
4.参考词汇:缓解relieve(v.)排练rehearse(v.)表演 performance(n.)
Students in our school have held a heated discussion about whether it is necessary to hold parties to celebrate different festivals.Opinions vary from person to person.Some students are in favor of the activities,which they think make their after-class life colorful and thus relieve some study pressure.(高分句型1)Besides,not only does holding activities help them know each other better but it improves their abilities.What's more,some can display themselves and earn respect.(赞成及其原因)
However,some students hold a different view.Firstly,it will take a lot of time to rehearse,which affects their study.Secondly,the list of performance is limited and only a small number of students have the opportunity to take part in it.Thirdly,a lot of waste is produced after the activity,which is harmful to the environment.(反对及其原因)
Personally,I think it is good to hold parties,in which I can always enjoy myself and get relaxed.(高分句型2)At the same time,our classmates may have a really great time by enjoying my performance.(作者的看法及原因).

分析 本文是篇议论文,要根据三点要求来完成,分别是 1.引出主题;2.不同同学的看法及其原因:可以丰富课余生活,缓解学习压力;可以加深同学之间的了解,同时培养学生各方面的能力;可以展示自我,赢得尊重;3.你的观点及原因.写作时要注意以下几点:1、写作内容涵盖所有要点,不可遗漏;2、要注意时态语态,避免出现语法和拼写错误;3、适当运用高级词汇和句型来为自己的文章增色.
【亮点说明】文章要点齐全,表达思路明确,知识点运用恰当到位,文中使用了非常好的短语和词汇为文章增色不少,比如1、热点话题:a heated discussion  2、释放学习压力relieve some study pressure等.还运用了一些从句使得文章结构更加严谨合理,如Personally,I think it is good to hold parties,in which I can always enjoy myself and get relaxed.和 Some students are in favor of the activities,which they think make their after-class life colorful and thus relieve some study pressure.是非限制定语从句,也是一句长句等.

解答 Students in our school have held a heated discussion about whether it is necessary to hold parties to celebrate different festivals.Opinions vary from person to person.(引出主题)
Some students are in favor of the activities,which they think make their after-class life colorful and thus relieve some study pressure.(高分句型1)Besides,not only does holding activities help them know each other better but it improves their abilities.What's more,some can display themselves and earn respect.(赞成及其原因)
However,some students hold a different view.Firstly,it will take a lot of time to rehearse,which affects their study.Secondly,the list of performance is limited and only a small number of students have the opportunity to take part in it.Thirdly,a lot of waste is produced after the activity,which is harmful to the environment.(反对及其原因)
Personally,I think it is good to hold parties,in which I can always enjoy myself and get relaxed.(高分句型2)At the same time,our classmates may have a really great time by enjoying my performance.(作者的看法及原因)

点评 图表类在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点,写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需要积累短语和重要句型.

14.Like many languages spoken by people,Ayapaneco is dying.Only two people in the world still speak it,and they won′t talk to each other.
Spoken in Mexico for centuries,Ayapaneco is one of 68 surviving languages in the mainly Spanish-speaking nation.The two speakers are Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velazquez.Though they live only 500 meters from each other in the village,the two men seldom talk to each other.Daniel,an American expert,who is working to make a dictionary of Ayapaneco,says the two men"don′t have a lot in common",and that Segovia can be"active"while Velasquez tends to mind his own business and stay at home.
While Segovia still speaks to his wife and son in Ayapaneco,neither of them can manage more than a few words.Velasquez hardly speaks his native tongue any more.Daniel is working to preserve the language in dictionary form before its last surviving speakers pass away.According to Daniel,Ayapaneco and other languages began dying out with the introduction of public Spanish education in the mid-20th century.For decades,local children weren′t allowed to speak anything else.Many people to cities,starting in the 1970s,also helped the dying out of native languages.
Ayapaneco is the name given to the language; Segovia and Velazquez call it"Nuumte Oote",which means"true voice".Neither man,however,speaks the language identically.The dictionary will contain two versions of the language when it comes out later this year.Those behind the dictionary aren′t the only ones trying to save Ayapaneco.The National Language Institute plans to hold classes so that Segovia and Velasquez can pass on what they know to children,which they don′t agree to.
It is thought that there are about 6,000 languages spoken on Earth and that about half will disappear over the next 100 years.Let′s hope the"true voice"isn′t one of them.

