
       Still want a laptop? That was so yesterday. Get ready for the next stage in the personal computer revolution: It's the ultrathin (超薄的), cheap netbook.

       According to a New York Times report last week, personal computers are about to go through their biggest change since the rise of the laptop. By the end of the year, consumers are likely to see laptops the size of thin paperback books that can run all day on a single charge and are equipped with touch screens or slide-out keyboards. The netbook is a kind of portable computer with learner functions for online surfing and basic computing activities, for example, word processing. To cut the cost and weight, they usually have a low-powered processor, small screen, narrow keyboard, and no ODD.

       Currently, some of the devices look more like a toy than a full-feature computer. That's because most of the netbooks sold today run on an Intel chip called Atom. This is a lower-power version of the company's standard laptop chip, so they have trouble running demanding software like games and photo-editing programs.

       This year, a group of companies who make cheap, power-saving chips used in cell phones are applying that expert skill to PCs. That means they will break Atom's netbook dominance (统治地位) and reduce the size while letting it run complicated programs.

       The big winner in the rise of netbooks will be the consumer. AT&T announced last week that customers in Atlanta, Georgia, US, could get a netbook for just $50 (342 yuan) if they signed up for an Internet service plan. This trend will soon spread to Asia, according to industry experts.

       University campuses are a major target of Shanzhai netbooks—uncopyrighted (无版权的) domestic copies of foreign brands. These products are usually sold at less than 2,000 yuan. But industry insiders suggest students not use these nameless products because many of them don't provide good after-safes services.

64. The following are all advantages of netbooks EXCEPT that      .

       A. people can easily edit photographs with them  B. they cost less than other personal computers

       C. they are very thin and easy to carry          D. they save power

65. Why are students advised not to use Shanzhai netbooks?

       A. Because they are of poor quality.            B. Because they are not easy to operate.

       C. Because they will soon be out of date.        D. Because they lack good after-sales services.

66. What can be inferred from the passage?

       A. Laptops are becoming more and more popular.

       B. University students seldom buy Shanzhai netbooks.

       C. Shanzhai netbooks are sold better than those of famous foreign brands.

       D. Atom's netbooks make up the largest part of the sales of portable computers at present.

67. What is the general idea of this passage?

       A. Shanzhai netbooks are taking control of laptop market.

       B. Netbooks have advantages over laptops in everything.

       C. Netbooks are becoming the trend of personal computers.

       D. Most of the netbooks sold today run on an Intel chip called Atom.

64-----67   ADDC 


CARDIFF, Wales Poets, singers and musicians from across the globe gathered in Wales to celebrate the tradition(传统) of storytelling.

“It might seem strange that people still want to listen in age of watching television, but this is an unusual art form whose time has come again,” said David Ambrose, director of Beyond the Border, an international storytelling festival(节) in Wales.

    “Some of the tales, like those the Inuit from Canada, are thousands years old. So our storytellers have come from distant lands to connect us with the distance of time,” he said early this month.

Two Inuit women, both in their mid 60s, are among the few remaining who can do Kntadjait, or throat singing, which has few words and much sound. Their art is governed by the cold of their surroundings, forcing them to say little but listen attentively.

    Ambrose started the festival in 1993, after several years of working with those reviving (coming back into use or existence) storytelling in Wales.

    “It came out of a group of people who wanted to reconnect with traditions. and as all the Welsh are storytellers, it was in good hands here.” Ambrose said.

1. Ambrose believes that the art of storytelling _______.

A. will be more popular than TV

B. will be popular again

C. started in Wales

D. are in the hands of some old people

2. From the tales told by the Inuit, people can learn _______.

A. about their life as early as thousands of years ago

B. why they tell the stories in a throat-singing way

C. how cold it has been where the Inuit live

D. how difficult it is to understand the Inuit

3. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Storytelling once stopped in Wales.

B. Storytelling has a long history in Wales.

C. Storytelling is always well received in Wales.

D. Storytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales.

4. The underlined phrase in good hands means _______.

A. controlled by rich people         B. grasped by good storytellers

C. taken good care of                   D. protected by kind people

7 ways a government shutdown will affect your daily life

(CNN) -- Democrats and Republicans were unable to resolve (解决) their differences over Obamacare (奥巴马医改计划)and now the government is shut down. The two previous shutdowns — 1995 and early 1996 — cost the country $1.4 billion. But what will the shutdown mean for you? Here are 7 ways the government shutdown will affect you.

7. Vacation all I ever wanted: Need to get away? Well, you can’t. At least not to national parks. Or to national zoos. Or to national museums. They'll be closed. Were you thinking more along the lines of a trip to France? If you don’t already have a passport, you might not get your blue book in time. The last time the government shut down, 200,000 applications for passports went unprocessed.

6. If you drive a car, I'll tax the street: You may be thinking, “No functioning government, no need to pay taxes.” Think again. The Man would continue to collect taxes. U.S. bonds would still be issued. And other essential banking functions will go on.

5. Wait a minute, Mr. Postman: You know that whole “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night” thing? Apparently, the U.S. Postal Service works through shutdowns as well. Sorry, you won’t catch a break from the junk mail.

4. I want a new drug: Oh, the irony (讽刺的). Republicans still want to defund, delay or otherwise withdraw gradually at Obamacare in exchange for funding the government. But the health care act at the center of this storm would continue its process during a shutdown. That is because its funds aren’t dependent on the congressional budget (预算) process.

