
   You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.
    Winston Churchill
    When I was young, my father had a small   1  . Each of the seven children in our family worked in our
father's   2  . As we worked and watched, we   3   that work was about more than survival and making a
     One   4   is still existing in my mind. It was shortly before   5  . I was working evenings, straightening
the   6   section. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He looked poor to me-too poor to   7   to
buy anything. He looked around the toy section,   8   this item and that, and   9   put them back in their
     Dad came down the stairs and   10   over to the boy. His blue eyes smiled as he asked the boy   11  
he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a Christmas present for his brother. I was   12  
that Dad treated him with the same respect as any adult. Dad told him to take his time and look around.
He did.
     After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy plane, walked up to my dad and said,
"How   13   for this, Mister?"
    "How much you got?" Dad   14  .
    The little boy held out his hand and   15   it. In his hand lay 27 cents. The   16   on the toy plane he'd
picked out was $3.98.
    "That'll be   17   about to do it," Dad said as he closed the   18  . Dad's reply still rings in my ears. I
   19   about what I'd seen as I wrapped the present. When the   20   boy walked out of the store, I saw
a child with a treasure.
(     )1. A. business      
(     )2. A. workshop      
(     )3. A. loved      
(     )4. A. fear        
(     )5. A. Christmas    
(     )6. A. clothing    
(     )7. A. give        
(     )8. A. held up  
(     )9. A. carefully  
(     )10. A. jumped  
(     )11. A. who        
(     )12. A. introduced
(     )13. A. soon    
(     )14. A. asked    
(     )15. A. hid    
(     )16. A. prize      
(     )17. A. yet        
(     )18. A. sale    
(     )19. A. cared    
(     )20. A. learned    
B. car        
B. store      
B. signed    
B. pain      
B. sunset      
B. toy        
B. take      
B. pulled up  
B. eagerly    
B. walked    
B. when      
B. raised    
B. precious  
B. replied    
B. opened    
B. cost      
B. even      
B. drawer      
B. thought    
B. happy      
C. mark          
C. department      
C. learned        
C. gift          
C. New Year's Day
C. book          
C. afford        
C. made up    
C. bitterly    
C. rushed    
C. what          
C. harmed      
C. long      
C. responded  
C. threw    
C. price        
C. rather        
C. door      
C. went      
C. little        
D. behavior        
D. farm            
D. taught          
D. lesson          
D. Mother's Day
D. shoe            
D. bring          
D. picked up      
D. quickly        
D. drove          
D. if              
D. impressed      
D. much            
D. imagine        
D. damaged        
D. package        
D. just            
D. income          
D. looked          
D. big            
1-5: ABCDA     6-10: BCDAB      11-15: CDDAB    16-20:  CDABC

第一节 完形填空
You’ve just finish you’re a-levels and you’ve got a place at university, but you’d really like a break from the academic world. Why not think about taking a year out? While most students go     1         from school to university, more and more people today are choosing to spend a year at “the university of life”  2      . There are lots of things to choose from. You could work in a bank or do community work. You might even do something challenging, such as  3      an exploration(探险)to the Amazon rainforest. The experience will  4      your horizons and teach you new skills. It may also give you the chance to earn some money, which will be very helpful when you  5      start your studies. If you are interested in taking a year out, you must make sure that the university will  6       your place for you till next year. Most are quite happy to do this,  7        they find that year-out students are  8        experienced, confident, and independent. But don’t forget: it’s a year out not a year  9        . Your university will want to know what you’re going to do. They won’t be very pleased if you just want to do _10        for a year. So what would do with a year out?
(   ) 1. A. easily            B. simply             C. fast           D. straight
(   ) 2. A. last              B. first               C. at last         D. at first
(   ) 3. A. participating       B. joining            C. attending      D. expecting
(   ) 4. A. broaden           B. spread            C. improve       D. raise
(   ) 5. A. hopefully          B. willingly          C. eventually     D. happily
(   ) 6. A. hold             B. leave             C. occupy        D. remain
(   ) 7. A. however           B. though           C. as             D. when
(   )  8. A. less             B. much             C. even           D. more
(   )  9. A. in              B. off               C. away          D. through
(   ) 10. A. nothing          B. something          C. anything       D. everything

