13£®What are the speakers discussing£¿
A£®High school life£®B£®The education in America£®C£®The choice of clubs£®
14£®What team was the woman on in high school£¿
15£®Where was the woman last year£¿
16£®What would the woman like to do in the future£¿
A£®Starting rowing again£®
B£®Going running around a lake£®
C£®Go swimming in a river£®


½â´ð ABCA


20£®It's no secret that doing good makes others happy-but did you know it can make you happy as well£¿According to a study£¬people participating in meaningful activities were happier and felt that their lives had more purpose than people who only engaged in pleasure-seeking behaviors£®1£¨36£©D
¡ñYour Attention
Most of us think we're good listeners£¬but according to psychologist Paul Donoghue£¬most people are aware that others don't listen as well as they could£®£¨37£©A
¡ñYour Money
According to an experiment£¬those who spend money on other people are significantly happier than those who spend the same quantity of money on themselves£®£¨38£©G
It represents time spent£¬compassion and careful attention to the needs of others£®
The psychological meaning of compassion is the ability to understand another person's emotional state£®Compassion differs from empathy£¨ÒÆÇ飩 in that those who experience compassion not only put themselves in another person's shoes£¬but also want to reduce that person's suffering£®
A brain-imaging study showed that the brain's pleasure centers are equally active when we give money to the poor as when we receive money ourselves£®
¡ñYour Time 
However£¬volunteering your time has great benefits£¬including making new friends and connections£¬learning new skills and even advancing your career£®
According to a paper about the link between health and volunteering£¬volunteering is connected with lower instances of depression and reduces the risk of dying by 22 percent£®
A£®In addition£¬they're not fully aware that they themselves aren't listening£®
B£®Your Compassion
C£®As a result£¬they blame most people for their not listening attentively£®
D£®Try giving these four things to others to start your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle£®
E£®Sometimes offering proper gifts is much more important than giving money£®
F£®With a busy life£¬it can be hard to find any time to give away£®
G£®Whether or not you can offer other gifts£¬donating money helps make real change happen£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
