The first time Luca heard the Island of Inventions, he was very young, but the wonders he heard about sounded so unbelievable to him that they were forever kept in his memory. Since then, he never stopped searching clues which might lead him to that place of wonder. He read widely to collect information.

   Taking a little from here and there, he got quite a clear idea of what the Island was really like. It was a secret place, where all the great men learn and invent together. To be able to join that select club, you had to have created great inventions. Only then could you receive the invitation.

   To get a chance, Luca spend the years studying and inventing. Every new idea he got, he made it into an invention, and if there were anything he didn’t understand, he would seek help. Soon he met other brilliant inventors too, and he told them of the secrets of the Island. These young inventors would likewise dream of being sent “the letter”.

   As time passed, the disappointment of not being sent the letter gave rise to even greater cooperation and help between them. Their inventions soon became known throughout the world.

   But no invention came.

   They didn’t lose heart. They continued learning and inventing, trying to come up with better ideas. Fresh talent was added to their group. One day, Luca, already very old, was speaking with a brilliant young man who had written to join their group. Luca told the young man the secrets of the Island, and of how he was sure that they would receive an invitation. Surprised, the young inventor said: “What? You mean this isn’t really the Island of Inventions?”

   It inspired Luca and he realized that his dream had become true.

Luca read widely to ________.

   A. get information about the great inventions

   B. get clear ideas about the island for vacations

   C. seek massages about the secret club of inventions

   D. get more knowledge for the benefit of his inventions

Luca and other brilliant inventors around him shared a dream of _______.

   A. being great inventors of worldwide fame

   B. being accepted as members of the Island of Inventions

   C. being inventors envied by members of the Island of Inventions

   D. being remembered for the contribution to scientific development

What is the effect of their not being given “the letter”?

   A. They were disappointed, while it encouraged them to work harder.

   B. They became desperate and decided to have another way of living.

   C. They changed their strategy and promote their inventions publicly.

   D. They gave up their dream while continued their inventions together.

After a car accident put me into the hospital,I felt angry about the way my life was turning out.The doctors repaired the major damage done to my  41  .But 1 was lying there feeling pretty sorry for myself.I didn’t care to see anyone or to talk to anyone.

For a week the nurses had been good about leaving my door closed.But one morning 1 was awakened by  42  of people in the hallway.

Since 1 was still feeling  43  for myself.I didn’t wake up in a pleasant mood.As I pushed the button to ca11 the nurse.I saw a little boy in the hallway,holding a teddy bear in one hand.A cast(石膏)completely  44  his other arm,from fingers to shoulder.

I heard his mother telling him to sit and wait.He looked over to me and   45  at me.Then without warning he came running into my room.As 1 was silently complaining of the nurses leaving my door  46  , the smile upon his face widened.

He came right up next to my  47  and held out his big brown teddy bear.It was missing an eye but cute.I stared at him.not knowing what he was wanting from me.

He said.”Teddy is still sick.He needs to stay here.Could you keep him here till he gets better?”

I  48  out and took Teddy from his hand.I promised 1 would take care of Teddy until the time he got better and keep him from  49  afterwards.

Just then the mother called to him.He looked back at me,said  50  and ran out.His mother smiled down at him and the nurse wheeled him away.I sat there hugging Teddy.The nurse responded to my call  51  in time to catch the tears rolling down my cheeks and the biggest smile on my face.

1 will never forget what that little boy gave to me that day.It was so much   52    a well-loved,one-eyed teddy bear.I have kept my promises to that little boy too.      B.body      C.soul    D. heart

A.sounds     B.voices     C.noises   D.accents

A.guilty        B.happy      C.sorry   D.ashamed

A.surrounded B.covered     C.wrapped   D. tied

A.shook     B.stared     C.glanced     D.smiled

A.closed     B.unlocked   D.removed

A.bed      B.chair      C.nurse

A.handed     B.reached     C.stretched   D.spread

A.harm      B.ruin      C.wound   D.hurt

A.hello      B.welcome     C.goodbye   D.wish

A.even      B.already     C.only    D.just

A.rather than    B.less than     C.more than  D.other than

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