


He is only 12 years old but Utkarsh Tripathi brings out a handwritten newspaper every week on matters like the environment. He does all this to satisfy his wish to “serve the country”. A Class 8 student of the Brij Bihari Sahai Inter College in Allahabad, Utkarsh has been bringing out the newspaper Jagriti for the last one year. And for the four-page, black-and-white newspaper, Utkarsh not only takes the role of a reporter, editor and publisher, but also gives it free of charge.

Jagriti has about 150 readers belonging to various age groups in Allahabad, some 200 km from the state capital Lucknow. “Children make up major Jagriti readers ... my school friends, my seniors in school, teachers and also my neighbours,” he said.

According to Utkarsh’s father Hari Prasad, who runs a coaching institute, his son has a gift for writing and wants to serve the country in some way.

“More than two years ago, he began to read articles in Hindi Daily. One day he said that he wanted to start serving society from his school life itself. I then suggested why not work like a journalist and make people know their rights,” he added. Utkarsh took the suggestion seriously and came up with Jagriti. “I try to cover social issues about environment, women foeticide and others in the editorial section, and also information about public welfare plans and important government policies for the betterment of the poor or children.” Utkarsh said.

Jagriti also has successful stories of scientists, political leaders and other outstanding people.But how does he get time from his studies to bring out a weekly newspaper? “I believe if anyone is passionate about something, he or she can take out some time to realize his dream.” Utkarsh replied.

Utkarsh’s efforts are much appreciated by people in Allahabad. Nutan Devi, a local journalist, said, “For me it’s real journalism …It has renewed the objective (宗旨) of journalism that seems to have now got lost somewhere.”

1. According to the text, Utkarsh Tripathi _____.

A. made the first newspaper about two years ago

B. is learning journalism at a college in Allahabad

C. wants to contribute to society

D. lives in Allahabad, the state capital

2. Who are most likely to be interested in Jagriti?

A. Adults, especially the elderly.

B. Local journalists.

C. Children, especially Utkarsh’s schoolmates.

D. Women around Utkarsh.

3. What is the role of the last paragraph?

A. To prove Utkarsh does a good job.

B. To tell us what true journalism is.

C. To encourage us to follow Utkarsh’s example.

D. To show the different opinions on what Utkarsh does.


The sound of a mosquito can mean trouble in many parts of the world. The bite of the mosquito can be deadly. The insects carry serious diseases like malaria (疟疾). It is estimated that almost 630,000 people died from malaria and malaria­related causes in 2012, and most of these cases were in African countries.

In the United States, a group of California scientists are working to develop a more effective and less costly substance (物质) to protect people from mosquitoes. The researchers are investigating the sense of smell in mosquitoes. They found the insects use the same receptor for identifying carbon dioxide in human breath as they do for the smell of our skin. Anandasankar Ray, who is leading the investigation, says scientists tested more than a million chemical compounds (化合物) until they found a substance called Ethyl Pyruvate. He says Ethyl Pyruvate makes the mosquitoes' receptors inactive. “When we apply Ethyl Pyruvate to a human arm and offer it to hungry mosquitoes in a cage, very few of the mosquitoes are attracted to the human arm because only a few of them are able to smell it out,” said Ray.

Genevieve Tauxe, a member of the research team, says it was not easy to find the neurons (神经元) of noble cells that recognize both the smell of human breath and skin. “With the device used to examine the mosquito, we are able to insert a very small electrode (电极) into the part of the mosquito's nose, where its smelling neurons are and where the smell is happening,” said Tauxe.

Anandasankar Ray says a product based on Ethyl Pyruvate may cost less to produce than DEFT, the most effective chemical treatment now in use. He says DEFT is too costly for most people who live in areas affected by malaria.

“Perhaps by finding smells that can attack other target receptors, we will be able to improve upon DEFT and finally have the next generation of insect behaviour control products,” said Ray.

1.The underlined word in the second paragraph probably means ________.

A. a substance that protects people from mosquitoes

B. a piece of equipment that sends signals

C. a device that reacts to light

D. a sense organ that reacts to changes

2.According to the passage, Ethyl Pyruvate can ________.

A. kill the mosquitoes' smelling neurons

B. cause the mosquitoes to lose their senses of smell

C. result in the inactiveness of the mosquitoes' receptors

D. make the mosquitoes uninterested in human breath and skin smell

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Ethyl Pyruvate—an Insect Behaviour Control Product

B. Malaria—a Serious Disease Causing 630,000 Deaths

C. Scientists Find a New Substance to Fight Mosquitoes

D. A New Generation of DEET Has Been Developed to Kill Mosquitoes

4.This passage most probably appears in ________.

A. a textbook of medical schools

B. a collection of doctors' essays

C. the column of newspaper ads

D. the health column of a magazine

iPhone owners are vainer and spend more on clothes and grooming (仪容) than those who have BlackBerrys and Android phones, new research claims.

BlackBerry owners earn the most and are more likely to have long-term relationships, while people with Android handsets are most creative and the best cooks.

The study, carried out by TalkTalk Mobile, surveyed 2,000 owners of the three major smartphone brands to determine whether the choice of handset was an extension of their personality. The study rated users in various walks of life using a point scoring system including personalities, daily habits and the type of industries they work in.

Other results from the study found that people with an iPhone are more image conscious and generally rate themselves more attractive than those with other handsets. They are most likely to describe themselves as adventurous, bright and are most likely to work in media, publishing and education. They also believe their boss rates them highly. Apple owners also tend to have done more travelling and are the most active on social media sites.

