

III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)

第一节  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

You must have been troubled by when to say "I love you" because it is one of the greatest puzzles in our life.

What if you say it first and your partner doesn’t love you back? Or if they do say it but you don’t feel they mean it? Being the first to declare your love can be never racking (紧张) and risky and can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell. But is the person who says it first really in a position of weakness? Doesn’t it pay to hold back, play it cool and wait until the other half has shown their hand faster?

“A really good relationship should be about being fair and being equal,” says psychologist Sidney Crown. “But love is seldom equal.” “All relationships go through power struggles but,” he says, “if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in.” That feeling of “I’ve always loved you more” may be subverted (颠覆,破坏) for a time, but it never goes away completely and it often emerges in squabbling (大声争吵). In love, at least, the silent, withholding type is not always the most powerful. “The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings,” says educational psychologist Ingrid Collins. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees. "The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative.” In fact, the person who says “I love you” first may also be the one who says  “I’m bored with you’ first.” Hall believes that much depends on how "I love you" is said and the motivation of the person saying it. Is it said when they’re drunk? Is it said before their partner flies off on holiday, and what it really means is “Please don’ t be unfaithful to me” ? By saying “I love you”, they are really saying “Do you love me?” If so, wouldn’t it just be more honest to say that. Collins agrees that intention is everything. "It’s not what is said, but how it’s said. What it comes down to is the sincerity of the speaker.”

41. What is the main idea of this passage?

 A. The importance of "I love you"       B. The meaning of "I love you"

 C. The time of saying "I love you".      D. The place of saying "I love you"

42. In the first sentence the author means that____________.

 A. it is easy to say "I love you"  

 B. it is hard to say "I love you"

 C. we have many troubles in our life

 D. people usually do not know when to say "I love you"

43. According to the expert, a good relationship should be _____________.

 A. fair and equal               B. fair and kind

 C. powerful and equal            D. confident and fair

44. In the third paragraph, the phrase "with the upper hand" means __________.

 A. being low in spirit           B. having only one hand

 C. being active                D. being passive

45. What is the most important for you to consider when somebody say "I love you" to you?

 A. The intention.   B. The place.    C. The time.    D. The determination.












III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Advertising in America offers some great advantages to consumers. For example, in order to keep prices low through mass production, companies must have a mass market for their products. Mass advertising creates mass markets. Producers cannot afford to develop new products, put them on the market and wait for customers to discover them. This would take too long. Demand for some products must be created. This is done through advertising.
  But advertising sometimes makes it difficult for consumers to make wise decisions. The fact is that when people are constantly flooded with messages through the mass media persuading them to buy particular products, many respond by buying them.
  Advertising is designed to influence an individual to buy a product. Sellers often study human behavior to discover what will convince consumers to buy a certain item. This reason for buying is called a buying motive.
  Buying motives are usually broken down into two categories: rational and emotional. Rational buying motives include the desire to save money, the desire for comfort, or the desire for good workmanship. Emotional buying motives include buying out of fear, wanting to be liked, and wanting to have something better than your friends have.
  Emotional appeals are found in most consumer advertising today. Certain cars promise to make the driver feel "younger" and " freer". Shoes promise to make the buyer's whole life "springier". Life insurance policies promise to take the "care out of living".
  Most consumers believe that they are not easily influenced by emotional appeals. However, corporations that sell consumer products obviously think differently. They spend many millions of dollars every day on radio, television, newspaper and magazine ads that use these appeals.  
1. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the advantages of advertising for consumers is that ________.
A. it can create a big demand for consumer goods
B. the mass market created by it leads to low prices
 C. producers can introduce new products to consumers
 D. it helps consumers discover new products
2. Consumers sometimes find it difficult to make a sensible decision when buying a particular product     because __________ .
 A. many advertisements are too difficult for them to understand
 B. they are afraid to be taken in by dishonest advertisements
 C. mass advertising offers them a range of good and cheap products
 D. they are confused by the quantity of advertisements promoting it
3. According to the passage, a toothpaste ad promising that people who use the product will make a lot of friends is an example of an ad that appeals to __________ .
 A. rational buying motives                              B. the consumer's commonsense
 C. emotional buying motives                          D. the desire for a good product
4. The reason why companies spend enormous amounts of money on advertising is that ________ .
 A. they believe people can be influenced to buy a certain produce
B. it takes a lot of advertising to convince people to buy a certain product
 C. most consumers are not easily influenced by emotional appeals
 D. advertising based on emotional appeals are very effective
5. The best title for this passage would be ________ .
 A. Advertising can create demand                   B. The advantages of advertising
 C. What effective advertising can do               D. The role of advertising in selling products

