
After        long , eager wait , the world at last met        mascots (吉祥物) for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on Friday, Nov. 11, 2005―the five friendlies .

       A.the ; the              B.a; the                  C.a; /                     D.the ; /


解析: wait在这里为名词化的动词,由动词直接变化而来的名词前通常加不定冠词。第二空用定冠词特指北京奥运会吉祥物。




  We had hardly got above the clouds over the airport when a calm voice said over the loudspeaker:“For technical reasons we shall be returning immediately to London Airport. Please keep your seatbelts fastened.”

  I was rather surprised and glanced at the old lady next to me. She had been very chatty while we were waiting to take off.

  “I'm going to New York to visit some relatives there. I always sleep wonderfully welt whenever I get into a plane.”she had told me.

  And indeed, she seemed to he in a very deep sleep already.

  Just then a passenger behind me shouted,“Oh, my God! The wing's on fire.”

  I looked out of the window and my blood froze. Smoke and flames were pouring out of one of the engines. The plane was already turning and losing altitude fast.

  “What's happening? Are we going to crash?”an American in front of me demanded.

  The cabin crew were already moving up and down the aisle (走道), reassuring (安慰) people, saying things like,“It's just all right. There's no need to worry. Now, if you just sit still, everything will be all right. Don't get up. Don't get upset.”

  I looked out again. The ground was rushing up at us with shocking speed. We were already so low that I could make out cars and even people.

“It's only a slight emergency,”a stewardess told me with a tense smile.

Suddenly there was a sickening bump and we were rushing along the runway at a terrifying speed. The brakes screeched (发出尖锐刺耳的声音). The engines roared even more loudly. We came to a trembling stop. The cabin crew quickly opened the emergency exits and the passengers began sliding down huge, stocking-like chutes (滑道) to the ground. A fire engine was already putting out the fire in one engine. I had to shake the old lady violently to wake her up.

  “What's wrong? Surely the journey isn't over already! I mean, have we got to New York?”she asked sleepily.

1.When did the emergency occur?

[  ]

A.We are not told.

B.Just before the plane landed in New York.

C.Shortly after the plane took off.

D.Sometime in the middle of the flight.

2.What does the underlined word“altitude”(in Paragraph 6) refer to?

[  ]

A.Height above sea-level.

B.Place or area high above sea-level.

C.Way of thinking or behaving.

D.Way of positioning the body.

3.What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]

A.An unpleasant flight.

B.An interesting experience.

C.An unforgettable experience.

D.Brave cabin crew.

4.When they landed, the old lady _____.

[  ]

A.was one of the first to get out

B.asked when they were going on lo New York

C.was shaking violently with fear

D.was not even sure where they were

When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona. ___36___ the move, my father ___37___ us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not ___38___ that the universe would suddenly change its course. “In May, we’re ___39___ to Arizona.”

The words, so small, didn’t seem ___40___ enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a tram moving across the country. I watched the ___41___ change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that ___42___ mysteries(奥秘) yet to come. Finally, we arrived and ___43___ into own new home.

___44___ my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I ___45___ explored(探索) our new surroundings.

One afternoon, I was out exploring ___46___ and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched (蹲) down for a closer look. “You’d better not ___47___ that.”

I turned around to see an old woman.

“Are you new lo this neighborhood?” I explained that I was, ___48___, new to the entire state.

“My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the ___49___? It must be quite a ___50___ after living in Boston.”

How could I explain how I ___51___ the desert? I couldn’t seem to find the right words.

“It’s vastness,” she offered. “That vastness ___52___ you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert — you can ___53___ how little you are in comparison with the world. ___54___, you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”

That was it. That was the feeling I’d bad ever since I’d first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my ___55___ would change with just a few simple words.

“Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn’t touch.”

36. A. During B. Until   C. Upon  D. Before

37. A. gathered      B. warned       C. organized   D. comforted

38. A. hoping B. admitting   C. realizing     D. believing   

39. A. going   B. moving      C. driving       D. flying

40. A. good    B. simple C. big     D. proper      

41. A. picture  B. ground       C. sense   D. area

42. A. suggested     B. solved C. discovered  D. explained

43. A. settled  B. walked       C. hurried       D. stepped

44. A. If  B. After   C. once   D. While

45. A. bitterly B. easily  C. proudly      D. eagerly

46. A as well   B. as usual      C. fight away  D. on time

47. A. move   B. dig     C. pull    D. touch

48. A. of course     B. in fact C. after all      D. at least

49. A. desert   B. city     C. state    D. country

50. A. luck     B. doubt  C. shock  D. danger

51. A. found   B. examined   C. watched     D. reached

52. A. why     B. when  C. how    D. where

53. A. prove   B. guess  C. sense   D. expect

54. A. However     B. Otherwise   C. Therefore   D. Meanwhile

55. A. idea     B. life     C. home  D. family 

People often fall ill because of me.   36 , they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own  37 . A tired person may get  38 , especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in   39   is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily.
My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though 40 . He still went to the cinema. Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately.
I seized this golden chance to   41  him. He reacted, trying to   42  me, but I was already  43  deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏) and his nose was running.   44   he put on some warm clothes, it didn’t work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept  45 him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but   46  .
The next day he couldn’t go to    47  .He had lost his appetite and was not as   48   as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his  49  .
For two days he was  50  by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began lo feel the   51  . I knew I had to   52   him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back.   53   , it was my turn to feel   54   now, for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me. I became   55  and finally my time was over.
Do you know what I am?