64.Segovia and Velazquez seldom talk to each other in Ayapaneco because theyD.
A.both dislike the language
B.hate each other
C.are too busy to talk to each other
D.don′t share the same interest
65.Which are the main reasons why the language Ayapaneco started dying out?C
a.No teachers liked to teach it.
b.Local children had to speak Spanish.
c.The surviving speakers didn′t like to use it.
d.Many villagers went to live in cities.
A.a,b B.a,c C.b,d D.b,c
66.How does the National Language Institute try to save Ayapaneco?B
A.Write a dictionary of Ayapaneco.
B.Let Ayapaneco be taught at school.
C.Introduce a public Ayapaneco education.
D.Ask villagers to speak Ayapaneco.
67.From the text we learn that the authorD.
A.agrees that it is natural that Ayapaneco should die out
B.thinks Daniel′s effort to preserve Ayapaneco won′t work
C.thinks highly of Ayapaneco and wants people to learn it
D.hopes that Ayapaneco will not die out in the future.
14.Are animal brains too simple for thoughts and choices?Stories about animal kindness have really changed my point of view.In fact,some stories are amazing,especially when animals are meeting with people.Here are two stories that interest me:
James,a wildlife writer,told a story about how an African woman had placed her baby in the shade of a tree while she was working.An elephant group walked by and saw the baby.Several elephants pulled lefy branches from the tree and covered the sleeping baby.Flies can be a problem in Africa and the branches protected the baby from the flies.The elephants were so gentle and quiet that they did not even wake up the baby.Then the elephants walked away.
An English magazine offers another story.Bill,the cat,stayed at home while its master was away on a trip,but the man was injured in a railway accident and died a few days later in a hospital.At the funeral (葬礼),the man's brother was surprised to see that Bill was there.The faithful cat had traveled a long way tothe hospital,looked at the coffin (棺材),and then sadly returned home.
Humans are only one part of the earth.The beautiful flowers are our sisters; the deer,the horse,the great eagle,these are our brothers.The sky and mountains,the cows and men,all belong to the same family.These stories,I hope,will inspire more people to treat animals as our friends rather than pets or our next meal.

29.What did the author use to believe?B
A.People meet with animals often.
B.Animal brains are too simple to make choices.
C.We should change our old views about animals.
D.Animal stories have many amazing facts.
30.Why does the author write this passage?B
A.He wants to make animals become our sisters and brothers.
B.He wants to inspire more people to treat animals as friends.
C.He wants to warn people against having more food or pets.
D.He wants to make the earth a whole family.
6.You might think that fitness and fun can hardly ever go together.Well,that is changing with the Color Run,or a 5km run (5k) where participants get colored dust thrown at them.Sounds crazy,right?Well,this is known to be a very fun activity in the US,and it's getting more popular in China too.
(36)BThis is an ancient cultural festival that came from legends that talk about good beating evil,(37)E Everyone throw colored dust at each other and yells"Happy Holi!"This year Holi fell on March 24.
The Color Run is called the"Happiness 5k on the Planet".The race is not timed and there are no winners or prizes.The only rule is that runners must start the race wearing all white.(38)C
There is a color station once every kilometer.Each color station is associated with a different color and volunteers throw colored dust at runners when they pass each color station.(39)AThere is even a color dance party at the end!
(40)G Well,it is made of corn that comes in your food,so it is safe and easy to clean off.But it's best to try and kep it out of your eyes.
Do you want to join in the fun race?

A.By the end of the race,runners are covered in all the colors of the rainbow.
B.An Indian festival called Holi inspired this colorful run.
C.The point is for everyone to forget about the competition and enjoy the unique experience.
D.It has therefore become the largest five-kilometer event series in the United States.
E.But today it's all about having fun.
F.The first Color Run event took place in March 2011 in Phoenix,Arizona.
G.You might think the dust would be dangerous to throw at people.

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