
1. Mean old ladies

There is always a reason why an old lady gives you a serious look – you are being too loud, dressed improperly or not crossing the street in the right place. Sometimes it can be lovely, but if you are already having a bad day, a mean old lady can drive you mad.

What to do about it:

I’ve come to realize that when people start conflicts, it is actually an expression of their inner state expressed in an outside way. You, your personality, your looks or your actions have nothing to do with it. It is not personal, so why take it personally?

2. That person, who cuts in front of everybody in line

This is something that gets me angry. Even if I am not in a hurry, I still feel bad for the other people in line who are being treated unjustly. Are you more patient than I am or do you feel annoying too?

What to do about it:

If we have negative thoughts then we are wasting our energy on negativity. Situations like this could be a great opportunity to learn to control our first negative responses and practice understanding. After all, the person may just have a quick question or maybe there is an emergency.

Friends that tell you “I told you so”

It is one thing to admit that you made a mistake and another to hear it from a friend. Friends should be there to support you and cheer you up when you are feeling down, not make themselves feel better at your expense, right?

What to do about it:

It helps to remember that when people say “I told you so”, they may mean, “Please listen to my advice to avoid future mistakes.” If this is not the help you need – voice it out, without getting defensive.

1.According to the author, what can you do when meeting with a mean old lady?

A. Take it personally.                       B. Take it seriously.

C. Don’t apologize to her.                   D. Don’t get upset.

2.When seeing someone cutting in line, we’d better ________.

A. stop him immediately                             B. treat it with a good state of mind

C. pretend not to see it                                 D. teach him a good lesson

3.The third tip intends to advise you ________.

A. not to keep silent at a friend’s improper suggestion

B. to tell your friend if they have misunderstood you

C. not to talk to your friend if they feel better at your expense

D. to apologize to your friend when you’ve done something wrong

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. What to do when meeting with these people?

B. How to ask your friends for help when in trouble?

C. How to give advice to your friends when asked to?

D. What to say when faced with different situations?







4. A



1.细节题:从文章第一段的句子:You, your personality, your looks or your actions have nothing to do with it. It is not personal, so why take it personally?可知遇到一个刻薄的老太太不要感到难过,选D

2.细节题:从文章第四段的句子:Situations like this could be a great opportunity to learn to control our first negative responses and practice understanding.可知遇到有人插队,我们最好用好的精神状态对待它。选B

3.细节题:从第六段的句子:If this is not the help you need – voice it out, without getting defensive.可知这个建议是让你对朋友不客气的建议不要保持沉默,选A

4.标题确定题:从文章的三个小标题和句子:What to do about it:可知文章是介绍遇到这些人的时候该怎么做,选A




Section D

Directions:Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

In 1817 one of the most well-known hauntings in American history took place in the small town of Adams, Tennessee. Known as the Bell Witch, the strange activity that caused fear in the small farming community has remained unexplained for nearly 200 years. Like many stories, certain details of who or what the Bell Witch was vary from version to version. The prevailing account is that it was the ghost of a woman named Kate Batts, a mean old neighbour of John Bell. Batts believed Bell cheated her in a land purchase and on her deathbed she swore that she would haunt John Bell and his family.

News of the Bell Witch spread quickly. When word of the haunting reached Nashville, one of its most citizens, General Andrew Jackson, decided to gather a group of friends and go to Adams to investigate. The future president wanted to come face to face with the phenomenon and either expose it as a trick or send the spirit away. According to one account, Jackson and his men were traveling over a smooth section of road when suddenly the wagon stopped. The men pushed and pushed, but the wagon could not be moved. The wheels were even removed and inspected. The came the sound of a voice from the bushes saying, “I will see you tonight.” The astonished men could not find the source of the voice. The horses then unexpectedly started walking on their own and the wagon moved along again. Jackson indeed encountered the witch that night and left early the next morning, claiming he would rather fight the British than the Bell Witch!

The haunting of the Bell house continued for several years, ending with ghost’s final act of revenge. On the morning of December 19, he failed to awake at his regular time. When the family noticed he was sleeping unnaturally, they attempted to rouse him. They discovered Bell couldn’t be completely awakened. John’s son went to the medicine cupboard to get his father’s medicine and noticed it was gone but a strange small bottle was in its place. No one claimed to have replaced the medicine with the bottle. John Bell died on December 20 and “Kate” was quiet until after the funeral.