A.injureB.bother C.attackD.destroy
A.get on withB.get rid ofC.put up withD.take hold of
A.Since B.OnceC.WhetherD.Although
A.escaped B.succeededC.regrettedD.failed
A.bedB.workC.school D.hospital

Our first winter in Canada was the happiest we have ever experienced. We were living in the countryside then and had just arrived from Hong Kong that autumn. One evening in mid December snow began to fall. When we looked out of the window and saw that it was snowing, we all cheered. It was the first snow we had ever seen and we were excited. We could hardly wait  for the snow to stop so that we could go out lo play. Next morning when we woke up,it was still snowing. We switched on the radio and learned that more than ten inches of snow had fallen during the night and that since the roads were blocked, there would he no school that day. We jumped up and down for joy and beg mother to let us go outside to play in the snow, She said we could go out after breakfast if we dressed warmly and promised to come back as soon as we felt cold. When we went out, the snow had almost stopped. The roads, paths, gardens, and playgrounds were all hidden under a white blanket of soft snow. It was the most beautiful sight we had ever seen. Just then we saw some neighbours, children coming out to play. We ran over to join them. Together we built a snowman and a snow house. After that, we took turns sliding down a hill on a large piece of carboard. We were having so much fun when supper time came. Mother almost had to force us to go in and eat.
56. The children in the story had come from Hong Kong______ before the event described in the story happened
A. a year       B. the summer     C. a few weeks   D. the winter
57. The children were jumping with joy when they saw the snow because        .
A. they would go to school the following day
B. it was the first time they had seen snow
C. their mother would buy them warm clothes
D. they liked cold winter
58. When the children asked their mother lo let them go out to play, she ____.
A. asked them to go to school          B. refused to let them go outside
C. told them to switch on the radio .     D. told them to wait until after breakfast

Coming from the Bronx, Jennifer Lopez knew from an early age it would be tough to achieve her dream. In an interview in 2002 she remembered, “I had such a will in me. I had such a passion in me. I could overcome my situation. But a lot of people will get beaten down and be held back by that.” Lopez was not beaten by her situation. She worked hard dancing, singing, and acting in theaters and her hard work paid off with small roles in television and films.

Lopez’s big breakthrough came in 1996 when she played the main role in the movie Selena. For this movie, Lopez got paid $1 million and became the highest paid Latin actress of all time. Since then, she has had starring roles in several successful movies, including Out of Slight(1998) with George Clooney.

Then, Lopez turned her attention toward music. In 1999, she released first album, On the 6. Two songs from the album, “If You Had My Love” and “Waiting for Tonight,” both reached number one on the Billboard music charts. The album sold more than three million copies around the world.

After starring in The Cell (2000), Lopez released her second album, J. Lo, in 2001. The album went straight to the top of the Billboard chart. At the same time that her album came out, Lopez’s new movie, The Wedding Planner, opened in theaters. It became the number one movie at the box office. This meant that Lopez was the first entertainer to ever have a number one album and a number one movie at the same time! Like her first album, J. Lo went tripe-platinum.

But her entertainment career was not the only thing Lopez focused on that year. 2001 was also the year Lopez started her own line of clothing, called J.Lo, and she married Cris Judd, a dancer who performed in her videos. The marriage did not last long, and Lopez and Judd divorced nine months later.

In 2002, Lopez starred in the films Enough and Maid in Manhattan. Maid in Manhattan became Lopez’s biggest movie yet, earning $19 million during its first weekend in theaters. Lopez also put her third album, This Is Me… Then, and the single “Jenny from the Block” hit number one for a week. To go with her line of clothing, Lopez introduced her own perfume.

In an interview, Lopez was asked if she planned to do more acting, singing, designing, or something new. She answered, “Yes, yes, yes, and yes! All of those things. I love making music, I love doing movies and all the other things. I think that everyone should do everything that they have a passion for.”

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Lopez is better at singing than acting.     

B. Lopez has done many things in her career.  

C. Lopez grew up in a poor family.

D. Lopez has had many problems in her personal life.

2.Which of the following was most important in helping her career take off?

A. acting in the movie Selena       B. getting married to a dancer

C. releasing a second album        D. starring with George Clooney

3.Which is NOT true about Lopez?

A. She has had several number one songs.

B. She was a famous singer before she started acting.

C. She wants to do other things besides acting and singing.

D. She wanted to be an entertainer when she was young.

4.“… J. Lo went triple-platinum.” What does this mean about the album?

A. It was made by an actor or actress.

B. It sold more than three million copies.

C. It had songs from a movie on it.

D. It sold most of its copies outside the United States.


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