
If you need extra employment support because of a disability, your local job center put you in touch with one of their Disability Employment Advisers(DEA). Disability Employment Advisers can give you help and support regardless of your situation. They can help you find work or gain new skills even if you have been out of work for a long time, or if you have little or no working experience.
Referral service
Your DEA can offer you an employment assessment to identify what type of work or training suits you best and also offer you a work program designed to help disabled people, like the Job Introduction Scheme, WORKSTEP or Access to Work. The DEA can let you know about jobs that match your experience and skills and offer you more work information.
Employment assessments
An important employment assessment can help you identify your abilities. Your employment assessment will usually take place at your local Job centre. You will have an interview with your DEA, which is an opportunity for you to talk about your skills and abilities and any previous working experience you may have. As part of the assessment, you may be asked to carry out some practical tasks and written work. These tasks will be similar to common tasks involved in various types of work. The assessment may take half a day or longer, depending on your individual needs. The DEA will discuss the length of your assessment with you beforehand.
After the assessment
You and your DEA will talk about your assessment and agree on an action plan to help you achieve your job goals. Your action plan may include training or taking part in the “Work Preparation” program.
An employment assessment does not affect your benefits. You can claim travel expenses for attending an assessment.
45. DEA will help you find a job even if you ______.
A. don’t like your former work at all
B. have been seriously ill for a long time
C. are disabled and have no working experience
D. are a normal man without knowledge
46. The program “Access to Work” aims at ______.
A. exchanging working experience
B. helping the disabled people
C. offering more work information
D. advertising some products
47. From the passage we can learn that ______.
A. the employment assessment is not necessary
B. the employment assessment takes place in a company
C. the employment assessment is carried out by employers
D. the time of the employment assessment is up to you
48. Before you take your job you need ______.
A. training or preparation     
B. some travel expenses
C. paying DEA some money  
D. very excellent skills
49. According to the ad, which of the following is TRUE?
A. An employment assessment can be done in every Job centre.
B. DEA is a job agency only for disabled people.
C. DEA can help the disabled a lot in finding a job.
D. An employment assessment can value a job seeker in every aspect.                      


Though your parents probably meant to have your name last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they’d hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they cared for when they chose it may not match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit you, don’t lose heart. Film stars change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.
If you wish to pick up a new name, you don’t need to make the change official. Under common law, all that is necessary is to start using the name of your choice. Remember, though, that you must use it everywhere—even with your mother—for it to become your legal name.
Getting friends and fellow workers to call you Leach instead of Lola may be harder than any paperwork involved, but you’ll probably meet official resistance, too. Be sure that no law prevents you from using the name you have chosen, unless you use it for the purpose of cheating. If the gas company tells you that you cannot get your bill under a new name, they are wrong. You don’t have to show them any sort of court document. You have a right to be called by whatever name you choose.
By this time, you’ve probably realized that changing your name is more difficult than replacing your furniture or changing your hair color, though the effect can be unusually encouraging. Don’t care too much if you have to keep reminding others of your change of a new name—keep on, and your friends and lover will accept your new name. Good luck!
51.   You may wish to change your name because _____.
you are required to do so
you don’t mean to have your name last a lifetime
you like to follow what film stars often do
you may not like your parents’ choice
52.   If you wish to start using the name of your own choice, you _____.
must get friends to call your new name
don’t have to get permission from anybody
must use it with your mother first
need to be approved by the court
53.   No law keeps you from using whatever name you have chosen, if only ____.
you pick up a new name not for the purpose of wrong-doing
you can get your fellow workers to call you the new name
the gas company agrees to get your bill under your new name
some sort of court document is given to you
54.   You may realize that changing your name ____.
usually has good effect
is actually asking for trouble
is not as easy as rearranging your room
means you have to go through some trouble
55.   The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to _____.
show you the need of changing your name
encourage you if you want to change your name
tell you how easy it is to change one’s name
list all the difficulties in changing one’s name

