
We are flying ________ 20,000 feet.I feel very nervous.

  1. A.
    at altitude of
  2. B.
    at an altitude of
  3. C.
    at the height of
  4. D.
    at an altitude
表示“在某一高度”为at an altitude of或at a height of,该名词常指各种不同高度中的某一个高度,故通常要加不定冠词,且后面要带介词of,因此,正确选项为B。

The space shuttle Columbia flared and broke up in the skies over Texas on Saturday, February 1,2003, killing the seven astronauts on board in what NASA and President Bush called a tragedy for the entire nation. NASA launched an investigation into the disaster and began searching for the astronauts' remains. It said that although there had been some data failures it was too early to nail down a precise cause. The break-up, 16 minutes before the shuttle was due to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, spread possibly toxic debris(有毒的残骸) over a wide swath of Texas and neighboring states.

Dramatic television images of the shuttle's descent clearly showed several white trails(痕迹) streaking through blue skies after the shuttle suddenly fell apart. It was almost 17 years to the day that the Challenger shuttle exploded on Jan. 28, 1986, killing all seven astronauts on board.

Take-off and re-entry into Earth's atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space mission. In 42 years of US' human space flight, there had never been an accident in the descent to Earth or landing. Challenger exploded just after take-off.

Rescue teams scrambled to search for the remains of the crew, which included the first Israeli to fly on the shuttle, former combat pilot Col. Ilan Ramon. There were warnings that parts of a vast 120-mile-long corridor of debris could be toxic because of poisonous rocket propellant(推进器).

"We are not ready to confirm that we have found any human remains," Nacogdoches County Sheriff Thomas Kerrs said. He added that among the roughly 1,000 calls reporting debris, some people said they found remains of crew members.

"The Columbia is lost. There are no survivors, …Their mission was almost complete and we lost them so close to home. … America's space program will go on," said a grim-faced Bush in a message broadcast on television, which included condolences to the families of the dead astronauts.

1. The word “descent” in the passage means ________.

A. taking off   B. landing      C. orbiting     D. walking down

2. Which is true of the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon?

A. He was the first Israeli astronaut to fly on the shuttle.

B. He was the first foreign astronaut to fly on the American shuttle.

C. He used to be a passenger plane pilot.

D. He was the only survivor in the Columbia disaster.

3. The Columbia disaster and the Challenger disaster were similar in that ________.

A. there were seven astronauts killed on board

B. both the shuttles exploded when they took off

C. Both the shuttles exploded when they were about to land

D. no human remains were found

4. Which of the following is wrong according to the news?

A. The U.S.A. will give up the space program because of the accident.

B. NASA hasn’t found the cause of the Columbia disaster.

C. Before the Columbia disaster, no shuttles had exploded in the course of landing.

D. Take-off and re-entry into Earth's atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space mission.

We keep reading that TV is bad for you. If this is true, how come the current generation of TV-addicted kids is much smarter than we are? In my home, the only people who can work the remote control are the children.
Perhaps TV does educate you. For example, you learn a useful medical fact: A person who has been shot always has time to speak an incomplete sentence before he dies. “The killer was…” (dies)
But I guess the biggest things we learn from TV can be regarded as “Life Skills”. Bad things only happen on dark and stormy nights. Emotional breakdowns cause people to wander in the heavy rain without umbrellas. And contrary to what scientists say, the crack(霹雳) of lightning and the accompanying flash happen at exactly the same time, wherever you are.
I’ve even acquired useful geographical facts from science-fiction shows: Aliens speak English no matter which planet they come from.
Making use of what we learn from TV can improve our security. Consider these truths. If you are ever attacked by 20 bad guys, don’t worry about being outnumbered. The criminals will hang back and take turns to approach you in ones and twos just so you can conveniently defeat them all. Bad guys who are completely covered in black clothes always remove their black masks to reveal that they are in fact, aha, women.
TV also teaches us important information about escaping from danger. Watch and learn. (1) If anyone is running after you down a passage, you will find that boxes have been conveniently placed near all the walls you need to jump over. (2) If you are tall and handsome, you can run from any number of armed criminals, and every shot will miss you.
Be warned, however. If your name card says “henchman” (帮凶) and you are part of a group of plain-looking people trying to catch a handsome individual, a single shot will kill you. But don’t be anxious: TV also delivers useful information for bad guys. All cars are inflammable (易燃的) and have amazing shock absorbers that enable them to fly into the air and land without damage — except police cars.
TV even teaches us about TV. Whenever anyone turns on a TV, it shows a news flash about someone they know. They then turn the box off immediately after that news item.
【小题1】By saying “A person who has been shot always has time to speak an incomplete sentence
before he dies” (Paragraph 2), the writer shows his________.

C.deep concernD.medical knowledge
【小题2】We can infer from Paragraph 3 that in the real world_______.
A.bad things cause people to break down in the rain
B.bad things never happen on dark and stormy nights
C.people with emotional problems like to walk in the rain without umbrellas
D.the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash don’t happen at the same time
【小题3】On TV what usually happens when a person turns it on?
A.The news shown is always about someone the person knows.
B.The person always turns off the TV when it’s time for news.
C.The program shown is always about the importance of TV.
D.TV always shows news about famous people.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Life skills can be learned from TV.
B.TV plays an important role in society.
C.Watching TV makes people more creative.
D.What happens in TV is very different from reality.

Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it. It is not the amazing complexity of television, nor the impressive technology of transport. The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noise with our mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each other’s minds. This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle it is.
Obviously, the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animal. Of course, some animals have powers just as amazing, Birds can fly thousands miles by observing positions of the stars in the sky in relation to the time of day and year. In Nature’s talent show, humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act. If we reduce it to basic terms, it’s an ability for communicating information to others, by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.
Not that we don’t have other powers of communication. Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. The way we hold our heads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad. This is so-called “body language”. Bristling(直立的) fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals. Similarly, the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.
Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals, including human beings, instinctively acquire and display. Is the ability to speak just another sort of instinct? If so, how did human beings acquire this amazing skill? Biologist can readily indicate that particular area of our brain where speech mechanisms function, but this doesn’t tell us how that part of our bodies originated in our biological history.
【小题1】According to the passage, the wonder we take for granted(认为理所当然) is________.

A.our ability to use language
B.the miracle of technology
C.the amazing power of nature
D.our ability to make noises with mouth
【小题2】What feature of “body language” mentioned in the passage is common to both human and animals?
A.Lifting heads when sad.
B.Keeping long faces when angry.
C.Bristling hair when ready to attack.
D.Bowing heads when willing to obey.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Body language is unique to humans.
B.Animals express emotions just as humans do.
C.Humans have other powers of communication.
D.Humans are no different from animals to some degree.
【小题4】This passage is mainly about _______.
A.the development of body language.
B.the special role humans play in nature
C.the power to convey information to others
D.the difference between humans and animals in language use

Bugs Bunny's Hoping Carrot Hunt
In this game you are Bugs Bunny.and your goal is to reach the finish line.A carrot truck has spilled its cargo! Gather as many carrots as you can, and when you get the big carrot, you'll be able to jump even higher!
Instructions: Use the mouse to move Bugs left and right, and click to jump a gap while   gathering carrots.
Category: Action 
Mushroom Madness
You are in charge of protecting several farms.It's up to you to make sure the mushrooms there reach maturity before the animals in the forest get their hands on them.Use your swatter(苍蝇拍)to fight off anything that comes near them; use heavier weapons if necessary.
Instructions:Slap any creature that conies near your mushrooms.Use the mouse to control the swatter.If you see a "power up", click to use it.Collect coins to buy upgrades after each level.
Category: Action
Rudolph's Kick and Fly
Santa's little helpers have worked all year preparing for Christmas.When Santa finally leaves to deliver his presents, the elves(精灵)head down to the snowfields with Rudolph, the reindeer, to play their favorite game: Kick and Fly!
Instructions:  1.Use the mouse to aim, and click to launch an elf.
2.While in the air, click again to catch, and to gain extra height.
3.The goal is to collect as many Christmas ornaments(装饰物)possible, and get 10    points for each one.
Tips: If you're heading towards an obstacle(障碍), be sure to avoid it!
Category: Action 
Click Flick
Your mission is to save chicks falling from the sky.Use your trampoline (蹦床) to bounce them up and direct them into a nest.But hurry—if you don't, many chicks will fall and lose their lives.There will be falling bombs, worms, nuts and eggs and you can get extra points by collecting the worms and nuts.Save the amount of chicks shown to unlock the next level!
Instructions: Move the chicks left and right using keys or the mouse.
Category: Adventure
【小题1】The main purpose of the passage is to ___________.
A.tell us different categories of games
B.ask us to decide which game is the best
C.introduce several interesting computer games
D.let us evaluate whether we are interested in the games
【小题2】If a player has collected some worms and nuts, he ____________.
A.is playing Mushroom MadnessB.will lose the game quite soon
C.will get 10 points for each oneD.will get extra points and get ahead
【小题3】Which of the following statements about the games is TRUE according to the
A.Bugs Bunny needs to be fast to win.
B.All four games are in the same category.
C.Players can only use the mouse to control the targets.
D.The number of elves decides whether a player wins in Rudolph's' Kick and Fly.
【小题4】If a player wants to become stronger to drive animals away, he should try to _____.
A.find a "power up" or use heavier weapons
B.collect falling bombs as quickly as possible
C.click the elf while it's in the air
D.get the big carrot while running
【小题5】In which game are there obstacles you must avoid?
A.Bugs Bunny's Hopping Carrot Hunt.B.Mushroom Madness.
C.Rudolph's Kick and Fly.D.Click Flick.

For years and years people have been saying that the railways are dead.“We can do without railways” people say,as if motorcars and planes made the railways unnecessary.We all keep hearing that trains are slow,that they lose money,that they’re dying.But this is far from the truth.In these days of expensive oil,the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes.If you want to carry people or goods from place to place,they’re cheaper than planes.And they have much in common with planes.A plane goes in a strange line and so does a railway.What is more,it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another.It doesn’t 1eave you as a plane does,miles and miles from the city center.It doesn’t hold you up as a car does,in endless traffic jams.And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do.Far from being dead,the railways are very much alive.Modern railway lines give you a smooth,untroubled journey.Where else can you eat well,sleep in comfort,feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning.For we have just entered the age of super-fast trains, traveling at 1 50 miles an hour and more.Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can't use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can't fly in for the same reason.

1.Some people think the railways are dead for many reasons except that ______  .

A.planes and motorcars will take the place of trains

B.oil is expensive today

C.trains are slow

D.railways lose money

2.The writer’s idea seems to be that ______  .

A.we can do without railways

B.trains have much in common with motorcars and planes

C.motorcars and planes are not as good as trains

D.trains are as good as motorcars and planes

3.According to the writer,which of the following is NOT true?

A.It is cheaper to travel by train than by plane.

B.The railway station is usually at the center of a city.

C.When you get off the plane you will find yourself right in the city center.

D.No motorcar or plane can carry as many goods as a train does.

4.From the underlined sentence at the end of the passage,we can infer that   .

A.1ess and less people will take planes and motorways in the future

B.the people have known that the train is better than planes and motorways

C.trains will be more popular in the future

D.nobody likes spending much money on motorways


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