Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV, start their chores (杂事), or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions. Before you know it, you’ve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments, clean their room, or take out the trash. Rather than saying, “Do your chores now”, you’ll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed. So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say, “If chores are’t done by 4 p.m, here are the consequences.”  Then it’s up to your child to complete the chores. Put the ball back in their court. Don’t argue or fight with them,just say, “That’s the way it’s going to be.” It shouldn’t be punitive (惩罚性的) as much as it should be persuasive. “If your chores aren’t done by 4 p.m, then no video game time until chores are done. And if finishing those chores runs into homework time, that’s going to be your loss.” On the other hand, when dealing with homework, keep it very simple. Have a time when homework starts, and at that time, all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done. If your child says they have no homework, then they should use that time to study or read. Either way, there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.

When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when you’re trying to talk to him, make no bones about it; he is not ignoring you, he is disrespecting you. At that point, everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears. Don’t try to communicate with him when he’s wearing headphones—even if he tells you he can hear you. Wearing them while you’re talking to him is a sign of disrespect. Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing. Remember, mutual(相互的) respect becomes more important as children mature(成熟).

1.According to the passage,it seldom happens that________. turn a deaf ear to their parents’ requests

B.parents’ directions sound like a broken record

C.children are ready to follow their parents’ directions

D.parents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids

2. Parents will be able to deal with their child more effectively if they ________.

A.avoid direct ways of punishment

B.make him do things at their request

C.argue and fight with their child

D.allow their child to behave in his own way

3. When the kid is doing his homework,parents________.

A.should provide him with a good learning environment

B.can do whatever they like

C.can stay aside watching TV

D.must switch off the power

4.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.parents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their child will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parents

C.parents shouldn’t give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respect’ purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control

5. The main idea of the passage is________.

A.that respecting each other is more important than anything else kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parents

C.that children should make choices and decisions on their own parents can deal with their kid’s behavior without losing their control


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet.

“What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.

“My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.”

The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine."

He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better."

“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.

The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it."

The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.

“How’s your cow?” the vet asked.

“No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

“Oh?” the vet said, "Why?"

“I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.”

“And?” the vet asked.

“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.

1.In the story, the vet must be _________.

A.the farmer's friend

B.a milk factory

C.a hospital for cows

D.a doctor for animals

2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______

A.couldn't lie down

B.didn't eat the pills

C.couldn't make any noise

D.was ill

3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer?

A.Bottle of pills.

B.A long tube.

C.Two pills.

D.A small box.

4.The vet taught the farmer how _________. blow the tube make the cow take the pills take the medicine put the tube in his mouth

5.Which of the following is true?

A.The farmer ate the pills himself.

B.The cow got better after taking the medicine.

C.The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day.

D.The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


Mr. Scott has worked at a police station since he left army five years ago. He’s brave and has already caught many thieves. He was promoted (提升) to the rank of officer last month. Now he works harder.

It was Mrs. Scott’s birthday yesterday. The woman thought her husband was very busy, and she decided to hold a small party only with her husband. Mr. Scott agreed with her and they didn’t invite any friends of theirs to the party. At noon he didn’t go home for lunch and went to a shop. There he bought an expensive diamond necklace for his wife. He hoped to put it on her neck with his own hands at the party. To his sorrow, a rich woman’s house was broken into and some jewelry was stolen, and at once he was sent there to solve the case (案件),when he came back to his office, it was late at night. He was tired and hungry. He brought out the necklace and was going to leave when he was asked to answer a telephone. Several minutes later when he came into his office, he found the necklace was gone, and he saw the case (盒子) only on his table. He became very angry and called all the policemen in and told them about it. But nobody admitted having stolen the necklace.

“I’ll give you a chance.” Said Mr. Scott, “ All the lights will be turned off. The man who took the necklace away will be able to put the necklace into the case in the dark.”

A few minutes later, Mr. Scott turned on the lights again. To his surprise, the case was also stolen.

1.Mr. Scott was promoted because _______.

A.he had been in the army.

B.he was young.

C.he had worked there for five years.

D.he did his duty better than his workmates.

2.Having read the story, we can know ______.

A.Mr. and Mrs. Scott loved each other.

B.the necklace was the most expensive in the town.

C.The Scotts had a few friends there.

D.Mr. Scott was the richest at the police station.

