Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 45–48.
root1 /ru:t/ n [C]
1 ?PLANT? the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground and gets water form the soil: Be careful not to damage the roots when repotting.| tree roots —see picture at germinate
2 ?CAUSE OF A PROBLEM? the main cause of a problem: Money is the root of all evil.| be/lie at the root of (="be" the cause of a problem) Often allergies are at the root of a lot of the problems.| get to the root of (="find" out the cause of a problem) | root cause (="the" main reason for a problem)
3 ?OF A CUSTOM/TRADITION? roots the origins of a custom or tradition that has continued for a long time: has its roots in Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
4 ?OF AN IDEA/BELIEF? the main part of an idea or belief which all the other parts come from: be/lie at the root of Foucault is challenging the very root of 20th century liberalism.
5 ?FAMILY CONNECTION? sb’s roots your con- nection with a place because you were born there, or your family used to live there: Naita has come to Ghana in search of her roots.
6 put down roots if you put down roots somewhere, you start to feel that this place is your home and to have relationships with the people there
7 ?TOOTH/HAIR ETC? the part of a tooth, hair etc that fixes it to the rest of your body
8 take root a) if an idea takes root, people begin to accept or believe it: The concepts of democracy and free trade are finally beginning to take root.b) if a plant takes root, it starts to grow where you have planted it
9 have a (good) root round informal especially BrE to search for something by moving other things around
10 root and branch if you destroy something root and branch, you get rid of it completely and permanently because it is bad
11 ?LANGUAGE? technical the basic part of a word which shows its main meaning, to which other parts can be added: The suffix ‘ness’ can be added to the root ‘cold’ to form the word ‘coldness’.—compare stem1 (4)
12 ?MATHEMATICS? technical a number that when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, equals the number that you have: 2 is the fourth root of 16.
—see also cube root, square root, grass roots
root2 v
1 ?SEARCH? [I always + adv/prep] to search for something by moving things around: [+ through/in/ around] “Hang on a second,” said Leila, rooting through her handbag for a pen.| [+ for] pigs rooting for food
2 ?PLANT? a) [I] to grow roots: New shrubs will root easily in summer.b) [T usually passive] to fix a plant firmly by its roots: The bush was too firmly rooted in the hard earth to dig up easily.| root itself Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.—see also deeply rooted (deeply (5))
3 be rooted in to have developed from something and be strongly influenced by it: policies that are rooted in Marxist economic theory
4 be rooted to the spot to be so shocked, surprised, or frightened that you cannot move
root for sb phr v [T] informal 1 to give support and encouragement to someone in a competition, test or difficult situation, because you want them to succeed: Good luck – we’ll all be rooting for you! 2 especially AmE to support a sports team or player by shouting and cheering: We’ll all be rooting for the Dallas Cowboys in the Superbowl.
root sth ? out phr v [T] 1 to find out where a particular kind of problem exists and get rid of it: Racism cannot be rooted out without strong government action.2 informal to find something by searching for it: I’ll try and root out something suitable for you to wear.
root sth ? up phr v [T] to dig or pull a plant up with its roots
1.What’s meaning of the word “roots” in the sentence “Many Americans have roots in Europe.”?
A.The underground part of a plant.    B.One’s connection with a place.
C.The origins of a custom or tradition.   D.The main cause of a problem.
2.What’s the fourth root of 81?
A.27. B.9.   C.6.   D.3.
3.Which phrase can complete the sentence “Do you think it is possible to ____ crime?”
A.root for           B.root out           C.root up            D.root through
4.In which of the following situations can we use the phrase “be rooted to the spot”?
A.A bush is so firmly rooted in the ground that it is difficult to pull it up.
B.A football fan got excited when his favorite football team scored a goal.
C.A girl became too scared to walk when she caught sight of a long snake.
D.A man is unable to walk because he was caught in a car accident years ago.

