
三.完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)

 Last September, a terrible typhoon struck our neighborhood. Roofs were flying. Trees were being uprooted. Outside our front window. I __33___ see a nearby tree. It had served as the neighborhood’s Christmas tree for ten years. Children expected  its __34____ every December. “Just bend; don’t break!” I made a wish.

The ___35___ gathered in force. Rain was falling __36___, and water was pouring into the house around the edges of the closed windows. I heard people shouting, “The river is coming down on us!” I rushed out and found that the ___37___, which crossed the river and was the only way to ___38___ ground, was already under water !

We all ___39___ at a neighbor’s house and tried to think of a way out. ___40___ it was too late. Soon, we found ourselves stuck on the roof, holding together against the wind, trembling with cold and fear. As we looked around, the __41___ near our house could no longer be seen. Despair surrounded us.

Luckily, a group of soldiers __42___. With their help, ten hours later, at 2:oo a.m. , everyone was finally off the roof. We were saved!

The rain stopped during the night. At dawn, with the water gone, we found our __43___ a wasteland covered with sand and mud. As we made our way to what was left of our home, we found the tree ___44___ there, bent but not broken! Our symbol of ___45___ had been spared by nature.

 Life may not become __46__ so soon, but our neighborhood has tried its best. __47___ , in December, the Christmas tree will light up again.

33.A. should       B. would      C. could        D. might

34. A. arriving     B. growing     C. standing     D. lighting

35.A.energy       B. coldness    C. storm        D. darkness

36.A. peacefully   B. slowly      C. noisily       D. heavily

37. A. house       B. bridge      C. road        D. hill

38. A. richer       B. cleaner      C. higher       D. narrower

39.A. gathered     B. shouted      C. worked      D. swam

40. A. So         B. For          C. And        D. But

41. A. flood       B. tree          C. window     D. roof

42. A. looked out   B. got up       C. turned up    D. set out

43.A. ground      B. river         C. nature      D. neighborhood

44. A. already     B. still          C. even       D. also

45. A. health      B. respect       C. hope       D. honor

46. A. special     B. normal       C. excellent    D. fortunate

47. A. Hopefully  B. Particularly    C. Perfectly   D. Generally

33—47   CDCDB   CADBC   DBCBA  


If we really want to be happy, why do we complain all the time in our daily life? We can be active in our life by setting goals and going   34   what we want. But if we’re always expressing complaints, we can not really live   35  .
If you don’t believe me,   36   how many times you complain about something or other in one day. Whether it is being stuck in traffic, being bothered by the weather, or whatever it is, there are endless   37   where you can find a reason to complain. But it’s not just outside circumstances   38   we complain about. We also complain about   39  . We complain constantly that we don’t have enough time, that we don’t have enough money and that we’re not   40   enough, cool enough, or just enough.
Most of us have experienced plenty of unpleasantness   41   complaining about things we can’t control, so do I. And I   42   really thought about it much until I found the website about “living in a complaint-free world”, which   43   my attitude towards life.
Imagine how   44   you would be if you simply stopped being a complainer.   45   of what you complain of is outside of your control anyway.   46  , it is no use thinking about something you have no power to change. When you   47   that you’re complaining, stop and ask yourself if you would rather complain, or be happy.
In our daily life, we have many choices. As Dale Carnegie puts it, any fool can criticize and complain but it takes character and   48   for the wise persons to live a complaint-free and happy life.
34.   A. without                B. against              C. after             D. over
35.   A. effectively                B. normally           C. casually             D. honestly
36.   A. scan                         B. evaluate            C. witness              D. count
37.   A. effects                            B. cases                 C. consequences     D. anecdotes
38.   A. that                         B. which               C. where               D. what
39.   A. yourselves                B. themselves         C. oneself              D. ourselves
40.   A. clumsy                     B. attractive           C. neat                  D. awesome
41.   A. due to                      B. in addition to     C. by means of       D. in spite of
42.   A. ever                         B. even                 C. never                D. once
43.   A. reflected                  B. strengthened      C. abandoned         D. changed
44.   A. awkward                  B. confident           C. awful                D. cheerful
45.   A. Few                         B. Little                C. Much                D. Many
46.   A. Therefore                 B. However           C. Otherwise          D. Anyway
47.   A. guarantee                 B. determine      C. realize               D. recommend
48.   A. dignity                     B. self-control        C. judgement         D. affection