You may think there is only sand in the desert(沙漠) of the world, but it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little__26__ and it is not__27__ for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert.
There is___28_ in some places in the deserts. We__29__ these places oases(绿洲). In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow__30__ kinds of vegetables and rice in the fields there. People__31__ live outside the oases. They have camels(骆驼), sheep and other animals. These animals live__32__ the desert plants for their food and do not need any water. The__33__ are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the__34__ and drink the milk of the animals. They__35__ the camels for carrying water, food, and_36___.
The people of the desert have to keep__37__ from place to place. They must always look__38__ grass or desert plants for their animals. When there__39___ no more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people are__40__. Every one in the desert likes to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.
26. A. rain           B. rains           C. wind           D. winds
27. A. good          B. good enough     C. enough good    D. enough
28. A. earth          B. plants           C. wood          D. water
29.A. say            B. call            C. tell           D. find
30.A. every          B. all              C. a             D. one
31.A. also           B. too              C. either         D. still
32.A. on             B. with            C. of            D. by
33.A. water         B. plants           C. animals        D. food
34.A. meal           B. meat            C. body          D. food
35.A. let            B. make           C. drive          D. use
36.A. other something  B. something other  C. else something  D. something else
37.A. walking         B. carrying        C. moving        D. going
38.A. up             B. for             C. after          D. at
39.A. is              B. are             C. have          D. has
40.A. carefully        B. careful          C. friendly        D. friend

第一节 完形填空

You’ve just finish you’re a-levels and you’ve got a place at university, but you’d really like a break from the academic world. Why not think about taking a year out? While most students go     1         from school to university, more and more people today are choosing to spend a year at “the university of life”  2      . There are lots of things to choose from. You could work in a bank or do community work. You might even do something challenging, such as  3      an exploration(探险)to the Amazon rainforest. The experience will  4      your horizons and teach you new skills. It may also give you the chance to earn some money, which will be very helpful when you  5      start your studies. If you are interested in taking a year out, you must make sure that the university will  6       your place for you till next year. Most are quite happy to do this,  7        they find that year-out students are  8        experienced, confident, and independent. But don’t forget: it’s a year out not a year  9        . Your university will want to know what you’re going to do. They won’t be very pleased if you just want to do _10        for a year. So what would do with a year out?

(   ) 1. A. easily            B. simply             C. fast           D. straight

(   ) 2. A. last              B. first               C. at last         D. at first

(   ) 3. A. participating       B. joining            C. attending      D. expecting

(   ) 4. A. broaden           B. spread            C. improve       D. raise

(   ) 5. A. hopefully          B. willingly          C. eventually     D. happily

(   ) 6. A. hold             B. leave             C. occupy        D. remain

(   ) 7. A. however           B. though           C. as             D. when

(   )  8. A. less             B. much             C. even           D. more

(   )  9. A. in              B. off               C. away          D. through

(   ) 10. A. nothing          B. something          C. anything       D. everything


     You must have heard these words like how happy it is to be a child. But would you honestly change
places with a child? Think of the __1__at school. The years spent living in constant fear of examinations
and school __2_ . Every movement you make, every thought you think is __3_ by some adults. Think of
the __4__you had to go to bed early, you had to eat __5__ thing that was supposed to be good for you. Remember __6__ "gentle" pressure was given to you with words like "If you don't do as I say, I will…" I'm sure you will never forget!
        7   , these are only part of child's __8_ . No matter how kind and loving parents may be, children
often __9_ from some terrible and illogical __10_ since they can't understand the world around them. They often have such fear in the dark or __11_. Adults can __12_their fears with other adults __13_ children
have to face their fears alone.
     But the most __14_ part of childhood is a period when you __15_ to go out of it, the period when you go into adolescence(青春期). Teenagers start __16_ their parents and this causes them great unhappiness. There is __17_lack of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents pay much attention to their __18_ and the impression (印象) they make on others. They feel shy, awkward and clumsy. Feelings are strong and
hearts __19_ broken. Teenagers __20_ moments of great happiness or black despair. And through this
period, adults seem to be unkind than ever.
(     )1. A. times          
(     )2. A. results        
(     )3. A. observed        
(     )4. A. years          
(     )5. A. helpful        
(     )6. A. what            
(     )7. A. Even so        
(     )8. A. difficulties    
(     )9. A. get            
(     )10. A. troubles      
(     )11. A. in the day    
(     )12. A. enjoy          
(     )13. A. while          
(     )14. A. happy          
(     )15. A. have          
(     )16. A. to dislike    
(     )17. A. a little      
(     )18. A. confidence (信心)
(     )19. A. hard          
(     )20. A. pass          
B. days        
B. exercises  
B. understood  
B. times      
B. harmful    
B. why        
B. Though      
B. life        
B. suffer      
B. diseases    
B. in the dreams
B. know        
B. but        
B. interesting
B. need        
B. to support  
B. a complete  
B. likes      
B. easily      
B. experience  
C. months        
C. reports      
C. known        
C. evenings      
C. hateful      
C. how          
C. In fact      
C. trouble      
C. receive      
C. fears        
C. in the school
C. share        
C. so            
C.  painful      
C. are          
C. to cheat (欺骗)
C. some          
C. action        
C. naturally    
C. face          
D. years                
D. teachers            
D. watched              
D. days                
D. bitter              
D. that                
D. Therefore            
D. fears                
D. take                
D. worries              
D. at home              
D. get                  
D. as a result          
D. unforgettable        
D. begin                
D. to be against (逆着)
D. real                
D. appearance (外貌)    
D. truly                
D. take               

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