
  The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin
By Benjamin Wiker
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In the 150 years since the publication of Origin of Species, Charles Darwin has been considered between two extremes--- a great biologist or heretic(持异端学说者). However, the truth is much more difficult to understand than that. In any case, Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection had the greatest influence in history.
In The Darwin Myth,author Benjamin Wiker offers a full-side analysis of Darwin’s theories as well as the social, scientific, and religious effect of his work. Scientists often cause debates(争论) that will last for generations for their new theory. Still, no scientist has caused more debates than Charles Darwin. To some he is the revolutionary “father” of evolution. To others his theory of evolution unconsciously disagrees with many ideas in modern eugenics.(优生学) In The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin, author Benjamin Wiker will make them clear.
So who is Charles Darwin? What did he really believe and what did his research really prove? In this book, Benjamin Wiker cuts through the myths. In The Darwin Myth, Wiker tells us:
How Darwin set out to create a godless Theory of Evolution
★Why many of his best friends criticized Darwin’s theory, and why he never defended himself;
★Why Darwin’s theory in a certain way supported slavery, an institution he hated;
★How much of what we know about Darwin comes from his autobiography(自传), which the key points are completely misleading.
1. If you buy three copies of The Darwin Myth at a time, how much should you pay?
A. $88.35    B.$55.35   C. $50    D. $27.97
2. According to the passage, what is The Darwin Myth mainly about?
A. An analysis of Darwin’s theory and the debates about him.
B. A brief introduction to Darwin’s life.
C. How Darwin created Theory of Evolution.
D. Why many people criticized Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
3. From the passage, we know that ________.
A. The Darwin Myth is Darwin’s autobiography
B. The debate about Darwin’s theory has been going on since Origin of Species was published.
C. Darwin theory agrees with modern eugenics.
D. Darwin himself supported slavery.
4.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. Darwin lost many of his best friends because of his theory
B. Darwin’s autobiography has misled many readers.
C. Benjamin Wiker was one of Darwin’s friends who knew him well
D. The Darwin Myth will end the debates about Darwin


Junelle Lynch knocked on more than 200 doors in the Gayln Manor neighborhood of Brunswick in recent weeks. Her aim is to collect food for Brunswick Food Bank.
“I like helping people a lot,” said Junelle, who celebrated her 11th birthday in July.
With the support of her parents, Junelle walks along the streets with an orange bag. Her mother follows her by car, so Junelle can empty her bag when it becomes heavy. Isabella always accompanies(陪伴) her daughter.
Neighbor Lynda Mallory dropped noodles and canned soup, vegetables and fruit into Junelle’s bag. After visiting the last house, Junelle said she felt good about what she had achieved with the help of her neighbors.
Working an hour a night three times per week, she has collected more than 400 pounds of canned and boxed food. This isn’t the first year she has collected food. Junelle started nearly three years ago, at 8 years old, when she saw a collection box at a grocery store and decided to be a volunteer. In her first year, she collected 80 pounds of food in the undeveloped neighborhood, and 214 pounds the next year. The food helped feed many poor families. Her parents couldn’t be prouder of their daughter.
The Brunswick Food Bank volunteer manager Sandy Cox said, “I find her to be an amazing young lady. I don’t think I’ve seen someone that young who cares about the needs of other people so much. I wish other people would follow her.”
1. According to the passage, the Brunswick Food Bank is probably _____ .
A. a bank for people to save and draw money
B. a place to store food and give it out when the market is short
C. an organization to help the poor by collecting food for them
D. an organization which collects food and then sells it
2. Isabella usually helps her daughter by _______.
A. asking the neighbors for food       B. following her and letting her empty the bag
C. offering her food for free           D. putting canned and boxed food in the car
3. What do we know about Junelle’s food collecting?
A. She spends several hours doing it each week.  
B. She did it following her parents’ advice.
C. She believes she can collect much more food next year.
D. She did it because she wanted to work for the grocery store.
4. What do we know from the passage?
A. Junelle has collected food for more than three years. 
B. Junelle often collects food with her father.
C. Junelle started collecting food when she was 11.   
D. In Junelle’s parents’ opinion, she is a very good girl.
5. Why does Sandy Cox wish that other people would follow Junelle?
A. Because Junelle cares about what other people need.
B. Because Junelle has collected more food than other people.
C. Because neighbors are willing to help Junelle. 
D. Because the Brunswick Food Bank needs more food.