(三)完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从30 至第40 小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I feel it enjoyable and exciting to study in a British high school for one year. Life there was quiet different from what I 31 in China. The average size for British schools is much 32 and there were only 29 students in our class. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, 33 it difficult to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was less heavy than 34 in my old school, but all the homework was in English. That is 35 it was a bit challenging for me at first. 36, all my teachers were very helpful and I enjoyed all my subjects. My English 37 a lot as I used English every day and 38 an hour each day reading English books in the library. Students at that school are required to study Math, English and Science, but they can choose other subjects 39. I 40 to have Chinese food a lot at lunchtime there and I missed my parents very much. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free.
31. A. used to       B. was similar to   C. was used to        D. was familiar to
32. A. less         B. smaller        C. fewer            D. bigger
33. A. making       B. causing       C. resulting            D. leading
34. A. it            B. one          C. which              D. that
35. A. when         B. why          C. where            D. because
36. A. Unfortunately  B. Eventually     C. Luckily            D. Hopefully
37. A. improved      B. raised         C. rose              D. lifted
38. A. took           B. paid          C. cost              D. spent
39. A. in themselves   B. of themselves    C. by themselves     D. to themselves
40. A. looked forward  B. intended        C. wished for        D. did want

Everyone knows that a favorite food of people in the USA is the hamburger.
The favorite place to buy 36 is a fast-food restaurant. In these 37  , people 38 their food, wait just a few minutes, then when the food is ready they carry it to their tables by  39 . They can either 40 it in the restaurant or take the food out 41 a plastic box and eat it 42 home, at work, or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up 43 a window. They 44 the food, and a worker hands it to them 45 the window. Then they 46 off and eat in their cars or 47 they like.
Hamburgers are not the 48 kind of food that fast-food restaurants 49 . 50 serve fish, or sandwiches, and also 51 , coffee, and so on.
Fast-food 52 are very popular because the service is 53 and the food is not expensive. For many people, this is very important. In the United States, about 50% of all married women with children work outside. They are often too busy or too tired to 54 dinner for the family at night, and fast-food restaurants are a 55 help to help.
Now there are fast-food restaurants all over the world.
36. A. hot dogs           B. hamburgers      C. bread            D. cakes
37. A. cafes                B. shops              C. restaurants    D. stores
38. A. need              B. order                  C. require      D. want
39. A. yourself           B. yourselves        C. themselves    D. oneself
40. A. eat                 B. get                  C. take           D. bring
41. A. on                B. in                   C. at           D. of
42. A. in                B. of                  C. at              D. on
43. A. before               B. to                 C. beside          D. under
44. A. bring                B. order                C. eat             D. have
45. A. beside          B. through                C. near                D. throughout
46. A. go            B. take                 C. drive            D. walk
47. A. whatever          B. wherever         C. whichever      D. whoever
48. A. only              B. any                  C. one           D. some
49. A. take            B. work              C. serve          D. do
50. A. Another         B. Other              C. Some               D. Anyone
51. A. wine                B. orange juice          C. soft drinks    D. beer
52. A. meals             B. restaurants        C. markets        D. shops
53. A. kind              B. well                  C. fast           D. strange
54. A. have          B. take               C. cook          D. eat
55. A. large          B. best                  C. great          D. importan

