
If you think that Internet shopping on a Sunday gets you the best deals, then think again. Tuesday is actually the best day of the week if you want to grab a bargain according to an exhaustive analysis of on-line shopping. Thursday is the second best day followed by Friday—but Sunday is when you are least likely to make a saving.

The study also looked at months and found that the pre-Christmas rush in November is when there are most bargains around on the web—and not the January sales. US retailer(零售商) reporting service Sum All examined 3,000 companies and halt a billion transactions(交易) as part of its report. It worked out the average discount(折扣) offered to consumers on each day of the week and over different times of the year.

The best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.81 percent, followed by Thursday on 4.80 percent. In third place was Friday at 4.615 percent, then Wednesday at 4.13 percent and Monday at 4.11 percent. Only the foolish would shop on a Saturday where the discounts were typically 3.84 percent—and Sunday was the worst with 3.37 percent.

The analysis by month is even more surprising as most people think that waiting until the post-Christmas sales would yield the biggest discounts. In fact, November is when you will get the largest savings at 5.99 percent on average. January came in second at 4.95 percent, followed by May at 4.50 percent.

The worst month to buy online was March where you could expect to save just 2.76 percent. Consumers and experts have been speculating for years about the best time to shop online.

Booking a flight has almost become a science with some claiming that buying six weeks before you travel guarantees you the best price. However, a recent analysis by the US Airlines Reporting Commission found that was not actually the case.

Not only did the six-week window fail to pile up, in some cases the best fares were on sale as long as 24 weeks before departure. The ARC said that booking well in advance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights(长途航班), as the price only tends to go up.

1.If a buyer wants to buy cheap goods online, he'd better go to the shop on ________.

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

2.Most web sellers often provide bargain on the web ________.

A. after New Year's Day B. during Valentine's Day

C. on Mother's Day D. before Christmas

3.Which of the following statements is True according to the third paragraph?

A. The best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.8 percent.

B. In third place was Thursday where savings were 4.65 percent.

C. Sunday where the discounts were 3.37 percent was the worst.

D. Customers can get the best savings on Saturday.

4.What is the meaning of the underlined word “speculating” in the fifth paragraph?

A. Quarrelling. B. Objecting. C. Searching. D. Considering.


Life is difficult to everybody, so you need to organize your life well. Here are some suggestions which might give you some help to manage your life well.

Write everything down and do not rely on your memory. 1. If you want to remember things, put them in writing, or in a digital notebook. Keeping your to-do lists and other information written somewhere allows you to look back at them anytime, especially when you have hit your head and forgotten some of them.

2. Try this experiment before buying one thing, throw out something old or something you do not use. Or, if you are a really pack rat(不想扔任何东西的人), just throw out one old thing a day until you can not find any more items to throw.

Recycle and donate. Is your closet full of unopened bags and clothes that still have their tags(标签) on? Is your bookshelf full of unread books? Chances are that if you have not read, worn, or used whatever they are, they you are probably not going to use them at all. 3.

Create daily, weekly and monthly timetables for cleaning. Organize your cleaning timetable. 4. Distribute tasks properly, so for example, dish washing could be done daily while vacuuming(吸尘) could be done weekly and cleaning the windows done monthly. Whichever of these tasks you decide to do, remember that you can not completely organize your life in one go(一口气).

5. Just decide to get organized now, and then take baby steps. Soon enough, you will be making a habit out of it all.

A. Practice putting things away immediately

B. Throw one thing before buying something

C. It is a long and never-ending process, so be patient

D. Give them to a charity or sell on the internet

E. It is extremely exhausting to clean everything all at once

F. To keep up with tasks, you need to work with your family

G. We all agree most of us have a tough time remembering things

Some people are afraid of starting a casual conversation with a stranger because of a fear of not having anything interesting to say. Fear of rejection is also a ______ for keeping silent. Small talk in a conversation can ______ as a way of warming up and getting to ______ each other. Most people, no matter ______ successful they are at work, will find the process of ______ small talk uncomfortable, even pointless.______, you will have a pretty small world ______ you refuse to let others in. Starting off with a casual comment or question will make others ______, and even just greeting them with a simple “hello” will often be enough.

Once you have made the first ______, there is no turning back. You need to keep things ______ before you can gracefully say goodbye. Think about what you would like to ______ with a new friend and that is what you can ask the other person about. Work, family, hobbies or interests are some ______ points of discussion. To keep the ball rolling, you can show that you are really ______ in what they are saying. Once you find common ______ of interest, things will definitely ______ off from there.

Small talk can ______ out to be a pleasant experience. The conversation ______ be brief and casual without turning into a long and boring discussion. Do not let yourself ______ the conversation where other people have no chance to talk. Stop worrying about how big of a fool you may appear to be. You may ______ find out later on that you have the “______” of getting people to open up to you by engaging them in small talk.

1.A. right B. reason C. result D. sign

2.A. take B. use C. mean D. serve

3.A. know B. learn C. recognize D. help

4.A. what B. whether C. why D. how

5.A. giving B. leaving C. making D. forcing

6.A. So B. Instead C. However D. Besides

7.A. unless B. until C. if D. Though

8.A. comfortable B. upset C. nervous D. satisfied

9.A. dream B. plan C. wish D. move

10.A. changing B. rising C. improving D. going

11.A. know B. share C. do D. show

12.A. private B. present C. important D. general

13.A. careful B. surprised C. interested D. encouraged

14.A. ideas B. experiences C. points D. actions

15.A. take B. put C. get D. set

16.A. come B. turn C. find D. figure

17.A. should B. can C. will D. may

18.A. start B. complete C. consider D. control

19.A. still B. even C. ever D. almost

20.A. right B. belief C. talent D. habit

Spring is coming, and it is time for those about to graduate to look for jobs. Competition is tough, so job seekers must carefully consider their personal choices. Whatever we are wearing, our family and friends may accept us, but the workplace may not.

A high school newspaper editor said it is unfair for companies to discourage visible tattoos(纹身) nose rings, or certain dress styles. It is true you can’t judge a book by its cover, yet people do “cover” themselves in order to convey certain messages. What we wear, including tattoos and nose rings, is an expression of who we are. Just as people convey messages about themselves with their appearances, so do companies. Dress standards exist in the business world for a number of reasons, but the main concern is often about what customers accept.

Others may say how to dress is a matter of personal freedom, but for businesses it is more about whether to make or lose money. Most employers do care about the personal appearances of their employees, because those people represent the companies to their customers.

As a hiring manager I am paid to choose the people who would make the best impression on our customers. There are plenty of well-qualified candidates, so it is not wrong to reject someone who might disappoint my customers. Even though I am open-minded, I can’t expect all our customers are.

There is nobody to blame but yourself if your set of choices does not match that of your preferred employer. No company should have to change to satisfy a candidate simply because he or she is unwilling to respect its standards, as long as its standards are legal.

1.Which of the following is the newspaper editor’s opinion according to Paragraph2?

A. People’s appearances carry message about themselves.

B. Customers’ choices influence dress standards in companies.

C. Candidates with tattoos or nose rings should be fairly treated.

D. Strange dress styles should not be encouraged in the workplace.

2.What can be inferred from the text?

A. Candidates have to wear what companies prefer for an interview.

B. What to wear is not a matter of personal choice for companies.

C. Companies sometimes have to change to respect their candidates.

D. Hiring managers make the best impression on their candidates.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the text ?

A. Employees Matter

B. Personal Choices Matter

C. Appearances Matter

D. Hiring Managers Matter

4.The author’s attitude towards strange dress styles in the workplace may best be described as .

A. enthusiastic B. negative

C. positive D. sympathetic

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