

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson worked in the same company. The man was skillful and earned twice as much, if not more than, 【1】 his wife. But he had to give all his money to his wife, 2 bought the food, clothes and drinks for him. He was angry with her 3 couldn’t say anything. All the men in the workplace were afraid of their wives and they felt sorry for each other.

It was March 8th and all the women had a day off. The men were free to say whatever they wanted. They had endless 4 (complain) about their wives. And they thought 5 unfair that women had their own festival but they didn’t. The more they said, the 6 (angry) they became. They decided to write a letter to the UN and advised them 7 (cancel) “Women’s Day”. They asked Mr. Jackson to do it, too. The man agreed and began to write it.

When Mr. Jackson finished it, his wife came in. Her key 8 (leave) in the workplace and she came for it. She made him hand the letter to her. 9 (read) it, the woman said with a smile, “How can you post it to the UN 【10 I don’t supply you with the money for buying a stamp?”








7to cancel

8had been left

9Having read



【1】as 考查连词。As as 和。。一样。

2who 考查定语从句。先行词his wife,定语从句缺少主语,故用who.

3but 考查连词。句意:他对她很生气但也不能说什么,两个句子表示转折关系。

4complaints 考查名词。句意:他们无止境报怨自己的妻子。

5it 考查代词。Think it adj that。。这个句型中it做形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的that从句;

6angrier 考查形容词比较级。句意:他们说得越多越生气。

7to cancel 考查动词的用法 。advise sb to do 建议某人做某事;

8had been left 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:他的钥匙被忘在工作的地方 。leave sth in +地点,表示把某物忘记在某处。

9Having read 考查非谓语动词 。句意:看过这封信后,女士微笑着说,如果我要是不给你钱,你如何能寄出去呢。

【10if 考查连词。句意:看过这封信后,女士微笑着说,如果我要是不给你钱,你如何能寄出去呢

考点 :语法填空。


【题目】I've always felt a bit sad for weekend fathers, who are divorced and must maintain a bond with their children through visits on the weekend.Not having the opportunity for a lot of quality time, they go in for quantity giving lots of gifts and taking the children on non stop outings.

But now I can understand.I'm a weekend mom.My child, Henry, is a dog.

Henry just returned to his father, Jack, after a happy stay with me.For ten days, I fed him the best food, canceled plans to stay home with him and let him sleep on the bed every night.

Jack and I broke up a year ago.But neither of us wanted to part with Henry, so we share him.Not surprisingly, Henry is a willing participant in our contest for his love.

Jack doesn't let Henry sleep on his bed, so that's where I can always gain big points.I feed Henry higher quality food.I am always replacing his expensive “thingy" ,a cotton knot he likes chewing on.It' s his favorite toy, and the only one he has is at my house.Score another one for me.

Jack now has a girlfriend, Lucy.At first she was afraid of dogs, which secretly delighted me.But that Henry, just trying to be polite(the way I taught him to be),won her over.

If truth be told, as time passes, there has been a slight change in Henry' s behavior toward me.The worst was one day when Jack dropped him off for a two week stay.Henry and I were in the backyard playing as Jack was driving off.When he heard Jack's truck, he ran after it for two blocks until Jack had to stop and bring him back.

That hurt, especially since I had friends over at the time.In a rare conciliatory (安抚的) mood, Jack said to me, "You know, I' m his best friend, but you'll always be his mom."

Whatever it takes, I plan to make sure it stays that way.

1At the writer's home, Henry________.

A.does a lot of running

B.enjoys high quality food

C.has many expensive toys

D.is not allowed to sleep on her bed

2The writer feels hurt because________.

A.Jack has got a girlfriend

B.Lucy doesn't like Henry at all

C.Jack doesn't treat Henry as well as before

D.Henry' s attitude to her has changed slightly

3This article is mainly about________.

A.the tips on keeping dogs

B.the writer' s happy life with a dog

C.the writer' s efforts to win a dog's love

D.the relationship between the writer and Jack

4The writer wrote the passage in a/an_________way.

A.humorous B.serous C.angry D.painful


Personal Shoppers

I was shopping with Thomas, who has been working as a personal shopper for the past five years. “Personal shoppers are in great demand these days,” he told me as we were walking past designer clothes shops.【1】 He said that there were many people who wanted to be fashionable, but they didn’t know where to start. They needed a professional to advise them.

