
Less educated and less poised(沉着的)than his brother William, Britain’s Prince Harry has occasionally found himself on the front pages of some tabloid (小报) for the wrong reason. Harry has admitted drinking underage and smoking marijuana(大麻)in the past. In January 2006, he apologized after being pictured at a costume party dressed as a Nazi. But one thing he has been serious about is going to Iraq to fight with his fellow soldiers. After completing training last year, he demanded a chance to serve.

As a child he collected military toys and his bedroom walls were covered with posters of helicopters and tanks. Despite his youth, the army has always held a special place in his heart.

 “There’s no way I am going to sit back home while my boys are out fighting for their country,” he said in an interview to mark his 21st birthday. “That may sound patriotic(爱国的), but it’s true.” Perhaps this shows new strength in him.

Britain’s Defense Ministry announced last week that the 22-year-old Harry would serve a six-month tour of duty in southern Iraq.

Harry said he was “over the moon” and has insisted he wants to be treated the same as any ordinary soldiers.

In Britain, British Prime Minister Tony Blair described Harry’s decision as in keeping with his character. But in Baghdad, Iraqis described it as a public relations move.

Harry has been the focus of attention in the past few years probably because of________.

A. the identity as a prince of the UK

B. his bad habits and wrong behavior

C. his devotion to his country

D. his preference to the army

By saying “Perhaps this shows new strength in him.”, the author means that Prince Harry changed his image by_______.

A. taking an interest in military   

B. apologizing for a Nazi uniform  

C. being willing to serve in the army in Iraq 

D. defending Britain against attack

The underlined word “over the moon” in the Paragraph 5 means_____.

A. very pleased   B. very sad    C. very frightened   D. very calm

Which of the followings is NOT the reason why he insisted on serving in Iraq?

A. He was more or less affected by his childhood’s interest

B. He has grown up and felt a sense of duty to his country

C. His strong character contributes to his decision

D. He wants to make up for his wrong actions

In Iraqis’ eyes, Harry’s decision to serve in Iraq is_______.

A. patriotic     B. political          C. friendly          D. personal









【小题3】词义猜测题。第二段说英国国防部宣布同意哈利王子的请求,当然他会感到高兴,over the moon的意思为“欣喜若狂”。

【小题4】可以采用排除法。由第1、4、5段可知,哈利王子多少受到儿时爱好的影响(A项);由倒数第二段可知B项也是原因之一;最后一段Tony Blair指出了哈利王子的决定符合他的性格(B项)。D项内容与文章的整个基调(哈利王子已经成为一个成熟爱国的年轻人)不相符合,故D项符合题意。

【小题5】细节理解题。由文章最后一句 “But in Baghdad, Iraqis described it as a public relations move.” 可知伊拉克人认为这是国与国之间公共关系一种措施而已,是政治性的,故答案为 B。


Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

In the past, man didn’t have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be 36   .

Today things are 37  , and the world has become too  38  . We’re using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are   39   our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the earth will not survive.

Everyone 40   today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing 41   , more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we   42  to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.

We know that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we’ll die.  43  , in most countries wastes are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are 44   laws to stop this.

We know, too, that if the 45   of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough food . What can we do to solve these problems? 

If we eat more vegetables and less meat there will be more food available for every one. Land that is used to grow crops   46   five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner 47    in the future.

A. beautiful       B. unlimited         C. rare              D. valuable

A. common       B. the same         C. changeable          D. different

A. crowded       B. small            C. dirty             D. busy

A. protecting      B. saving           C. polluting       D. fighting

A. wonders       B. realizes          C. considers          D. discovers

A. poles         B. boats            C. methods             D. ideas

A. continue       B. have              C. ought                 D. go on

A. Thus          B. However       C. Generally speaking    D. Therefore

A. too many      B. a few           C. some                  D. few

A. production     B. pollution         C. population             D. revolution

A. feeds          B. increases         C. supplies          D. helps

A. nature         B. sea           C. planet            D. forest


My father was a highly educate, intelligent gentleman. He could debate or discuss for hours on almost any topic and hold your   31   in the process. I thought there was nothing be wasn’t   32  to do.

A few days before my younger brother’s 7th birthday, Dad planned to assemble(装配) a new   33   as a special birthday surprise. After nearly an hour of  34   the instructions, Dan was still unable to   35  the new bike together. Later he  36  the paper of instructions,   37  up his tool box, and decided to take the bike back to the local toy store and pay extra   38  to have it correctly assembled there.   39  an idea came to him, as he called out to Lovett, the quiet little man who cut our grassland.

“Lovett, have you ever assembled a boy’s bicycle?”

As Lovett walked towards the bike, Dad handed him the  40  . Lovett handed it back to him, saying, “No ,thanks. I can’t read. When you can’t read, you have to  41  .” Less than 15 minutes later, the new bicycle was   42   assembled, with no  43   parts remaining. Dad shook Lovett’s hand, patted him on the back, thanked him, and hid the bike.