第一节   阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A Magical Experience
One hot August afternoon, Deena Hoagland and her son Joe sat on a floating platform at Dolphins Plus, a marine(海洋)center near their home in Florida. Nearby, a large, powerful, six-hundred-pound dolphin circled to study the mother and her child. Suddenly, it splashed the Hoaglands with water. That is when something amazing happened. Three-year-old Joe Hoagland smiled. Sitting with Joe on her lap, Deena smiled, too, as her heart leapt with joy. It was the first sign of hope she had seen in Joe since his stroke(中风)six weeks earlier.
Joe Hoagland was born with a rare heart condition that had forced him to spend much of his first three years of life in hospitals. After a series of open-heart surgeries, Joe seemed to be doing better, but the last surgery on his heart resulted in a stroke, which left him unable to move one side and to see out of one eye.
Worse still, the spirit of the child, who had bravely battled his illness until then was seemingly broken. Afraid of his doctors and unwilling to participate in efforts at physical therapy(治疗), Joe grew listless, losing interest even in his favorite toys.
Having heard of a new therapeutic approach termed “dolphin-assisted therapy,” Deena phoned Dolphins Plus and asked permission to bring her son along. There Joe met Fonzie, the playful dolphin. With each passing visit, Joe seemed to make more progress. Before long, he was regaining some movement on his left side. Dolphins Plus trainers urged Joe to get into the water and swim with his new friend. Joe, however, was reluctant. Gradually, though, Joe became more comfortable with the large dolphin, and by mid-September, Joe was swimming with his friends.
Over the next two years, Joe fully recovered from the paralysis and partial blindness that his doctors thought irreversible. Now a healthy, active teenager, Joe lives a life similar to any of his friends. He visits and swims frequently with his friend Fonzie and helps his parent with Island Dolphin Care. Deena started Island Dolphin Care to work with Dolphins Plus to share the benefits of dolphin therapy with other special-needs children and their parents.
41.Deena Hoagland smiled when Fonzie splashed Joe with water because             .
A.the dolphin’s action is amazing             B.Joe’s reaction brought her hope
C.she was affected by Joe’s joy               D.she realized Joe recovered
42.Paragraph 2-4 are written to           .
A.expose the dangers of strokes
B.identify the problems Joe faced
C.describe Joe’s recovery from beginning to end
D.show readers the process of “dolphin-assisted therapy”
43.What does the underlined word mean in paragraph 3?
A.angry and inflexible                        B.more mature and silent
C.lacking energy and concern                  D.cautious and shy
44. Which statement about Joe is Not True?
A. Joe received several surgeries on the heart when he was a little child.
B. Joe was the first one to receive dolphin-assisted therapy.
C. Doctors used to think that Joe could not recover.
D. Now Joe worked with his parents in the Island Dolphin Care.
45.We may conclude from the passage that            .
A.dolphin therapy has helped many children to improve their lives
B.Joe recovered faster because of his desire to live with Fonzie
C.doctors’ mistake during his surgeries brought Joe great pain
D.his mother’s company contributes greatly to Joe’s recovery

III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Advertising in America offers some great advantages to consumers. For example, in order to keep prices low through mass production, companies must have a mass market for their products. Mass advertising creates mass markets. Producers cannot afford to develop new products, put them on the market and wait for customers to discover them. This would take too long. Demand for some products must be created. This is done through advertising.

  But advertising sometimes makes it difficult for consumers to make wise decisions. The fact is that when people are constantly flooded with messages through the mass media persuading them to buy particular products, many respond by buying them.

  Advertising is designed to influence an individual to buy a product. Sellers often study human behavior to discover what will convince consumers to buy a certain item. This reason for buying is called a buying motive.

  Buying motives are usually broken down into two categories: rational and emotional. Rational buying motives include the desire to save money, the desire for comfort, or the desire for good workmanship. Emotional buying motives include buying out of fear, wanting to be liked, and wanting to have something better than your friends have.

  Emotional appeals are found in most consumer advertising today. Certain cars promise to make the driver feel "younger" and " freer". Shoes promise to make the buyer's whole life "springier". Life insurance policies promise to take the "care out of living".

  Most consumers believe that they are not easily influenced by emotional appeals. However, corporations that sell consumer products obviously think differently. They spend many millions of dollars every day on radio, television, newspaper and magazine ads that use these appeals.  

1. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the advantages of advertising for consumers is that ________.

A. it can create a big demand for consumer goods

B. the mass market created by it leads to low prices

 C. producers can introduce new products to consumers

 D. it helps consumers discover new products

2. Consumers sometimes find it difficult to make a sensible decision when buying a particular product     because __________ .

 A. many advertisements are too difficult for them to understand

 B. they are afraid to be taken in by dishonest advertisements

 C. mass advertising offers them a range of good and cheap products

 D. they are confused by the quantity of advertisements promoting it

3. According to the passage, a toothpaste ad promising that people who use the product will make a lot of friends is an example of an ad that appeals to __________ .

 A. rational buying motives                              B. the consumer's commonsense

 C. emotional buying motives                          D. the desire for a good product

4. The reason why companies spend enormous amounts of money on advertising is that ________ .

 A. they believe people can be influenced to buy a certain produce

B. it takes a lot of advertising to convince people to buy a certain product

 C. most consumers are not easily influenced by emotional appeals

 D. advertising based on emotional appeals are very effective

5. The best title for this passage would be ________ .

 A. Advertising can create demand                   B. The advantages of advertising

 C. What effective advertising can do               D. The role of advertising in selling products



III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)




Whether you’re headed to another country for business or pleasure, it is likely that you need to keep in touch with family or business partners in the United States. But if you plan to do that using your cell phone, you could have an unwelcome surprise-U.S. cell phones don’t work abroad. U.S. companies use different forms of technology, not like most of the international community, including Europe.