On a BA flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged, well-off white South African Lady has found herself sitting next to a black man. She called a stewardess (女乘务员) over to complain about her seating.
“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the stewardess. “Can’t you see?” she said, “You’ve sat me next to a kafir(异教徒). I can’t possibly sit next to this disgusting man. Find me another seat!” “Please calm down, Madam,” the stewardess replied. “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do — I’ll go and check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”
The woman cocked a snooty look at the black man beside her.
A few minutes later the stewardess returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady, who could not help but look at the people around her with a smug and self-satisfied grin. “Madam, unfortunately, as I suspected, economy is full. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the stewardess continued, “It is the most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, given the circumstances, the captain felt that it was outrageous(令人不能容忍的) that someone should be forced to sit next to such an obnoxious(讨厌的) person.” Having said that, the stewardess turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you.”
At that point, the surrounding passengers stood up and gave an ovation(喝彩) while the black man walked up to the front of the plane.
64. Why did the middle-aged lady complain about her seating?
A. Because her seat was not near a window.
B. Because she sat next to a black man.
C. Because she wanted to have a seat in first class.
D. Because the stewardess didn’t answer her question.
65. The underlined words “an obnoxious person” in Paragraph 5 refers to “__________”.
A. the middle-aged lady              B. the black man
C. the stewardess                         D. the captain
66. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. the middle-aged lady got a seat in first class
B. both the middle-aged lady and the black man got seats in first class
C. neither the middle-aged lady nor the black man got a seat in first class
D. the black man got a seat in first class
67. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. The white people always prefer seats in first class on a plane.
B. More and more passengers travel by plane.
C. The black people are still looked down upon by some whites.
D. Only whites are served well on a plane.

Like many other high school seniors, I eagerly anticipate life after graduation. In less than three months, my belongings will be packed up and shipped to the other side of the country.
I had never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would attend college in Ithaca, New York. I had had my heart set on a university in California and of majoring in English.
Nearly all of my friends are staying in state, and I remember thinking to myself, when one friend said she would be going to college in Virginia: Why would someone ever choose to move away from California?
But by a twist of fate, I received a letter from Ithaca College, inviting me to apply for a program in communications. On a while, I decided to apply. What were the chances that I would be selected as a finalist? If I hadn’t applied, I would have always regretted not trying. Yet secretly, I hoped that I wouldn’t be chosen.
But, as things turned out, I was offered one of the scholarships. I also received admission letters from the other colleges I had applied to, all of which were California schools.
As I began to weigh my options, I wrote out a pro/con (利弊) list for each of my schools. I began to realize that my reasons for wanting to go to certain schools in California were based on considerations of comfort. It would be so reassuring to be close to my family and my home.
Then I began to think about the expensive tuitions (学费) and class shortages in the California public school system. These issues were not likely to greatly improve in the next four years. Slowly, I came to the conclusion that Ithaca was the ideal choice for me – culturally, academically and financially.
Fear of the unknown should not be a reason for shying away from opportunities. It might be difficult to adapt to my new situation, but I am confident I have made the right decision.
64. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce the advantages of studying at Ithaca College.
B. To tell readers what matters when applying to a college.
C. To share the author’s experience of choosing a college.
D. To compare the differences between Ithaca College and California schools.
65. The author decided to go to Ithaca College because ______.
A. she wasn’t accepted by any of her dream schools in California
B. she has a great interest in Ithaca College’s communications program
C. she was offered a scholarship by Ithaca College but not by colleges in California
D. she thinks that teaching and classes are better at Ithaca College than at California schools
66. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The author had never thought of going to college in New York.
B. The author is independent and likes adventure.
C. The author believes it will be easy to adapt to college life.
D. The author applied to Ithaca College because Ithaca College is much cheaper than California      schools.
67. Judging from the article, what has the author learned from her experience?
A. That she must make good use of her time in college.
B. Not to let fear put her off something she wants.
C. That nothing we want in life can be achieved without effort.
D. Not to take any risks.

On May 8, last Thursday morning, the Olympic flame was lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma! It was a historic moment for China exactly three months ahead of the Beijing Games.
Tibetan female climber Cering Wangmo reached the summit with a special extreme-altitude Olympic torch. This event is what China has promised to the world as the high point of the torch relay, the longest and mostchallengingof all time.
Five torchbearers(火炬手) finished the highest relay ever—three of the climbers are Tibetan athletes.
Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in Chinese, English and Tibetan, as they stood at the summit celebrating, with the event broadcast on national television.
“I finally fulfilled the last dream of my husband,” said Gyigyi with tears in her eyes. She was the first torchbearer. Her husband lost his life in an attempt to climb all 14 mountains in China more than 8,000 meters three years ago.
“We are on top of the world! One world, one dream,” shouted Nima Cering, at the top of his voice. He said that although he had climbed the peak(峰顶)several times, this was the most significant ascent(登高). “As a Tibetan and a Chinese I pray for the success of Beijing 2008,” he added.
The special torch is different from the one currently touring the Chinese mainland, after an around-the-world relay. Officials organizing the trek up the peak had earlier set an April 26 target to begin the ascent, but high winds and heavy snow had delayed the mission.
The Xinhua News Agency said that the Qomolangma leg of the torch relay represents the Olympic motto, “higher, faster and stronger,” in practice and will promote unity among all 56 ethnic groups in China.
【小题1】It was a historic moment because ______.

