A Plan For Exploring Mars

NASA is moving ahead with plans to put a long-armed lander on Mars' icy north pole to search for clues (线索) for water and possible signs of life.

The MYM386 million Phoenix Mars is planned to touch down in the Martian arctic in 2008.The stationary probe will use its robotic arm to dig into the icy land and pick up soil samples (标本,样品) to analyze. In 2002, the Mars Odyssey orbiter spotted evidence of ice-rich soil near the arctic surface.

Scientists hope the Phoenix mission will find clues to the geologic history of water on the Red Planet and determine whether microbes(微生物)existed in the ice.

Phoenix will be the first mission of the Mars Scout program, a renewed, low-cost effort to study the Red Planet. “The Phoenix mission explores new territory in the northern plains of Mars analogous to the permafrost regions on Earth,” Peter Smith said.

True to its name, Phoenix rose from the ashes of previous(先前的) missions. The lander for Phoenix was built to fly as part of the 2001 Mars Surveyor program. But the program broke down after the well-known disappearance of the Mars Polar Lander in 1999.The Polar Lander lost contact during a landing attempt near the planet's south pole after its rocket engine shut off prematurely,_causing the spacecraft to fall about 130 feet to almost certain destruction.

The Phoenix probe had been in storage at a Lockheed Martin clean room in Denver before it was reused for its present mission. It will carry science instruments that were designed for the Mars Surveyor program including an improved panoramic camera and a trench-digging robotic arm. Phoenix will lift off from the Kennedy Space Center in August 2007 and land on the planet nine months later.

1.The passage mainly tells readers that ________.

 A.clues of water will be found in Phoenix

 B.Phoenix will be sent to find clues of water on Mars

 C.August 2007 will see Phoenix lift off

 D.the Mars Scout program will be carried out

2.The underlined word “prematurely” (Paragraph 5) means “________”.

A.on time            B.behind the time

C.out of work          D.ahead of time

3.According to the passage, we know Phoenix will land on Mars ________.

A.in May 2008        B.in August 2007   

C.in August 2008      D.in September 2008

4.According to the passage, the name “Phoenix” is after the meaning of ________.

 A.rebirth  B.death  C.energy  D.hope

5.After Phoenix lands on Mars, we can infer it will firstly ________.

A.find soil samples and send them to the earth

B.look for the icy land to dig for the soil samples

C.take photos and send them to the earth

D.find the remains of the Mars Polar Lander

The idea about the phoenix goes back to Ancient Egypt, where we find the phoenix described as a handsome, eagle-like bird, with part-golden, part-red plumage, that spent most of its life in the Arabian deserts. It was rarely seen and according to one version of the story, only appeared in Egypt once every five hundred years, when it flew to Heliopolis, “city of the sun”, and deliberately burnt itself to ashes by settling on the altar (祭坛) flame there! However, it seems it did not really die because from those same ashes a young, fully formed phoenix was born and flew away, apparently back to Arabia.
It is pretty obvious that no one has ever seen or will see a living phoenix. The interesting thing is that we can find certain clues which may explain one aspect of the Egyptians’ idea. It may sound unbelievable, but some birds are apparently quite charmed by flames and small fires, especially members of the crow family. One zoologist actually proved this by setting fire to some straw near to a tame(驯养的)rook, a large black bird like a crow. Far from becoming nervous and backing away, the bird deliberately stood over the flames, with raised and vibrating wings. It didn’t get burnt, but the image it presented by its strange behavior was almost exactly like that shown in illustrations of the mythical phoenix!
Why birds should occasionally behave in this strange way is not clear. One idea is that they carefully use the heat of the flames to relieve the annoyance caused by their feather mites (虱) which all birds have. Whatever the reason, it is quite possible that the Ancient Egyptians saw birds behaving in this way, from time to time, and used it as the basis of their phoenix myth, adding fanciful details which closely linked it to their worship of the sun and their belief in resurrection.
Nowadays, the phoenix is much less important to us than it was to the Egyptians. But the logo of modern fire insurance companies, which employ the phoenix as one of their symbols, refers that in one sense the idea of it remains.  
【小题1】 According to the passage, the phoenix _________ .

