



1.How much does the woman have to pay for two shins?

[  ]


2.How's Doctor Smith?

[  ]

A.She is sorry.
B.She is angry.
C.She is ill.

3.Where ale they talking?

[  ]

A.In an office.

B.In a shop.

C.In a bookstore.

4.What's the population of Hawaii?

[  ]

A.About 1,000,000.

B.About 100,000.

C.About 10,000,000.

5.What time does the play start?

[  ]

A.At 6∶00.
B.At 6∶30.
C.At 8∶00.



6.When and where was the competition held?

[  ]

A.Last Friday morning not far from Cincinnati.

B.Last Friday afternoon in Cincinnati.

C.Last Friday afternoon in a small town near Cincinnati.

7.Who won the competition?

[  ]

A.Allan Knit.

B.Alice Clarke.

C.Alex Baker.

8.How did the winner feel after the competition?

[  ]

A.He felt sick.

B.He didn't feel full.

C.He felt very proud of himself.

9.Alex Baker ate ________ big bows of fish soup, a whole chicken, half a goose, ________ eggs cooked in different ways with ________ pieces of bread and a large cake.

10.Besides all these, Alex finished drinking ________ of beer.


C;C;B;A;B;C;C;B; 2, 10, 10 ;20, glasses


Text 1

W: These are very nice shirts. How much ale they?

M: Five dollars each. For two, 9 dollars. They're on sale today.

Text 2

M: Hello, I want to speak to Doctor Smith.

W: Sorry. She's gone to see a doctor.

Text 3

W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I'd like some bread and two cakes.

Text 4

W: How big is Hawaii?

M: It's not very big. It's got a population of about a million.

W: I see. And what's the capital?

M: Honolulu.

Text 5

W: Does the play start at 6∶00 or 6∶15?

M: Neither. It starts at 6∶30 and ends at 8∶30.

Text 6

  You're listening to the Voice of America. VOA's Alice Clarke reports from Cincinnati. A public competition was held Friday afternoon in a small town near Cincinnati to find out who could eat the most in the shortest time. A man named Alex Baker succeeded in setting a new record. In a time given by the judges, Alex ate 2 big bowls of fish soup, a whole chicken, half a goose, 10 eggs cooked in different ways with 10 pieces of bread and a large cake. Besides all these, Alex finished drinking 20 glasses of beer. After winning the competition, the winner went home with Allan Knit, a friend of his. As they were coming near his house, Alex suddenly stopped and said, “I say, my friend. Don't tell my wife about the competition until after dinner. I'm afraid she won't give me anything to eat.”

  Alice Clarke, reporter of VOA.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.When will the woman be free?

[  ]

A.Until six.

B.After six.

C.Before six.


2.What is Ellen Bates' problem?

[  ]

 A.She had no electricity last night.

 B.She didn't turn the electricity on.

 C.She didn't turn off the electricity.

3.What does the woman tell the man?

[  ]

 A.He should be more careful with his notebook.

 B.She will give him something to write on.

 C.She thinks she knows who borrowed his notebook.

4.What is the woman surprised at?

[  ]

 A.The park is dangerous at night.

 B.The park isn't dangerous at night.

 C.The man is so sure.

5.What did the woman mean?

[  ]

 A.The woman didn't allow the man two days leave.

 B.The woman allow the man two days off.

 C.Next Monday and Tuesday would be possible.







6.What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.She's his wife.

B.She's his sister.

C.She's his friend.


7.Whom will the man work with?

[  ]



C.His little brother.


8.Where will the man work?

[  ]

A.In the opening.

B.At a newspaper.

C.At a station.



9.What will Mary's mother receive for her birthday?

[  ]

A.A shirt.

B.A skirt.

C.A plate.


10.Who'll cook the special dinner?

[  ]


B.Mary's friend.

C.Mary's mother.


11.Who will do the shopping?

[  ]

A.Mary's father and mother.

B.Mary and her mother.

C.Mary and her father.



12.Why does the woman ask the man to hold the stick?

[  ]

 A.In order to plant the tree.

 B.So that she can knock it in.

 C.In order to put it in the hole.

13.What is the first step for planting the tree?

[  ]

A.Hold the stick.

B.Knock it in.

C.Dig the hole.


14.What is the last step for planting the tree?

[  ]

A.Tie the tree to the stick.

