

                  Dead-end Austrian town blossoms with green energy

For decades, the Austrian town of Gussing was a foreign outpost not far from the rusting barbed-wire border of the Iron Curtain.

Now it’s at the edge of a greener frontier: alternative energy. Gussing is the first community in the European Union to cut carbon emissions by more than 90 percent, helping it attract a steady stream of scientists, politicians and eco-tourists.

“This was a dead-end town and now we are the center of attention,” said Maria Hofer, a lifelong resident, as she bought organic vegetables at a farmer’s market. “It seems like every week We read about new jobs from renewable energy.”

Gussing’s transformation started 15 years ago when, struggling to pay its electricity bill, the town ordered that all public buildings would stop using fossil fuels. Since then, Gussing has fostered a whole renewable energy industry, with 50 companies creating more than 1,000 jobs and producing heat, power and fuels from the sun, sawdust, core and cooking oil.

Signs reading “Eco-Energy Land “ greet people entering the town, located 130 kilometers, or 80 miles, southeast of Vienna. Visitors are as divers as Scottish farmers, Japanese investors and a delegation from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Gussing used to rely on agriculture, with farmers selling their corn, sunflower oil and timber. As for tourism, the main attraction was a 12th-century castle built by Hungarian nobles.

The town could hardly afford its 6 million, or $8.1 million, fuel bill when Peter Vadasz was first elected mayor in 1992.The turnaround started after he hired Rheinhard Koch, an electrical engineer and Gussing native, to assess how the town of 4,000 people could benefit from its natural resources.

1.Where is Gussing ?

  A. It is in the border of Australia.             B. It is in the center of Austrian.

  C. It is not far from the Japanese border.      D. It is in the southeast of Vienna.

2.Who does the town attract ?

  A. Scientists, eco-tourists, politicians and Japanese farmers.

  B. Scientists, politicians, eco-tourists, farmers and investors.

  C. Politicians, Scottish farmers, Japanese investors and Organization for Security

  D. Politicians, tourists, co-operation workers, and European soldiers

3.Which of the following doesn’t belong to “Eco-Energy “material ?

  A. Fossil fuels   B. The sun    C. Sawdust and corn    D. Cooking oil

4.Besides the mayor, who did great contribution to the Gussing’s transformation ?

  A. Peter Valdasz    B. European Union    C. Rheinhard       D. Maria Hofer









注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。
Being yourself refers to not trying to copy anyone or do what isn’t your nature. Then what does it take to be yourself?First, you must know yourself inside. Looking inside is the key to knowing your positive aspects. If you yourself aren’t clear about who “YOU” are and what your personal analysis is, you’ll come to a dead end. It’s essential to be comfortable with yourself and think positively.
Once you’ve done a self analysis, it’s time to focus on this material world. Think about what you basically want to do and achieve in life. Make it clear to yourself what you like and do not like and what your passion (激情) is in your life. If you dislike something, don’t try to like it just because your best friend is fond of it. Focusing on your passion and interests will keep you positive.
Honesty is the best policy for being yourself. Be honest and express what you feel but make sure that you do not hurt others. Wherever you can speak out freely without holding anything back, it is best to be honest. That adds character to your personality and is essential for being yourself in a relationship as well.
Be confident but don’t be overconfident. You have to believe in what you do and what you want. If you hesitate, getting up and giving it your best shot with full confidence is what matters. Moreover, you should have faith in yourself. If you know who you are, it would not matter much what the whole world thinks of you. But that won’t mean that you have unrealistic expectations from yourself.
Understanding how to be yourself does not at all mean that you focus only on your inner self. I mean that your external (外在的) appearance also matters a lot. If you are poorly dressed or wearing your dad’s old T-shirt, no one would come and talk to you. So one needs to dress well and look good. Unless people come and talk to you, they would not know what kind of person you are. In a word, you need to have a combination of inner beauty and a smart appearance.

Title: How to Be yourself
Passage outline
Supporting details
Know yourself inside
●Look inside to know your positive aspects.
●Be clear about who “YOU” are and know your personal analysis.
●Be comfortable with yourself and think (1)      
Focus on this material world
●Think about your (2)      goal in life.
●Be clear about your likes, dislikes and (3)      .
●Avoid (4)      yourself to like something you actually dislike.
Be (5)       .
●Express your feeling without (6)      other people.
●Try to speak out freely and honestly.
Be confident but don’t be overconfident.
●Believe in what you do and what you want.
●Have(7)      in yourself and don’t care about others’ opinions about you.
●Have(8)      expectations from yourself.
Don’t(9)    your external appearance.
●Dress well and look good.
●(10)      your inner beauty with a smart appearance.

If you're one of the 13 million Americans still struggling to find a job, or wanting to change jobs, a lot of your applications are probably being swallowed up by the "the black hole." That's when you send in a job application and never receive any follow-up from the company.In fact, only 25 out of 100 applications ever get looked at by companies.