A few explanations of the Bell Witch phenomena have been offered over the years. One is that the haunting was a trick created by Richard Powell, the schoolteacher of Betsy Bell and Joshua Gardner, the boy with whom Betsy was in love. It seemed Powell was deeply in love with Betsy and would do anything to destroy her relationship with Gardner. Through a variety of tricks, and with the help of several friends, it is believed that Powell created all of the ghostly effects to scare Gardner away. In fact, Gardner eventually did break up with Betsy and left area and Powell did come out winner. In the end, he married Betsy Bell.

81.John Well’s mean old neighbor haunted them because ______.


82.On Jackson’s way to investigate the ghost, the ghost ______ and later, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning.


83.How did the haunting eventually end?


84.What was one explanation for the haunting given in the reading?


Today’s children are the “result” of the modern society. Our parents have jobs that keep them busy almost all day long. They only have a free day in a week. This doesn’t allow them to keep an eye on their children.

On the other hand, the modern society gives more freedom to the children than they could “handle”. As a child, you don’t know how to grow up by yourself until you reach a certain age. That is why you need school and parents to be by your side all the time. If you don’t have either of them you may make a lot of mistakes. The social system of the modern society is very lenient especially with the children.

Most of the children today are rebels (判逆者). They are rude. They are given too much freedom by their families. This is their parent’s mistake. They ought to know that the freedom they give to their children is misunderstood.

For example it is a bad thing for a 17 – year – old child to go out in the evening on weekends. Parents are also guilty of the way their children show up in the street or at school. The same guilt belongs to the teaching system as well. Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to dress like they were on a fashion presentation at school.

Another important fact we can think of regarding the freedom of children is their free will of spending money. Parents shouldn’t allow their children to spend money on whatever they want.

I think children are given too much freedom not only by their parents, but also by the society. The latter is more to be blamed!

1.The writer implies that parents’ busy lifestyle         .

A.makes their children become independent

B.may lead to a tense parent – child relationship

C.is harmful to their children’s health

D.is likely to create a troubled generation

2.What does the underlined word “lenient” (in Para 2) mean?

A.Not responsible     B.Not strict.          C.Unkind.           D.Unfair.

3.It seems that the writer agrees that students          .

A.should stay at home on weekends

B.can wear trendy clothes at school

C.had better wear school uniform at school

D.can be allowed to go out in the evenings

4.According to the writer, which of the following takes the primary responsibility for children’s problems?

A.The social environment.                  B.The educational system.

C.Each family.                            D.The school.


Lots of folks don't think about what they eat over the holiday season until January, when they stare sadly at the number on the scale and then hurry off to hit the gym, join Weight Watchers or pick up the latest diet book.

It doesn't have to be that way. Health experts say you can still enjoy the holidays.

"It's OK to indulge(沉溺), but it doesn't mean you have to gain weight," said Karen Ansel, a New York-based registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). Jessica Crandall, a registered dietitian from Denver who's also an ADA spokeswoman, added that gaining weight during the holidays and then working hard to lose it again is not good for a person's body.

For starters, people interested in maintaining their weight during the holidays should keep eating on a regular schedule, the two dietitians said. Research has shown that people who skip meals -- particularly breakfast -- end up eating more throughout the day. "Try and stick to consistent meal times so you can avoid being overly hungry," Crandall said. "When you're overly hungry, you can make some bad decisions regarding what you eat. Don't starve yourself during the day waiting for that party at night -- because you'll eat too much or overeat."

Ansel suggests that you think now about the foods you really enjoy and plan to focus on those while eating less of more common fare.

Be careful, too, about alcohol intake, for a couple of reasons. Alcoholic drinks, particularly the fancy ones handed out at holiday time, tend to come loaded with calories. "It's usually what you're adding to a drink that contains the calories," Crandall said. Also, if you're drunk, you might forget to watch what you're eating. "It totally lowers your inhibitions(压抑)," Ansel said.