B.Fill in the hole with earth.

C.Water the tree.



15.What is Hank worried about?

[  ]

 A.The new boy disappeared.

 B.He interviewed and hired a bad boy.

 C.The money in the safe is missing.

16.What do we know from the conversation?

[  ]

 A.Office boys often take money away.

 B.The money is in the bank now.

 C.The man is often carried away.


17.If we live in a remote area how can we find the books we need?

[  ]

 A.Go to the school library.

 B.Go to the travelling library.

 C.Lend the book in the town library.

18.How can we find the book we need in a library?

[  ]

A.Search the shelves.

B.Find the certain order.

C.Look up a card index.


19.What kind of books can't be borrowed from the library?

[  ]

 A.Ordinary books.

 B.Reference books.

 C.Books on a particular subject.

20.Where can we find old issues of newspaper?

[  ]

A.On microfilm.

B.On microfilm reader.

C.In the ordinary section.











How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What did the woman have to do on the way?

[  ]

 A.Decide which way to ride fast .

 B.Ride more slowly.

 C.Stop to have a look at the traffic .

2.Where does this talk most likely take place?

[  ]

A.On a farm .

B.In a store .

C.At a post office.


3.What's wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.The pain keeps her awake.

B.She loses her right leg.

C.Her sleep gets worse.


4.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.Run to the airport .

B.Wait for another bus .

C.Hurry to get the next bus .


5.What can the woman get?

[  ]

A.A dress circle ticket.

B.A ticket of a box .

C.A theatre box .








6.When does the talk take place?

[  ]

 A.At the beginning of the exams .

 B.At the end of the exams .

 C.In the middle of the summer vacation .

7.What does the man want to do?

[  ]

A.To see a film .

B.To play football .

C.To buy the tickets .


8.What does the woman say about it?

[  ]

A.She likes to give sounds.

B.She likes to have fun .

C.She likes to go with the man .



9.Where are the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.At home .

B.At the railway station .

C.On the train .


10.What did the man do just now?

[  ]

A.He was lying in the room.

B.He went to the office.

C.He saw his children off.


11.What can we know from the conversation?

[  ]

 A.The man is a good husband .

 B.The parents don't like their kids .

 C.The children are very noisy .


12.What's the weather like these days?

[  ]

A.Rainy .

B.Cloudy .

C.Fine .


13.What does the woman believe?

[  ]

 A.She believes what the weatherman says .

 B.She believes what the man says .

 C.She believes nobody.

14.What does the woman decide to do?

[  ]

 A.To go without the man .

 B.To take her raincoat with her .

 C.To listen to the weatherman again .


15.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Husband and wife .

B.Brother and sister .

C.Teacher and student .


16.Why can't the woman pick her mother?

[  ]

 A.She will play golf .

 B.She will pick someone else up .

 C.Her car is being repaired .

17.Why will the man pick his mother?

[  ]

 A.He won't play any more .

 B.He wants to carry the gold clubs .

 C.He likes his mother better.


18.What is the period for Mr. Wang's official appointment?

[  ]

 A.From September 1st , 1991 to November 2nd .

 B.From September 1st , 1991 to August 31st , 1993 .

 C.From an earlier time to December 31st, 1991.

19.What can the speaker do?

[  ]

 A.He can get the dates changed.

 B.He can provide office space for Wang much earlier.

 C.He can use the space .

20.What can Mr. Wang share with the speaker at the beginning of his visit?

[  ]

A.The telephone .

B.The office .

C.The lab .




  第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.Where is Mary?

[  ]

A.At Mr. Smith’s office.

B.At Dr. Brown’s office.

C.In the room next door.

2.How can the woman get to the zoo?

[  ]

A.Take this bus until it gets to its terminus (终点站) .

B.Take the opposite bus.

C.Take the opposite underground.

3.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

[  ]

A.At the hotel.

B.At the airport.

C.At the office.

4.What is the man probably doing?

[  ]

A.He’s looking through the telephone numbers.

B.He’s booking an air ticket.

C.He’s making a long-distance call.

5.How does the woman judge the so-called gasman?

[  ]

A.By hearing his voice.

B.By questioning him.

C.By intending to see his ID. card.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.When will Miss Grace leave?

[  ]

A.This afternoon.

B.This Sunday.

C.Next week.

7.What must the woman do first?