Now, a remarkable new service is helping job seekers instantly track almost every application they submit so they actually know what's going on.It's called Start Wire. corn and it lets job seekers track their applications and find out whether or not their applications have been reviewed, dismissed, or are still being considered.

How does it work? When you fill out a job application via a company website, you'll typically get an auto confirmation email from the company, thanking you for applying.And then, the waiting begins.

Start Wire has linked to more than 5 , 600 employers across the country and receives online updates on job applications for every one of their members.By allowing you to connect your job hunt to your Facebook and Linkedin accounts, it can notify you if you have any connections with the company that you apply for .

And, Start Wire is free to use! Because Start Wire is a completely ad-supported site, they don't need to charge job seekers to use it.

Most importantly, Start Wire keeps your information private.Your job search activity will never show up on a social network or search engine.Start Wire has become invaluable to over 55, 000 job seekers in a highly competitive job market.

If you're tired of your job search resulting in dead-end responses, take advantage of this free service and give yourself a huge advantage in the job marketplace.

Click here to put your information on an official list and reach an arrangement with Start Wire to use a free service it provides, and improve your chances of finding a good job quickly.

1.You can probably read the passage from ___________.

A.a newspaper               B.a website           C.a poster      D.a magazine

2.If your job applications are being swallowed up, it means that ______.

A.your personal information has been stolen

B.your job applications are under consideration

C.you can not receive any reply from the company

D.you have to pay money to get your applications back

3.If you want to use Start Wire first you should ________.

A.make a call to the website            B.get access to some employers

C.register an account without payment  D.email the company you will apply to

4.The passage is mainly intended to______.

A.prove the advantages of Start Wire    

B.attract more people to use Start Wire

C.teach people how to access Start Wire       

D.provide key facts about unemployment


Most of us lead a busy life. Driven by the “urgent(紧急的)”, we forget to enjoy life. We think, “If I reach my goal, then I’ll be happy”,  or “If I can get a better job, then I’ll enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?

Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surroundings; you don’t need to travel far to find beauty. “There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” Andrea Brodersen explains. “Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friend’s smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”

Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example. I delight in simple things like my favorite tea drink, a bubble bath or family photos. One common            is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.

Thirdly, don’t take your family and friends for granted. Rich, rewarding relationships add greatly to the enjoyment of life. When you think of someone, why not call, e-mail or write them? A short e-mail or phone call can make a world of difference to someone. As Wayne Lawton explains, “Invest time in relationships. Remove the attitude, what’s in it for me? Happiness is found in putting other’s interests, desires and concerns ahead of our own whenever possible. Selfishness is a dead-end street.” So please treasure relationship.

1. What is the main idea of this passage? (no more than 10 words)


2. Complete the following statement with proper words.( no more than 5 words)

Taking time to          around you helps to cheer you up.

3.Please fill in the blank with proper sentence to complete the sentence. (no more than 3 words)


4.What do you think the relationship between work and family should be? (no more than 30 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.





Having said goodbye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home.  16 excited, Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alax  17 from time to time. The family were  18 from trip.

   But about three hours later things began to   19  . It was starting to snow. Alvin sped up the car,   20 to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now. Because it was snowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to   21 down. The snow on the   22 was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to   23 on it. Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow   24 the engine refused to start again.

“The snow doesn’t seem to   25  . Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked. Clare said she  26  to walk. So they got out of the car with their son and began walking. But   27  was to come. Soon they lost their  28 and had to walk aimlessly on and on.

Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they were  29  that poor Alax would die of cold. However, their faith to keep Alax   30 made them filled with courage, warmth and strength. They  31 and rested in turn and then continued their walk. They had countless falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their   32  again.

One, two, three, … seven days passed. On the eighth day,   33   at last came from Alvin’s parents, the police and local people. But the young   34  had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frost-bites(冻伤). Fortunately, there was  35  seriously wrong with little Alax.

1. A.Still           B.Even           C.Yet            D.Ever

2. A.cried           B.jumped         C.smiled         D.sang

3. A.taking          B.having         C.enjoying       D.starting

4. A.work            B.change         C.come           D.finish

5. A.phoning         B.deciding       C.thinking       D.hoping

6. A.get             B.slow           C.go             D.look

7.A.land             B.highway        C.fields        D.car

8. A.walk            B.sit            C.stay           D.wait

9. A.and             B.but            C.or             D.for

10. A.fall           B.end            C.continue      D.melt

11. A.liked          B.preferred      C.decided        D.wished

12. A.better         B.something      C.nothing        D.worse

13. A.hope           B.luck           C.way            D.money

14. A.certain        B.afraid         C.sorry          D.sure

15. A.happy          B.silent         C.alive          D.dead

16. A.slept          B.walked         C.watched        D.ate

17. A.heads          B.eyes           C.hands          D.feet

18. A.danger         B.help           C.luck           D.news

19. A.husband        B.wife           C.couple         D.baby

20. A.everything     B.anything       C.something      D.nothing



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