

“Aw, isn't it cute?”

That, right there, is the officially accepted response to any animal contact(接触) the world over. Animals are cute. They're there to be photographed, loved, and occasionally fed. But you know what? Not all animals are cute, or lovely, or even nice. Some of them are a real pain in the neck.

When you travel, you come into contact with all sorts of animals you’ve never heard of before. Some of them are amazing creatures that you'll talk about for the rest of your life. Some of them are just annoying. So, at the risk of causing anger among animal lovers around the world, here are some of the world's most annoying animals.

Vervet monkeys, South Africa

You'll immediately notice two things about Vervet monkeys: they have a bright blue bottom; and they'll steal any food that's not locked in a bank safe. I recently spent some time in South Africa, and watched as monkey after monkey dived in from the trees and stole everyone's food. Get your own food, Vervets! My sandwich was expensive!!

Kea parrots, New Zealand

I have never seen one of these birds before but from what I've been told they are more annoying than a spoilt kid. From biting the paint off your car doors to stealing people's passports, Keas are probably the most curious, and therefore annoying, animals in the world. And they're New Zealanders. That makes sense!

Kangaroos, Australia

Another well-known food-stealer, kangaroos are loved by tourists, eaten by Australians, and generally enjoy making trouble for others. Go on a camping trip anywhere in Australia, and watch how long your bags of food last. Turn your back for 15 minutes and the camp will look like thieves have turned the place upside down.

Grizzly bears, USA

They look pretty cute, grizzly bears. You almost want to go up and give them a hug. Unfortunately, it wouldn't end well. In fact, one of the world's most huggable creatures is also the one most likely to kill you just because it can. Oh, and it'll steal your picnic basket, too.

【1】The author uses the underlined expression “pain in the neck” to suggest .

A. these animals may bite you on the neck

B. these animals can cause people a lot of trouble

C. people should be fearful of these animals

D. these animals may cause some serious illness

【2】Which of the animals is the most dangerous according to the writer?

A. Vervet monkeys. B. Grizzly Bears.

C. Kangaroos. D. Kea Parrots.

【3】Which of the following is not correct according to the passage?

A. When people see the cute animals they might take photographs of them.

B. Sometimes people will feed the cute animals.

C. Australians eat kangaroos.

D. Spoilt kids are not annoying at all.







【1】B 考查推理判断。Not all animals are cute, or lovely, or even nice. Some of them are a real pain in the neck.(并非所有的动物是可爱的,惹人的,甚至是善良的;其中有些动物是.....)可以根据语境看出作者列出了两种不同的情况,前后对比。

【2】B 考查细节理解。根据原文的one of the world's most huggable creatures is also the one most likely to kill you(世界上比较逗人喜欢的物种也同时是一个和可能能加你杀害的物种)所以看出这个动物是非常危险的。

【3】D 考查细节理解。根据原文的 I've been told they are more annoying than a spoilt kid. 人们告诉我他们比被宠坏的孩子还让人生气,但是这并不说明被宠坏的孩子就不让人生气。可知答案选择D项。


【题目】You and your friends are settling into your seats. The new Spider-Man movie is about to start and you’ve got the snacks: soda and popcorn. Food is part of what makes the movies fun.

Just as the lights go out, you catch a slight smell of tuna fish? You turn your head, searching for the source. Then you spot him: A couple rows back, some guy is enjoying a tuna fish sandwich. How’d he get that in here? You wonder. Then you remember how much you paid for your snacks.

What invites the unwelcome outside food is probably the price. Why pay $ 5 for a bag of M&Ms when you can get them for a dollar at the corner store?

Earlier this year, a Michigan man decided to fight for his right to snack. Joshua Thompson is suing his local theater after it banned outside food. He argues the ban breaks a Michigan law that prevents businesses from charging extremely high prices. However, most legal experts believe Thompson has little chance of winning his case, though he does have a point: 85 cents out of a dollar of treats a movie theater sells is pure profit.

The truth is that movie theaters are more in the snack business than the movie business. A huge part of the ticket income goes to the Hollywood studio. This makes sense, since the studios have to pay the costs of movie production and advertising. But that often doesn’t leave much cash for the theater, which also has its own running costs. If customers stopped buying food, owners would have to raise ticket prices even higher.

Of course, there’s another reason to think twice before bringing food into the movies: It’s against the rules. Breaking those rules can have unpleasant consequences too. Some theaters will kick you out if they catch you. Even without the threat of punishment, we should follow rules all the time------out of respect.

Here’s a good idea: Eat before the movie.

【1】What is the topic of the text?

A. Movie Theaters’ Ban on Outside Food.

B. A Michigan Man’s Fight for His Right.

C. The Pleasure of Enjoying Snacks.

D. Bad Manners in Movie Theaters.

【2】What do we know about Joshua Thompson?

A. He broke a Michigan law.

B. He was forbidden to have snacks at the theaters.

C. He thinks cinema tickets are too expensive.

D. He is likely to lose the case.

【3】In Paragraph 5, the author mainly explains _________.

A. how movie studios work with movie theaters

B. why snack sales are important to movie theaters

C. why Hollywood studios must pay high costs

D. how movie theaters reduce their operating costs

【4】 How does the author feel about bringing outside food into the cinema?

A. It is great fun. B. It is convenient.

C. It is unacceptable. D. It is lawful.

【题目】What makes a good school?

I'm a parent of two elementary students.The experience that my children are going through now in the elementary school is so different from mine when I was at their age.What I think of a good school is communication between teachers.students and parents. 【1】 Parent-teacher communication guarantees that a child is educated in the same way and in turn a child will build special bonds in communication between their teachers and parents.

2 My children return home telling me that their teachers ignore their questions when they raise their hands and don’t talk much.On the other hand,I feel the same when I write notes to school. 3 This is telling me there is a lack in communication from the school teachers nowadays as their life is so overwhelmed by the over-crowded schools we have in the US.

However.choosing a career in education is not just for a good job.A teacher should really have heart in touching every child’s life. 4 Even now,I still remember all my elementary school teachers’ names. 5 The answer lies in the fact that they spent every minute of their precious time helping me and answering all my questions with patience.When you have teachers who are willing to spend time for any child and communicate with parents,it is what I consider a GREAT school for a child to attend,not just GOOD.

A.I don’t get any response from the teachers to my questions,not even a one-word response.

B.There are different ways of communication, according to diffeent cultures.

C.Why is that?

D.Strong communication is very important to a child’s education.

E.I feel that schools nowadays don’t communicate with parents enough and neither is involvement.

F.My elementary school teachers all touched my life.

G.What do you think of it?

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