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分30分)     
Like other student athletes, Ray Ray McElrathbey deals with schoolwork, practice and games. But after a long day of studying and working out on the football field, the Clemson University player can’t relax with friends. Ray Ray has to make sure his 11-year-old brother, Fahmarr, gets a good dinner, does his homework and goes to bed.
Since taking responsibility for Fahmarr this August, “I’ve aged dramatically, ” said Ray Ray. “I can’t be running around at all hours, making 19-year-old decisions.” Ray Ray has temporary custody (监护权) of Fahamrr. Their mother struggles with drug addiction, and they are not in touch with their dad. Ray Ray didn’t want to see his brother go into foster care(收养), where both of them have spent time. The brothers now live together in an apartment near the campus in Clemson, South Carolina.
Clemson Tigers fans aren’t the only people rooting for Ray Ray. Sports Illustrated, ESPN and ABC News have featured the story of the brothers. They have received praise and many offers of help, but Ray Ray attends the university and arrange their life on a scholarship. Under the rules, he can’t accept money or gifts. Coaches’ family members can’t even give Fahmarr a ride home from school.
This changed a few weeks ago, when the National Collegiate Athletic Association allowed Clemson to set up a trust fund for Fahmarr. It will help provide for his basic needs, including food and clothing. However, the brothers can give each other something that all the money in the world can’t buy. Ray Ray says he hopes to instill in Fahmarr qualities of “strength and intelligence”. He says having his brother around is “a great thing, knowing he will grow up right.”
1.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Ray Ray McElrathbey Works Hard at College
B.Ray Ray McElrathbey Loves His Brother
C.Parents Fail to Raise Their Children
D.College Football Player Plays Parents’ Role
2.Ray Ray and his brother mainly live on_____.
A.foster care               B.money or gifts from others 
C.a scholarship             D.his coaches’ families
3.The underlined phrase “rooting for ”in Paragraph 3 can be best explained as _______.
A.supporting         B.praising          C.admiring       D.exciting
4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.Ray Ray must be the best player on his team
B.like his brother, Ray Ray has had little care from their parents
C.Clemson University will raise money for Ray Ray and his brother
D.Ray Ray’s brother do well at school
5.Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.Ray Ray has few friends to relax with.
B.Ray Ray knows where his father is.
C.Ray Ray’s mother suffered from cancer and depends on drugs.
D.Ray Ray is proud to support his brother.

It was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks were  36  and the worst thing was that I didn't even  37  . I watched TV every night, the only way to  38  time.
But one day my morn changed my world  39  . She  40  the TV. She had noticed, something in the offices she cleaned  41  . So she came back, saying "You're going to read 2 books every week.  42 , write me a report."
I complained about how   43  it was. And we didn't have any books in the house   44  mom's Bible. But morn responded  45  ," I will drive you to the library."
So soon we were in her old Ford  46  our way to the public library. I wandered hesitantly among the children's books. I loved animals, so when I found some on them, I immediately  47  in them. For the first time in my life I was attracted by   48  world. No TV program had ever taken me so  49  from the surroundings as did the visit to the library. I began to  50  , visiting there. I moved from animals to plants,
and then to rocks. Between the  51  of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go  52  in them. Moreover, I started to fall in love with  53  . Teachers noticed that too.
Now I am a doctor. Sometimes I still  54  believe my life's journey from a failing student to a doctor. But I know  55  the journey began--- the day when mom turned off TV and drove me to the library.
36. A. cool     B. poor                 C. normal                     D. outstanding
37. A. fail       B. quit          C. work          D. care
38. A. spend   B. lose                  C. kill           D. spare
39. A. for the moment   B. for a while        C. for so long     D. for ever
40. A. turned on     B. turned off          C. turned up      D. turned down
41. A. books   B. dirts          C. papers               D. TVs
42. A. However      B. Thus                 C. Besides             D. So
43. A. reasonable    B. sad                   C. pleasant             D. unfair
44. A. rather than   B. more than          C. less than       D. other than
45. A. excitedly      B. worriedly          C. calmly                     D. angrily
46. A. by B. on                    C. in            D. from
47. A, got across    B. got lost             C. got stuck           D. got along
48. A. another B. any                   C. other                 D. some
49. A. near to  B. close together    C. far away            D. inside out
50. A. live up to     B. go along with    C. look forward to  D. get away with
51. A. covers  B. pages                C. contents       D. copies
52. A. nowhere      B. somewhere        C. anywhere          D. where
53. A. library  B. study                C. literature           D. reading
54. A. won't    B. shan't                C. can't          D. needn't
55. A. how     B. why                  C. when                D. where