第三部分  阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节  阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
American like to visit the national parks. In 1996, over 250,000,000 people visited areas run by the National Park Service. Experts predict that by 2010, 500,000,000 people per year will visit the parks. As a result, people are trying to think of ways to protect the parks from the crowds.
The crowding of the parks has caused several problems. One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To cope with this problem, national parks may require reservations months in advance for some spots. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees at these places.
Another problem caused by increased park use is pollution. Some garbage and waste can be cleaned up, and the cleanup can be paid for by increased entrance fees. To cut down on noise pollution and air pollution, officials may decrease the number of cars allowed in parks. If this happens, people may use buses to travel around the parks. Officials may also limit the use of jet-skis, snowmobiles (摩托雪橇), motorboats, and sightseeing helicopters and planes.
The parks are also threatened by development that is going on around them. For example, around Yellow Stone Park, many motels (汽车旅馆), golf courses, resorts, and other tourist attractions have been built. Some of these developments affect areas that are used by animals. People will have to learn to agree about ways to protect the parks. If they do not, there will soon be no reason to visit these national treasures.
1. By 2010, the number of visitors will rise by ______ per year.
A. 250 million              B. 500 million              C. 2.5 billion         D. 5 billion
2. If you want to visit the national parks, you may have to _____ in the future.
A. pay less than before                         B. stay there for months
C. book the ticket before months           D. fill in a form to apply for the ticket
3. Entrance fees may be increased _______.
A. just for the benefit of the National Park Service
B. either to limit the number of visitors or to pay for the cleaner
C. not only to protect the animals but to reduce the noise pollution
D. merely for the development of the national parks
4. What does the underlined sentence in the passage mean?
A. People are not supposed to visit the national parks for fear that they will harm the animals.
B. Only if more man-made tourist attractions are built will more people visit the parks.
C. It is reasonable to keep the balance between the development of the parks and the reserve.
D. People will not visit the national parks since there are no golf courses and resorts.
5. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. High fees may probably keep some people out of parks.
B. Helicopters and planes will not be used in parks any longer.
C. The bus will become the only toot in parks with the purpose of pollution reduction.
D. The National Park Service welcomes as many visitors as possible.

Four in 10 Chinese complain about the great gap between large investments in education and its returns, a recent nationwide survey has showed.
The Horizon Research Consultancy Group polled 3,355 residents aged 16 to 60 in both urban and rural areas, including Beijing and Shanghai.
The survey found that only 16 percent of respondents believed their investments on education gave good returns.
Those with higher education voiced greater disappointment at the quality of education received, the survey showed.
People in the rural areas generally gave more positive feedback(反馈)on the quality of education than those from the cities, the survey found.
"Our education has been focusing on an examination-oriented system," Huo Qingwen, the deputy director of language education testing service center under the Beijing Foreign Studies University, told China Daily yesterday.
"The survey result doesn't surprise me, as I had heard complaints not only from the students, but also from the teachers who have been asked to focus more about the exam-passing rate," Huo said.
"The job market is still hungry for talented staff, but many graduates are not competent(胜任的) because the posts require more practical experience and creative ability of workers," Huo added.
Most university graduates prefer jobs in large cities, causing an imbalance in human resources between urban and rural areas, Hong said.
The graduates would get better job options if they chose to work at the grassroots (基础的) level because of the government's preferential policies, including the waiving of tuition for those willing to work in the country's rural and western regions, he added.
About 580,000 graduates last year found county- or village-level jobs, and more than 550,000 got jobs in the central and western regions, Ministry of Education figures showed.
"Because many graduates focus only on jobs with high salaries and that are directly relevant to their specialties, they miss other good work opportunities," Kong Xiang, a Beijing graduate who works as an English teacher in a college located at a remote area in Yunnan province, said.
The recent survey showed that education costs form one-quarter of an urban family's income, while it forms one-third of a rural family's income.
46.According to the passage, most people think that _______
A. the investments in education gave them good returns.
B. the investments in education don’t bring them good results.
C. college students are satisfied with their the education received.
D. People in the cities are more satisfied with the quality of education than those in the rural areas.
47.Which of the following is NOT mentioned?
A. China’s education has been focusing on an examination-oriented system .
B. Both the teachers and students are asked to pay more attention to the exam-passing rate.
C. The job market now does not lack university graduates.
D. Most university graduates enjoy hunting jobs in large cities.
48. What would happen to the graduates if they chose to work at the grassroots level?
A. They would get higher salaries.                        B. They would get lower salaries.
C. Their tuition would be free.                           D. They would get better job choices.
49. How much does the education cost according to the survey ?
A. One-third of a family's income.
B. one-quarter of a rural family's income.
C. 25% of an urban family's income.
D. Three in ten a rural family's income.
50. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage.
A. The gap between investments in education and its returns
B. Education and university graduates
C. China’s higher education
D. Education costs

