
A storm ________, and he could hardly struggle against it.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

The eruption of a volcano in the Canary Islands could trigger a “mega-tsunami”(巨大海啸)that would hit Atlantic coastlines with waves as high as 330 feet, scientists said on Wednesday. They said an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma, part of the Spanish island chain off West Africa, was likely to cause a massive chunk(大块)of rock to break off, crashing into the sea and kicking up huge walls of water higher than any other in recorded history. The tsunami would be capable of traveling huge distances at up to 500 miles an hour, the scientists said in a research paper to be published soon.
Simon Day, of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at the University College of London, said that as the volcano was not erupting at present, the short-term and medium-term risks were “negligible”. But Cumbre Vieja should be monitored closely for any signs of activity so that emergency services could plan an effective response, he said. “Eruptions of Cumbre Vieja occur at intervals of decades to a century or so and there may be a number of eruptions before its collapse(倒塌),” said Day, who cooperated on the research with Steven Ward of the University of California. “Although the year-to-year probability of a collapse is therefore low, the resulting tsunami would be a major disaster with indirect effects around the world.”
The effects would spread north, west and south of the Canaries, with the west Sahara bearing the worst of the wave’s energy. The energy released by the collapse would be equal to the electricity consumption of the entire United States in half a year.
Immediately after the landslide(山崩),a huge wave of water 93,000 feet high and tens of miles wide would form. As the landslide rocks moved deeper under water, a tsunami would develop. Within 10 minutes, the tsunami would have moved a distance of almost 155 miles. On the west Saharan shore, waves would probably reach heights of 330 feet.
Florida and the Caribbean, the final north Atlantic destinations to be affected by the tsunami, would have to brace themselves for 165-foot waves some eight to nine hours after the landslide. Wave heights toward Europe would be smaller, but substantial waves would hit the coasts of Britain, Spain Portugal and France. The research paper estimated water would penetrate several miles inland and that the devastation would cause trillions of dollars in damage.
76. What would be the result of a big chunk rock falling into the sea?
A. Waves would be very high.                                         B. The volcano would stop.
C. Walls of water would kick up a storm.                          D. An earthquake would take place.
77. The word “negligible”(Line 3, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to ______.
A. unimportant                    B. small                              C. predictable               D. avoidable
78. From the passage we may learn that the volcano erupts ______.
A. every year                                                                 B. every 5 to 9 years
C. every 10 to 100 years                                                        D. every 5 to 10 months
79. All of the following are true EXCEPT ______.
A future eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano may experience a massive collapse
Waves generated by the landslide could even reach the coasts of the United States
The landslide-released energy is equal to half a year’s electricity consumption in the US
American scientists have managed to utilize the volcanic energy for civil purposes

Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.

Let's start with a very simple white puffy cloud — a cumulus cloud(积云). How much does the water in a cumulus cloud weigh? Peggy LeMone, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, did the numbers. "The water in the little cloud weighs about 550 tons," she calculates. "Or if you want to convert it to something that might be a little more meaningful … think of elephants."

The thought of a hundred elephants-worth of water suspended in the sky begs another question — what keeps it up there?

"First of all, the water isn't in elephant sized particles(微粒), it's in tiny tiny tiny particles," explains LeMone. And those particles float on the warmer air that's rising below. But still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like LeMone. "I had no idea how much a cloud would weigh, actually, when I started the calculations," she says.

So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud—10 times bigger all the way around than the "puffy" cumulus cloud? Again, LeMone did the numbers: About 200,000 elephants.

Now, ratchet up the calculations for a hurricane about the size of Missouri and the figures get really massive. "What we're doing is weighing the water in one cubic meter theoretically pulled from a cloud and then multiplying by the number of meters in a whole hurricane," she explains.

The result? Forty million elephants. That means the water in one hurricane weighs more than all the elephants on the planet. Perhaps even more than all the elephants that have ever lived on the planet.

1.The weight of      is NOT mentioned in the passage.

A.a cumulus cloud    B.a tornado          C.a hurricane        D.a storm cloud

2.How did Peggy LeMone feel about the result of her calculations?

A.She found it not convincing.

B.She thought it needed further calculations.

C.She was quite surprised at it.

D.She considered the calculations inaccurate.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.A storm cloud weighs about 200,000 elephants.

B.The water in a hurricane weighs more than that in any other kind of cloud.

C.There are less than forty million elephants living on the earth.

D.The water in the cloud is in very tiny partials.


The people below are all looking for someplace to visit in Beijing. Read the following descriptions and help them make proper choices.