More than three years after moving from Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are done here.
Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for “a drink on Sunday morning” by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded — lots of chat and discussions, and in all a very jolly occasion.
Trouble was, there was no food — no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hardworked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out.
By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up “please explain” to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, and wonder if the hostess was going to perform some magic and feed us fashionably late. Then, as quickly as if word had spread that there was free beer at the local pub, the room emptied. By one-forty-five there were only a few guests left, so we decided to go home. Tinned soup for lunch that day because the little woman was not really interested in real cooking for us.
A few weeks ago we were invited out for “supper” and the hostess suggested 8:15. Ah, we thought greedily, “this is going to be the real thing.”
We dressed with some care — I putting on a dark suit — and arrived on time. My wife looked pretty good, I thought — a little black dress and so on. But when we walked in I had a terrible feeling we had got the night wrong because the hostess was dressed in a daytime kind of way and the husband was in jeans and an open-neck shirt. But no, we were greeted and shown into the sitting-room.
After a drink I looked around and saw that this was indeed a superior cottage because it had a (more or less) separate dining-room. But there were no signs of a table-setting. Not again! I thought. Were we meant to eat before we came? I decided that in future my wife and I would always carry a chocolate bar. About 9:28 our hostess went out of the room, saying something about food. Ten minutes later she returned and asked us to follow. We were led out to the kitchen. There on the table were country style plates and a huge bowl of soup, rough bread and all the makings of a simple meal. And that is what it was. In other words we had not read the signals right when we were invited for “supper”. If they want you to come to dinner, they say so, and you know that means dark suits and so on. If they mean supper, they say it, and you get fed in the kitchen.
1.When the author and his wife were invited out for “a drink on Sunday morning”, they thought _________.
A. they would be the only people there
B. they would be given lunch as well
C. they would be taken to a restaurant for lunch
D. they would be asked to take some food with them
2.The “party” had been going on for about an hour and three quarters when _________.
A. the hostess decided to feed her guests
B. everyone had tinned soup for lunch
C. most of the guests went to lunch at the pub
D. the author realized he would go home hungry
3.When invited out for “supper” a few weeks later, the writer _________.
A. expected to be served a proper dinner
B. arrived on the wrong evening
C. interpreted the invitation correctly this time
D. realized there was no dining-room in the cottage
4.As the evening wore on, the writer became aware that _________.
A. no one used their dining-rooms in the countryside
B. he should have had a meal before going out
C. “supper” meant a simple, informal meal
D. he should, in future, eat only chocolate in the evening

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Tears are nature’s way of making us feel more comfortable. When our eyes are made uncomfortable by some small pieces of pollution, or when we are cutting onions, or when we are exhausted and “red-eyes” from over work and late hours, tears form in our eyes to clean and refresh them.
Tears are also a sign of strong emotion. We cry when we are sad and we cry when we are happy.
And tears seem to be uniquely human. We know that animals also experience emotion--fear, pleasure, loneliness, but they do not shed (流) tears.
Biologically speaking, tears are actually drops of saline fluid, which is a little bit salty, produced by a gland (腺) in the body. Because salt is an important component, tears may actually constitute the most conclusive evidence that the human animal is the end product of a long evolutionary process that began in the sea.
And it is clear that, in addition to the emotional benefits, the shedding of tears has a specific biological function as well. Through tears, we can eliminate from our body certain chemicals which build up in response to stress and create a chemical imbalance in the body. Crying actually makes us feel better by correcting that imbalance and making us feel good again. And thus the emotional and the biological functions of tears merge (合并) into one and make us even more “human” than we would otherwise be.
1. According to the passage, human beings may have originated in
A. the sea         B. the salt              C. chemicals            D. animals
2. Which of the following is NOT a function of tears?
A. Biological.      B. Emotional.           C. Political.             D. Chemical.
3 According to the article, which of the following is unique to humans?
A. The feeling of loneliness.                 B. The state of feeling good.
C. The ability to shed tears.                D. The feeling of fear.
4. The underlined word "eliminate" probably means
A. add             B. produce             C. replace               D. remove