On the night after my brother received his shiny new gift, Dad announced at the family dinner table what had happened several days earlier. He took great  44   in telling it over and over again-be used it as an example of thinking.      

He did not prefer to illiteracy(文盲) , but strongly taught us to use our  45  , The joke was on my father,   46  he was able to turn it into a learning tool, and I liked him even more after that incident. I also gained a new   47   for Lovett. To me he had   48  been the old yard man who didn’t   49   much, but after that day, he seemed to smile broader, even walk taller, It’s amazing what a real nod of   50   can do to lift people up.

31.A.attention   B.belief       C.view  D.breath

32.A.willing     B.lucky C.able   D.sure

33.A.toy    B.bicycle     C.computer  D.boat

34.A.reading     B.reviewing C.examining D.searching

35.A.bring B.get    C.put.       D.give

36.A.folded up  B.looked through       C.turned to   D.devoted to

37.A.brought    B.added       C.set     D.picked

38.A.money      B.effort       C.service      D.tax

39.A.Thus B.Then C.Since D.Though

40.A.tools B.rites  C.orders       D.instructions

41.A.exchange  B.admit       C.learn D.think

42.A.Partly       B.fully  C.hardly      D.largely

43.A.separate    B.different   C.major       D.spare

44.A.delight     B.action       C.care   D.risk

45.A.resources  B.knowledge       C.heads D.hands

46.A.so     B. or    C.but    D.and

47.A.reward     B.regard      C.relief D.respect

48.A.never       B.regard      C.ever  D.often

49.A.show B.say    C.care   D.earn

50.A. approva1       B.agreement C.affection1 D.altitude

In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.  There were few people on the earth,  and natural resources(资源) seemed to be    26 .
Today things are 27 , the world has become too   28  . We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are  29 our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this,  human life on the earth will not   30 .
Everyone 31 today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left.  Yet, with modern fishing  32  , more and more fish are caught.  We know that if too many trees are cut down,  33 will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we  34 to use bigger and more powerful machines to 35 more and more trees.
We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. ___36,   in most countries wastes are 37  put into rivers or into the sea, and there are 38  laws to stop this. We know, too, that if the   39 of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough food. What can we do to  40 these problems ?
If we eat more vegetables and less   41 , there will be more food available for everyone.  Land that is used to grow crops   42 five times more people than land where animals are kept.  Our natural resources will  43 longer if we learn to recycle them.  The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth 44   .
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner     45  in the future.

A.commonB.the sameC.changeableD.different
A.mountainsB.the seaC.treesD.forests
A.continueB.stopC.keepD.go on
A.growB.plantC.saveD.cut down
A.too manyB.a fewC.someD.few
A.productionB.pollutionC.population D.pronunciation


   In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be 46  .                    Today things are  47  , the world has become too  48  . We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are  49  our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the earth  50  survive.

  Everyone 51  today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing  52 , more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down,  53  will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we  54  to use bigger and more powerful machines to  55  more and more trees.

  We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die.  56  , in most countries wastes are  57  put into rivers or into the sea, and there are  58  laws to stop this. We know, too, that if the  59  of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough 60 . What can we do to solve these problems ?

   If  we eat more vegetables and less  61  , there will be more food available for everyone. Land that is used to grow crops  62  five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will  63  longer if we learn to recycle them. The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth 64  .

  Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and clearer 65  in the future.

1.A. beautiful            B. unlimited               C. rare                        D. valuable

2.A. common            B. the same               C. changeable     D. different

3.A. crowded            B. small                      C. dirty                        D. busy

4.A. protecting         B. saving               C. polluting                D. fighting

5.A. may not             B. will not                   C. shall not                D. could not

6.A. wonders            B. realizes                  C. consider                D. discovers

7.A. poles                   B. boats                      C. methods                D. ideas

8.A  mountains      B. the sea                      C. trees                      D. forests

9.A. continue            B. have                       C. ought                     D. go on

10.A. grow                 B. plant                       C. save                        D. cut down

11.A. Thus       B. However    

C. Generally speaking  D. Therefore

12.A. still                    B. even                       C. also                         D. certainly

13.A. too many         B. a few                      C. some                      D. few

14.A. production      B. pollution                C. population       D. revolution

15.A. houses             B. vegetables      C. food                        D. lives

16.A. fruit                  B. meat                      C. fish                          D. grain

17.A. feeds                B. increases              C. supplies                 D. helps

18.A. use                    B. stay                        C. keep                       D. last

19.A. control             B. born                        C. plan                        D. reward

20.A. nature              B. sea                    C. planet               D. forest



  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.

  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.

  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.

  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."

  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.

   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like

   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners

  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.

   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes

   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at

   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service

   D.what's being talked about is not rare

  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______

   A.have good influence over foreigners

   B.leave a good impression on foreigners

   C.educate younger Chinese

   D.develop traditional Chinese culture

  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.

   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital

   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out

   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please

   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society


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