My 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a foreign language and __36__ life in a foreign country.
It was a milestone in Dan’s life, a change from school days to   37  . When we were to say goodbye, I   38   closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good   39_  that would last longer than here and now.
But not a sound came over my lips. I   40   motionless and silent, looking    41__    my son’s green eyes.
I knew that this wasn’t the first time I    42    such an opportunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on his first day in preschool. I   43   the excitement in his hand that held mine when the bus came round the corner. He looked at me —just _ _44    he did now. And then he boarded the bus and   45  . The bus drove away. And I hadn’t     46   a word.
Some ten years later, a similar experience    47  . His mother and I drove him to the university where he was going to   48  . Dan was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye.  __49   the words let me down. I only murmured something like “I hope you are   50   , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.
Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the   51    when I hadn’t make use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so    52    to tell your son what you feel? My mouth was
53   , and I knew I would only say a few words.
“Dan,” I   54   stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choice myself, I would have   
55    you.” That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything.
36. A.experiment B.experience       C.business    D.knowledge
37. A.neighborhood    B.childhood C.adulthood D.brotherhood
38. A.looked       B.fixed C.glared       D.stared
39. A.gift     B.support     C.skill  D.advice
40. A.walked       B.stood C.sat     D.wondered
41. A.like     B.for    C.at      D.into
42. A.made  B.had   C.let     D.got
43. A.felt     B.knew C.found       D.realized
44. A.when  B.as      C.since D.once
45. A.enjoyed      B.ran    C.left    D.disappeared
46. A.heard  B.said   C.gave  D.left
47. A.took place  B.took on     C.turned out D.turned up
48. A.play    B.visit  C.study D.search
49. A.Luckily      B.Once C.Again       D.Therefore
50. A.stronger     B.happier     C.greater      D.better
51. A.times  B.places       C.days  D.ways
52. A.eager  B.important  C.difficult    D.lovely
53. A.wet     B.dry    C.anxious     D.painful
54. A.directly      B.finally      C.kindly      D.nervously
55. A.loved  B.praised     C.supported  D.chosen

Is your schoolbag too heavy to bear? The e-schoolbag will free you from the weight.
It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon.An experiment with several hundred e-schoolbags will begin in seven cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang.And the e-schoolbags are going to cover all over China if the experiment shows to be successful.In fact, the e-schoolbag should perhaps be called an e-notebook.It is a small hand-held computers for school students.
Heavy schoolbags have long been a serious problem for school students.The average schoolbag of middle school students weighs up to 5 kilos.But the e-schoolbag will change everything.It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag, weighing under 1 kilo.Also, it is no bigger than a usual book, but it can still hold all the things for study, such as a textbook, a notebook and exercise book.They could be made into chips that are as small as a stamp.The students can read the text page by page on the screen.They can still take notes using a special electronic pen.If they want to know the meaning or the pronunciation of a new word, or even e-mail their teachers, it’s just a press of a button.
In some foreign countries, it is becoming common.But it is hard to tell when people will receive this new form of study.Some say that e-textbooks can easily be broken, some say that it is not good to students’ eyesight to look at the screen for long.But only time will tell.
69.The e-schoolbag has many functions EXCEPT ________.
A.It can pronounce the words.                B.It can send e-mails.
C.It can be used as a dictionary.              D.It can phone somebody.
70.According to the passage, the e-schoolbags ­­­________.
A.are not heavy as before but still large 
B.are used as an experiment in Tianjin
C.are made of metal                 
D.are going to cover China if it shows to be successful
71.Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.All the students in China will use this new schoolbag.
B.We can do a lot of work based on the programmes of the chips.
C.The e-notebooks are very perfect.
D.We will not make notes because the e-notebook can make all by itself.

