

Some people think if you are happy, you are blind to reality. But when we research it, happiness actually every single business and educational outcome for the brain. Why do people have this social about happiness? Because we assumed you were average.

Many people think happiness is genetic. That’s only half the story. When we stop studying the average and begin positive outliers — people who are above average for a positive aspect like optimism or intelligence — a different picture appears. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.

, happiness is a choice. It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its limited resources as you process the world. If you scan for the first, your brain really has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded (嵌入) in your work. But if you scan it the other way round, you start to acquire an advantage.

1.A. rises B. arises C. arouses D. raises

2.A. faith B. concept C. misunderstanding D. tradition

3.A. discovering B. researching C. observing D. finding

4.A. wildly B. hardly C. mildly D. crazily

5.A. Fortunately B. Gradually C. Strangely D. Scientifically

6.A. positive B. negative C. active D. passive

7.A. annoying B. interesting C. amazing D. Embarrassing


My grandma is good at gardening. She could make anything bloom(开花). _ __ me. In my eyes, she was inspiring and __ __. For most of her life, she lived on a farm, where she brought up four children, and buried my grandpa.

I visited her on weekends. After the gardening work, I was __ __ to climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. She would say, "Beauty has a ___. I hope it was worth it."

"Yes, ma' ma," I'd say. "_ __ was."

I loved gathering flowers on my own. But what I loved best was gathering them with her. Even then, as a child, I knew what I wanted most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her __ __. She's been gone for years, but sometimes, when I __ __down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her __ __, not mine.

I thought I'd grow up to be a gardener too. I told myself, someday my children had children, I'd be a gardening grandma. Then the grandbabies started showing up, and I discovered 1'd much rather run after them __ __ go digging. Actually I'm no gardener. I'm a __ __, not a planter. I differ from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry __ __ me a heart she made from her own.

I needn’t plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They delight and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is __ __ them with time, water them with love, and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.

1.A. NotB. EvenC. OnlyD. Often

2.A. famousB. humorousC. caringD. amusing

3.A. determinedB. anxiousC. curiousD. free

4.A. standardB. rangeC. priceD. quality

5.A. ItB. IC. SheD. That

6.A. possessionB. promiseC. beautyD. time

7.A. climbB. reachC. lookD. sit

8.A. smileB. spiritC. soulD. hand

9.A. thanB. untilC. unlessD. since

10.A. workerB. teacherC. pickerD. farmer

11.A.toB. withinC. beyondD. for

12.A. attendB. missC. promoteD. influence


Choosing the Right Resolution (决定)

Millions of Americans began 2014 with the same resolution they started 2013 with, a goal of losing weight. However, setting weight loss as a goal is a mistake.

To reach our goal of losing weight --- the output, we need to control what we eat --- the input ( 输入). That is, we tend to care about the output but not to control the input. This is a bad way to construct goals. The alternative is to focus your resolution on the input. Instead of resolving to lose weight, try an actionable resolution: “I’ll stop having dessert for lunch,” or “I’ll walk every day for 20 minutes.” Creating a goal that focuses on a well-specified input will likely be more effective than concentrating on the outcome.

Recently a new science behind incentives (激励) , including in education, has been discussed. For example, researcher Roland Fryer wanted to see what works best in motivating children to do better in school. In some cases, he gave students incentives based on input, like reading certain books, while in others, the incentives were based on output, like results on exams. His main finding was that incentives increased achievement when based on input but had no effect on output. Fryer’s conclusion was that the intensives for inputs might be more effective because students do not know how to do better on exam, aside from general rules like “study harder.” Reading certain books, on the other hand, is a well-set task over which they have much more control.

As long as you have direct control over your goal, you have a much higher chance of success. And it’s easier to start again if you fail, because you know exactly what you need to do.

If you want to cut down on your spending, a good goal would be making morning coffee at home instead of going to a cafe, for example. This is a well-specified action-based goal for which you can measure your success easily. Spending less money isn’t a goal because it’s too general. Similarly, if you want to spend more time with your family, don’t stop with this general wish. Think about an actionable habit that you could adopt and stick to, like a family movie night every Wednesday.In the long run, these new goals could become a habit.

1.The writer thinks that setting weight loss as a goal is a mistake because_______ .

A. it is hard to achieve for most Americans

B. it is focused too much on the result

C. it is dependent on too many things

D. it is based on actionable decisions

2.In Roland Fryer’s research, some students did better than the others because _________ .

A. they obeyed all the general rules

B. they paid more attention to exams

C. they were motivated by their classmates

D. they were rewarded for reading some books

3.According to the writer, which of the following statements is a good goal?

A. “I’ll give up dessert.”

B. “I’ll study harder.”

C. “I’ll cut down my expense”

D. “I’ll spend more time with my family”

4.The writer strongly believes that we should ________ .

A. develop good habits and focus on the outcome

B. be optimistic about final goals and stick to them

C. pick specific actions that can be turned into good habits

D. set ambitious goals that can balance the input and output

The iPhone, the iPad: each of Apple’s products sounds cool and has become a fad(一时的风尚). Apple has cleverly taken advantage of the power of the letter “i” –-- and many other brands are following it. The BBC’s iPlayer --- which allows Web users to watch TV programs on the Internet ---used the title in 2008. A lovely bear --- popular in the US and UK --- that plays music and video is called “iTeddy”. A slimmed-down version(简装本) of London’s Independent newspaper was started last week under the name “i”.

In general, single-letter prefixes(前缀) have been popular since the 1990s, when terms such as e-mail and e-commerce(电子商务) first came into use.

Most “i” products are targeted at (针对)young people and considering the major readers of Independent’s “i”, it’s no surprise that they’ve selected this fashionable name.

But it’s hard to see what’s so special about the letter “i”. Why not use “a”, “b”, or “c” instead? According to Tony Thorne, head of the Language Center at King’s College, London, “i” works because its meaning has become ambiguous. When Apple uses “i”, no one knows whether it means Internet, information, individual or interactive, Thorne told BBC Magazines. “Even when Apple created the iPod, it seems it didn’t have one clear definition(定义),” he says.

“However, thanks to Apple, the term is now connected with portability (轻便) .”adds Thorne.

Clearly the letter “i” also agrees with the idea that the Western World is centered on the individual. Each person believes they have their own needs, and we love personalized products for this reason.

Along with “Google” and “blog”, readers of BBC Magazines voted “i” as one of the top 20 words that have come to define the last decade(十年).

But as history shows, people grow tired of fads. From the 1900s to 1990s, products with “2000” in their names became fashionable as the year was connected with all things advanced and modern. However, as we entered the new century, the fashion disappeared.

1. People use iPlayer to __________.

A. listen to music B. make a call

C. watch TV programs online D. read newspapers

2. The underlined word “ambiguous” means “__________”.

A. popular B. uncertain C. clear D. unique

3. Nowadays, the “i” term often reminds people of the products which are __________.

A. portable B. environmentally friendly

C. advanced D. recyclable

4. The writer suggests that __________.

A. “i” products are often of high quality

B. I Teddy is alive bear

C. the letter “b” replaces letter “i” to name the products

D. the popularity of “i” products may not last long

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