A.some Tibetan torchbearers took part in it was lit three months before the Olympic Games were held was the first time that the Olympic torch had been lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma was the longest attempt in history
【小题2】Which is RIGHT according to the whole passage?
A.All the five torchbearers are men.
B.Only the five torchbearers reached the summit.
C.Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in their native language.
D.At least two of the five torchbearers are females.
【小题3】 What does the word “leg” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?
A.One part of a journey or race.
B.One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.
C.The leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten.
D.The part of a pair of trousers that covers the leg.
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the text?
A.One world, one dream
B.Torch relay reaches its highest point
C.Qomolangma, the highest summit in the world
D.A special torch
【小题5】 Where can you read about this passage?
A.In the English textbook.
B.In the newspaper.
C.In the science report.
D.On the street wall.

Three boys and three girls were going to Fort Lauderdale and when they boarded the bus,they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags,dreaming of golden beaches as the gray cold of New York vanished behind them.

As the bus passed through New Jersey,they began to notice Vingo, He sat in front of them,dressed in a plain,ill-fitting suit,never moving,his dusty face masking his age. He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot,frozen into some personal cocoon of silence.

Deep into the night,outside Washington,the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's,and everybody got off except Vingo. He sat rooted in his seat,and the young people began to wonder about him,trying to imagine his life:perhaps he was a sea captain,a runaway from his wife,an old soldier going home. When they went back to the bus,one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.

"We're going to Florida,” she said brightly, “I hear it's really beautiful.”

“It is,”he said quietly,as if remembering something he had tried to forget.

"Want some wine?" she said. He smiled and took a swig.  He thanked her and once again returned to his silence. After a while,she went back to the others,and Vingo nodded in his sleep.

In the morning,they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's.And this time Vingo went in.  The girl insisted that he join them.  He seemed very shy, and ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the bus,the girl sat with Vingo again,and after a while, slowly and painfully,he told his story. He had been in jail in New York for the past four years,and now he was going home.

“Are you married?”

“I don't know.

“You don’t know?” she said.

“Well,when I was in jail I wrote to my wife,”he said. “I told her that I was going to be away a long time,and that if she couldn't stand it.if the kids kept asking questions,if it hurt too much,well she could just forget me, I'd understand. Get a new guy,I said she's a wonderful woman,really something and forget about me. I told her she didn't have to write me for nothing.  And she didn't.  Not for three and a half years.”

"And you’re going home now,not knowing?”

“Yeah,”he said shyly. “Well,last week,when I was sure the parole (假释) was coming through, I wrote her again.  We used to live in Brunswick,just before Jacksonville,and there’s a big oak (橡树) tree just as you came into town. I told her that if she'd take me back,she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree,and I'd get off and come home,  If she didn't want me, forget it, no handkerchief,and I'd go on through.”

"Vow,” the girl exclaimed. "Wow.”

She told the others,and noon all of them were in it, caught up in the approach of Brunswick,looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children. The woman was handsome in a plain way,the children still unformed in the much-handled snapshots.

Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seat on the right side,waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. The bus acquired a dark,hushed mood,full of the silence of absence and lost years. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex-con's mask, as if fortifying himself against still another disappointment.

Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then,suddenly,all of the young people were up out of their seats,screaming and shouting and crying,doing small dances of joy. All except Vingo.

Vingo sat there stunned,looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs,20 of them,30 of them,maybe hundreds,a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind. As the young people shouted,the old rose and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.

1.Which is right about Vingo?

A.He was a sea captain.

B.He was a runaway from his wife,

C.He was an old soldier going home.

D.He was a prisoner.

2. The underlined word "`exclaimed" probably indicates that the girl was“______”

A. surprised        B:  angry         C:  embarrassed     D.  puzzled

3. From the story,we know that

A.the young people and Vingo loved New York

B.Vingo dressed himself decently

C.Vingo's Wife didn't write to him because she didn't miss him

D.the young people were happy for Vingo because he could went home

4.What is the best title for the story?

A.An Unexpected Return

B.Forgiving My Absence

C.Going Home

D.The Old Oak Tree


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