However, there is an easy, cost-effective solution(方法) to staying in touch while you’re traveling. You Can rent a phone that is guaranteed to work in the countries you’re visiting. Roadpost offers a 30-day cell phone rental plan that includes free incoming calls, free voicemail and call waiting services.

    The service is convenient and simple. You can place your order online and your phone will be shipped to arrive on the date you want. If an unexpected business trip comes up, Roadpost can provide next-day delivery for most cities. In addition to the phone, Roadpost provides a spare battery, travel charger and a leather carrying case.

    When your phone is shipped from Roadpost, you receive an e-mail confirmation that contains your international cell phone number so you can leave it with family members and business partners; Roadpost even provides business cards preprinted with your international phone number.

    Those who don’t want to be without e-mail while traveling can rent an international BlackBerry. It can be hard to stay in touch by e-mail when traveling. With an international BlackBerry, you can email as much as you like, without worrying about an expensive bill. If you’re traveling to very remote areas, you may want to consider renting a satellite phone: Because they receive their signals from satellites, these phones work anywhere on the

planet, including oceans and mountains. When you return, simply ship the phone or BlackBerry back to Roadpost using the return kit the company provides.

1. According to the text, Roadpost probably is______.

  A. an organization that offers some free services

  B. a person who offers some advice to foreign tourists

  C. a company that rents cell phones to Americans going abroad

  D. a Person who makes travel plans for Americans

2. The first paragraph mainly tells us that ______.

  A. Americans need to change their cell phones

  B. European form of technology is different from America's

  C. U.S. cell phones don't work abroad

  D. Americans who go abroad will meet an unwelcome surprise

3. Which of the following will help you a lot in mountainous areas?

  A. BlackBerry.                                            B. The return kit.

  C. E-mail.                                               D. Satellite phones.

4. According to the text, it can be inferred that ______.

   A. an international BlackBerry is mainly used to send e-mail

   B. Roadpost can offer cell phones using in different areas

   C. you should select a bag used to send your cell phone

   D. Roadpost's service is convenient and simple

5. Which of the free services can you get from Road post?

  A. Voicemail.                                    B. Sending e-mail.

  C. Shipping the phone back.                         D. Call waiting services.


III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)



Alzheimer's disease affects millions of people around the world. American researchers say the disease will affect more than one hundred million people worldwide by the year twenty fifty. That would be four times the current number. Researchers and doctors have been studying Alzheimer's patients for a century. Yet the cause and cure for the mental sickness are still unknown. However, some researchers have made important steps towards understanding it.

Several early signs of the disease involve memory and thought processes. At first, patients have trouble remembering little things. Later, they have trouble remembering more important things, such as the names of their children.

There are also some physical tests that might show who is at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The tests look for proteins in brain and spinal cord fluid. The proteins appear to be found only in people with the disease. The protein tests correctly identify the presence of the disease in about ninety percent of patients.

Now, a much simpler physical test to predict Alzheimer's risk has been developed. Researchers found that trouble with the sense of smell can be one of the first signs of Alzheimer's. Using this information, they developed a test in which people were asked to identify twelve familiar smells. These smells included cinnamon, black pepper, chocolate, paint thinner, and smoke.

The study continued for five years. During this period, the same people were asked to take several tests measuring their memory and thought abilities. Fifty percent of those who could not identify at least four of the smells in the first test had trouble with their memory and thinking in the next five years.

Another study has shown a possible way to reduce a person's chances of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers in Chicago found that people who use their brains more often are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Those who read a newspaper, or play chess or word games are about three times less likely to develop the condition.

Researchers say they still do not know what causes Alzheimer's disease. But they say these findings might help prevent the disease in the future.

41. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Some early signs of the Alzheimer's disease.

B. Some physical tests about Alzheimer's disease.

C. The research about Alzheimer's disease.

D. The patients of Alzheimer's disease.

42. What’s the current number of Alzheimer’s patients?

A. 100 million               B. 25 million         C. 400 million              D. 2050 million

43. What is not the early signs of the Alzheimer's disease according to the passage?

A. Poor memory                           B. Proteins exist in the brain.

C. Trouble with the sense of smell.             D. Less use of the brain.

44. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Alzheimer's disease.                               B. Alzheimer's patients. 

C. The cause and cure.                                    D. The research.

45. According to the passage, we can learn that _______.

A. there are no proteins in the brains of the people with no Alzheimer's disease

B. the people who often use their brains will not get Alzheimer's disease

C. researchers and doctors have found ways to cure Alzheimer's disease

D. the people who have the trouble with the sense of smell will certainly suffer from Alzheimer's disease


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