A.is a handsome and eagle-like bird living in Arab
B.used to be seen when the Egyptians held religious activities
C.has never really existed in the world
D.is the king of all kinds of birds
【小题2】 The reason why birds stand above flames is probably that _________ .
A.the phoenix used to do soB.they may get rid of the mites
C.they want to burn their feather D.they can heat themselves
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A.The ancient Egyptians worshiped the phoenix.
B.The scientists have discovered why birds are attracted by fire.
C.The modern people still favor the idea of the phoenix.
D.The mythical tales about the phoenix were based on facts.
【小题4】Which of the following is closest to the underlined word “resurrection” in the 3rd paragraph?
A.living foreverB.offering warmth
C.coming back to lifeD.staying healthy
【小题5】What does the phoenix probably mean in the logo of a fire insurance company?
A.Our company can protect you from being harmed by fire.
B.If your property is destroyed by fire, we will help you build it up again.
C.Our company will always be energetic and wealthy.
D.If needed, we will save you at the risk of losing lives.

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节。满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


The idea about the phoenix goes back to Ancient Egypt, where we find the phoenix described as a handsome, eagle-like bird, with part-golden, part-red plumage, that spent most of its life in the Arabian deserts. It was rarely seen and according to one version of the story, only appeared in Egypt once every five hundred years, when it flew to Heliopolis, “city of the sun”, and deliberately burnt itself to ashes by settling on the altar(祭坛) flame there! However, it seems it did not really die because from those same ashes a young, fully formed phoenix was born and flew away, apparently back to Arabia.

It is pretty obvious that no one has ever seen or will see a living phoenix. The interesting thing is that we can find certain clues which may explain one aspect of the Egyptians’ idea. It may sound unbelievable, but some birds are apparently quite charmed by flames and small fires, especially members of the crow family. One zoologist actually proved this by setting fire to some straw near to a tame(驯养的) rook. Far from becoming nervous and backing away, the bird deliberately stood over the flames, with raised and vibrating wings. It didn’t get burnt, but the image it presented by its strange behavior was almost exactly like that shown in illustrations of the mythical phoenix!

Why birds should occasionally behave in this strange way is not clear. One idea is that they carefully use the heat of the flames to relieve the annoyance caused by their feather mites(虱) which all birds have. Whatever the reason, it is quite possible that the Ancient Egyptians saw birds behaving in this way, from time to time, and used it as the basis of their phoenix myth, adding fanciful details which closely linked it to their worship of the sun and their belief in resurrection.

Nowadays, the phoenix is much less important to us than it was to the Egyptians. But the logo of modern fire insurance companies, which employ the phoenix as one of their symbols, refers that in one sense the idea of it remains.  

41. According to the passage, the phoenix ______________ .

A. is a handsome and eagle-like bird living in Arab

B. used to be seen when the Egyptians held religious activities

C. has never really existed in the world

D. is the king of all kinds of birds

42. The reason why birds stand above flames is probably that _____________ .

A. the phoenix used to do so

B. they may get rid of the mites

C. they want to burn their feather

D. they can heat themselves

43. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the phoenix.

B. The scientists have discovered why birds are attracted by fire.

C. The modern people still favor the idea of the phoenix.

D. The mythical tales about the phoenix were based on facts.

44. Which of the following is closest to “resurrection” in the 3rd paragraph?

A. living forever        B. offering warmth        C. coming back to life          D. staying healthy

45. What does the phoenix probably mean in the logo of a fire insurance company?

A. Our company can protect you from being harmed by fire.

B. If your property is destroyed by fire, we will help you build it up again.

C. Our company will always be energetic and wealthy.

D. If needed, we will save you at the risk of losing lives.


The idea about the phoenix goes back to Ancient Egypt, where we find the phoenix described as a handsome, eagle-like bird, with part-golden, part-red plumage, that spent most of its life in the Arabian deserts. It was rarely seen and according to one version of the story, only appeared in Egypt once every five hundred years, when it flew to Heliopolis, “city of the sun”, and deliberately burnt itself to ashes by settling on the altar (祭坛) flame there! However, it seems it did not really die because from those same ashes a young, fully formed phoenix was born and flew away, apparently back to Arabia.

It is pretty obvious that no one has ever seen or will see a living phoenix. The interesting thing is that we can find certain clues which may explain one aspect of the Egyptians’ idea. It may sound unbelievable, but some birds are apparently quite charmed by flames and small fires, especially members of the crow family. One zoologist actually proved this by setting fire to some straw near to a tame(驯养的)rook, a large black bird like a crow. Far from becoming nervous and backing away, the bird deliberately stood over the flames, with raised and vibrating wings. It didn’t get burnt, but the image it presented by its strange behavior was almost exactly like that shown in illustrations of the mythical phoenix!