Arnold followed Eugie down the slope, stealing, as his brother did, from one stock of wheat to another. Eugie paused before climbing through the wire fence that divided the Wheatfield from the marshy pasture (牧场)around the lake. They were screened from the ducks by the trees along the lake’s edge.
“If  you hit your duck, you want me to go in after it?” Eugie said.
“If you want.” Amold said.
Eugie lowered his eyelids, “You’d drown before you got it, the legs of yours are so weak.” he said contemptuously(轻蔑地).
He shoveled the tub under the fence and, pressing down the center wire, climbed through into the pasture.
Arnold pressed down the bottom wire, pushed a leg through and leaned forward to bring the other leg after. His rifle caught on the wire and he pulled at it. The air was rocked by the sound of the shot. Feeling foolish, he lifted his face, uncovering it to an expected shower of derision (嘲弄)from his brother. But Eugie did not turn around. Instead, from his crouching position, he fell into his knees and then fell forward onto his face. The ducks rose up crying from the lake, cleared the mountain background and beat away northward across the pale sky.
Arnold squatted beside his brother. Eugie seemed to be climbing the earth, as if the earth ran up and down, and when he found he couldn’t scale it he lay still.
Then Arnold saw it, under the rolling hair at the back of the need — a slow rising of bight blood. It had an unpleasant movement, like that of a parasite(寄生虫).
“Hey, Eugie, ” he said again. He was feeling the same discomfort he had felt when he had watched Eugie sleeping; his brother didn’t know that he was lying face down in the pasture.
Again he said, “Hey, Eugie,” an anxious push in his voice. But Eugie was as still as the morning about them.
72.What does the underlined word “screened” in Para 1 probably mean?
A.Separated.          B.Stopped.      C.Dragged.      D.Hidden.
73.According to the passage, we know that       .
A.Eugie always laughed at Arnold
B.Eugie would help Arnold hit the ducks
C.Arnold begged Eugie to go in after the ducks
D.Eugie was worried that Arnold might drown
74.Why did Eugie lie still?
A.Arnold shot him intentionally.       B.Arnold killed him accidentally.
C.He pretended to be unconscious.     D.He was ready to shoot some ducks.
75.It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A.the relationship between Arnold and Euie was not so good
B.Arnold followed Eugie approaching the lake to steal ducks
C.they were crouching forward to steal the wheat
D.Eugie was always taking care of Arnold

第一节   完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Cars are too expensive for many people around the world to own. Not only that, many cities are already full of traffic, and many country areas have rough roads.
So how do people   21        those distances that are too far to walk? They use public transportation. If you ride the subway    22         bus where you live, you can appreciate some of the benefits of public transportation. With many people     23      one bus or train there is less traffic and, more importantly, less   24              .
Which of the types of mass transit described below are you familiar with? If a regular bus can   25       dozens of people, imagine what a bus twice the size can hold! In Great Britain, there are many buses that are   26          double-deckers.
Buses in Haiti are often very crowded. It’s not   27          for passengers to actually sit on the rooftops. Buses are sometimes called “tap-taps”, because the riders on the roof tap(敲击)when they want to be dropped off.
Many large cities around the world take advantage of the   28         beneath the streets and run underground trains. People in Paris, Mexico City and Tokyo may use the subway system to get to school, to work, or to visit friends in other neighborhoods. Both the Japanese and French have   29         High-speed trains to link various cities. While electric trains in North America   30        130 kph, the French TGV (high-speed-train) is the world’s fastest, averaging over 270 kph!
21. A. find                      B. fly               C. observe                  D. travel
22. A. and                      B. also                    C. or                          D. as well as
23. A. sharing          B. crowding            C. sparing                   D. sitting
24. A. smoke           B. people         C. buses               D. pollution
25. A. include          B. stand                  C. hold                       D. seat contain
26. A. known as              B. popular with C. familiar with           D. looked like
27. A. frequent                B. usual                  C. true                        D. uncommon
28. A. building                B. structure             C. space               D. channel
29. A. imported               B. operated              C. produced         D. developed
30. A. travel            B. average        C. run                        D. fly

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