第二节, 阅读56-60t题中相关人员的情况介绍,,从所给的六个选项(A, B,C, D, E, F)中,选出符合各人所感兴趣的娱乐方式,选项中有一项是多余的。
______ 56. Wang Lin is a university student who studies music. He hopes to get some practical experience of foreign music from western band.
______ 57. Simon is interested in Chinese literature, so he came to China with his parents. During his stay in Beijing. He wants to know more about Chinese contemporary Literature.
______ 58. Li hua is a eighteen-year-old boy. He is studying in a high school. After many month's study, he is tired of his lessons. He would like to experience something adventurous.
______59. Alice is an American girl who studies Art in Beijing University. She has no classes on September 14. She hopes she can enjoy some wonderful oil paintings.
______60 . Victoria is fond of Chinese music. She hopes to listen to various songs performed by different bands. She doesn't care much about what kinds of songs they are.
A. An acrobatic (杂技)soul: To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe will present "The Soul of China", where the seemingly impossible is made real. Chills will run down you spine as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge.
Time: 7:30p.m, September 13-19
Place: capital Theatre, 22 Wang Fujing Dajie, Dong Cheng District
B.Exhibitions Joint Show: A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing. About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display.
Time: 9a.m-5p.m. until September 10
Place: Huang shicheng Gallery, 136 Nanchizi Djie, Dongcheng District.
C.Oil paintings: The Wanfung Art Galley will host a joint show of oil paintings by 10 young and middle-aged artists. On display are more than 30 of their latest works, which capture(捕捉) the wonderous variety of life in unique(独特的) styles.
Time: 9a.m-4pm until September 15
Place: 136 Nanchizi Street, Dong Cheng District
D. Literature Museum: The Nation Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an indepth study of the evolution of Chinese contemporary literature form 1919 to 1949.
Time: 9a.m-4p.m, daily
Place: 45 Anyuan Donglu, Chaoyang District (Shaoyaoju area).
E. Concerts ;Beijing rocks: "The Fashionow Night of Chinese Rock" is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month. Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some recent arrivals The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.
Time: September 16
Place: The Olympic Center
F. Belgium Orchestra (管弦乐队): La Petite Band, the Baroque Orchestra of Belgium will perform in Beijing at he Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities as part of activities across the world to commemorate(纪念) the 250th anniversary of Bach's death.
Time: 7:30p.,. September 11-14
Place: Grand theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities
People are being invited to sit down to eat with their neighbors in a nationwide lunch party designed to promote community spirit. The Big Lunch is the idea of the Eden Project in Cornwall. It aims to persuade people up and down the country to hold street lunch parties.
Tens of thousands of vegetables, fruits and flowers were used to construct a giant 2,000-square-foot lunch invitation in London’s Convent Garden. More than 9,000 cauliflowers and 800 bananas were used.
According to the organizers, people who decide to take part in the activity will get support from large companies which will supply many of the necessities, including plants to be given out to people to grow. The organizers think that the Big Lunch is a great opportunity for people to get together and spend time with their neighbors, friends and families. Events like this also help build strong communities. People can show their talents, get over their embarrassment, shake hands and get to know their neighbors, and realize that the neighborhood where they live can be a great source of happiness and enjoyment.
The Eden Project’s leader, Tim Smith, says, “It’s a good way to face this recession. Imagine a day on which millions of us, throughout the UK, sit down to have lunch together with our neighbors in the middle of our streets, around our tower blocks, and on every patch of common ground. We’ll have cooked our own food, made our own entertainment, and created our own decorations. It will be a day to share bread with our neighbors, and put a smile on Britain’s face.”
62.   The Big Lunch aims to _____.
A. persuade people to eat healthy food         B. encourage people to cook at home
C. help poor people in the community         D. develop community spirit
63.   Which of the following is false?
A. Large companies will give participants enough money to hold the lunch parties.
B. The Big Lunch may be a good opportunity to show talents and make friends.
C. The Big Lunch is a nationwide activity designed by The Eden Project.
D. The giant lunch invitation in London used a lot of vegetables, fruits and flowers.
64.   Big Lunch is a good opportunity for people to _____.
A. enjoy free food                                           B. have fun with neighbors and families
C. shop on the street                                  D. eat without cooking  
65.   The underlined word “recession” in the last paragraph probably means_____.
A. nice environment                                  B. grand ceremony
C. rapid progress                                       D. economic decline
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It’s something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire lives. There are many people, however, who seem to be determined to find some way of doing away with their shyness. In my opinion, it’s a waste of time. I don’t mean that we should do nothing about it; quite the contrary, I think we need to separate the basic fact of our shyness from our ability to take part in a social environment.
Look at one of the most famous shy people, Johnny Carson. This man is painfully shy, yet for decades he made a living talking and associating(交往) with different people every night, in front of a national audience. Carson has never done away with his shyness, but he has successfully found a way to deal with it to the extent that he could be, not just a talk show host, but a legend(传奇) among talk show hosts. Look also at Sally Fields, who has recently admitted her problem with shyness. This is a woman who has appeared in many films, TV shows and interviews, yet in her early years she was so shy that she turned down a lunch invitation from Jane Fonda because she was terribly afraid of meeting her.
I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecurity and this insecurity prevents us from reaching out to others the way people with a more open personality do. As we grow up, we allow our social skills to grow and develop. But we are still stuck in kindergarten or elementary school or wherever it was when our shyness took root in our soul.
67. In the author’s view, shyness can be explained as ________.
A. a disease that can be easily cured       B. a not very normal mental condition
C. an emotional disability               D. something we pick up after birth
68. The author believes it’s a waste of time to _________.
A. develop a healthy personality         B. talk with people as much as possible
C. study where shyness comes from      D. look for ways to do away with one’s shyness
69. Which of the following is TRUE of Johnny Carson?
A. He dared to speak in front of a national audience.
B. He did away with his shyness carefully.
C. He was described as a hero in some legend books.
D. He failed to become a good talk show host.
70. The underlined word “insecurity” in the third paragraph probably means “________”.
A. feeling safe     B. feeling supported    C. feeling afraid     D. feeling comfortable

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