三、完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
She watched her little girl at play through her window. Memories   34    back to her childhood.
She remembered that when she was a little girl, her mother would kiss her face every night when she was about to go to bed with her toys.   35    , she left home when   36    to college. Then she got married. Her work and family   37   her from visiting her mum, who is now living alone.
Thinking of this, she realized that she hadn’t   38   her mum for a long time. So she   39  
the phone.
“Dear, I miss you,” there came her mum’s   40   . “Someone said that I should give you a
41  before you left home, but I didn’t. I want to kiss you now, but I can’t do it through a phone.”
“You kissed me every night when I was   42   ,” she said in a low voice.
“You’re right, honey. Those days were so nice. But I feel   43    now when looking through your bedroom window.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks. Not knowing how to comfort her, she hung up   44   .
She picked up her pen and wrote a letter to her mum.
Dear Mum,
Thank you for what you’ve done for me. There’s no greater love than yours. Mum, you may not know how many times I saw you watch me play. The   45    that you looked through is the same one that God looked in. He saw you by my bed each night when you’d tenderly tuck me in (把被子盖好). But since I was   46   at that time, I didn’t know how great this love was. It is not until I have my own   47   to tuck in, to watch through the window   48   I understand your love for me. We are the same now. So Mum, please don’t feel lonely; you know I’ll always be there.
34.   A. flooded      B. turned C. left     D. entered
35.   A. Actually     B. Instead       C. However    D. Generally
36.   A. awarded     B. admitted     C. allowed      D. carried
37.   A. caught       B. protected    C. took    D. prevented
38.   A. heard  B. called  C. remembered      D. watched
39.   A. hung up     B. put up C. picked up   D. set up
40.   A. voice  B. noise   C. shout  D. laughter
41.   A. letter  B. ring    C. chance       D. kiss
42.   A. back   B. home  C. away   D. out
43.   A. excited       B. terrified     C. lonely D. upset
44.   A. in relief     B. in a hurry   C. in a way     D. in peace
45.   A. door   B. window      C. phone D. home
46.   A. loved  B. tired   C. young D. old
47.   A. toy     B. boy     C. mother       D. child
48.   A. that    B. what   C. who    D. which



My classmates called me “the alien”, and they avoided me like the plague(瘟疫). As a young boy, I  36  from a serious skin disease, which filled my arms with scars. The true  37  of my condition, however, was social: I lived a life of loneliness.

    Doctors predicted that I would never fully recover, but my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that any difficulty could be  38_. I therefore took an active role in fighting against my disease, and my health  39  greatly before I graduated. I realized that my personal  40_ had led to this improvement. I regained self-confidence and made many friends at school.

    Years later,  41  my personal battle against disease, I learned a great deal about  42  by overcoming difficulties.

    I joined the Culture Club as a Special Event Director. I  43  a group of six students in organizing various activities. I was the most advanced student among the group, so I considered myself the most capable. But I quickly learned my  44 . While preparing for our first presentation, I was  45  with my team members and often rejected their  46 . I performed most of their tasks myself, allowing them to   47  me only with small details. As a result, the presentation was not very successful. The setback  48  me, and I mentioned it to the club’s director. She _49  that she    trusted my ability to succeed in the future. This comment filled me with  50 , for I realized that I had never trusted my own team members.

Although they were  51  in English, they had many valuable talents. I immediately  52  my policy. For our program, we had many meetings, which gave  53  to many good ideas. Most  54_, the atmosphere among us improved dramatically. We were crazy and eager to devote time to the program, _55  I learned what true leadership is.

    My experiences undoubtedly improved my ability to handle challenging situations.

36.A.judged        B.separated C.prevented D.suffered

37.A.pain   B.sign    C.value D.meaning

38.A.overlooked         B.overcome          C.overdone   D.overestimated 

39.A.developed B.removed    C.increased  D.improved

40.A.joy      B.goal   C.will     D.life

41.A.like     B.over   C.for      D.in

42.A.ability         B.quality        C.leadership D.friendship

43.A.taught        B.managed C.found D.followed   

44.A.method      B.mistake      C.effort D.right

45.A.strict B.familiar      C.patient       D.satisfied

46.A.desires       B.ideas C.tasks D.talents

47.A.help   B.guide C.show D.remind

48.A.encouraged        B.disturbed   C.discouraged       D.educated

49.A.found B.thought      C.repeated   D.responded

50.A.pride  B.hope  C.surprise     D.delight

51.A.slow   B.strong        C.rich    D.weak

52.A.deleted      B.changed     C.regretted  D.considered

53.A.rise    B.hand  C.gift     D.birth

54.A.importantly        B.honestly     C.necessarily         D.respectably

55.A.and    B.but     C.or       D.for


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