
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(答题卡上E涂AB;F涂AC; G涂AD)

How to Study Better

If you want to study better, you should pay attention to learning methods, study skills and study habits. Developing them can help you learn better.

Keep your study area tidy and organized. Papers, books, magazines, or pictures all over your work area may distract you from the work you have to do. 1. If there are too many icons on your desktop, it is difficult for you to find what you need immediately.

Maintain a quiet work area for yourself. Make sure your work area is free of distractions. There are too many distractions at home, such as a phone, music, TV, friends, or family members. Proper study space can usually be found in the public library, school library, or your bedroom. 2.

3. While learning, you need write, calculate and look up something. So it is very important and necessary to have all the necessary materials and tools that you need with you. In this way, you needn’t be busy borrowing them.

4. In addition to reading your textbook, it is helpful to read or view materials from other sources, such as newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and television programs. You can understand what you will learn in class better.

Never forget to take notes carefully in class. Taking notes carefully can help to grasp the key parts. 5. We can say that it is really a successful way to study.

A. A quiet place can help to improve study efficiency.

B. You should know how to schedule your study time.

C. The same is your computer desktop.

D. Try hard to learn knowledge as much as possible.

E. It is convenient to review them later.

F. Having necessary materials is very beneficial to study.

G. Get ready for class by reading extra materials ahead of time.


以下是你所在的广州第一中学一位外籍教师Eric Nilsson的简历:


Eric Nilsson








1. 热爱教学,乐于帮助大家,治学严谨,深受学生喜爱和尊重;

2. 课堂生动有趣,受到同学们的欢迎;

3. 经常给学生做各种讲座(例如:如何培养好的学习习惯等)。

写作内容:假设你所在中学的校报拟定在下期介绍各位外籍教师,请就Eric Nilsson的简历为他写一篇介绍性的英语短文。











Christmas can easily become an expensive time of a year. From gifts to decorating, the money spent on the celebration adds up quickly. But there's no reason to completely break the bank. 1.

Make a budget (预算). Set the amount you're willing to spend for the holiday, including gift giving, decorating and travel. 2. And if you can keep to your budget, you'll lead an easy life in the following weeks and months.

Start shopping for Christmas decorations early. Stores have sales for decorations between Halloween and Thanksgiving. 3. Better yet, go shopping for next year's decorations the day after Christmas. You can buy many things at very low prices right after Christmas.

Shop for gifts all year round. Whenever you're out shopping, keep an eye out for great Christmas presents. 4. Shopping early can prevent you from spending more money than you can afford. And if you spend little here and there throughout the year, Christmas will have a much smaller influence on your wallet in December.

Scale down (缩减) your gift giving. Sometimes you just can't afford to get something for everyone. Remove the people from your list whom you rarely speak with. 5. The people you do choose to buy for don't need something expensive. Keep in mind that it's the thought that is more important.

A. Send them simple cards instead.

B. This budget is perfect for many people.

C. Once you have a budget set, keep to it.

D. And it's after Thanksgiving that the prices begin to go up.

E. Christmas is known as the season of giving, sharing and receiving.

F. There are ways to celebrate well and spend wisely at the same time.

G. It doesn't matter when you get the gift, whether it's January or June.

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