[  ]

A.Go to school.

B.Go to hospital.

C.Go to the party.


8.Where is the conversation probably taking place?

[  ]

A.In an office.

B.In a house.

C.In a camp.

9.Why can't they leave that night?

[  ]

A.They have to get things ready.

B.They need a good sleep.

C.They have to change their tickets.


10.What is the woman good at?

[  ]




11.How old was she when she was famous?

[  ]

A.She was twenty.

B.She was thirteen.

C.she was fifteen.

12.What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.She took part in one of the Olympic Games.

B.She still swims for international competitions.

C.She used to swim thirty-five miles every day.


13.What did Linda tell the man?

[  ]

A.She had a friend.

B.She had a friend with a car for sale.

C.She had a car for sale.

14.How many miles does Linda think the car has tun?

[  ]

A.About twenty-five or thirty thousand miles.

B.About twenty or thirty-five thousand miles.

C.Two or three thousand miles.

15.How much does Linda's friend want for the car?

[  ]


B.$3. 000.

C.$1. 000.

16.Why did Linda’s friend want to sell the car?

[  ]

A.It's too old.

B.He can't afford to keep it.

C.He’s got a new car.


17.How many years older was the sister than her brother?

[  ]




18.Where were they playing?

[  ]

A.In the street.

B.Near their house.

C.Beside the bell.

19.How was the sister able to be saved?

[  ]

A.By a long ladder.

B.By a strong boat.

C.By a long rope.

20.What do you come to know about Paul?

[  ]

A.He was small but strong.

B.He was weak but smart.

C.He was young but brave.

  第三节 听下面一段独白,每段独白读三遍,第一遍听短文大意,第二遍边听边写下所缺的词或者短语,第三遍检查.

  It was Christmas time. I had been doing my Christmas shopping. Now, (1) ________, I was waiting for the bus to go home. (2) ________ .

  When the bus finally (3) ________ it was very full. The two children (4) ________ got on, but then the bus (5) ________ said, “Sorry, miss, no more room. Instead of (6) ________ for the next bus, I (7) ________ a taxi and got in. When I was halfway home, (8) ________. As I was watching the taxi driver trying to repair it, (9) ________, empty. What made me more angry was that it stopped (10) ________ and the sun had come out!




Example: How much is the shirt?

     A.$19. 15.     B.$ 9. 15.     C.$ 9. 18.

Answer: [A]   [B]   [C]


M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W: Yes,it’s nine fifteen.

1. How did the man and his father feel about the football match?

A. It’s boring.  B. It’s interesting.  C. It’s exciting.

2. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. They are customer and waitress. B. They are doctor and patient.

C. They are teacher and student.

3. What can we learn from this conversation?

A. Neither the man nor the woman went to the conference.

B. The man went to the conference.

C. The woman went to the conference.

4. Where is Bob’s wife now?

A. At the bank.  B. At her office.  C. On her way back home.

5. What’s the problem?

A. Heavy snow.  B. Heavy rain.  C. Heavy wind.




6. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.  B. Colleagues.  C. A couple.

7. Where is the man at the beginning of the conversation?

A. Inside the house.  B. At the garden.  C. In the street.

8. What will the man probably do next?

A. Continue to water the garden. B. Enjoy a cup of tea.

C. Finish watering the garden as quickly as possible.


9. When does the woman ask some information about the train?

A. 4: 13.  B. 4: 29.  C. 4: 30.

10. Why does the woman ask about the food on the train?

A. She is hungry. B. She is nervous without food.

C. It will soon be time for dinner.

11. Why doesn’t the woman take the train in the end?

A. She’s late for the train.

B. She thinks foods on the train are too expensive.

C. She doesn’t like the number of the platform from which the train leaves.


12. How far is the man’s hometown from the sea?

A. About l,000 miles. B. About l00 miles. C. It’s quite near.

13. How old are some of the buildings in the town?

A. 200.  B. 400.  C. 600.

14. What do the tourists do in his hometown?

A. They go through the town by bus and visit the old buildings.

B. They go through the town on foot and have a look at the old buildings.

C. They pass through the town by bike and look at the old buildings.


15. Who are the two speakers?

A. They are students preparing for the coming college entrance exams.

B. They are students preparing for the final exams.

C. They are colleagues.

16. What can we tell from the conversation?

A. They only suffer mentally. B. They only suffer physically.

C. They suffer both physically and mentally.

17. Which of the following is not the reason for their going to college?

A. To get more knowledge. B. Not to let their parents disappointed.

C. To have time for sports, films and so on.


18. Who made Donald Duck cartoons?

A. Mickey Mouse.  B. Clarence Nash.  C. Walter Disney.

19. When did the first Donald Duck film appear?

A. In l933.  B. In l934.  C. In l935.

20. Who was Clarence Nash?

A. A cartoonist. B. A writer.

C. The man who made the voice for Donald Duck.


  第一节 听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.How does the man prefer to go to work?