BlackBerry owners were found to be the least punctual, but despite putting in the least hours at work they are the most active phone user — sending more texts and making more calls in the average day than any other phone user. They are more social and have more friends overall. They also earn nearly two and a half thousand pounds a year more than other smartphone owners, with an average salary of $27,406. BlackBerry users classed themselves so loud and mainly work in the health, finance or property sectors. They were also found to drink more tea and coffee each day than any other phone user.

Android owners were found to watch more TV than others and drink the most alcohol — consuming more in an average week than iPhone and BlackBerry drinkers. They have the most jobs in engineering, the government and public services and environmental services. They have the best manners and are more shy and relaxed than their counterparts.

Dan Meader, Director of Mobile at TalkTalk, said, “Many of us have our mobile phones on us almost constantly so they do become an extension of us in many ways. It’s interesting to see then how the choice in handset may reflect different aspects of personality and the results do show some unusual differences.”

1.The underlined words “image conscious” (Paragraph4) mean “caring about ________”.

A. income B. appearance

C. social media D. interpersonal relationships

2. What were Android users found to be like?

A. Loud. B. Brave. C. Polite. D. Confident.

3. Dan Meader may agree that the kind of mobile phone we use ________.

A. will decide the way we live our life

B. can be a window into the lives we lead

C. can change our personalities gradually

D. has become the most important part of our life

4.How is the text organized?

A. By drawing comparisons. B. By giving reasons only.

C. By providing examples. D. By giving solutions.


Why Is Exercise Cool?

1.Exercise Strengthens Muscles

Did you ever do a push-up or swing across the monkey bars at the Playground. 1. By using your muscles to do powerful things, you can make them stronger.For older teens and adults, this kind of workout can make muscles bigger, too.

2. 2.

Can you touch your toes easily without yelling ouch? Most kids are pretty flexible, which means that they can bend and stretch their bodies without much trouble. Being flexible is having full range of motion, which means you can move your arms and legs freely without feeling tightness or pain.

3.Exercise Keeps the Balance

3.Your body needs a certain amount of calories every day just to function, breathe, walk around, and do all the basic stuff. 4.If you're not very active, your body won't need as many calories.

Whatever your calorie need , if you eat enough to meet that need, your body weight will stay about the same. If you eat more calories than your body needs, it may be stored as extra fat.

4.Exercise Makes You Feel Good

It feels good to have a strong, flexible body that can do all the activities you enjoy—like running, jumping, and playing with your friends. It's also fun to be good at something, like scoring a basket, hitting a home run, or perfecting a dive.

But you may not know that exercising can actually put you in a better mood. 5.It's just another reason why exercise is cool!

A.So you want to do some aerobic(有氧的)exercise right now?

B.Food gives your body fuel in the form of calories, which are a kind of energy.

C.When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical, which may make you feel happier.

D.Those are exercises that can build strength.

E.Exercise Makes You Flexible

F.Exercise Makes Your Heart Happy

G.But if you're active, your body needs an extra measure of calories or energy.


What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you it because you thought that it was just a little thought? Have you ever what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts (直觉) if you had paid more attention to it?

Imagine a , where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book, suddenly a light is on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind. The thought your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to it, but wait a minute! That thought could be the potential beginning of the you have so much wished for.

As the thought crosses your mind, your senses become alert and you suddenly see a possibility, a solution, or find the answer to a problem whose solution has escaped you. It is almost as if a wise man has the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your senses to a reality, thereby bringing light to your life. It is like finding the piece of jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏). This becomes an amazing moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that but powerful thought.

Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase as you become of the great possibilities that can if that little thought is acted upon. This becomes the moment to build upon that thought and to put any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review. meaningless little thought or ideas when acted have a potential to explode into great projects. Many successful projects have been fromthe little positive thoughts that were carefully protected and recognized as bricks to great things.

Don't waste a(n) to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don't have to wait for a major idea, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.

That little thought or idea is the 55 of great things if you decide to follow it through.

1.A. hate B. like C. ignore D. value

2.A. considered B. remembered C. complained D. discovered

3.A. but B. or C. and D. nor

4.A. condition B. sight C. scene D. view

5.A. turned B. worked C. taken D. moved

6.A. puts B. catches C. causes D. pulls

7.A. adore B. abandon C. account D. adopt

8.A. wealth B. success C. dream D. reality

9.A. highly B. fast C. hardly D. long

10.A. whispered B. shouted C. talked D. laughed

11.A. best B. first C. last   D. exact

12.A. little B. good C. strong D. weak

13.A. capable B. conscious C. proud D. typical

14.A. arise B. cause C. attain D. prove

15.A. off B. out C. up D. down

16.A. Fortunately B. Seemingly C. Obviously D. Deliberately

17.A. by B. in C. upon D. to

18.A. grown B. done C. born D. torn

19.A. opportunity B. possibility C. minute D. moment

20.A. center B. beginning C. result D. sign

假如你是新华中学学生李华。最近在英语课的一个单元中学习了一些关于急救的知识,感觉很有用,想建议学校开展相关活动以便了解更多相关知识。于是, 你给校长写了一封信。

要点如下: 1. 急救知识的重要性。

2. 建议学校开展相关活动(如开设课程,张贴海报,急救演练等)

注意: 1.词数120左右;



Dear Mr. President,

In the past week, we have been studying a unit on first aid in English lass.______________________________________________________________________







Li Hua

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