary to kill germs (病菌) , a new study says. The energy waste is equivalent to the fuel use of a small country.

Amanda R. Carrico, a research assistant professor at the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment in Tennessee, told National Geographic that hand washing is often “a case where people act in ways that they think are in their best interest, but they in fact have inaccurate beliefs or outdated perceptions.”

Carrico said, “It’s certainly true that heat kills bacteria, but if you were going to use hot water to kill them it would have to be way too hot for you to tolerate.”

Carrico said that after a review of the scientific literature, her team found “no evidence that using hot water that a person could stand would have any benefit in killing bacteria.” Even water as cold as 40°F (4.4°C) appeared to reduce bacteria as well as hotter water, if hands were scrubbed, rinsed(冲洗)and dried properly.

Using hot water to wash hands is therefore unnecessary, as well as wasteful, Carrico said, particularly when it comes to the environment. According to her research, people use warm or hot water 64 percent of the time when they wash their hands. Using that number, Carrico’s team calculated a significant impact on the planet.

“Although the choice of water temperature during a single hand wash may appear unimportant, when multiplied by the nearly 800 billion hand washes performed by Americans each year, this practice results in more than 6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions annually,” she said.

The researchers published their results in the July 2013 issue of International Journal of Consumer Studies. They recommended washing with water that is at a “comfortable” temperature, which they noted may be warmer in cold months and cooler in hot ones.

1. What’s the meaning of what Carrico told National Geographic in the second paragraph?

A. People are more concerned about their health and begin to wash their hands.

B. It’s important for people to wash their hands to keep healthy.

C. Generally, people’s hand washing behaviors and perceptions are not correct.

D. People like washing their hands very much.

2.The figures in the sixth paragraph are used to show that __________.

A. using hot water to wash hands has a bad influence on our planet.

B. air pollution has become more and more serious.

C. using hot water to wash hands is a waste of energy.

D. people should pay more attention to the environment around us.

3. This passage is organized in the pattern of __________.

A. fact and opinion

B. cause and effect

C. definition and classification

D. time and events

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. It’s necessary and useful for people to wash their hands frequently every day.

B. We can wash our hands with water that is at a “comfortable” temperature.

C. Using cold water to wash hands is necessary and much healthier.

D. Hot water can’t kill germs.

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