[  ]

A. By car.

B.By bus.

C.Standing up.

2.What nationality is Sheila?

[  ]




3.Where did the woman live before she moved?

[  ]

A In an apartment on University Avenue.

B.In an apartment in the city.

C.In a house in the city.

4.Where is Mr Baker now?

[  ]

A.At his office.

B.At lunch.

C.At the travel agency.

5.How many people were injured in the accident?

[  ]

A.One baby.


C.Three women.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.What do you think the woman might be?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.An engineer.

C.A newspaper reporter.

7.How did the man escape?

[  ]

A.Climbing down the outside of the house.

B.With the help of the firefighters.

C.Using the lift.

8.What was the man doing when the fire broke out?

[  ]

A.He was sleeping soundly.

B.He was reading something.

C.He was discussing with others.


9.When did the woman come back from the trip?

[  ]

A.In the morning.

B.After the picnic at noon.

C.Late in the afternoon.

10.How could the woman get to the park in such a short time?

[  ]

A.She took a short cut where there was little traffic.

B.She knew her way very well and drove very quickly.

C.She was lucky to drive through the valley.

11.What did the woman enjoy best during the trip?

[  ]

A.Swimming in the sea.

B.Spending the whole morning under the tall trees.

C.Haying her picnic in the park.


12.What did they plan to do?

[  ]

A.To see a film.

B.To whitewash the wall and the ceiling.

C.To visit a friend of theirs.

13.What did the man ask the woman to do?

[  ]

A.To go to the cinema again

B.To wait for him.

C.To have some coffee.

14.Who went to see the film in the end?

[  ]

A.They both went with the boy’s father

B.Only Jane went done.

C.Neither of them went.


15.Where will the man park his car?

[  ]

A.In the parking area at the back.

B.Inside the apartment building.

C.In the parking space in the front.

16.Which of the following in not true?

[  ]

A.Guests can also find parking space here.

B.People can’t keep pets in the building.

C.Garbage is collected every five hours.

17.How do they usually deal with the garbage?

[  ]

A.Leave it outside their rooms in a paper bag.

B.Leave it outside their rooms in a special plastic bag.

C.Leave it on the ground floor in either a plastic or paper bag.


18.What did the woman want to do?

[  ]

A.Find herself a pair of alligator shoes.

B.Catch a living alligator (鳄鱼) .

C.Go on vacation in Louisiana.

19.How did the woman try to manage it?

[  ]

A.By finding fault with the shopkeepers.

B.By bargaining with the shopkeepers.

C.By catching herself an alligator.

20.Why didn’t the woman get what she wanted?

[  ]

A.Because the shopkeepers wanted the lady to find a pair by herself.

B.Because she wouldn’t like to pay a lot of money for them.

C.Because she didn’t catch any alligator wearing shoes.

  第三节 听下面一段独白,每段独白读三遍;第一遍听短文大意,第二遍边听边写下所缺的词或者短语,第三遍检查.

  When Thomas Edison was 15 years old, something (1) ________ happened. .One August morning, when it was rather hot, in 1862, (2) ________ in Mount Clemens. He watched a train, which carried both people and goods, (3) ________ water and move some cars from one place to another. Edison saw one large train (4) ________ begin to move. There was no one on it to (5) ________ it. It moved faster and faster towards the station.

  Suddenly, Edison (6) ________ a small child playing on the ground beside the railway. The little boy was the son of J. U. Mechanize, (7) ________ at the Mount Clemens Station. The fast-moving and uncontrolled train was (8) ________ straight towards the child, who didn't know what was happening.

  Throwing down his papers, Edison ran as fast (9) ________. He lifted the boy and pulled him away from the (10) ________ railway car, only a moment before the car would have hit the child.

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