65______. Stephen studies art in Beijing University. He shows great interest in paintings and he is especially interested in those oil paintings that reflect the variety of life.

66______. Mark has just come to China and he is very interested in Chinese culture. He has been waiting for a long time to have a chance to see a wonderful Chinese acrobatic (杂技的)performance in China.

67______. Oscar is a student from Yangzhou University, visiting his friends who share the same interest in music. They are planning to find someplace to enjoy rock and roll and pop songs.

68______. Carol studies Chinese in Beijing. She is free recently during the day time, so she would like to find someplace where she can attend some kind of activity so that she can learn some details about Chinese modern literature.

A.Capital Theatre:

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe will present “The Soul of China”, where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills (寒战 ) will run down your spine (脊柱 ) as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and the bodies to the edge. Time: 7:30 p.m., September 13-19.

B.The Wangfung Art Gallery:

A joint show of oil paintings by 10 young and middle-aged artists will be hosted by the gallery. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture the variety of life in unique (独特的) styles.

C.Huangshicheng Gallery:

A group ink painting exhibition is running. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display. Time:9 a.m.—5p.m. until September 10.

D.Anyuan Museum:

The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an indepth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to 1949. Time: 9a.m.---4p.m., daily.

E. The Olympic Center:

“The Fashionow Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring back fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm. Time: September 16.





A. Raymond’s Solo Concert: Raymond, the talented singer who shifts freely between musical, folk songs and hip hop, is to give a solo concert this weekend. The event will be part of the Asian tour promoting his new album. His concert has very high ticket prices, but his fans have bought tickets worth one million yuan in just four days.

Place: Grand Theatre

Time: 8:30 – 10:30 pm, January 6

Price: 380 – 2,000 yuan

Tel: 7322-3411

B. Prince of the Piano: Clayderman has established a truly international career as a best selling recording artist and concert performer. He has recorded over 1,000 melodies and created a "New Romantic" style through a repertoire which combines his 'trademark' originals with classics and pop standards. In fact, despite his natural shyness and reserve, he is completely in his element on stage; a Richard Clayderman concert is a real 'Spectacular'.

Place: The Great Hall of the People

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 pm, January 7

Price: 180 – 1680 yuan

Tel: 7310-5266

C. Live Music: Audiences in the city will be able to make a date with one of the most famous German Orchestras on the evening of Jan. 27 at Century Center. Conducted by Florian Stubenvoll, the orchestra will perform 11 classics including Beethoven's "Fledermaus Ouverture," Mozart's "Symphony No. 40," and four pieces by Johann Strauss.

Place: Century Theatre

Time: 8:00 – 10:30 pm, January 10

Price: 120 – 680 yuan

Tel: 7988-7311

D. Jazz Night: Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Brown, the famous trumpet player. He’s coming with his new 7–piece band, Herbie’s Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t expect to get much sleep. This is Herbie’s third visit to China. The first two have been sold out, so get your tickets quickly.

Place: The Jazz Club

Time: 10:00 pm till late! January 7, 9, 11

Price: 100 – 200 yuan,

Tel: 7599-7862

E. Scottish Dancing: Want to get your body some exercise while enjoying live music? Take your partner here and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. There will be instructors demonstrating the dances. The live band is also excellent.

Place: Jack Stein’s

Time: 7:30 – 10:00 pm, January 5 – 7

Price: 70 yuan including one drink

Tel: 7832-1788

F. Beijing Rocks: “The Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans special performance. Eight Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals. The audience can even decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.

Time: January 8, 9

Place: Worker’s Stadium

Time: 8:00 – 11:30 pm, January 4

Tel: 7633-0640

Price: 90 – 680 yuan


56. Mike and his girlfriend are both university students. The coming Sunday (January 6) is his girlfriend’s birthday. As both of them are music fans, Mike would like to take his girlfriend to enjoy some live music and learn something new.

57. Joey and his friends always enjoy their weekend by attending late night activities. However, he hasn’t joined them for a long time because he has been working for a couple of weeks. This weekend he wants to have some fun and excitement with his friends, who are interested in western music.

58. Alice is a college student who studies music, and playing the piano is her favorite. Her parents approve of her attending concerts and pay for the tickets. As a result, she doesn’t care much about how much the ticket might cost.

59. Tracy is interested in a variety of music. Like most of the other university students, she has a part-time job. She would like to amuse herself by attending concerts. Since she does not earn much, she can only afford a ticket that costs no more than 100 yuan.

60. Sally enjoys listening to foreign music in her spare time. She would like to attend concerts performed by foreign bands or orchestras whenever it’s possible. But according to the school rules, she has to return to her dormitory before 11:00 pm.


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