Why birds should occasionally behave in this strange way is not clear. One idea is that they carefully use the heat of the flames to relieve the annoyance caused by their feather mites (虱) which all birds have. Whatever the reason, it is quite possible that the Ancient Egyptians saw birds behaving in this way, from time to time, and used it as the basis of their phoenix myth, adding fanciful details which closely linked it to their worship of the sun and their belief in resurrection.

Nowadays, the phoenix is much less important to us than it was to the Egyptians. But the logo of modern fire insurance companies, which employ the phoenix as one of their symbols, refers that in one sense the idea of it remains.  

1. According to the passage, the phoenix _________ .

A.is a handsome and eagle-like bird living in Arab

B.used to be seen when the Egyptians held religious activities

C.has never really existed in the world

D.is the king of all kinds of birds

2. The reason why birds stand above flames is probably that _________ .

A.the phoenix used to do so

B.they may get rid of the mites

C.they want to burn their feather

D.they can heat themselves

3.Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A.The ancient Egyptians worshiped the phoenix.

B.The scientists have discovered why birds are attracted by fire.

C.The modern people still favor the idea of the phoenix.

D.The mythical tales about the phoenix were based on facts.

4.Which of the following is closest to the underlined word “resurrection” in the 3rd paragraph?

A.living forever

B.offering warmth

C.coming back to life

D.staying healthy

5.What does the phoenix probably mean in the logo of a fire insurance company?

A.Our company can protect you from being harmed by fire.

B.If your property is destroyed by fire, we will help you build it up again.

C.Our company will always be energetic and wealthy.

D.If needed, we will save you at the risk of losing lives.


NASA is moving ahead with plans to put a long-armed lander on Mars’ icy north pole to search for cluesfor water and possible signs of life.
The $386 million Phoenix Mars is planned to touch down in the Martian arctic in 2008. The stationary probe will use its robotic arm to dig into the icy land and pick up soil samplesto analyze. In 2002, the Mars Odyssey orbiter spotted evidence of ice-rich soil near the arctic surface.
Scientists hope the Phoenix mission will find clues to the geologic history of water on the Red Planet and determine whether microbesexisted in the ice.
Phoenix will be the first mission of the Mars Scout program, a renewed, low-cost effort to study the Red Planet. “The Phoenix mission explores new territory in the northern plains of Mars analogous to the permafrost regions on Earth,” Peter Smith said.
True to its name, Phoenix rose from the ashes of previousmissions. The lander for Phoenix was built to fly as part of the 2001 Mars Surveyor program. But the program broke down after the well-known disappearance of the Mars Polar Lander in 1999. The Polar Lander lost contact during a landing attempt near the planet’s south pole after its rocket engine shut off prematurely, causing the spacecraft to fall about 130 feet to almost certain destruction.
The Phoenix probe had been in storage at a Lockheed Martin clean room in Denver before it was reused for its present mission. It will carry science instruments that were designed for the Mars Surveyor program including an improved panoramic camera and a trench-digging robotic arm. Phoenix will lift off from the Kennedy Space Center in August 2007 and land on the planet nine months later.
①    clue  n. 线索
②    sample  n. 标本,样品
③    microbe  n. 微生物
④    previous  adj. 先前的

  1. 1.

    The passage mainly tells readers that _________.

    1. A.
      clues of water will be found in Phoenix
    2. B.
      Phoenix will be sent to find clues of water on Mars
    3. C.
      August 2007 will see Phoenix lift off
    4. D.
      the Mars Scout program will be carried out
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “prematurely” (paragraph 5) means _________.

    1. A.
      on time
    2. B.
      behind the time
    3. C.
      out of work
    4. D.
      ahead of time
  3. 3.

    According to the passage, we know Phoenix will land on Mars _________.

    1. A.
      in May 2008
    2. B.
      in August 2007
    3. C.
      in August 2008
    4. D.
      in September 2008
  4. 4.

    According to the passage, the name “Phoenix” is after the meaning of _________.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    After Phoenix lands on Mars, we can infer it will firstly _________.

    1. A.
      find soil samples and send them to the earth
    2. B.
      look for the icy land to dig for the soil samples
    3. C.
      take photos and send them to the earth
    4. D.
      find the remains of the Mars Polar Lander

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