
12.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At a computer store      B.At a garage           C.At a hotel
13.What service will the woman get at last?
A.Having her computer fixed.
B.Getting a brand new computer.
C.Renting a WIFI (无线局域网) computer.
14.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The woman uses computers a lot.
B.The woman works at the business center.
C.The rent is 5Yuan per hour.


解答 CCA


2.For a lot of parents,sending their kids off to college is a bittersweet experience.I think a lot of teenagers head to college without any idea about how money works.Don't let that happen to your college kid.Help them understand these issues before they step into that first class.
●Budget,budget,budget.(46)ESo start by making sure you understand budgeting and have begun to use it as part of your financial plan.
●Independence means responsibility.Living away from home means you have to take care of yourself.(47)F Food doesn't just drop out of the sky,and gas doesn't magically appear in their car.Independence means responsibility.
●(48)BEven if your kid is going to a small community college,they'll still probably have a few thousand dollars of tuition to pay.If you break it down,one class can cost $1,000 at the very minimum!And that doesn't even include books.
●Choose a major wisely.(49)D This isn't a must before they step on campus,but simply plant a seed that gets them thinking about what they want to do with their life.You don't want them graduating with a degree that leaves them unfulfilled or unable to find a job.
●Friends matter,(50)GWho you hang out with definitely influences how you spend money and the decisions you make.Without being overbearing,remind them how important it is to have positive friends who build them up instead of bringing them down.
Remember,as a parent,just be there for support and to strengthen these principles throughout their college experience.

A.Cherish your opportunity.
B.College isn't cheap.
C.However,not all friends can be really depended on.
D.Help your teenager find his or her passion.
E.If you aren't using a budget,it'll be difficult to convince your kid to use one.
F.Do your best to prepare your son or daughter for what that means.
G.New friends mean new opportunities and social situations.
3.Are you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired?(36)F A new study suggests that a couple days of camping in the great outdoors can reset your circadian clock and help you get more sleep.
The circadian clock,more commonly known as the body clock,is an internal system that tells our bodies when it's time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up.(37)C
In a healthy sleeper,melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime,stay high through the night,and then settle back down when it's time to wake up.
In our modern society,however,most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could.(38)G It may also have other health consequences as well,such as diabetes,overweight and heart disease.
Professor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature.(39)E Nine went on a weekend camping trip,while the other five stayed home.
At the end of the weekend,the researchers reported that in just two days,the campers'body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip.(40)B

A.He prepared a lot for the research,and asked many friends to help him.
B.By contrast,the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend.
C.Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin (褪黑激素) circulating in a person's blood at any given time.
D.Now you have a good solution.
E.His team recruited 14physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s.
F.Then grab your hiking boots and a tent.
G.And the trouble is,your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning,which leads to grogginess.

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