

It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others. 1. If you have done all your best to avoid conflicts and you are still arguing, then read these effective tips on how to avoid conflicts.

● Don’t get in the center of the conflict.

Sometimes people can get in the center of conflicts due to their enthusiasm for offering help. Frankly speaking, it is very unwise, because it can make you the main figure of the conflict. 2. You should focus on your own life issues.

● Be kind.

3. Life is full of conflicts and disagreements, that’s why you should find more conservative ways of dealing with them. For example, kindness can lessen the conflict.

● Try to be a peacekeeper.

Peacekeepers tend to cooperate with people without bad emotions which usually lead to arguments and even conflicts. “4.” This saying is the life motto of a natural-born peacekeeper. Don’t worry if you are not a natural-born peacekeeper; you can gain this skill during life.

● Walk off.

When the conflict is gathering pace and you can’t manage to control yourself, you should choose to handle the situation in another way. By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress. 5. You should get away from the situation for a while.

A. The greatest victory is a battle not fought.

B. Conflicts are unavoidable, so try to accept them.

C. Weak people usually desire others to offer help and support.

D. Let other people solve their problems without your presence.

E. It is helpful to put some distance between yourself and the opponent.

F. When someone pushes you to the limit, try to act kindly towards this person.

G. Arguing can either break your friendship or affect your relationship to some degree.


Having trouble getting and maintaining good grades is a problem among many students. Changes and stress can have a major effect on grades,whether it's because of a new environment,more students,switching classes or having trouble with notebooks. __ 1.___ Here are some tips for you to get good grades and enjoy your school life.

Stay organized. If your school provides an agenda(日程) book of some kind,use it!If not,buy one!__2._ Being aware of your schedule can really help you manage your time.

Manage your time wisely. Make sure that you finish the work that needs to get done. Leave it till 10:30 at night or the next morning can leave things chaotic(混乱的). __3.__ Instead,have 10-15 minutes every day for study leading up to the test. That way, you will reduce stress and remain prepared.

__4.__This means many things. Come to class every day. Being prepared is probably the most important aspect of success. It means having your homework completed,having the necessary supplies,etc.

Take good notes. Learn to recognize important information. For example,usually if the teacher has taken the time to repeat something,or write it on the board,chances are it will be important later,perhaps on a test of some kind. __ 5.__It is a common but wrong belief that doing so is the best strategy(策略).In fact,not everything that your teacher says is that important.

A.Be successful in the classroom.

B.They are not very expensive at all.

C.However,do not write down everything the teacher says.

D.Your brain cannot take in so much information all at once.

E.Only hang around with friends who are serious in their study.

F.Almost every student will need time to adjust and it can be hard to do.

G.Leaving studying for a big test to the night before is also not a good idea.

When looking for diet plans to gain muscle there are some great tips that can help you to ensure that you are eating to help you build the muscle that you want. Your diet is just as important as exercise when you attach importance to your diet, it can help you to reach your goal much faster.

You will find that you will eat lean meat almost daily. If you eat meat each day this can help you to keep your figure. The trick with beef is to find lean cuts and this is something that can provide you with protein. Fish and turkey will also be included in the diet. Chicken has some rules and you should always eat skinless and avoid frying.

Fiber is something that is not talked much about when looking for a muscle building diet, but this is basis part of the muscle building diet. Fiber has many benefits and will aid in digestion and help you to feel full. Oatmeal (燕麦片) is a great source of fiber, but you should avoid the premade oatmeal. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and this can also aid in weight loss if this is a problem you are working on.

If you want to complete your workout more effectively, you need to make sure that you are drinking adequate amount of water each day. Your body is made up of water and you need to replenish (补充) this water source each day in order to be in the best shape. If you are completing a very intense workout, you will need to make sure that you are drinking even more water to stay hydrated(含水的).

When protein(乳清蛋白质) is a great way for busy individuals to get the protein they need on the go. You will use soy and tofu for sources of protein if you do not eat meat and this can be a wonderful alternative.

There are diet plans to gain muscle for every category. You can make minor adjustments to your diet that can have some great benefits.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Proper diets can help build your muscle

B. The diet is not as important as exercise

C. Diet plans are very important

D. Paying attention to your diet

2.When you eat chicken, you should always _______.

A. eat chicken with skin

B. eat baked chicken

C. not eat chicken with skin and the fried

D. not eat boiled chicken

3.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. Oatmeal is a great source of fiber.

B. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiber.

C. Losing weight needs fiber.

D. The function of fiber.

Many animals recognize their food because they see it.So do humans.When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate,you know that these are things you can eat.You can also use other senses when you choose your food.You may like it because it smells good or because it tastes good.You may dislike some types of food because they do not look,smell or taste very nice.Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food.A few animals depend on only one of their senses,while most animals use more than one sense.

Although there are many different types of food,some animals spend their lives eating only one type.The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo f竹子).Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice.A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage,even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden.However,most animals have a more varied diet(多样化饮食).The bear eats fruits and fish.The fox eats small animals,birds and fruits.The diet of these animals will he different depending on the season.

Humans have a very varied diet.We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us.In countries such as France and Britain.people eat foods with too much sugar.This makes them overweight,which is bad for their health.Eating too much red meat and animal products,such as butter, can also be bad for the health.Choosing the fight food,therefore,has become an area of study in modem life.

1.We can infer from the text that humans and animals.

A.eat entirely different food

B.are not satisfied with their food

C.choose food in similar ways

D.depend on one sense in choosing food

2.Which of the following eats only one type of food?

A.The white butterfly

B.The small bird

C.The bear

D.The fox

3.Certain animals change their choice of food when

A.they are attracted by different smells

B.the food color changes

C.they move to different places

D.the season changes

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that

A.food is chosen for a good reason

B.French and British food is good

C.some people have few choices of food

D.some people care little about healthy diet

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