Other holiday eating tips, suggested by Crandall and Ansel, include:

?Eat lots of vegetables, and eat them first before moving on to the other items on your plate.

?Recognize that many holiday extras, like cheese or cranberry sauce, come loaded with calories. "If those aren't your favorite foods, don't put them on your plate," Crandall said.

?If your favorite food has a lot of calories, be sure to minimize your portion. "Two bites cure the craving," Crandall said. "After that, you're just really feeding your old habits.

?After a big holiday meal, don't sink into a chair or couch. Go for a walk outdoors or participate in some other activities that help burn off some of the calories you've just eaten.

1.Both Karen Ansel and Jessica Crandall ________.

A.think highly of the latest popular diet book

B.like going to the gym often

C.think trying to lose weight isn’t good for a person’s body

D.are registered dietitians and work for ADA

2.Ansel asks people wishing to keep slim not to skip meals because _________.

A.it will do harm to their stomachs.

B.being overly hungry will make them feel not well

C.it may make them eat more

D.it might let them make bad decisions on important occasion

3.Why does Crandall advise people wanting to lose weight not to drink wine?

A.Because if they’re drunk, they can watch what they eat.

B.Because it will make it hard for their body to burn calories.

C.Because wine itself contains many calories.

D.Because it will make them feel more stressed.

4.Which of the following is the proper way to keep slim according to the passage?

A.Eating more vegetables than rice and other food.

B.Eating more cheese or cranberry sauce.

C.Never eat food with a lot of calories.

D.Sitting less and walking more after meals.

5.The passage mainly talks about __________.

A.some advice on holiday eating             B.how to keep slim

C.the problems of fat people                D.what to do in holidays


Section D

Directions:Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

In 1817 one of the most well-known hauntings in American history took place in the small town of Adams, Tennessee. Known as the Bell Witch, the strange activity that caused fear in the small farming community has remained unexplained for nearly 200 years. Like many stories, certain details of who or what the Bell Witch was vary from version to version. The prevailing account is that it was the ghost of a woman named Kate Batts, a mean old neighbour of John Bell. Batts believed Bell cheated her in a land purchase and on her deathbed she swore that she would haunt John Bell and his family.

News of the Bell Witch spread quickly. When word of the haunting reached Nashville, one of its most citizens, General Andrew Jackson, decided to gather a group of friends and go to Adams to investigate. The future president wanted to come face to face with the phenomenon and either expose it as a trick or send the spirit away. According to one account, Jackson and his men were traveling over a smooth section of road when suddenly the wagon stopped. The men pushed and pushed, but the wagon could not be moved. The wheels were even removed and inspected. The came the sound of a voice from the bushes saying, “I will see you tonight.” The astonished men could not find the source of the voice. The horses then unexpectedly started walking on their own and the wagon moved along again. Jackson indeed encountered the witch that night and left early the next morning, claiming he would rather fight the British than the Bell Witch!

The haunting of the Bell house continued for several years, ending with ghost’s final act of revenge. On the morning of December 19, he failed to awake at his regular time. When the family noticed he was sleeping unnaturally, they attempted to rouse him. They discovered Bell couldn’t be completely awakened. John’s son went to the medicine cupboard to get his father’s medicine and noticed it was gone but a strange small bottle was in its place. No one claimed to have replaced the medicine with the bottle. John Bell died on December 20 and “Kate” was quiet until after the funeral.

A few explanations of the Bell Witch phenomena have been offered over the years. One is that the haunting was a trick created by Richard Powell, the schoolteacher of Betsy Bell and Joshua Gardner, the boy with whom Betsy was in love. It seemed Powell was deeply in love with Betsy and would do anything to destroy her relationship with Gardner. Through a variety of tricks, and with the help of several friends, it is believed that Powell created all of the ghostly effects to scare Gardner away. In fact, Gardner eventually did break up with Betsy and left area and Powell did come out winner. In the end, he married Betsy Bell.

81.John Well’s mean old neighbor haunted them because ______.


82.On Jackson’s way to investigate the ghost, the ghost ______ and later, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning.


83.How did the haunting eventually end?


84.What was one explanation for the haunting given in the reading?



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