3. Pass the ammunition (军火): Not so fast. A shutdown would affect the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Translation: That gun permit you wanted processed won’t happen anytime soon if this goes on for a while.

2. Money (that's what I want): Well, if you owned a small business and needed a loan from the government, you would have to wait, depending on how long this lasts. If you were planning to buy a house and needed a federal loan, you would have to wait.

1. I'm proud to be an American: Perhaps the biggest hit would be to the collective psyche (下意识心理). America is the largest economy in the world and a beacon for how democracy ought to work. A recent CNN Research Corporation found that 51% would blame Republicans for the shutdown. The United States has operated without a budget since 2009 and has avoided a government shutdown with last-minute deals. Not only did the government run out of money on Tuesday, but the nation is set to hit its borrowing limit and potentially default on its debt in mid-October. Together, they serve as a double whammy (打击).

1.Which is the most probably meaning of the underlined word?

A. Raise some money.                           B. Take the money back.

C. Borrow some money.                       D. went on a strike.

2.When the government’s shut down, what can the Americans do?

A. Apply for a gun permit.      B. Apply for a new passport. 

C. Apply for a loan.                     D. Pay taxes.

3.How many times has the American government ever shut down so far?

A. Once.                 B. Twice.    C. Three times.               D. Not mentioned.

4. According to the essay, what led to the shutdown of the American government?

A. The government of America ran out of money.

B. The government of America is on debts.

C. America is set to hit the borrowing limit of its debts.

D. The American government ran out of money and may fail in repaying its debts.


Good nutrition (营养)and a balanced diet will help your children grow up healthily .No matter how old your kids are , you can take steps to improve nutrition and to encourage smart eating habits .Here are some suggestions.

Family Meals

Family meals are comforting for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new food to children and to find out which food they like and which ones they don’t.

Teens may turn up their noses at your plan of a family meal. It is not surprising because they’re trying to establish independence. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’ advice, so use the mealtime as a chance to reconnect.

Stocking up (储备) on healthy food

Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what they can get at home. That’s why it’s important to control the supply lines — the food which you serve for meals and have on hand for snacks. You should have enough fruits, vegetables, lean meat and other good sources of protein, such as eggs and nuts, and healthy snacks, such as yogurt, peanut butter and whole-grain biscuits.

Being a good example

The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sugary drinks, you’ll be sending the right message.

No conflicts over food

Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy food in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are aske d to eat.

Get kids included

Most kids will enjoy making the decision about what to make for dinner. Talk to them about making choices and planning a balanced meal. It can help them make good decisions on their own about the  food they want to eat.

1.Family meals provide the chances for parents to do the following things EXCEPT ________.

A. guessing what kids are going to have

B. finding what kids like and dislike

C. introducing new food to kids

D. reconnecting with kids

2.What does the phrase “on hand” mean?

A. Being dealt with.

B. Out of one’s reach.

C. Made by persons instead of machines.

D. Close by and ready when needed.

3.According to the passage, which should NOT be done by parents?

A. Form a healthful eating habit themselves.

B. Force kids to have vegetables.

C. Stock up on some fruits at home.

D. Make meal plans with kids.

4.The best title for the article is “________”.

A. Eat healthily

B. What is a healthy meal

C. Help kids form healthy eating habits

D. How to grow up healthily



Whether you have a toddler(学步儿童)or a teen, here are five of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits;

1. Have regular family meals.

2. Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks.

3. Be a role model by eating healthily yourself.

4. Avoid battles over food.

5. Involve kids in the process.

But it’s not easy when everyone is juggling busy schedules and convenience food, such as fast food which is so readily available.

Here are some ways to incorporate all five strategies into your routine/schedules.

Family meals are a ritual(日常惯例)for both parents and kids. Children like to know family meals in advance and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are also:

more likely to eat fruits, vegetables and grains

less likely to snack on unhealthy foods

less likely to smoke or drink alcohol

In addition, family meals offer the chance to introduce kids to new foods and to act as a role model for healthy eating.

Teens may turn up their noses at the prospect(期望)of a family meal—not surprising because they’re busy and want to be more independent. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’ advice, so use mealtime as a chance to reconnect.Also, consider trying these strategies:

Allow your teen to invite a friend to dinner.

Involve your teen in meal planning and preparation.

Keep mealtime calm—no lectures or arguing.

What counts as a family meal? Any time you and your family eat together—whether it’s takeout food or a home-cooked meal, strive for nutritious food and a time when everyone can be there. This may mean eating dinner a little later to accommodate a child who’s at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the weekends, such as Sunday brunch, when it may be more convenient to gather as a group.

1. The following are the reasons that prevent children from having family meals well EXCEPT that_______.

  A. they are independent from their parents’ advice

  B. they are busy dealing with their lessons

  C. there are convenience foods so readily available

  D. family meals are not as good as convenience foods.

2. Which of the following is NOT the best strategy to encourage smart eating habits?

  A. Let children have meals independently.

  B. Don’t scold children during the meals.

  C. Set a good example to children.      

D. Don’t skip any one of the three meals.

3. The underlined phrase “turn up their noses at” is nearest in meaning to “_______”.

  A. look forward to        B. keep up with     C. look down upon     D. be addicted to

4. In the author’s opinion, the most important thing is______.

  A. strictly obeying the strategies all the time

  B. involving kids in the process of meals.

  C. never allowing children to have snacks.

  D. letting children prepare their meals.


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