3.At last, _________

A.Mr. Scott knew who had stolen the necklace.

B.Mr. Scott lost both the necklace and the case.

C.the thief put the necklace back into the case.

D.Mr. Scott caught the thief in his office.



         Dye (染料) call bring a little colour to life. Most clothing is coloured with dyes. Modern,manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. Here we describe a natural way to dye wool.

        There are several methods to put dye onto material. The vat(缸)method,for example,can be used to dye wool with onionskins. For this example,use one hundred grams of natural woo1. The wool must be clean. Leave it overnight in water and liquid soap. Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out the extra water.   

       A solution called a mordant (媒染) is used in the dying process. A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. Traditionally, mordants were found in nature. Wood ash is one example. But chemical mordants such as alum(矾)are popular today. Alum is sold in many stores. It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.

       Mix eight grams of alum with seven grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water. Add the solution to a metal pan of cool water. Next, add the wool and place the mixture over heat. Slowly bring the liquid to eighty-two degrees Celsius. Heat the mixture for forty five minutes. After it cools, remove the wool and wash it.

       To prepare the dye solution, cover thirty grams of onionskins with water. Use only the dry,brown outer skins. Boil the liquid until the onionskins lose their colour, about forty—five minutes. Remove the skins after the dye cools.

    Now it is time to dye the wool. Place the wool into the dye and heat the mixture. Bring it to a boil,then immediately reduce the heat to eighty-two degrees. Now heat the dye for about forty-five minutes or until the wool is the desired colour. Keep in mind that wet wool looks darker than it is.

       Once the dye cools, remove the wool and wash it. Now the wool is orange or yellow. Or at least it should be.

1. According to the passage, mordants are ___________.

       A. dyes used in the dying process   B. materials which will be put dye to

       C. wood ashes used in the dying process       D. not dyes but play an important role in the dying process

2. Which of the following statements about “natural dyes” is TRUE?

       A. They might be cheaper than chemical dyes.            B. They are more expensive than chemical dyes.

       C. They have been used for only recent years.   D. They are all made from animal products.

3. As for the vat method,which of the following things is NOT necessarily needed?

       A. Ash.        B. Water.             C. Mordant.    D. Temperature.

4. Choose the proper order of dying wool:

  a. boil the liquid with onionskins

  b. add mordants to a metal pan of cool water ,put the wool into it and heat the mixture

  c. wash the wool with clean water after it is left overnight in water and liquid soap

  d. put the wool into the dye and heat it

       A. c, b, a, d            B. d, c, d, a       C. b, a, d, c         D. a, b, c, d



Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV,start their chores(杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions.Before you know it,you’ve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments,clean their room,or take out the trash.Rather than saying “Do your chores now.” you’ll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed.So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say,“If chores aren’t done by 4 pm,here are the consequences.”Then it’s up to your child to complete the chores.Put the ball back in their court.Don’t argue or fight with them,just say,“That’s the way it’s going to be.”It shouldn’t be punitive(惩罚性的)as much as it should be persuasive.“If your chores aren’t done by 4 pm,then no video game time until chores are done.And if finishing those chores runs into homework time,that’s going to be your loss.”On the other hand,when dealing with homework,keep it very simple.Have a time when homework starts,and at that time,all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done.If your kids say they have no homework,then they should use that time to study or read.Either way,there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.

When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when you’re trying to talk to him,make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you,he is disrespecting you.At that point,everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears.Don’t try to communicate with him when he’s wearing headphones — even if he tells you he can hear you.Wearing them while you’re talking to him is a sign of disrespect.Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing.Remember,mutual respect becomes more important as children mature.

1.According to the passage,it seldom happens that ________. turn a deaf ear to their parents’ requests

B.parents’ directions sound like a broken record

C.children are ready to follow their parents’ directions

D.parents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids

2.Parents will be able to deal with their children more effectively if they ________.

A.avoid direct ways of punishment         B.make them do things at their request

C.argue and fight with their children     D.allow their children to behave in their own way

3.When the kid is doing his homework,parents ________.

A.should provide him with a good learning environment

B.can do whatever they like

C.can stay aside watching TV

D.must switch off the power

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.parents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their child will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parents

C.parents shouldn’t give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respect’ purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and


5.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A.that respecting each other is more important than anything else kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parents

C.that children should make choices and decisions on their own parents can deal with their kids’ behavior effectively


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