6. —Is there any possibility you could pick me up at the airport?
—No problem.
6. that句意:"你能到机场接我吗?""没问题。"此处possibility 是抽象名词,其后that you could pick me up at the airport是同位语从句。
2. Put simply,the existence of mirror neurons (神经元) suggests that every time we see someone else do something,our brains imitate (模仿) it,whether we actually perform the same action or not.
2. 我永远不会停止喜欢读书,因为书在我的生活中不仅是好朋友还是明智的老师。
3. Named after China’s most famous mathematician,Hua Luogeng,the contest started in 1986,one year after his death.
1. —Mum,what did your doctor say?
—He advised me to live the air is fresher.
2. However,many scientists who specialize in aging are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past 120 years.
6. 现在,我们很多学生有一些心理问题,这使我们很担心,甚至对我们的学习和生活有不好的影响。
3. 进入教室,李老师惊奇地发现我们站成一队,鼓掌并且大声说教师节快乐!”
3. 被她的努力深深感动,所以我们尽了最大努力并在比赛中获得一等奖。