But why? I always call my best friend to help me find the perfect dress, not a stranger!

【2】The first thing I do is help my customer improve their image. I teach them to choose colours and clothes that suit them, and how to use make up,” Thomas told me. “Then I organize the customer’s wardrobe.【3】 The third service has to do with actual shopping: the personal shopper and the customer visit shops and buy clothes according to the customer’s personality, lifestyle and needs.”

Of course, each of the above services costs between 150 and 225 euros! 【4】 “Most of my customers are rich business people who call me for important meetings or business parties,” explained Thomas. “However, I also work for people in all kinds of jobs and for retired men and women who want a change of look.”

We spent the rest of the day shopping. Every time we came out of a shop, we had one more bag. In the end, I went home with a beautiful dress, two pairs of trousers, some lovely tops and a couple of coats. I’d never had a shopping day like this/span> before! I admit that I’d spent more than I usually do, but I wouldn’t have found such beautiful clothes without Thomas. 【5】

A.I can help in three different ways.

B.I asked him why this had happened.

C.It depends on the customer's preferences.

D.I might even throw away some old clothes.

E.I just wish personal shoppers were a bit cheaper!

F.People need help with choosing the right clothes.

G.I just wonder how many people have this kind of money to spend.

【题目】Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. “1” wise people say.

If you have a headache, toothache, backache, or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you go to the doctor.

The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed.2The only thing you have to do is follow his advice.

3An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest.4In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule:” Eat at pleasure, drink at pleasure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.

A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office.5He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.

“But you know, doctor” he said,” it’s not easy to begin smoking at my age.”

AHe also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks.

BYou can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.

CAfter that he will advise some treatment or some medicine.

DHealth is the greatest wealth.

E. He looked cheerful and happy.

F. He was more worried about his illness.

G. Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story

【题目】Every day we are exposed to images, videos, music and news. In this age of visual and aural hyper-stimulation, the medium of radio is making a great comeback.

“We’re at the beginning of a golden age of audio,” said US-based podcaster Alex Blumberg in an article in The Sydney Morning Herald. In the last month alone, 15 percent of US adults listened to a radio podcast (播客). These statistics, released by Edison Research, show the successful evolution of traditional radio broadcasts to the present day’s digital podcast format. The term “podcast” was invented in 2004, but the trend only started gaining mainstream popularity in recent years. With the sharp increase in consumer demand for smartphones and tablets, podcast sales have jumped.

The appeal of the podcast partly lies in its multiplatform delivery and on-demand capabilities (功能). You can listen during those extra minutes of the day when you’re walking to the shops, waiting in a queue or riding the subway. Similar to television shows, podcasts are generally free to download and most offer new content every week.

Donna Jackson, 22, Sydney University media graduate, listens to podcasts two or three times a week, via iTurns. “I listen while I’m wandering around the house doing something else. It makes completing a boring task much more enjoyable… And it’s an easy way of keeping in touch with what’s going on in the rest of the world,” she said, “I mainly listen to BBC podcasts, but recently I’ve also been listening to This American Life and Serial. They have a special skill to really draw you in.”

Unlike television and music, the audio format has the potential to create a deep impression on readers. Blumberg says this owes to the podcast’s ability “to create close relationship and emotional connection.” Sydney University undergraduate Hazel Proust, majoring in social work and arts, agrees. “When you’re listening, it feels as if the voice of the podcast’s storyteller is talking directly to you. It’s comforting, said Proust.

It seems the age-old tradition of verbal storytelling is very much alive and well.

1From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that ________.

A. traditional broadcast has come back

B. Americans love listening to the radio

C. podcasts have become very popular today

D. smartphones sell well because of podcasts

2The writer mentions Donna Jackson mainly to ________.

A. tell how young people relax themselves

B. explain why young people like podcasts

C. introduce what programs podcasts are presenting

D. show how popular podcasts are presenting

3Paragraph 5 is mainly about ________.

A. the influence of radios

B. the advantage of podcasts

C. readers’ impression on radios

D. people’s reaction to the medium

4What is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Return of Radio

B. Opinions of Podcast

C. Features of Radio

D. Technology of Podcast

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